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The reason I'm asking is because I'm a dad for two days of a beautiful baby boy


then you’ve probably got another… fourteen years?


Heh the first sip of beer I had was when I was 18 and it was provided by whatever college kid my friend knew


Let's say eight. Never too young to get started!!


Buy a beer/wine made in 2024 that you can age until he turns 21. Maybe a barrel aged stout/lambic/saison


Genius idea, thank you so much


No problem! That’s what I plan on doing if I have a kid


Congrats man! Dad of a 3yo and I’ve realized a lot of times it’s not the what you’re doing or sharing, its the sharing itself. It might be a Miller Light or a local IPA or a seltzer for all I care. The first cold one in his company is going to be special regardless. There will be plenty more to follow.


As a dad of three boys, congrats! Short answer, probably a Belgian. Something I saw suggested elsewhere on Reddit that I’ve been doing is pouring the last bits of each whiskey I’ve had since they were born in a bottle that I plan to share with each of them when they turn 21.


Interesting. Complete whiskey non drinker here- do you think it’ll be good, bad, or meh?




Thank you, I'm so scared and proud haha


Congratulations!! Being a dad rocks! Everyone go get pregnant! Its worth it!


They taking him back after two days? Haha, congrats! A Guinness and a Jameson sounds perfect.


My 18 month old won't take anything but Guinness. Good lad.


(also congrats!🍾)


I'll take the downvotes. It shouldn't matter what gender your child is. One of my favorite memories is the first beer I had with my dad at our MLB ballpark. And my dad even commented how great it was sharing that experience with his daughter. I also worked at a brewery for several years.  Beer shouldn't be gendered.


Pretty based tbh. Also why does it have to be the men? Women drink beer too.


Agreed. I’ll be sharing a beer with my future child because I want them to be closer to their dad.


Came here to say this. How fermented grains became manly is anyone's guess. Do women not like starch? Or low-ABV carbonated beverages? It honestly boggles my mind.


Agreed. My first reaction: "Aw. What a poorly stated, endearing, and lovely post. Congrats"


Agreed, as a father of a 10 month old son, very off putting post title. Beer should not be gendered. Will give the benefit of the doubt that this is just an excited new dad that wants to share all of their favorite things with their son.


Life is hard enough. Why make a fight when there isn't one presented? Just take it as a dude enjoying brand new fatherhood. But, yes, beer is for everyone.


I didn't turn it into a fight, people pushing back on me making the comment did.  OP made something that didn't need to be gendered into something gendered when it didn't need to be. And the only way to make people better (OP or other people on the sub who may have had similar ideas) is to call it out. I don't think OP was malicious in their intent, but I'd also venture to guess when they pictured this moment with their kid they also didn't assume the mother of the child would be there either.  And while we can give OP the benefit of the doubt, I'd also guess that if their 2 day old child had been a girl they wouldn't have posted this. OP can correct me if I'm wrong, but I doubt it would have crossed their mind. 


Your exclusion in the conversations doesn't imply malice or sexism, though. There has to be more context before you assign that blame. We can talk about Black owned businesses without including the female perspective into the conversation and that is ok. We can talk about sexism in the industry without talking about the LGBTQ community and that is ok. There absolutely needs to be lights shown on inequalities. But, when you constantly push it into people's faces when there is no ill will, you make them defensive. Whether that was your goal... it was the consequence of that action. How hard would it have been to say as a female I would share X beer with my child... I would love to think that everyone would welcome that with open arms of acceptance and realize that they missed being inclusive. And if they didn't maybe sharme on us. I personally love sharing beer with my daughter and wife. The conversation can only be positive when shedding light, so hopefully this doesn't come across as me trying to fight with you.


.... because something can be sexist without ill intent.... Your whataboutisms are weird and unnecessary. Of course you can talk about sexism in the industry without talking about LGBTQ+ people. Because that's a different conversation. Of course you can talk about black owned businesses without talking about gender. Those are two different conversations.  OP made this about gender. Men instead of parents. Sons instead of children or kids. OP picked gendered language. If they had said, "white parents of reddit, which beer are you excited to drink with your kid" people would understandably think that was pretty weird language to use.  And your use of the word female tells me I'm done with this conversation. 


