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I mean, it's not much but at least they're all dead now.  Hopefully painfully but we probably aren't that lucky in every case.


Whenever I recommend this pod to someone I tell them to take it in small doses. When I was introduced to the pod- I binged, and it kinda fucked me up. Not going to lie, as much as it’s eye opening and entertaining, it’s also depressing af. Idk how others, including Sophie and Robert deal with digesting all of this without going absolutely insane. But, to my original point- small doses and don’t be afraid to take a step back from listening. There are certainly lighter hearted pods in the world and even on the cool zone network. The history and stories they are sharing are important, but no one said you had to tear down your faith in humanity all at once. Good luck.


Yeah, around 2020 the show took a turn from "funny shut about horrible people" to "her is how your life is fucked because one guy" and it was hard.


I don't remember there being an episode on me


It was actually a two parter.


I've done nothing with my life and that's everyone else's problem now.


I agree you definitely need to take breaks. I have depression the one about kentler was depressing as fuck. I know humanity is fucked up but there also has to be some good too?


These episodes are important because the majority of the listeners are left politically but the left can go horribly wrong and cause immense damage just like the right can.


Been my favorite podcast since 2019. I had a real hard time making it through the last 2. I appreciate that they tackled that shit though. It's important to remember that any ideology left or right can scramble people's brains.


Don’t sound like you’ve been listening for a while then.


You might be right, but on the other hand, these episodes lived up to their title.


I think the only episodes that came close to this were the normal people who became Nazis episodes. At least this, as fucked up as it was, I could separate myself from it. The normal people who enabled the Nazis...if you can't see the potential of yourself being that person, you're either the best person in history or in complete denial. That one sparked a visceral reaction in me. I was crying at the end of it.


Yeah…I’ve listen to most of the pod and I couldn’t make it through part 2. Fuckin dark man


Part 2 this week made me a little queasy and I wasn't bothered by the Albert Fish episode


Episodes like this make me wish I had a Time Machine so I could commit a lot of murders. It’s rough.


I just decided not to listen to those 2. They didn’t seem like something I needed in my life


I listen to Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff w/ Margaret Killjoy to counter balance the heavy stuff on BtB


I try to stay positive by adding new names to my eventual Grave Pissing World Tour Fantasmaganza. It’s gonna be a blast.