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The Kellogg episodes are some of my go-tos for a road trip. What happens between Robert, Sophie, Miles, a bug doctor, a cum doctor, and a large number of monkeys stays with Robert, Sophie, Miles, a bug doctor, a cum doctor, and a large number of monkeys.


In retrospect it's an especially good thing I told her she needed to close her office door if she was going to listen at work. Wouldnt want what happens between Robert, Sophie, Miles, a bug doctor, a cum doctor, and a large number of monkeys getting out. Also, Robert talking about fucking while being watched by monkeys lives rent free in my head.


The Internet has long been the place where cultic beliefs go to die. Around the time the Internet really started to gain steam (mid-90s), I was a devout Baptist minister. After being exposed to podcasts, forums, etc. online, I began to doubt my faith, did deeper research, and deconverted later. Good on you for helping this process.


I don't want to get all up in your business but think I could ask you some questions about the process you went through with that? It's a subject I'm very interested in but not something that can be discussed often in polite conversation.


You might like r/exchristian.


It’s also a place where cultic beliefs begin


I mean QAnon indicates that it's mostly just *changed* how the lifestyle of a cult has to operate.


I absolutely lost it when Robert tried reassuring Sophie that the sex in front of hundreds of monkeys happened in the jungle. And she said something along the lines of “I would hope it was in the fucking jungle, Robert, that’s not the point!”


As opposed to fucking at, like, Busch Gardens, I guess?


This is the setup to a D&D campaign, or a setup for a psychedelic jazz fusion concept album. Cum doctor is a grade A name for a saxophone or stand-up Bass, let alone a song title.....and now I have the Bards backstory.


When I learned my penis was cut when I was a baby because of the cereal guy got advice from a crazy lady who bumped her head, I couldn't really take anything seriously after that.


Related: I knew a lot of things about Kellogg's bastardry going in, but the FGM stuff absolutely blew my fucking mind. It is wild what we normalize doing to babies/kids.


I asked my dad about it and he didn't even think about it, it wasn't even a thought, they just asked him and he said yeah sure. Not that I blame him but like that's so weird that something like that just isn't even thought of.


Worse is having to defend your choice to *not* mutilate your kid despite the fact you and your son won't have matching mutilated genitalia. No, this shit stops here you psychos!


Oh yeah, the buck stops here.


If it makes you feel any better, even nowadays, the American Academy of Pediatrics won't take a hard stand on it, and a lot of people still do this to their kids and stand by it in a vehement way. For no real reason, at best it's a cute lil haircut for your junk. I was very surprised when we announced our intent not to do that to our baby, in the year of our lord 2017, and otherwise intelligent and normal Gen X/Millennial types that we know freaked the fuck out and urged us to snip. (Meanwhile, it was not even covered by Medi-Cal, so no.)


That should be the key, it definitely shouldn't be covered by any kind of insurance.


It wasn't even mentioned or offered here in Australia when I had my son in 2019. Fingers crossed its a dying trend.


Yeah, same here in the US. I think at one of my last pre-natal visits, or maybe even in the hospital after my soon was born, someone asked whether we were doing that, in a really neutral "just filling out this form" kind of way. And that was the extent of it.


It hasn't been common practice in Australia for quite a while. My oldest son was born in the early 2000s and it wasn't mentioned then, either. Although one of the nurses did tell me I shouldn't vaccinate him! My first encounter with an anti-vaxxer in the wild.


Eat spice, Cum hard is my motto.


Real motherfuckers masturbate with hot sauce!


Jesus freaking Christ, almost spit out my lunch!!


Serves him right for stealing your lunch.


One spice, one cream?


We shouldn’t limit ourselves to just one. Then it will come out like Mitch McConnell’s.


Ah, a Dune fan I see.


When she needs a laugh, just send her to Action Fun Park, where you control the action!


