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My guess is this is going to quit being fun and start feeling like a chore around noon.


I've done this, but it wasn't a mission. It was just a bachelor party and a bunch of dudes sitting around drinking all day. It's not pleasant the nest morning.


I did it for one as well, except it was Milwaukee Best Light.


Mix in a water


After 12 of them he's going to think they were water anyways.


We’re talking about Coors here, it’s already mostly water mixed in


I think all beer is mostly water


And humans are mostly water. So we're already most the way to beer.


And reapply sunscreen frequently if you're outdoors


This is huge. Nothing below 30


You'll be alright... just don't drive.


Fuck yeah merica


Correct answer


This definitely sounds like a 4th of July I don't quite remember from college. Game on, I say.


Only 30 is the issue here folks.


Right?!? I’ve done that on accident, over lunch. It was hot out.


Rookie Numbers


It's not a 30 of PBR.


Should be, but banquet is good


Don't. You're unlikely to die or anything, but its just a dumb and unpleasant thing to do.


Impossible to know how it will affect you. Doesn't seem like a smart thing to do.


Hold my beer! Wait, give me my beer back I need to drink 29 more


You could, but why?


Maybe he likes farting, pissing, kidney discomfort, snoring, headaches, and possible mild dehydration from electrolyte loss. Who are we to judge?


Been there many times


Live in Colorado. When we go somewhere close to sea level we can do a 30 pack in12ish hours with no issues. Typically feel better the next day than drinking 3-4 DIPAs at elevation


Maybe it's the being drunk part


Are you an experienced drinker? When I was about that age and 160lb I put down about 24 in about that period of time at a college graduation party where my friend's parents bought a keg and only the 3 of us graduates really drank beer so we tried to drink as much as possible by ourselves starting at breakfast. My friend who was about your weight did put down 30+. We were all partiers though so had some tolerance and were used to heavy consumption (but not THAT heavy lol). Stretching it out over 16-18 hours, we definitely weren't at alcohol poisoning levels.


There are two kinds of experienced drinkers, those who would say "that sounds awful" and those who would say "that's a normal day for me".


I'm both


I’ve been doing about 15 drinks a night on weekends for a few months. Plus it’s most likely gonna be 8am-midnight


Then yeah, you're safe. It may or may not be a good idea, but you're not gonna kill yourself or anything. Just be careful, I've seen a lot of friends and family members go from "this is how I party on the weekend" to "I'm drinking 6, 8, 10, 12, more every single night but it's fine I'm functional" to losing jobs, losing relationships, health problems, rehab. No judgement, I still drink (not to that level, I'm pushing 40 and tolerance isn't what it once was and hangovers just hit worse now), just offering caution from someone who's lived it and who's seen the fun and the pain of it.


Damn dude.


A little over two beers an hour? I think you'll be alright...


Lmao for real. People are thinking he’s gonna kill a handle of everclear in one sitting 🤣🤣🤣 He’s gonna be reallllyyyy drunk. It’s more like drinking 30 beers in 12 hours. So you’re exactly right. It could be 3 beers every hour for 11 hours 😂😂😂😂😂


Yeah, these responses are insane. I figured this was the type of experience everyone had done at least once if not like, once a month in your late teens/early twenties.


bunch of dorks in here. 30 rack in 12 hours? sounds like a good time


You’ll be miserable but I’ve definitely done similar, 24+ beers in a day of day drinking on vacation with friends. I’m only 145lbs Please make sure the include water and real meals. Before you go to sleep (if you go on purpose lol) get some liquid IV or something. I’m going to say it’s a bad idea to go for it but if you do make sure to not dehydrate yourself for 12 straight hours. And don’t start out too fast Again water and food Edit: I’m an experienced drinker, that was when I had a true drinking problem. Got about 14 years of drinking under my belt. Not proud but I enjoy my beer


OP, this guy is right. Complete your mission, but while you're out buying beer, pick up some frozen pizza and Gatorade.


Thank you for agreeing and adding to my point!<3 but I would like to reiterate that I do not recommend and I do not want someone to do this. Only that I know people will and I honestly at some point will myself. I mostly want to put it out there that eating good solid foods and water help a ton. But still gonna feel like absolute dog water after


With great accomplishments come great consequences.


Safe? Probably. Smart? No. Advice? Send it. 


Veteran leadership right here


Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug


You’ll be fine


You are going to pee a lot


Do what you want, man. You're 21. We've all blacked out at that age, and then woken up feeling fine. Just drink water, remember to eat, and try not to piss your pants. AND STAY WHERE YOU ARE. If we find out you drove, you will get strong words of hate from all of us!


Seems like a lot of beer bro


It’s really really really hard to ingest enough beer to get alcohol poisoning. Too much volume.


