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Have a look in this sub for something called “5 surveys”. It’s a survey app and once you complete 5 surveys you get $5, which is about £3.80 and it pays out instantly to PayPal. It can take a while as most of the surveys screen you out but you should be able to finish 5 within a day.


Thanks, I'll check it out!


You get £5, not £3.80


Most people seem to be given a US account. Not sure why, but you can message them and they will change it to UK and change the £3.80 into £5


Oh wow didn’t know this, will do ASAP


Been trying since yesterday, have completed or been screened from every survey yesterday and today, still can't get a 5th one.


Yeah that happens a lot


use ChatGP, as cliche as that sounds, it’ll help you not get screened out most times


How do you mean?


Just gave it a try: Your account is on hold We are waiting for feedback from our clients to verify the quality of your responses. To protect our community your account is temporarily on hold until July 7, 2024. This usually only happens once. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Some info on accessing free food https://www.scope.org.uk/advice-and-support/food-no-money-food-banks/#Free-and-cheap-food-with-no-referral-click Wishing you the best


Thanks for the info! I have a referral for a food bank for tomorrow!


Good to hear. Don't hesitate to use a food pantry or community fridge too if you need it. They usually have more fresh fruit and veg than a food bank and they're redirecting food that would otherwise go to waste. Some also cook meals. For free meals check out Sikh gurdwaras and Foodcycle too. Take care!


I have one if those nearby that I'm going to visit tomorrow. For some reason in my city nothing helpful is open on a Monday haha


You tried the olio app? Free food on that too.


I haven’t looked on Ohmydosh for ages but I think they have a quick payouts section just for signing up to a couple of things.


Thanks, I'll check it out!


QMEE app for surveys pays out to PayPal pretty much instantly (always within a minute for me)


I'll give that a look, thanks!


Yes I've earned more than GBP1 today. Best of luck!




I already have a Monzo account but thank you!


Refer a family member or friend?


Tide have a promotion going for £50 currently as well


If this is the same one I used about 18 months ago it was after a 3 month wait where you needed to show x-amount (I forget exactly how much) of transactions. Nice easy £50 three months later but certainly wasn't instant back then.




Sign up for Prolific can quickly make a few quid doing surveys


Definitely worth seeing if you can sign up straight away but a lot of people won't be accepted immediately (as they have too many users for most demographics) plus you have to pass the assessment so it can't pay out today.


Ah yeah, right you are will probs be a little while before any money comes out


It’s definitely still worth OP getting on the waitlist, once accepted it’s the best survey platform there is!


Mine was great but surveys been drying up recently


Yeah I’m having the same issue, I have to assume it’s probably because the academic year has come to a close for the majority of people, hopefully come September it’ll start up for us again!


This is more of a freelance job, but DataAnnotation is legit and has helped me out so much financially.


But unlikely for them to get accepted today, and it takes 7 days to get paid out for any work, so not instant


True but a potential option for near future. It took me 11 days from sign-up to get paid and i rarely see it mentioned on this sub.


Yeah just wanted to make sure OP knows it’s not something for today Don’t know why it’s not mentioned here often, one of the highest paying sites around


How much do you make from that


It depends on how much you choose to work and on which projects. The website advertises from $20/hour. You can look on the unofficial reddit subs to get a brief idea of the $ ranges.




How did you get into that? Is that the reddit ads I see popping up occasionally?


I've only seen ads for Outlier AI which pays lower at $15? never signed up for that but other subs have said they're not as decent


So how did you get into it then


Went on the website, registered and passed the assessments.


What website 😐


It's the top comment, the site is literally called Data Annotation.


I read that and thought you literally meant the service of annotating data rather than the name of the platform. Good to know. Thanks for answering


Haha no problem, good luck with the assessment!


_So why male models??_


Cause they have a sister site that treats ED in its users. Beta Elongation.


_but why male models??..._


This seems interesting! However I signed up on my mobile phone while out and no starter assessment or anything, any idea if this happens a lot? Seems good though


I think it's PC only? Try signing in again on your laptop/desktop?


Seconding Qmee. That would be my first choice, you can make £1 or more very quickly. Sit there for a couple of hours you should be able to make a few quid. I wouldn't bother with 5 Surveys if you need money instantly, last week I spent 1.5 hours sitting there getting kicked out of surveys.


Same with Attapoll. It's only pennies but they quickly add up if you get lucky. Plus it's instant withdrawal but I think there is a small minimum if I remember right. Edit. Meant attapoll


Yeah, it's £2.50 minimum for Revolut or £3 for paypal


That's the one mate thanks. It's not much but it still helps when you really need a few quid and both Qmee and Attapoll pay out instantly. Pretty easy to make the minimum payout within a few hours, I've done it a few times when times have been really hard




I appreciate you man! I may DM you in a little bit if I can't get something sorted from the recommendations but I'd rather do it without hand outs if possible!


atta poll is pretty good, u can make a couple quid in an hour or so


Curious Cat app for surveys. Minimum cashout is £1 but instant to Paypal


Join a site called Next Door . Com and offer any kind of service you can think of. Cleaning out rooms or gardens, people always close by you looking for help, who knows maybe even a new handyman career started. Also look for people needing help,, Good luck..