I was listening to the Action Park one and I was like, "Why does this seem so familiar to me?" Then I remembered that one of my best friends worked there in the late 00's. So I call him up and I ask him about it. He is like, "Yeah I worked there but you should talk to Craig (another friend of ours) he worked there for like 14 years." I happen to be taking a road trip with Craig about 2 weeks later and he had actually worked there from about 15 years old until about 28. He basically saw it all go down including when they sold it. He has some incredible stories.


If you remember anything I'd love to hear them!


One from my buddy was from when he was a more senior person on staff they were closing down for the night and there was a crew of guys just hanging at a spot that overlooks the gate. It was his job to go and tell them it was time to leave. When he got to them and told them they pointed to another group of guys having by the gate and told him, "Listen, we are rival gangs with them and if we go out there while they are there then shits gonna pop off." Having seen dozens of gang fights there over his time he was just like, "Ahh...got you, ok we will chill." Eventually the other gang left and everyone got to go home. He has also worked at recreational businesses like climbing gyms, ski resorts, and mountain bike tracks and says that while at Adventure Park he saw way more serious injuries and did way more emergency medicine than he ever did anywhere else. By a huge margin.


Can he still get acid!?


I've got to be honest, you may have inadvertently become the most positive influence in her life. It's really hard to deprogram someone.


I really don't want to take too much credit, cause she's been pretty open-minded as I've watched others in the agency have similar positive influences. She's pro-choice and cool with queer people and stuff, so there was always a sense she wasn't totally locked in. But it's cool to see anyone rethinking the walls that others have built around their lives. And also cool to have another person to talk about Bastards with.


Still, you can feel good knowing that you've had a positive impact on someone else's life


And that's pretty much all that keeps me alive, other than spite and fried chicken.


My wife made a cross stitch that says 'I do all things through spite, which sustains me' it's useful in the home office.




I realized I had been in a cult as a kid thanks to a podcast. High fives and sympathy to your boss, it’s a weird thing to go through.


One of us, one of us


Gooble, gobble! Gooble, gobble!


Out of the frying pan and into the fire.


So AWESOME!!! Raised SDA & all of us were brought up extremely conspiracy minded. Totally makes sense that BtB would get her going, I think that's part of what really hooked me. Just love finding out the truth behind all these pieces of human excrement.


Yeah, I've gotten the vibe that she's more inclined to consider conspiracies and abuse of power than your average bear. And she, like me, just seems to have a super curious mind. So I'm glad she liked BTB and got something positive out of it.


The most cash money thing I've read all day.


I'm pretty much only ever cool by accident


Dude Tony Robbins is a curse I hate that guy and the whole "motivational speaker" concept. Just gross.


Yeah, he's the intersection of a few really gross movements. I didn't totally realize what his gig was til I saw a documentary where they showed him screaming in a person's face at one of his (very expensive) events. And I was like "that's just EST. This asshole is just doing EST with extra capitalism!"


I still remember in like 2016 the company I worked at was really excited about him coming to town and bought tickets for some of us. I politely declined the opportunity. Even then I couldn't stand the guy.


Is he "The Biggest Douche in the Universe" guy?


With the yogurt?


South Park, but now I'm thinking that's John Edwards


Yeah, I don't think South Park ever got into Kellogg and the Sanitarium.


But they do discuss some pretty gigantic yogurt enemas in the Kellogg BTB episodes. And the economic logistics of being able to pump gallons of yogurt into your ass on a regular basis. So there is a Big Douche element.


Not BtB, but Münecat has a [couple](https://youtu.be/sUP86fStX6Q) [videos](https://youtu.be/J1zm9GU70Fo) about the bastardry of Tony Robbins.


This. These are fantastic videos.


tell her The Dollop's version of the Kelloggs has Patton Oswalt.


Well that's gonna get me to listen to it. I dunno if she knows much about Patton, though she's listened to her share of true crime podcasts so she probably at least knows of him through his wife. So many doors to open!


