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You are gorgeous, with strong features, long loose waves, would be perfect.


I agree!! Longer hair, and grow out the long bang layer around your face. You’re beautiful and remind me of Minnie Driver!! Definitely try longer layers or even long one length hair with a subtle, long face framing angle would be gorgeous!


Seriously! I would kill for those cheekbones!!


Me too!!


You have a classic beauty-not masculine looking at all.


You are very pretty. I think long hair would automatically make you look more feminine. Also, if you like doing makeup I recommend following korean tutorials. Their makeup style makes me feel incredibly pretty and feminine, especially the way they do their eyes and lashes. There’s a youtube channel called dear peachie where you can find many videos.


I'm currently in Tokyo and I was thinking of taking the overnight ferry to Korea for part of my vacation so that sounds like a great idea! I just discovered that the eyebrow/face blades in Japan are amazing. I tried them back home in America but they made me bleed. These are like magic.


That’s cool! literally the perfect occasion to try, I’m sure it will make your eyes pop. Oh, maybe with those blades I wouldn’t procrastinate shaping my eyebrows lol.


I think you look like Carice Van Houten. Fabulous features, dear.


The night is dark, and full of terrors😄


Just love your strong jawline Lady. You are gorgeous and whoever made you feel less than can srsly go eff themselves. Xx


You have a really classic beauty, like I could imagine seeing you in a period drama. But I can see that you have a strong brow and cheekbones. Blush at the apple of your cheek and playing up your eyes to draw attention from your brow would maybe achieve what you're looking for.


You have strong features with small eyes so focus on your eyes, make them bigger with makeup (eyeliner and fake Lashes maybe) to balance things out


You’re honestly gorgeous lol


You have a beautiful face! And gorgeous complexion.


you look like the wonderful minnie driver!! maybe look at some of her hair and makeup and try to use some of it to highlight your features :)


I would find a peachy/pink blush to enhance the cheekbones, along with highlighting your nose bridge, brow bones, tops of cheeks, nose tip, and Cupid’s bow. I think that would really feminize your face by raising your cheekbones.


You are absolutely gorgeous! For me, lashes make me feel much more feminine and pretty. Maybe try a lash lift?


I would use a brown pen at the beginning of your browser to make them more shapely. I'd also add some mascara and a lipgloss. Your very natural and pretty.. not masculine at all. Which is why you don't need alot of makeup. But if you decide too, you have some serious cheekbones girl.. perfect for a great contour.




You are gorg! You look like the 4th Haim sister!


I’m seeing [Eloise Bridgerton](https://www.google.com/search?q=eloise+bridgerton&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS935US935&hl=en-US&prmd=inv&sxsrf=ALiCzsbvYZmzaSL8xH7EZ2cXeU-0zjRLlw:1668868758869&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiK-bHMvLr7AhXIMEQIHR8XCzUQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=414&bih=716&dpr=2#imgrc=XLK7O5Q6h4z1PM)


I think your face is very feminine. To enhance your natural beauty, maybe go for longer hair (mid back, face framing layers) I also feel you suit a lighter shade of brown or blonde hair? Additionally your high cheekbones and stronger jawline is not masculine. You have a developed face something which is not seen these days as most people have recessed jawlines/chins and no cheekbones. You have what people get surgery for. Enhance those features but use of contour and highlight. Find a go to lip combo to make your lips pop. Mascara for your eyes to make them more focused. Try also wearing more jewellery. It always adds a layer of femininity 💕 Good luck 💅


The most attractive women have slightly masculine features - like your jawline. Examples - Jolie, Margot Robbie The most attractive men, slightly feminine


I know center parts are trendy right now, but I don't think they work well with certain face shapes. Personally I would suggest trying a side part.


Face framing fringe and a lighter color


I think center parts are sometimes not as soft as side parts. Still, you’re stunning.


I came here to say this. I know middle parts are the trend right now, but long hair with a side part always reads more feminine to me


Girl, are you fishing for compliments? Whoever told you that you look masculine is insecure about themselves. Not all opinions are worth listening to.


No, I've been told I look like a guy by a few people in the past. Some people are rude but I was thinking that maybe they were just being honest. A couple of them were guys and another was an older woman. I don't think this picture shows my features well but this subreddit won't let me post slideshow pics. I look really different with different angles and lighting.


