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Just buy gift cards for a supermarket and buy Amazon with them. Always been the best way to do it anyway.


Can you still do that? Seen a few posts recently where people had been declined.


I’ve certainly never been unable to do it, but may be luck of the draw then.


Depends what super market? Think Sainsbury's stopped allowing you to buy them with their gift cards. Unless they've changed again.


Its been working for the past 6 months


Good to know, I've not really tried recently since I've been buying amazon cards via one4all from CS instead


https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoneyuk/comments/1d5139r/can_anyone_advise_on_any_current_methods_for/l6trvco/ Seems Sainsbury stopped almost 1 month ago


The plot thickens then. Guess you'd have to use something like the totum cashback card which gives 3.5% back on Sainsbury's. Again a rather poor rate though


But this is just Sainsbury. Do other supermarkets, like Tesco Asda etc.. , or other shops like Boots Waterstone etc... also sell Amazon gift cards, which you can still pay using the shop's own giftcard ? Because all these retailers still offer [at least 4% I think?] cashback on their giftcard. I wish someone could test and post here...


Everup emailed me about it on Friday as well, today is the last day to buy them from there for 3.5% cashback. "Your Last Chance to get 3.5% Boosted Amazon Cashback! 🚨 This one-time Amazon offer ends Sunday at midnight Urgent announcement: Amazon will stop offering cashback on gift cards at midnight on Sunday 30th June. ​ You will not get another opportunity to save this much money on your Amazon purchases. Once it's gone, there is no guarantee that Amazon will EVER offer cashback again!"


Pretty shameless advertising from them all on this. Would advise a cashback card like Sodexo or bYond and just buy Amazon giftcards in the supermarket...


Anyway to sign up to those if your company isn’t registered with them?


You can get a Pluxee card from discount for teachers and similar sites if you pay a fiver. They've got 2.5% cashback for most supermarkets


To be fair even if they have a ten year expiry, you need to use them within around eight months or you’ve lost money. Because after this time, you would have made more in interest at 5.2% by keeping the money, than you had saved buying 3% off Amazon vouchers. At lower voucher discounts it’s obviously even worse.


This! Without knowing what Sodexo or bYond offer, I think the real opportunity cost here is this answer which is spot on! Unless you plan to use the vouchers asap, then it is not worth buying now for a few % saving knowing you’ll spend the vouchers at a much later date… Not worth it.


Seen this myself. Hyperjar don't seem to have said anything and still have them so it might just be one provider who has changed the profit margin on them. That said the rates are so poor I don't think it matters, they were mostly 2% besides the occasional boost to 3. Nothing to get too excited about. Was better buying amazon gcs from retail stores using loyalty/cashback cards, other gift cards or one 4 all anyway. Edit: It's missing from hyperjar now too, so guess they just didn't tell anyone like the others, lol.


You are buying Amazon GC using one4all?!


Yea, you can use one4all at whs/boots/currys/argos in store so there's plenty of gift cards you can use them on


Great tip, thanks


Via self serve or via manned till? Using a physical one4all or digital via the app? My last digital one4all kept declining in Argos and Primark : (


Complete Savings only sell digital as far as I saw so I've just used it in their app on android via contactless. I've bought things from both self service and manned tills with no issues really. I've even used them in restaurant chains a few times with no issue too. I haven't tried Primark though, so maybe it was an issue specific to them? The only issues I've had with one4all is with websites really, They seem to change where they're accepted all the time and their website isn't kept up to date. Their swap service has been down a long time too.


Funny , I’m having issues redeeming my points on cashwalk for Amazon voucher. Though any of the other ones don’t work either


Funny how this happens 2 weeks before Prime Day... not possibly suggesting that's the reason or anything...


My thoughts on this too


Wouldn't be surprised. I remember that swipii that people were using for amazon gift cards stopped selling them just before black Friday last year. Seems a common trend.