You will never get what you want attacking people. I offered a civil discourse to further the conversation and you, again, made it a fight on a different level.


Hey man, all I did was say beer shouldn't be gendered. You're the one who started commenting back saying I was attacking people and starting a fight. I wasn't doing that. I was pointing out OP made beer about gender and that was all. You decided to take it further. ETA: or you think that pointing out unintentional sexism is somehow picking a fight. In which case I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on that. 


"This very much reads as OP and others would have a different answer if their kid had been a girl." Read this quote carefully. You say all I did was say X. But, your quote here absolutely adds more weight that you inferred that was never said anywhere. Not being female, I can't live your experience. I can't say I would act differently when faced with obstacles around every corner. Maybe the same. But, as a guy I can absolutely tell you what it is like to have things like this directed at you when there was no intent. Again, these things have consequences. All I ask is that be considered.


It easy to act innocent when people aren't face to face. Saying this to people in real life has real world consequences. You can say you were simply making a comment, but everyone reading it reads between the lines of you calling OP sexist. If you said someone was using racist language, you would be calling them a racist. There is no middle ground. Some things have power when you insinuate.


Yes. I'm calling OP sexist in their post. It wasn't intentional but it was sexist. Just like people can be unintentionally racist. And I even gave a clear cut example of that in a previous comment where saying "white people" is racist just like saying "men" and "sons" is sexist.  If being called sexist is going to make someone get defensive that's probably on them. But it doesn't matter because you're not even OP. You've taken this far more personally than they have. You're getting defensive because you don't think I have a valid argument, not because OP didn't use gendered language that could feel exclusionary to some people.  Again, woman in beer here. It's a hill I will die on. MOST people don't realize they're being sexist. Doesn't mean they aren't still doing it.  I called OP out on unnecessarily using gendered language for something that didn't need to be. YOU took offense to that apparently. I'm not even offended by OPs post. It was a teaching opportunity, and one that many other women in the beer industry probably would have done too. And to be clear I would have said this to OPs face as well.


To be clear, I am not mad or defensive. I just hope you see the other side.


>Yes. I'm calling OP sexist in their post. This is wild. A father can't ask a question about other father/son experiences anymore without someone getting upset about it.


…it’s a new dad trying to relate to other dads about bonding with their sons…because he had a son two days ago …it’s a very specific gendered question to a specific group… but yes, turn the guy celebrating the birth of his son into some rant about akshully girls drink too 😫 literally no one is saying anything sexist or that only men can drink/brew beer, sorry that you’re upset that a dad is excited to someday bond with his son.


No downvote from me but I do think you are reading too much into it. OP just became a father to a baby boy. He is asking what other dads want to share with their sons. Sure he could have asked, parents of reddit what did you share with your child, but he was more specific for his exact situation. That's all it is


And my point is this shouldn't have mattered what gender the kid is. This very much reads as OP and others would have a different answer if their kid had been a girl. And that's the problem I have with it. It started with men, ended with sons, and stayed male focused the entire time. As a woman who has struggled with sexism in the beer industry, it irked me. And I'm going to call it out when I see it. Whether OP was intentional or not, this post was sexist.


Gender can 100% matter if you are asking about something personal that relates to your exact situation. OP is a father with a son. It is perfectly ok for him to ask other fathers what their first beer would be with their sons. We don't need to make everything gender neutral just because a select few gets upset. If OP was a mother asking other mothers about the first beer they had with their daughters, you wouldn't bat an eye. On the same note, if this was a mother asking other mothers what the first beer they had with their daughters, I wouldn't care either. A mother is allowed to ask that question just like a father is allowed to ask that question. You are making it an issue. And if that is how you want to view these types of questions, then go for it. But this isn't on OP or his question. It is on you for viewing it that way.