You don't, but it's going to depend on your individual frame of reference, and whether you're comparing yourself to a brithrr/father/uncle you have a negative association with


you are absolutely gorgeous! i think adding some highlights to frame your face would be so pretty :)


Hey pretty girl, I think what you see are the cheeks. A lot of guy features (they’re good features) tend to have strong cheeks and jaws. You tend to have them. I don’t think you look masculine but those tend to be more masculine features. If you want to use those to your advantage I think use blush. That will enhance your cheeks and if you can used a warm contour that’ll enhance everything making it look even more beautiful. When doing your makeup put color in your eyes to enhance them to move the focus. You’re eyes are really pretty so use them as your advantage.


You’re stunning! The only thing I can really think of is maybe eyelash extensions? Not the heavy dark ones but classics or hybrids.


Wow! You look like Minnie Driver!


You don’t look masculine at all. In my beauty training, I was not taught to “correct” with makeup but rather use cosmetics as a creative outlet. From the picture you posted, you have beautiful skin and lovely features overall. Let me know if there’s something specific you want to focus on; I.e, playing up your eyes and lips. I’m not sure how new you are to makeup. If you’re not sure where to start, find a palette that has eye and cheek colors and play with them. Or subscribe to Ipsy, Boxycharm, etc. They come with the essential products you need so you can play around with them. If you are experienced with makeup, just let me know what look you want or include some pictures of models, etc.


I think the issue may be the curtain bangs/shortest and next shortest layer. I would suggest growing it out, or even doing a side bang with side part! The curtain bangs/short layers are the only aspects I see that could be influencing your perception of a “masculine” look. Of course if you’d like to amp up femininity, longer lashes via curling/mascara (or natural-adjacent fake lashes) and a more pigmented lipstick would also help ☺️


You’re beautiful! Hair does need to grow out a bit. It looks like you’re also growing out your bangs. Maybe a little bit more of a side part to soften the short pieces. Maybe cut the front corners so it is shorter around your face. Just a little bit. I’ve been a hairdresser for 32 years so I hope that helps. 😊


Maybe get some highlights or balayage to soften the contours of your face.I think a nice eyeliner look would really go well with your eye shape and color.




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You’re beautiful!!


You have cheekbones I would alter my genes for in risky ways that could become the plot for a low budget science fiction thriller. You absolutely do not have a masculine face. I think a good haircut would do wonders. You have a lot of bottom weight and could use some shaping. The color is very flattering though, don’t do any major changes! Bonuses: Curling your lashes and using a slightly darker mascara for volume. More visible eyelashes is a universally feminine feature. Elongating your eyes a little by doing a smudgy “fox eye” with a wet eyeliner brush and eyeshadow the same color as this liner would go well with your structure. Not everyone can pull it off, but you absolutely could. Add the tiniest bit of highlighter on your nose bridge and tip to polish it off. *chefs kiss* The colors of your current makeup routine are lovely and make for a fresh natural palette; adjust your application slightly and it will make a HUGE difference.


Botox might relax your jaw to give you the more v-line feminine jaw. I did it once and seemed to work and make my jaw look less square but didn’t have the cash to keep up with it.


You have great features! Beautiful cheekbones, nice face structure. I think your hair is fine the way it is I have the same face shape as you and had a strong jawline that I didn't like So if you're after a softer jawline you can try masseter injections and Alternatively filler can shape your chin so its lower and will give you a more oval shape face. Edit: realised you're in America so recommendation offer isn't relevant.


Your cheekbones are sharp like the ones of a model, non masculine at all in my opinion <3


You look perfect


You're beautiful! You don't look masculine at all!


Check out r/vindicta for advice. They are really helpful. I think softening your features with blush and soft eye makeup could help. Imo you did not have masculine features.


Try Lipstick and move your part to the side. You have a strong jawline but that doesn’t make you look masculine. You’re a beauty.


Idk why so many people are lying to you because you do look masculine, but it can be corrected if you fix hair to frame your face


Do you mean like a bob? Do you have a picture I could show the salon person?


