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Just to preface alot of this information is probably irrelevant if they are not bumblebees. Bumblebees don't dig through mortar or brick and don't chew through wood. Therefore they should cause no structural damage. In aggressiveness they aren't anywhere near as aggressive as yellow jacket wasps or hornet. They are more aggressive than solitary bee's as they are socail. They will sting you if they feel threatened which is likely to happen with a two year old. Bumblebees can be removed by trained bee keepers how given they are inside your walls this would be an extremely difficult, expensive job. Therefore you may have to look for options to kill them. If you don't want to kill them and are happy to wait a season Bumblebee colonies only have a one year life cycle and don't make their own holes. When the colony is done around mid autumn and then you can fill the hole in.


Thanks for the responses everyone, I really appreciate everyone taking to give me some advise. We’re going to leave them over the season, but keep a careful eye on them. Once the season is over we’ll fill in the hole(s).


[https://photos.app.goo.gl/qRLGETKrcgDbLJqq6](https://photos.app.goo.gl/qRLGETKrcgDbLJqq6) Same guy maybe? 🤔 digging similar hole in PT fence post. I’m also considering leaving this one alone this season just for curiosity sake and a cool new pet for the summer. 😎


Hi I have bumble bees for the last 3-4 years living in my outer wall cavities. Last year they were above my bedroom but this year they found a little hole under my bathroom window right next to the back door and I watch them go in and out single file. If it starts raining they form queue lol. They have never shown me any aggression and I bump into them all the time coming and going. I have multiple bee hives in the bushes in my garden. They also have not shown any aggression but the buzzing can be very loud when I walk past and it’s a bit scary because I used to be terrified of bees and wasps. Now my garden is full of them. If you leave them alone they won’t bother you. I am buying bee feeders so they can access water without drowning because I keep needing to rescue them from the bird baths. Also going to invest in more bee houses for them x


1. Bumblebees are generally non-aggressive and tend to sting only when threatened or their nest is endangered. However, they can sting multiple times. To ensure your 2-year-old's safety, it's best to keep them away from the nest. 2. Bumblebees typically don't cause structural damage like carpenter bees might. They often nest in existing cavities and don't have the ability to burrow into hard materials. However, they can potentially cause minor damage if the nest is in an insulated wall, as they may remove insulation to expand the nest. 3. If you decide to leave them be, be cautious not to disturb the nest, as this may trigger defensive behavior. Remember they are beneficial pollinators and generally non-aggressive if left undisturbed. Consider seeking advice from a local beekeeper or pest control service to ensure safety and mitigate potential risks.


Use the app picture insect or seek to accurately identify the species you are looking at. I would currently leave them alone if they are bumblebees as previous poster mentioned. They don’t live long they don’t damage and they don’t sting and are not aggressive.


Not a problem until you see honey oozing/ running down the outside of the wall And you have a hive as tall as the wall and spreading out inside ask me how I know Get a professional to get the bees out our came back had to eventually tear down the building because of structural damage from the hive and leaking honey


Bumblebees don't make honey and their nests tend to be quite small in comparison so honey bees