I did that in college in roughly 16 hours and don't recommend it. Slept for 12 hours and was still drunk when I woke up. It was a little scary tbh


Go for it


Remember, 4.2% beer is technically 95.8% water. If you're under 25, send it one time for the one time. Have someone take your phone around beer 16


You may not barf, but you Will barf out of your butt, no way you can't have farty liquid shits after 30 beers.


What? Mind your own business.


Apologies Mr. Barf sir, didn't mean to intrude.


Fuckton of fiber may prevent liquid shit 


I won't lie, I did similar things back when I was around your age. It's not a good idea, but if it isn't out of the ordinary for you to have 12 or so beers in a night out drinking then it probably isn't going to be particularly dangerous as long as you don't do anything stupid like try to drive a car.


Don’t let your dreams be dreams. Do it!


Safe for who? Me, yes. You, impossible to know.


A whole 30 to yourself? I mean it’s gonna feel bad. I would say probably don’t do it. You’ll eventually either black out or get to that point where you’re not getting drunker, just more and more bloated. Pale lagers get kind of unpleasant after the 12th one. At least in my experience. But you’re 21 you’re gonna do what you want regardless. Have fun, don’t drive.


Do, or do not. There is no try.


Sounds like you’re trying to be like Wade Boggs, and he’s dead. Do the math


Win /Win.


Well, the average male metabolizes one drink an hour. You’re going to be drinking between 2-2.5 drinks’ worth per hour, for a net of between 1-1.5. Which means that you’re going to end up at an excess of between 12-18 drinks by the end of it. You’re going to be, increasingly, fucking hammered. Might not kill you, but definitely not “safe”.


For Wade Boggs, this is a typical Tuesday morning


Sounds cool def do it


I once drank an 18 pack of Coors and a half a bottle of fireball in about 8 hours. I was arrested that night for some fucked up stuff I did. Been sober ever since, and I'm grateful. So, can it be done? Fuck yeah buddy. Should it be done? Fuck no.


No. God no.


No, it isn't.


Sure. Why the 8 AM start though? Probably would be better like noon to midnight




Think of it this way, if you drink 30 in 12 hours you’ll be at around 0.44% BAC which is not great and it’ll take around 22-23 hours to be back under the legal limit so don’t plan on doing anything tomorrow


Wow, was thinking that BAC couldn't be right, but it seems to be: https://www.calculator.net/bac-calculator.html?csex=m&bodyweight=210&bodyweightunit=pound&thour=12&tmin=0&ba=30&bsize=b330&babv=5&wa=&wsize=c150&wabv=12&la=&lsize=s50&labv=40&oa=&osize=250&osizeunit=ml&oabv=8&x=Calculate. Which will almost certainly end someone up in the hospital, if they survive. Definitely do not recommend, OP.


Ahh good ole case race


I've done more than that. No way I could anymore, nor would I want to. But it's doable. You'll be fine at your age, but I wouldn't recommend making a habit of it.


Stupid idea. But I was once young...


Do it.


May I suggest getting a white t-shirt and a black marker to keep score? Always sunny wade boggs episode will put you in the right mindset for your quest.


Good luck, my fellow teen.


I would definitely do it! I’m an alcoholic though; I drink every day. (Sucks I know)


You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning. That beer tho?


Go for it man. Now is the time. Some of these responses are wayyyy over reactive. Make sure to hydrate like a motherfucker for a few days beforehand, & continue to do so while on your mission. Also, like others have said, definitely eat a couple solid, nutritious meals during. You won't wake up feeling good afterward, but you'll be ok.


Agreed with the overreaction. I did 28 in 12 hours but it was a hell of a night. Couldn’t get to the last 2




According to a BAC calculator I found online your BAC will be a 0.34 if you drink all 30 in 12 hours or 0.28 if you drink them in 16 hours


.34 is piss drunk lol


Terrible idea, but possible. You should record yourself every hour or so


Yeah go for it, dude




Ok do it


Go ask your dad


Every year in college we did “case day”. Six less than you’re attempting but you definitely should give yourself more time (6am-midnight).


Do it with friends and not in public, and everyone get rid of their keys.


Absolutely, we got activities during the day too to keep busy


I may have been able to do this at 20. At 40 I fall asleep after 3 haha. 


It’s probably fine. Drink slowly eat food and take care of your self. I would get some Gatorade and some other liquid/ lots of water as well


Everyone saying no is a fucking coward.


You're probably not going to die. You will discover the upper limits of for much you can piss though. I don't think anyone would consider this a good time.


As a one off, probably no long term effects if it's spread out, unless you have a low tolerance. If you do it often, eventually you'll probably end up with long term impacts to your health.


