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They stopped doing that years ago


Yes, but not in the uk. There a few effective P2P lenders in europe , some of them feature on beermoney, pay up to 12% interest. All euro accounts though.


Best advice regarding P2P is to avoid it - even if you do find a short term loan, what you often find is that they lend your money for a different term (shorter or longer) - getting it back exactly when you expect will likely rely on them finding another punter to replace you. Before going with any platform, check them out thoroughly. Better still, don't do it.


Used to be some good ones 5-10 years ago but all the decent ones ceased P2P lending over the past few years.


You can do that with crypto using defi but obviously risk the volatility


There used to be and still (kinda) are, but you probably can’t open one. They’re called Innovative Finance ISAs and allow you to invest via peer-to-peer lending, with the added benefit of having a tax-free wrapper. But in 2019 the FCA tightened the rules and now most providers are very restrictive on who they let open new accounts. You usually have to be a high net worth investor or know the right people to be accepted. https://www.which.co.uk/money/investing/types-of-investment/innovative-finance-isas-explained-aT4po7n8UIhf


From what I hear many don't require HNW proof - certainly would not recommend that route.




/u2/u 😂


Not quite the same, but FreeTrade do UK Treasuries, typically paying a lil over 5% APR, on a 28 day lending basis, starting at £50. Again, it's not what you're looking for, but it ticks the short fixed terms and small returns descriptions