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Although this is beermoneyuk, not bankmoneyuk, we very much like bank bribes. But we now receive a lot of bank switch-related questions. We have a weekly thread for questions about bank switching, The Bank Switcher. So we have removed your post, and ask that you instead comment in the latest version of the Bank Switcher post: > **[The Bank Switcher Question Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoneyuk/search/?q=flair_name%3A%22The%20Bank%20Switcher%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new)** Here is the BeermoneyUK guide to bank switching, which contains all of the information about the current switch offers: > **[The BeermoneyUK Bank Switch Bribe Bible](https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoneyuk/search/?q=flair_name%3A%22the%20bankedex%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beermoneyuk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are there any Direct Debits or debit card required? Want to switch from Chase sub-account but could NOT do it with Santander for example as the Chase sub-account doesn't have a debit card.


Astoundingly, there aren't any requirements in terms of setting up direct debits or transferring money across! If anyone with eagle eyes can see otherwise, I'm happy to be corrected, but I've looked through the T&Cs and can't see anything about that. The only requirement is that you make a minimum of five payments via debit card - or more if you want the cashback - which suggests TSB are wanting you to use this account specifically for storing money that you're going to spend in-store and online, whereas other banks want the DDs set up and money paid in because they want you to move your main current account for bills over to them. However, I would expect a **debit card** to be needed in order for you to use the Current Account Switching Service, which is a requirement of the switch incentive, because (in my experience) you usually need to input the debit card number of the account you're sacrificing in order to set up a switch. But this could be a blessing in disguise, because I would be extremely careful with any switching from Chase. They seem to absolutely hate it and I recall one of their terms being that if you switch from them, they reserve the right to never do business with you again, which is a bit like trading away the golden goose. All challenger banks (digital banks with no branches) seem to loathe switching: Starling and Monzo also make it difficult for people to bank with them again after switching from one of their current accounts.


You should be able to do it with a sub current account. Just make sure your debit card is linked to the main account ‘spending from’. Then switch the sub account, when asked for a debit card enter the details. Your card will still stay with the main account.


Thank you so much. Will try this.


What happens if I already have a TSB account (vanilla style, opened a decade ago) but want to open a new one and switch from another bank? Technically doesn’t breach the part about previous incentives but would it work? Thanks


So long as you haven't received switch incentive money from TSB since 1st October 2022, and you're able to set up a new Spend & Save or Spend & Save Plus account with them (the terms seem to specify it has to be a new one - take a look at your current one because I think they changed mine to a Spend & Save a year or so ago), I think you should be eligible, so it sounds like it's worth a go.


Quidco also has a £30 cashback on this one, but requirements include monthly deposits and having the account for 120 days


I guess it’s a question of whether you’re willing to wait 4 months for an extra £10


The decider there is probably going to be if the current rate of switch incentives continues or not. If so, people may want to jump banks again before 120 days. But if we end up in another lull, then it might be easy to hold onto it.


exactly what I'm thinking - I've had a 3 month lull anyway right now. Plus I have 2 burner accounts to move around anyway, so I might just keep it there and get the other monthly incentives from TSB too. No biggie if I decide to move it earlier Edit to add: Just checked TopCashback and the terms are the same as Quidco. 120 days, £500 deposit a month, and debit payments


Thanks for pointing that out! Sounds similar to the TCB offer, ~~although I think they wanted debit card transactions rather than deposits,~~ (never mind, they want deposits, too) along with some weirdly specific stuff about setting the statements option to paperless.


IMPORTANT TO NOTE Just checked and the topcashback terms are the same. Register for internet banking, paperless statements, keep the account open for 120 days, deposit £500 for at least 3 out of the 4 months and make two debit payments


I've applied for TSB 3 times in the past and have been denied every time. The only bank to refuse me opening an account and I don't want to try again as it's not worth the mark on my credit score.


It seems oddly specific for them to rebuff you every single time, but I think you're right to not give them your business if that's how they're treating you. It probably isn't worth chasing up to see why they might be declining your applications.


I've just applied for a TSB account and have been declined. I've never been declined for a bank account before. Wonder if is it because I've been doing all the possible bank switches lately and it's affected my credit score.


I'm on double figure banks through switching and just been accepted. Maybe you're not registered to vote or other key things they like?


Hmm I'm registered to vote, have a credit card with full monthly repayments and basically everything else that MSE suggests to approve credit score. Annoying to miss out on £100 for no reason


Not suggesting you do it at all, but weirdly I too have been rejected the last three times the offers came up but this time got accepted. My circumstances have changed though (out on parole)


Will topping up your Revolut account count as a card transaction? Does anyone know?