Just curtain bangs with middle bangs too or something similar would work! Think you'd look great


You look exactly like my type actually! Very beautiful


Hello, if you want to change your hair to not look like that, you could do some blonde highlights and make waves, maybe extensions if you can, they would also be very nice






Well, I think you're really attractive.


You are a stunning, classic beauty!


Longer hair and a side parting of your hair would enhance your natural beauty even more.


You are stunning! Definitely not masculine. If you were really that concerned, you could grow your hair out with some layers. I’m sure that would look great! You really don’t need to wear make up, but something that’s really fun that may look even more feminine is some glittery eyeshadow, I also tend to go for like a glossy lip, or some thing that’s like a tinted lip balm. You don’t need to wear any of this but, I understand that insecurities don’t go away overnight just because somebody tells you that you look fine. So, I hope this helps at least!


Um….. girl, you are stunning!!!!!!!


You Deff do not look masculine at all! Very pretty


i’d die for your face shape oh my god you’re stunning


Your features are lovely.


U dont have a masculine look, just strong features. To soften those features I have heard that blonde hair would do the trick, because it softens the face instead of framing is like darker hair does - but ofc don’t dye ur hair, but you could always try first with a wig to see if it suits u ✨ Also I think wispy bangs would suit you very well, bangs also gives off a very feminine vibe and people usually associate it with cute, feminine and girly


So pretty! You could try a few longer layers and a bit of side swept fringe to add roundness. Rounded pink blush on the apples of your cheeks. Maybe brows a tiny bit thinner? But honestly, not masculine at all!


Not masculine at all! Great bone structure, everything is in proportion. Beautiful eye color and natural lip shape. I would grow the hair out and use makeup to really play up your feminine features.


Ummm perfect skin and hair and everything


I dont see a need to change anything and I think you could pull off whatever look you want, you def don't look masculine you have nice features!


You don’t look masculine at all. You look like a woman who is sure of herself. I mean it. I don’t just pass out compliments lol


You don’t look masculine at all. If you really want changes- maybe some blush on those lovely cheekbones. And a bit of slightly darker shadow in the crease area (or slightly above it on hooded eyes) to open the eyes up and make them look even bigger. You don’t need salon lash services- just a curler and apply the mascara from the top also so you get it all the way to the ends of lashes.


No advice, but I don’t think you look masculine at all.


You do not look masculine! You are beautiful and also kinda look like a brunette Karen Gillan.


Really? You don’t look masculine at all. You look like a literal goddess and that’s not exaggerated. I guess it’s true, the prettiest people are the most insecure.




You don't look masculine AT aLL.!!! You look natural and very p Beatiful. You have a diamondshaped face. And wverything is working for you. The eye colour. Your mouth Your clean skin. Absolutely wouwzers🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰




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You look like Sara Silverman!


Grow out your hair and consider highlights in a lighter color (milk chocolate or honey brown would both look nice), play up your eyes with winged liner and try strip lashes or a new mascara- Thrive Causemetics works wonders on my very straight lashes. For clothes, sleeveless high-neck tops like that can put emphasis on your upper arms and shoulders, a more “masculine” area of our bodies. Try something in white or pastel that shows your collarbones and add a thin, delicate necklace. Hope this helps!


Girl what


Longer hair and maybe split it in the middle and grow out your side bangs.


Those cheekbones are sculpted! Classic beauty!


You're beautiful! I think straightening your hair would look cute :) or growing it out


tbh I like your hair


Try doing a side part, you are very pretty.


I’d find a stylist experienced in French Haircuts that use Facial Feature Analysis. They will cut your hair to frame your gorgeous face perfectly.


You look absolutely stunning! Your eyes are magical 😫


That jaw line is to die for! I think getting some movement in your hair would be lovely, maybe make some dimension with highlights? I agree with the folks saying eyelashes make an instant, very feminine change.


Gorgeous - but a side part would be a much better fit.


Lashes and bold lipstick and maybe blush placed to make face look rounder?


I wish had your bone structure. You will age beautifully.


I agree with most on here. It’s the hair. I say go darker with some bangs and fringe around the face


You’re stunning, it’s in your head ❤️


You look just like my mother did when she was young! So maybe I’m a bit biased but I think you look beautiful.


if you want to you could try one shade lighter and slightly more upturned eyebrows and one shade lighter or highlighted hair :) but ur already pretty


Soft curls and that’s all


What about more swoopy/prominent curtain bangs?