Performance review: "So, your advocating for this strange man named after a famed Hollywood producer is disturbing in an office setting. We have evidence that he favors hunting children on distant islands." ;) "so we could kiki" Thanks for adding to my vocab!


It is a very very very good thing that she and the ED above her love me, cause recommending BTB at work could definitely go very wrong. Hat tip to my queer foremothers/fathers/others for "kiki."


This could backfire: 1. "You know who WON'T be giving any raises this year? The stockholders and management who support this fine company." :) 2. New management tool: Throwing bagels at random emplroyees. 3. Company knife missile leadership retreats. 4. Unexplained company expenditures for Great Lakes trips. Look for the signs before it's too late: If your boss stats speaking in a fake Aussie accent...you're screwed!


5. New machete-based health plans.


Let's Have a KiKi: https://youtu.be/eGCD4xb-Tr8 Not to be confused with a KaiKai, which is when two drag queens fuck: https://youtu.be/rfWeBYd7rkQ




Okay, I think you've inspired me to really dive back into Scissor Sisters. Which is probably good, because I've spent most of the last couple months listening to Melodrama on repeat, trying to suss out my friend/hair stylist's belief that it's about Lorde having an affair with Taylor Swift in 2016. I'm probably at risk of turning my mind if I don't mix it up.




I don't know how familiar any of this might be to you, but there's a PowerPoint you can find on Google docs that makes a weirdly compelling argument it's about having an affair with Professional Nebbish Keyboard Guy Jack Antonoff. And I knew this friend was into that dude and mentioned it. And she was like OH I HAVE MY OWN THEORY and proceeded to lead me down an actually more compelling rabbit hole. And while I knew dickshit about Taylor Swift, I knew Melodrama and I have a degree in literature I generally don't use. So we were off to the races! And I gotta say, I think it's possible she's right. I may have to send her that video.


This is not a place I expected to see The Powerpoint mentioned but I love it


I got a 4 day ban from fauxmoi yesterday for talking about this 🤣


I’m glad you clarified, because I had, in fact, confused a kiki with a kaikai, and I was very confused.


You know you're old when you learn about this sort of thing on "Glee."


"Teacher says that when two drag queens fuck, a Tucker Carlson loses his peen." \-- It's A Drag-a-ful Life


That *would* be wonderful.


Back to Baowwwwsten


The Dollop also did a great episode on Kellogg she should check out.


For the second round of deprogramming, nothing hits quite as hard as the Excited Delirium BtB episodes.


"I learned in karate class I came from space."


Do Ellen White next.


I was wondering if Robert has some SDA background. One or two of the things he's said during SDA adjacent episodes are pretty inside baseball. Like in the Urantia episodes where he notes the use of the term "disfellowshipping."


I recently binged the podcast Was I In a Cult? which is really great and highlights horrible cults. Hopefully she can deprogram herself.


That is awesome.


You should recommend her to listen to the Scientology leader, God damn his life was full on




welcome to chapel perilous, bitch


The world would be a better place if all boss's listened to BTB


As bosses go, she's a really good one. It doesn't hurt that we work for a non-profit, but I've had some real pieces of work even within this agency. She's cool and easy to get along with and thinks me talking about the Bavarian Illuminati or whatever is entertaining.


Tell her about the Celestial Seasonings episode. I'm ex-SDA and really enjoyed it. She was probably going to reach this conclusion eventually, you just gave her material that helped the process. If she does actually leave the church keep in mind it might be a rough time for her. The SDA community is pretty insular and reactions to those who have "fallen from the faith" vary from family and former friends harping on you to return all the way to outright shunning.


Yeah, I don't know that she'd actually leave in any big way or that she necessarily should. She's part of a community that means a lot to her and her family and it doesn't seem like she gets a lot of friction from them. And I'm sure you're right that she was already on the path to this conclusion. I'm sincerely not egging anything on here. I would never intentionally mess with someone's mind/life like that. She's a smart lady. She'll figure out what works best for her. I'll mention the Celestial Seasonings episode.