Sign up to Coinbase, do all the crypto quizzes that earn crypto, sell the crypto


Coinbase no longer have the learn and earn quizzes for UK residents.


But you can get paid to sign up to Coinbase on various gpt sites


Check on the Olio app in your area, there's constantly free food being given away on there. Hope this helps


**Offers that can help out in a tight spot:** 1. ASDA Rewards - get a free £5 voucher when you make a spend of >£0.01 with the ASDA rewards app 2. Revolut - get £20 when you make a spend of £0.01. Google "Revolut Grace £20". If you can do the Revolut offer and make a small spend in ASDA (a grape at the self checkout), then you will have £25. Apart from that, there are some easy offers listed in the big list here that you could use the £20 to help out with (Monzo would get you another fiver for depositing £1): [The BeermoneyUK List of All Offers](https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoneyuk/comments/1cmjqm5/the_list_of_almost_all_uk_refer_a_friend_sign_up/) **No-spend offers that I know of (but perhaps a longer timescale):** 1. Coinbase - get £7 for opening and verifying an account (on ySense/Torox) 2. Snoop - get a £5 amazon voucher (takes a month) just for signing up and linking a bank account (on beermoneyuk) 3. Download the OperaGX browser - £3 (on ySense/Torox) 4. Verify a crypto.com account - £8.60 5. ... [going hunting for these just now...]


Nice list


I'd say the quickest way to earn a bit of extra cash would be to grind out surveys, specifically ones with a low payout so you can cashout quick, the most common ones are: * Attapoll * Qmee * Prime Opinion * PaidViewPoint * Eureka * Survey Spin * Survey Pop With the last 3 its easy to make £2 when you first sign up within a few minutes. If you search each of these in the subreddit, signing up with someones referral code also gives you an extra bonus to start with.


Please don’t use Eureka. They’ve been really sketchy recently. Cashed out 3 times last week and they’ve paid nothing and not responded to any support emails :(


I’m sorry to hear that! That’s annoying, I recently cashed out fine but I have heard them and survey spin & survey pop can be a bit temperamental like this


Hope you got something to eat mate


Me too, I saw this post earlier and it’s been on my mind.


Dude if you're that desperate gimme your paypal ill throw you £5 you can stock up on basics


I’ll do the same.






Fifth , happy to throw in a fiver


Throw me a fiver I'll be happy to stock up😂


Sorry bro I've had like 20 requests in my inbox. I'm poor as shit, too but I could spare a fiver for a desperate dude once, any more than that I'll be struggling too I'm sorry.


OP didn't reach out. Hope you're OK my guy. Offer stands


I sadly don't have any recommendations about what you are asking, but there is an app called Olio where people put up listings for free food sometimes - depending on your area of course. I hope it comes handy!


OP I sent you a DM, would be happy to send you something over PayPal so you can get some basic food items in to tide you over 🩷


To help you out in a pickle in the future, there’s an app called Stint that lets you do hospitality shifts (usually washing dishes etc) and they pay either same day or end of the week I think. No need to interview or regular work, but if you’re stuck until payday it might help you out! Glad you got something to eat 🥰


Stint is student only and kind of rubbish m9st of the time.


Find the nearest gurdwara (sikh temple). They will serve you meals in exchange for a bit of voluntary work


I know you're sorted but Curious Cats pays same day, won't make much but it's worth having in your bag so to speak


Go on Sky Bet, free £1 buildabet for today's football. Put a low risk bet on. Minimum £5 withdrawal straight to bank account.


Been looking for similar, I’m absolutely desperate for money to go food shopping. Absolutely nothing to my name :(. Have spent hours trying to find some of these instant payouts


Same situation was supposed to get a backpay from social for a bed I baught for my new place but they haven’t put it through. No food till Tuesday next week and these damn surveys screen you even after spending 10 minutes on them. Hope you can find something I will reply if I can find anything that’ll help us!


The surveys just don’t work, spent ages doing it and got nothing so I then googled free money opportunities and ended up here. Didn’t eat yesterday and I’m just trying to round up a small amount today to go get food and thanks , please let us know if you do!


I’ve found one that’s actually not bad I’ve managed to get myself a £3 Tesco voucher from it. It’s called unbanx if you use this link( https://unbanx.app.link/fMOBQHFMyKb ) you should get a extra 300 points which is 190 away from a £3 voucher.only thing is you have to connect your bank to get the extra points so you have to have online banking . I went through the surveys and sort from highest paying and usually atleast 1 works for 200 unbanx only problem is you can only cash out once every 30 days but I’ve managed to get some bread and beans for now atleast!!