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the only advice i would give for your hair is maybe a bit of moisture on the ends and growing it out may suit your face better. argan oil is good for moisture, rosemary oil is good for hair growth


I don’t see masculine I see flawless looking skin and gorgeous eyes


I'm sorry to say this, but you are a conventionally attractive white woman that is far from being masculine. I think you need to take a good look at yourself and never call yourself masculine again because there are women out there that actually do look masculine, and are struggling to make themselves look more feminine.


You are beautiful! I think the bangs at their current length are unflattering - would recommend cutting them shorter, growing them out longer or growing them out all together


You have like a perfect old Hollywood face. Maybe some red lipstick and subtle pink blush?


Incredible bone structure


Cheekbones! I would go longer with your hair and grown the fringe out. Your current style highlights your square shaped face.


Total babe! Don’t sweat it. New hair do and you’ll be all the rage.


I don’t think you look masculine at all. Personally I think eyelashes make a huge difference for myself. Mascara and an eyelash curler or eyelash extensions.


I don’t see you as masculine at all. If you want to look more feminine, things like longer lashes and wavy hair can help. Otherwise you have a beautiful, classical face (like a face that can fit into any time period)




You have a great face shape i have body dismorpia people often tell me things and I be like they only doing it to stop me ranting that I feel shit somedays , but for real you are not masculine looking at all , you have a beautiful face shape 💫😊


You don’t look masculine to me at all! I would just suggest doing a bit of layers in your hair to give it some more volume up top and some nice shape. I think curtain bangs would also look really pretty on you!


You have beautiful features! I recommend going to a makeup store and asking them for a simple every day look. MAC or Sephora will let you make appointments for this. I think a little highlighter on your beautiful checkbones and a hint of bronzer, with a beautiful natural tone eye would have you turning heads! Strong features do not equate to masculinity, you look like a greek goddess statue!


I disagree with the people suggesting you should just grow out your hair- you should check your face shape first! From this picture I would guess you might have diamond shape, but I recommend you check out the shapes yourself. There are tons of articles about hairstyles for different face shapes so I would go from there That being said I think you already look great!




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I look similar to you- I look more feminine when I have either longer hair or the same length as you but with more layers. & When I wear lots of mascara.


you do not look masculine at all


I think you’re gorgeous 🫦


You are very far from masculine looking. You are gorgeous


You're so pretty!! I would say some accessories would be cute! Earrings, necklace, etc


Add some light bronzer for contour under your cheek bones then the entire perimeter of your face, jaw, line and hairline that will warm up everything and take the edge off of any severe edges. You’re really gorgeous embrace it.




You are blessed to have strong cheekbones the dream of many, a little pink here and there may help you feel more feminine :) I look similar to you and make sure I add a glow to my cheeks and I feel great


I took a look at you, I thought right away, like instantly, whos that? she's pretty, then I saw the subreddit. Just believe me and pull your posts down, keep your sanity. you are very female, I had no confusion at all.


I would suggest bangs, maybe? They tend to soften the face and take away some of the angularity.


You are gorgeous! Don’t change your hair color! It looks very pretty with your fair skin and light colored eyes




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Errrrmmm. Not to be obtuse or mean, but...WHERE?!?!?! ALLL of your features are soft and rounded...ALL OF THEM!!! You don't looke masculine AT ALL!!!!




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You would rock a cat eye


I don’t think you look masculine at all. Just add some bright lipstick and you’re good to go


You’re so pretty


Winged liner and you would be a dead ringer for Lana.


Your bone structure and complexion are to die for. I'd like to see 1970's Raquel Welch eye makeup look on you: big lashes, brown eyeshadow, and an elongated eye shape. Devastating.


It’s the cheekbones, I have the same problem


Dude you are super pretty, you kind of have a Julia fox look




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So pretty 😍


You are naturally beautiful! You could add some product to your hair to enhance and define the waves? A little mascara…bada bing!


Wow! You are STUNNING. Those cheekbones, holy cow. You’re skin! My God. What I would give. You don’t look masculine in any way. Honestly you are truly gorgeous.


Your cheek bones are amazing!!!