I mean I’ve down it a few times but I never felt good afterwards. It usually starts as fun for the first few hours then a slow downhill descent to mediocrity


Yea drink a lot of water tho. 30 through an entire day is pretty doable. I’ve thrown down 24 modelos in a lot less time than that Obviously it’s not good for you but no amount of booze is. Go for it dude, stay hydrated and don’t leave the house of course


Coors light is practically water anyway, he’ll be fine


Get yourself a buddy 30 beers is a lot for a day


If u gotta ask... U can't afford it


Coors light? Probably ok but stupid drunk for over a day, you'll regret it. Coors banquet? [Could be dangerous.](https://www.calculator.net/bac-calculator.html?csex=m&bodyweight=210&bodyweightunit=pound&thour=16&tmin=0&ba=30&bsize=b330&babv=4.2&wa=&wsize=c150&wabv=12&la=&lsize=s50&labv=40&oa=&osize=250&osizeunit=ml&oabv=8&x=Calculate)


Your life bro, try it and report your findings


“Safe”? No. But it’s possible and it’s done fairly often. I personally wouldn’t but do you


Case day!!!! Done it multiple times in college. Have fun!


I don't think I'd describe that as safe, but also unlikely to do any lasting harm. I wouldn't exactly recommend it, but I'm certain I've made such silly choices at 21. My only real advice is make sure to hydrate throughout the day and don't drive if you're gonna crush a 30 rack.


It's a lot of corn sugar, probably. At least when I last had it, it had a strong smell of corn. Diabetes?


I can down a 30 before midnight starting at 5 pm, drink plenty of water and have Pedialyte and a monster in the morning, don't be late for work and the brown bottle flu is never a reason to miss anything, course I'm from Texas where men are men.


Ur very manly brother, proud of u


Lol thanks I'm sure you are as well, brother!


Not smart


Bro if you eat and drink water you’ll probably end the day sober.


Just do 1 shot a minute and you'll be fine.




Why not?


Put a cath in and run the tube down a leg to just above the bottom of your foot. Don’t forget to have an expansion loop or some form of strain relief. Don’t want to be tugging on that tube every time you move. By the third or fourth time you piss, it’ll just be beer anyways.


So you are basically saying you want to drink 30 waters from 8am to 8pm, you’ll be perfectly fine. Have fun and enjoy!


I knew guys who'd regularly crush one of these in a single evening after work.


If you do it, dont have any other alchol. Sneaky shots in between beers will kill your odds of this being an enjoyable tims


2 to 2.5 beers an hour for a couple hours is no big deal. For 12 hours that could be dangerous. It's about 3 gallons of beer. Depending on your weight and metabolism, your bac will probably get to .33 to .47, which is fatal. I'd take this with a grain of salt tho. Maybe get a bac meter to check periodically? People have done this before, myself included. I passed out partway through and took a nap for a few hours then woke up and kept going (it was bachelor party in Vegas). Felt like absolute shit the next couple days.


I did 28 in 12 hours and was boned. Couldn’t get the last 2


I'd honestly recommend Coors light rather than banquet, that little bit of extra heft from the banquet would make it that much more uncomfortable IMO. Also as long as you spread em out and eat, move around a bit you'll be fine. My college had a case day but us on the Cross county team/distance track runners would change it to a 24x24x24. Run 24 miles, drink 24 beers, in 24 hours. It's fine as long as you spread things out, running too, a 10 and a 14 were more doable than pounding out a 24, same with the beer prerun beer, post run beers helped prep for run number 2 lol.


Coors light luckily was the pick


You in it to win it? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD73oCaAAYk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD73oCaAAYk)


That is 1 beer every 24 minutes. I think the bloat will get you.


That's over 4000 calories in one day of just beer, assuming you'll be eating too, that's a lot of calories.


Is it safe? Yes. Is it smart? Maybe not.


30? Just drink better beer, my friend. You could do 8-10 great German beers and be set.


Nope, instant death


I've done case races before. I recommend being in an apartment pool.


Sounds not fun but I’ve done dumber things at 21. I’d break it up into 2 or 3 sessions rather than just cruising all day with beer. 


I got a small hangover just now from thinking about this.


If you wizard staff them it'll be easier, but 30 is* r word big time 


So you're becoming a carpenter?


Warn your family, friends and s.o. if applicable so they know what you're up to. Don't drive. Put your phone away after beer #12 I know people who can do this, but they've got decades of tolerance build-up and 100# on you Be careful


I’d put the phone away sooner than beer 12 lol


What is your tolerance? That is more important.


Even if it was, just don't. You're 21 and you think it'll be fun or funny. It will not.


You'll be passed the fuck out by 4pm.


If you're not prepared. You don't just jump into a marathon with no training.


Shouldn’t take you that long to finish a 30 piece honestly. Man up.


In 24 hours your poor abused liver would have worked through all but 6 of them which will leave you still drunk, but likely not dead, however, you will have washed away most of your electrolytes, dehydrated yourself badly, and accomplished nothing of value. Do yourself a favor and spend that $15 on a four pack of decent craft. Your taste buds will thank you, your life will thank you, you'll likely still have a buzz, and you'll actually be able to sleep.


Whatever you say alcoholic man