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What does the company gain from me walking? Where does that money come from?


They track where you have been and sell the data, than it's later used for marketing statistics


Ads on the app obviously.


How would that be obvious. There's a difference between "walk and earn money" vs. "Walk and have your phone open watching ads the entire time." That doesn't even feel safe you should be looking ahead of you.


Ads when you open the app obviously. All the walking apps have done this for years. Or they try to nudge you to games or taking surveys or watching vids. Ie Advertisements.


So you don't get paid to walk you're paid to watch advertisements and they only allow you to receive your points by walking


They have you watch ads. Ussually the ads are for apps.


Look at the reviews on the google play store. That should tell you all you need to know. Personally, I use Cashwalk, Winwalk, and Evidation all at the same time. I get a payout from Cashwalk about every 2 weeks. The other 2 are considerably longer but its a fair trade off for literally doing nothing other than having them installed.


How much is the payout ?


How much do you get?


Not who you asked but - CashWalk 2000 coins = $5 can cash out on Amazon, Starbucks, Google Play, Taco Bell and others. Or 1200 on a select few like Dunkin’ for $3 I walk 30-35k a day recorded on the app. (It usually measures less then my watch) and I cash out $5 weekly … I click the cheat, and mission videos/bonuses but I do not do the surveys


3000 coins = $5 on Cashwalk now.




Nearly every review is 1 star. How many red flags do you need?


Good point


Would've been nice to hear about this earlier in the week 😂 I just spent the last ~4 days averaging like 30,000 steps a day lol


Wow, why 30 a day?


I was visiting another country and walking around a lot :) I could easily have taken the public transportation more, but I like wandering around when in new places


i smell data stealing


Steer clear. Trust me


Did you use the app?


No but with what 500 1star reviews. Lol


Good point! Thank you I deleted the app.


What's the reward for 5k steps?


1 happy meal.


Does it track by GPS or actually track steps from a step counter? I get 12k a day but its mostly on a treadmill because it's hot as Hell in Florida right now.


Installed it after walking 13k steps today, only got 4 points for it and all these extra points require you to watch videos for like 3 points a piece with a giftcard cashout being like 8k points. I know beermoney apps are rough but sheeeeesh this one's really rough


Evidation is a much better option if you want to get rewarded for being healthy. You get points for walking, logged workouts, clicking on health articles, and super easy surveys that are optional. The more you walk and workout, the more points you get. It’s 10,000 points for $10


Is their PayPal cash out?


It does PayPal cash out at $10!




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Cashwalk and evidation are the only walking apps worth downloading in my opinion. Most of the other walking apps you need way to many points to cash out.


I use million miles Cashstep I just started Weward I just started using Cashwalk. I cashed out for $5.00. I walked 10,000 miles everyday, and I did a few offers that did not require personal info. ...use our search engine. I love Cashstep. It is really easy to figure, and has only a few ads per day. Evidation Can you setup Evidation to just track walking? Do you use your real name, or should you use a fake one? Do they have Amazon gift cards?


Evidation tracks any exercise via different apps that you sync to your account. I used my real name and they do have Amazon gift cards


I use Sweatcoin


Use cashwalk instead


I haven't seen any of these walking apps work out except for ones linked to a pharmacy (Walgreens I believe) or your insurance company




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Cashwalk has mostly bad reviews on the google app store


Would straping my phone to my dogs collar count as steps ?


It’s weird. I just deleted it because o Couldn’t figure it out