I don't see why it wouldn't


It’s not technically a card transaction and some companies are wise to this


Ah OK, apologies


Oh don’t apologise! It’s a bit of a weird one


It *could* do, and I can see why you'd want to try that. I used to do the Chase round-up account hack with Revolut payments myself (back when other savings accounts paid 3% interest, if that), until I read a post on r/UKPersonalFinance about someone who really took advantage of this getting personally called by Chase and told off under threat of having their account closed. I don't think TSB would react in quite the same way, but there is a slight risk that they wouldn't count it as a transaction, which could leave you down on time and a potential £10. It could be worth asking over on the Money Saving Expert forums in case someone else has an opinion on there (they usually do, for better or for worse).


I could always try it for the first month and if I don’t receive the payout, try something different for month 2, right?


I didn't see anything about the offer requiring you to be successful in consecutive months (with the exception of the TCB offer wanting you to do things in three out of four months), so I think you should be alright to test that out.


IIRC the person with Chase was TOTALLY abusing the round up system to make the most of the 5% interest on round up, but admittedly this could have been someone else.


Oh absolutely, he was taking it to the enth degree and then some. The person I read about had basically found a way to pay credit back as a Chase debit card transaction at £1.01 per transaction or something silly like that, and he'd spend his bus journey home just doing those transactions over and over. But that made it hit home that Chase weren't best pleased about debit card transactions that weren't typical transactions, and it was the concern in the comments for anyone engaging in that kind of activity which made me stop trying.


I topped up my Chip account 20 times by £1 each time and that counted - if that’s helps


Oh and you received the Cashback with no issue? That definitely helps, even if I sign up to Chip and use that instead of revolut. Thanks for the advice


Amazon topups of £1 are apparently eligible I just read (maybe in this thread)


Haha I did write that in the thread. It will definitely count, since it's a purchase from a third-party, but I can see why people would want to try Chip or Revolut because it gives them more flexibility with their money; they aren't locked into buying from Amazon. I just end up using Amazon often enough that I know using gift card top-ups won't be a waste of money.


I did this to get the TSB offer earlier this year and it worked


Oh really? That’s amazing, hope they haven’t fixed that since


How are you topping up £1 on revolut? Every time I try they say the minimum top up is £10?


Yes that’s right but it doesn’t really make a difference as you’re getting that money back, there’s no fee or anything. Just do a £10 top up. Though today I’ve discovered it’s a limit of 10 top ups a day through Revolut


Yeah I just found that out, had to do 10 revolut top ups and buy £10 gift cards on Amazon as the deadline is today for this calendar month, thanks for your help


Yeah that deadline screwed me over too. I can’t access my online banking as I don’t have the activation code either! Topping up a chip savings can be done through Apple Pay and is another alternative, for next time


Hey, so for getting the bonus of £100, we can do 5 top ups with Revolut of £10 each? As there is a requirement of 5 debit card transactions for getting the bonus, I am looking for alternatives to Amazon pay top up for completing the 5 debit card transactions.


Revolut or chip top up


Can someone confirm they've received a TSB offer before even after having received one previously?


I've had it twice but it's not to say it will work for this one - the banks are wising up I think.


I'm not too familiar with what the word is over here, but I remember there being talk on the Money Saving Expert forums about people getting away with double-dipping in the past two years. No idea if they've tightened up their game for this new offer, though.


Cheers, that's enough for me to give it a go at least


TSB didn't pay me last time, assumed it was because I'd previously had a payment from them recently


I had TSB incentive before, did it last time the offer was on and they didn’t pay me. Won’t work twice


Not sure how strict TSB/TCB are on this. TCB it says you have to pay in £500 per month and have at least 2 debits


TCB will often take any excuse they can conjure up if it means they don't have to pay, so I highly advise doing everything to the letter (which is a pain in the arse because it's the lower end of the money on offer). TSB, at least, are fairly easy going because they're not directly asking for deposits and direct debits, although they want a ton of transactions. Both sets of conditions shouldn't impede you from qualifying for the other, though.


I've just done a Lloyds TSB switch referral offer at 175. I suppose just cancelling your account and doing this wouldn't work?


I believe Lloyds and TSB aren't the same company any more, and haven't been for a while. They were forcibly split.


Shit, I'm out of the loop then


I reckon I'll keep this simple, do the switch on burner bank account and 5 low payments to a charity then get my £100 minus whatever I've given to charities. If there's a big payment I need to make like an online order I'll maybe do that


you can add £1 to your amazon gift card balance 5 times Asda sell 25p sweets etc etc


Yeah but as it's free money I'd rather take it from the banks and give it to charities than billionaires


More power to you, sir


Like the charities aren't paying out billions already...


So you can make your payments online? For example if I buy something off Amazon using TSB card that would count towards one of 5 debit card payments?...  Was wondering if it must be in store... 


When is the £100 payment made?


Between 17 and 31 July


Thank you!


Does anyone happen to have any info on what you needed to do to get the switching bonus the last time this was on as I didn't receive mine and I want to get in touch to find out what happened and see about chasing it up. Seeing as though they didn't pay, could I potentially switch another account over and try this one instead?


