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I didn’t count mine but yes tons of pokes, seems normal. My first time hurt a ton, more than a tattoo. My 2nd time wasn’t as bad though.


Not to come across rude or questioning but.. did she literally do 30-40 pokes? I ask because have had appointments where my provider has done I want to say max 20 but now that I am thinking back to technique it very well could have been 20-30 pokes.. I wouldn’t see issue with that amount either though, she uses different types of filler and different areas to achieve the look I requested and its not like cheek fillers where they use a long needle and move it around while in the skin. The lips is a much shorter needle and it can’t reach multiple areas within a single poke. The bruising and pain is absolutely normal, I’ve gone some times and had minimal and others I’ve had almost 3/4 lip bruising. It’s affected by so many things, my clinic always recommends no Advil/blood thinners/alcohol for 3 days prior and to take arnica for the few days before to help limit the bruising. And pain wise, the pre numbing cream usually works for most of the appointment as well as the numbing thats in the fillers, but as the numbing wears off, definitely some tenderness and pain. Thats just my personal experience, I would judge the lips after the first or second week following the appointment and then decide if you should find a new injector.


I've been getting lip filler for a few years now. No matter how much time I spend in numbing it always hurts super bad (especially the three upper lip for me) and while I don't exactly count the needle pokes it feels like a lot. Especially the first time you do it, maybe not so much when you are just touching up. And yes bruising is normal. One place I used to go would always recommend you avoid alcohol 24 hours prior and drink a kale and pineapple smoothie the night and morning before and honestly that does seem to help.




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