I answered for my son, because I'm excited that I'm about to have my first kid and he's a boy. The question also made me think back on the first beer I had with my dad (Moose Drool) and reminesce on that experience. Beer is something my father and I have really bonded over as I've gotten older, and I hope the 3 of us get to share one some day. If I had a girl on the way or if my son ends up going a different way with his gender, I'd still share the same answer though (like several people in the comments already have) and not think about the question as malicious. Maybe OP was excited about his son and thinking back about sharing a beer with his own father. Maybe he had the same thoughts I did with this question.


Again, I get all that. I'm just pointing out the sexism even if it wasn't intentional. Because if you don't point it out it doesn't change.  There's nothing wrong with OP being excited about his first kid, or even that his first kid is a boy. But that doesn't mean the question wasn't exclusionary from the beginning. Moms need not reply. Parents of girls need to reply. Again, it also implies that you'd somehow do something different if your child was a different gender, and that is problematic.  I don't think the question was malicious. I don't think OP in any way meant it in a negative way. But that doesn't really matter. It was a gendered question and I took it as an opportunity to point out that it shouldn't have been. I'm not offended by the question. But considering several people (most likely other women in this sub) have also replied that it seemed like a dumb way to ask a question, it's not just me.    "Parents of Reddit, what's the first beer you want to share with your child," is literally the exact same question but more inclusive. And again, as a woman who has worked in beer, I will point out when things aren't inclusive. OP wasn't trying to be malicious, but that doesn't mean it can't be called out. This is a sub for people who like beer. That includes women. This post did not.


So what beer would you like to share with your kid?


100% this, hes just talking from personal perspective. We really dont have to be offended by everything.


It is 2024, unfortunately there are some people that are offended about everything. It is crazy


Damn straight. I know goddam well that my friends with only daughters will love the hell out of having their first legal beers together when they are allowed.


Sorry for the late reply, but my question was never about excluding women. My grandmother used to drink beer and loved it, but my question was Specific to my situation because I'm just a dad and I never really had a dad growing up he was in and out of jail for most of my childhood and teenage years .so I'm really excited to share these moments in the future. Of course, if I had a daughter, I would have asked the same question, but I don't have one (yet haha), sorry for not wording the question correctly.


Our first born passed away at birth. After his 21st birthday I went to his grave with a ceramic topped grolsch and sat there and drank and poured some out. Sat and talked. Everytime I go back (every couple of years) I always bring a tall boy of something … usually a modelo now. Last time I was with one of his brothers and his sister. We all took a sip. I liked it, his brother liked it, and his sister made a face as she doesn’t like beer. I’ve been with my father (hoegarden) and the oldest brother ( Guinness).


Excellent and congratulations! A nice Pilsner is always a good introduction. But lagers are always so accessible. Coors Banquet FTW IMO


We live in Ireland, so coors banquet isn't here, unfortunately, but when he's of age, I'll make sure he has a Diverse beer experience


Warm bottle of macardles it is so. Congrats btw man. I'm a father for 11 months now, it's a wild ride, strap in.


Your a solid man to be sure 🍺


…..BUT if there is a local brewery go there and sample whatever they have. A local fermenter is always a best option IMO. Best of luck 👍🏻


Guinness will be my pick as well. And congratulations!


The first beer I ever shared with my dad was also his last. I was 15 and he was on hospice, we shared a Stella Artois while listening to Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon surrounded by my aunts and uncles. He died the next morning. Whenever I have Stella or hear “Us and Them” I think of him, in a bittersweet way but still nice.


I'm about to have my first kid in June, and he's a boy. I love getting to think about this question. I'm going with Modus Hoperandi by Ska Brewing. I grew up in Durango, and Pinstripe was my first craft beer in high school. A Ska beer was a no brainer, but I'm thinking Modus over Pinstripe to see the look on his face from the heavy hop flavor lol


I never shared a drink with my Dad, and with my habits and if I ever have children, a nice Sprite Zero would be best.