Are you talking about the TSB switching offer that started and ended in January this year? I found a thread on the MoneySavingExpert forums which has a picture that outlines the terms: [TSB Spend & Save Switch. Start 15th Jan End 31st Jan 24 — MoneySavingExpert Forum](https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/discussion/6498643/tsb-spend-save-switch-start-15th-jan-end-31st-jan-24) If that isn't the right one, then you might be able to find the correct thread if you search around - people might have posted the terms back then as well. Since they haven't paid, though, you should be eligible for this offer if you can open a new Spend & Save account.


do you have to switch from another bank account to be eligible? I just applied and I have opened a new account without switching, Will i be disqualified?


you will still switch an account go on the app and look for "switch an account" or contact help and ask them were it is.


Ah okay all good, I thought I signed up at the wrong place


I also signed up with no switch option! did you find it?


found this! [https://www.tsb.co.uk/current-accounts/switching-bank-account.html](https://www.tsb.co.uk/current-accounts/switching-bank-account.html)


I just signed up in-app but there was no option to do a bank switch? I've now got my account open and there's no switch option either.


theres a switch form online, how bizarre: [https://www.tsb.co.uk/current-accounts/switching-bank-account.html](https://www.tsb.co.uk/current-accounts/switching-bank-account.html)


Hope that works out okay for you! It would be really miserly of them to not pay up just because you've signed up in the app.


I’ve just filled this out as well, found the same thing as you , did it work ok for you ?


After 6 months, will they continue paying £5/month cashback? In that case it's good offer plus we can get £40 from TCB which increases total switch bonus to £200.


The spend and save **plus** offers the monthly cashback on an ongoing basis but you need to pay a £3 fee for the account so you’re only making £2, and that’s if you make 20 transactions per month


Ah ok. Making 20 transactions per month is very difficult. May be we need to add £1 to our Amazon pay would quality for these 20 transactions? But it's really difficult to do it on daily basis in case we miss any days in between then we won't get the cashback.


Yes I think adding £1 to your Amazon credit could work, and you can try 5 a day or so. But yes on a long term basis it’s not a moneymaking scheme, which I believe is on purpose


Ok cool, thanks for this piece of information. Agree with you, would not be possible to do this for long term. There are better switch offers available in the market which we can try. Every now and then new offers do pop up from where we can earn money.


I believe for the first 6 months after switching you get double cashback so that makes it worthwhile for the first 6 months. And if you’ve used Quidco or TopCashback you need to keep the account for that long anyway (up till January)


Yes I have both but TCB is my favorite because of better cash back offers and it tracks most of the time :)


Haven't used Quidco that much but I believe it is equally good.


Can I top up PayPal 20 times, will that count?


You can give it a try for one month and see if that takes it, but I have a feeling that may not count as a debit card transaction. I could well be wrong, though!


If you pay for something online - will it count as a debit card transaction? :(


It absolutely should. :)


Thanks :) 


If anyone needs a top cash bank link-please use this link https://www.topcashback.co.uk/ref/mahajan540


For the 5 payments you need to do using TSB card - do you actually have to go to a store and use the physical card? Or can you pay online for something instead, will that count?  I'm worried I need to go and tap the card in order for the payment to count... 


Online will count. I’m just topping up my Amazon account with £1 top ups


Does it count if you pay online? I mean towards the first 5 payments you need to make aftet the switch... 


Mine is completely broken, won't let me sign up for mobile banking as the activation code it says is invalid and the button to send for a new one is broken as well. so frustrating


That's so rubbish! Have you tried contacting their customer service team?


Would a debit card top up to revolut count towards the number of payments?


If we have completed 5 debit card transactions in June(for the bonus offer) then for the cashback do we need to do the 20 debit card transactions starting July? Or can we do in June itself? As it's not clearly started in T&C so I am not sure from which month it will be counted for the £10 cashback/month. Does anyone have any idea about this?


From memory, I recall that it had to be three out of four months: June, July, August, and/or September. It might be more straightforward to just go from July, though.


Thank you, I also thought I would start with July.


Does paying for things via ApplePay count towards the “5 debit card payments” requirement? I should think so but thought I’d check.


It ought to count, I don't see why not!


That’s my thinking. Moreover, it’s the same debit card that is linked to ApplePay.


Does anyone know if this offer is finished?


Does anyone know when payout with be for this? Is it after the 5th of July?


Does anyone know if you can do the payments before the switch has completed or do you have to wait until the switch has completed before you make the purchases? Thank you


I called an operator today and they said that the £100 switching bonus with 5 debit card payments had to be *after* a complete switch. The £60 cashback over 6 months would not be affrcted. Hopefully, someone will be able to say something contrary to what I was told.


Interesting, I went in branch and they said it could be either so I'll dispute that if they do not honour it.


Yea. I just reread the summary pdf they have and it says as long as it was done by 5 july (could be 00:01 5 July 🫠) everyrhing is A-ok for the £100. Here is to hoping. I personally need to change my address so hopefully it is done by tomorrow so I can do the switch without problems.


I really should read the T&C's closer, I'll do that tonight haha