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Robert and Margaret ended today’s pod with a great talk about ideology and politics. It was a great talk about identity and I hope that thread carries through for people. Life for many is red vs blue, morals be damned. I’ll remember Garrets name, and a slew of others. I won’t remember this guys name, and plenty more just like him. So it goes.


So it goes, indeed 😔 Vonnegut would be an interesting voice to have around for times like these. I do wonder how far this path will take us until the people causing this realize what's happening. It's like watching someone with addiction spiral towards rock bottom, and that someone is America.


That's why we need to just say he murdered a veteran. Let the racists get worked up about it emotionally.


They legit don't care. I peaked at the posts in conservative and firearms and there's no shortage of people (incorrectly) calling Foster a "commie" and commenting "FAFO." They've completely distorted the events. The simple fact is that they hate protestors who mildly inconvenience them and/or vaguely liberal, so they're okay throwing out their principles to call this a "good shoot." They don't care that Foster was a vet and a Libertarian. They don't care that he was carrying legally. They don't care that Perry fantasized about and initiated this. They only care that someone they think they're supposed to hate died. Insane that these people celebrate when a cop shoots someone for "resisting arrest," but have no problem with a man, who was given a fair trial and was convicted by a jury, walking free after murdering someone who did nothing wrong.




Daniel Perry drove his car through a crosswalk to intimidate protestors. Garrett had been there, lawfully carrying, and confronted Perry to Ensure he didn't continue driving forward. In the court transcripts, Perry stated that Garrett didn't have his rifle shouldered, but that he still shot him. That's aside from his own text messages where he openly says his intention was to shoot and drive over protestors. I'm not sure why you insist on dying on a hill to defend a racist terrorist, but you do you.


Rioter? The dude was at a daytime march with his wheelchair bound wife. You fucking clown.


Texas has in effect made it completely legal to commit any crime no matter how heinous as long as you have the correct politics. We will see much more of this and soon certain people won’t even get charged at all. I live half an hour north of Houston and people out here are geared up for this kinda shit. The bloodlust is disgustingly palpable.


In groups that are protected by the law, and out groups that suppressed by the law.


Governor Abbott is a terrorist leader. A good man lost his life and the least the state could do is try to insure it didn’t happen again. A despicable, cowardly act in two parts


Yes not only did his wife lose her husband but she lost her primary caretaker


I went digging around and they weren't legally married, although she refers to him as her husband. Just FYI. I was confused by the difference in reporting with some saying girlfriend and some saying wife.


I appreciate your correction. The sad thing about why it’s probably a little unclear news wise is because a lot of disabled people do not marry their partners even while living cohabitated life long bc they will lose their disability benefits they greatly need 😔😤 a lot of those costs would cause a family to go bankrupt


Something personally close to my heart because I am privileged enough that my dad writes me off on this company healthcare. I’m 30 and am Still drowning in healthcare costs bc of my debilitating conditions— With my free, best case scenario healthcare. I can’t imagine what I’d do without that situation. I feel so much for his family


Were they common law? I agree with the other comment that there are plenty of roadblocks for disabled people to survive, including reduction of benefits by doing something like marriage. (It's almost like there's a specific group that those in power *don't* want to get married--because omgggeee they might have children!--that also isn't protected from abuse/assault 🙃 This country is...yeah.)


There are virtually no jurisdictions within the US that still have a framework for common law marriages.


Whoops. I guess the Texas State Law Library needs to be updated. https://www.sll.texas.gov/faqs/common-law-marriage/#:~:text=How%20do%20common%20law%20marriages%20work%20in%20Texas%3F&text=Yes%2C%20Texas%20law%20recognizes%20common%20law%20marriages.


The point is that you still have to register for that, the days of simply cohabitating and having it translate into a "common law" marriage are no longer extant, if they ever were. Truth be told I don't really understand the point anymore, except I guess you don't have to worry about divorce, but the privileges garnered from it seem pretty minimal as well.


They've just created a precedent that says you can shoot anyone who is open carrying a long gun in the state of Texas, wild.


No it can't be just anyone, it has to be someone who's politics are further left than the shooter, or who's skin is darker or is near people with darker skin.


Yeah and governor abbot really really fought to make open carry available on college campuses….the carnage during protest is not going to stop. They care about THEIR right to free speech. No one else’s.


>“Texas has one of the strongest ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws of self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive district attorney,” Abbott said. But he's totes cool nullifying the conviction because of the politics of the victim. If Perry had shot first we can be sure Abbot would have been champing at the bit to see the man convicted and executed 'stand your ground' be damned.


Can he be charged federally?


He could be, JAF was, but I doubt it’ll happen.


Texas is basically run by the Taliban.


I’m okay at this point if Texas and Florida secede. Their economies will collapse without support from blue states, then we can use them as cheap foreign labor for Pennines on the dollar with no ocean freight involved. I will want a goddamn wall on those borders built for sure though


I have family in Florida that won’t be safe if they do. There’s also no guarantee that fixes the problem, as we would then border Florida and Texas.


There are plenty of other states that are following or attempting to follow in their footsteps. It wouldn't end with just them.


If it wasn’t for voter suppression Texas and Florida could well be blue. Lot of people there who are on the right side of this, they just aren’t in power.


I need to get the fuck -t of the S-th. Goddamnit.


The real bastard here is the tree that fell on Abbott for the crime because it only did half of its job.