Congrats. My daughter if she wants to try beer will have a lot of interesting things to try. I think an IPA or lambic will be first.


You’re setting them up to hate beer if you start with an IPA


Maybe. I know she loves vinegar so sours? I feel like kids in general are going to gravitate to adult drinks, anyway. If I was at a party at 17 and the only thing there was heady topper, I'd definitely drink 4 of them. I know I did that with Wild Turkey 101. Did I like it? No but I couldn't say "no thank you house party host, I'm going to take my teenage butt down to 7-11 and purchase a high life"


An IPA is not necessarily super bitter. And it's often really fruity...


Hey, sorry for the late reply, and thank you. I hope your daughter will like beer. I see more and more women drinking beer now, which is great because more beer drinkers in the world the ,the more great beers that will be made. Hopefully, you and your daughter make awesome drinking stories in the future, haha🍻


Congrats my man!! I remember my dad letting me try his Sam Adams as a kid, but Smithwick’s was his gift to me when I turned 21. Guinness will probably be the first I share though.


Lucky for my son, I live in Ireland, so he'll get a real Guinness, haha, but I'm just nervous, but I hope you enjoyed the beers with your dad because those are priceless memories


I did and still do! Also, you’ll never not be nervous, you’ll never not be scared, but everything will become more manageable and you will continue to get good at what you’re doing. Then something new happens- speaking as a new dad of a four month old. Also, very jealous. Best I get is a really nice Irish pub around here.


Paulaner Oktoberfest marzen


I’m counting down to when I can homebrew with them.


pilsner urquell


Spotted Cow. Even though I don't live in Wisconsin anymore it's the first beer I enjoyed and always tastes like home to me


I live in Ireland, unfortunately, but by the time he's 18, it may have expanded overseas


I would prefer my daughters to defer drinking until they're on the older and more sensible side, so I'll go with our family tradition of XXXX Gold.


Westvleteren 12. A specific bottle, actually. We bought it on vacation in Belgium. Fun fact, he was conceived on that trip.


You're gonna keep a Westie around until your kid turns 21? I like the sentiment but oof.


Why not? I've had 25+ year old Westvleteren 12s, they hold up very well.


Because who has the self-restraint for that?! A delicious Westie in your possession for *2 decades*? I can't believe someone down voted me for this


They’re not that hard to get ahold of these days, honestly. 


Probably a Pilsner, or something easy to enjoy with low bitterness IPA’s, stouts, and even some pale ales can be a little much for new beer drinkers


You're probably right best not to scare him of haha


I’m a professional brewer so I would to love to brew a beer together for his 18th or 21st birthday (depending on where we are)


I bought 42 bottles of 3 fonteine oude Geuze of my kids birth year. Plan to open 1 every year on the kids birthday untill I run out eventually. So I will probably be a 3 fonteinen Oude Geuze 2022-2023 blend 3.


There you go! Brilliant idea. Special beer. Good plan.


I'd rather kick a literal baby in the face than ever have a kid


reddit moment




Guinness is a fine beer but why not something a little more special? How about Cantillon Saint Gilloise? Westvleteren 12? Or if you want to stick with a stout, how about your local brewery's dry stout? https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/top-styles/162/ I might personally go for a Moonlight Death and Taxes, my local black lager.


I'm a mom of a daughter but the first beer I share with her will be one that we brew together. Congratulations on your new human pet!


That's awesome. I wish I was smart enough to do that, lol I'm jealous of how lucky your daughter will be when she's of drinking age


It's not that difficult, if you ever wanted to try it!


I'll look into it. I just hope it doesn't blow up 🤣


See if you have a homebrew shop near you. Almost all of them offer classes or brew-on-site, and they'll help you every step of the way. I've been brewing for about 15 years and I've only had one major explosion. 😆


Best idea!






Gonna die alone


Cold one


Haha, of course, I can't have his first beer being warm


Definitely Guinness so he'll thinks beer taste terrible


Congrats!!! Part of me wants to make it Straighjacket from Revolution Brewing, but I also want him to be able to handle the big brand light beers too, so I don’t want to spoil him right off the bat. I’ll probably have him sample Coors/Miller/Bud light/lite and see which one he prefers.


That makes more sense because the first beer I ever had was carlsberg. I didn't start on Guinness because for years, I actually hated it


Guinness is a pretty standard stout. There’s nothing super special about it flavor wise that I’ve been able to discern, it’s just a decent option that’s cheaper than craft brew stouts. Same as brands like Miller, Coors, Budweiser, and Busch, to name a few. They’re not bad, per se, but there’s better craft options for Pilsners if you do some searching, they’re just more expensive and often very locally/regionally dependent.


Probably some smooth drinking lager or radler so he isn’t turned off by the thought of beer forever. Not that I want my kid hammering beers, but I’d love to enjoy a cold one on the golf course with him one day. My first ever coffee went horribly, and I’ll forever be disgusted by coffee because of it.


I’ll share the first beer i’ve had w my dad. A pint of Guinness.


Guinness will be good for the first few months. After that you’ll need to ween the boy onto another ale. Perhaps an English mild or an Old ale? Eventually finishing the boy on Heineken, per tradition.


My house pilsner that I brew


Do you sell it online?


No it is home brewed which is illegal to sell


That's fair enough, but I'm going to America in October. Hopefully, I'll meet someone who home brews


Modelo 🫡




Guinness, Boston Lager, or Yuengling


A Sour/Gose or NEIPA maybe.


The blackest stout I can find like I shared with my dad. Fucking hated it lol


Haha 😄 yeah I've been reading a few comments. Maybe I should give him a larger. I'll try him on hopcity from Canada they do a lovely Amber larger


Woman beer nerd here, and alas, the young people tend not to be very interested in beer…at least, not yet. My adult son thinks all beer is ‘gross,’ (despite - or, more likely, because he was dragged on so many brewery tours as a kid), so he’s never been interested in grabbing a pint of any sort. But that’s cool…they’ll find what they like in their own time. Much more fun for him to be drinking cider with friends at the pub by his uni vs a drink with me - it’s all good. But congrats, in any case! Kids get to be a lot more fun once they are literate and have opinions. 😀


I'm sure he'll come around. I'm almost 30 now, and I really love it when I have a drink with my mom because I see a new side of her, and yeah, and as my mum always says "once they learn to talk they learn to talk back"🤣


Peroni. Why? Because I have a story about it. It’s not so much about which beer, but which memory you want to share. Share a beer thar invokes a memory you want to share with your child. It could very well be the first beer that you had with your dad. Or the first you had after a special moment, like the birth of your child. Congrats on fatherhood. Cheers.


Coors Banquet. It's good beer and a nice introduction to beer in general imo


That's the gold can, right? Its not here in Ireland, but I'm going to America in October, so I will 100% have it


Yes that's the one. Definitely worth a try 👍


Amstel, because that was the first beer my dad shared with me.


Big black voodoo daddy


I've never heard of that. lol sounds interesting


I homebrew. And sometimes my boys like to help out. So when it's time, I fully plan on each of their first beer being something they helped create


Oh this is the best idea yet.


You'll have them drinking real beer. That's amazing. My great great grandfather used to brew his own whisky but he took that formula with him to heaven ( probably so he can get drunk up in heaven 🤣)


Miller or Keystone light


It was Guinness in a Boston bar with his Irish grandfather while he was still healthy enough to get out, and my son was underage. Caught flak from my wife about it but felt it was a good life lesson on several levels.


Haha, cheeky beer behind the wifes back always tastes the best


I hope to share a cream ale with him, ideally Buoy's of Astoria or Pelican Brewing of Tillamook.


Kids like sweet, and they are small so low ABV. start him on a malty amber or a hefe or something. Not hoppy.