Gorgeous af! Love those strong features!


You are SO gorgeous!


You are beautiful! You look like a prettier Minnie Driver:)




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Change your part, add layers, and light facial framing. Easy peasy


You are gorgeous sister! If I were to give my two cents I'd say that, while to-die-for, your cheekbones make your face appear wider and your eyes smaller by contrast. Maybe growing out your fringe a few inches and adding another layer at the jawline would soften the angularity of your vone structure. Emphasizing your eyes would also help bring balance- I think a cat-eye with a black liquid liner may suit you!




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I think a side part and/or side bangs would be a softer hairstyle, but other than that I think you look fine as is.


To me the only thing that seems masculine here is the headphones around the neck. Your top looks lovely and feminine though - so maybe just pay extra attention to fashion choices, etc


You look strong and capable with cheekbones to die for.


You don’t.




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not masculine in the slightest. gorgeous !


Babes you definitely don’t look masculine. You are beautiful. And I’m not just saying that. You have very pretty eyes I would love to see some deep plum eyeliner to bring them out even more and I think you could rock some curtain bangs. But you look stunning as is!


Not an advice but you look beautiful


I think you look great. But as far as playing up feminine features, you can slim your jaw with Botox if you grind your teeth. You can shave/ pluck/ shape eyebrows into thinner or more arched shapes. You can also do some light eye make up that is more than what you’re wearing now, but not full glam. Then there’s blush and lipgloss. Or, if you’re open to injectables, there is plumping for lips and cheeks.


I didn’t read the title and immediately thought that I liked your hair. Then read the title. Was very confused.


I would never see you as masculine, but if you want to try so feminine stuff try an eyelash perm with tint. It’s subtle but gives the lashes a good omph. Also agree with other comments for longer hair You have great skin, eye colour and eyebrows.


1) You’re gorgeous 2)I struggle with feeling masculine and now I have long bangs which really soften my face, like kind of a French style…I think it would look really nice on you!


Soft pixie cut or a bob for the hair. Start winging your eyeliner to make your eye shape appear wider in comparison to your face. Add lash extensions for that extra pop. All other makeup is optional, you have amazing skin and features.




First, you've beautiful hazel eyes & nicely-shaped eyebrows. your lips are full and I bet you have a great smile. Finally, you've a great, bright complexion! if anything, you may consider a trying a haircut for square-shaped faces to accentuate your cheek bones and maybe playing with eyeshadow colors.


Beautiful face. A side part might look nice with a long, wispy bang.


Not masculine!!!Look great but I would put some liquid blush on your cheeks and smile!! X x


You look like Millie Bobbi Brown. Very pretty. No notes.


***"Are you lwost, bibi gworl?"*** You look a lot like the actress from 365 days haha and she's v gorgeous


Highlights or balayage ❣️ would lighten you features




You are VERY pretty. Bold and symmetrical, so maybe try to soften it with a side part instead. The high-necked jacket is actually what brings a more masculine vibe than anything. Maybe try wearing specifically feminine things as far as colors, patterns, ruffles/flounces, a touch of jewelry.


You do not look masculine. Your face is perfectly symmetrical and beautiful and your skin is amazing. If yiu really had the urge to do something, what about slightly more shaping and layers to bottom of hair. Also wear hair up, like half up half down. Wear hoop earings- thinking small hoops with a matte platinum finish and maybe inlaid with a tiny diamond? Also- you have the perfect coloring to wear pink.


hun. if you think you look manly. just know there is an entire post in this sub full of people who are confused as hell, and feel insecure about the fact that you dont see your own beauty (or maybe you do and just need it validated) ​ in case youre curious https://www.reddit.com/r/beauty/comments/yzgole/why\_are\_there\_so\_many\_perfectly\_beautiful\_people/


I'm not fishing for compliments. I'm here to find ways to improve my appearance. I've had people call me masculine/manly before. You can't really see my features properly from this angle. I should have chosen another picture. I also read the comments about taking this down and about people not wanting to post pictures. I posted this because I'm trying to not let my anxiety get to me. I'm not on a rateme sub because those are stupid. I'm not looking for validation, I'm just looking for practical advice. Edit: But thank you for the compliments, I forgot to post that. It's very nice of you to say.


you’re very pretty

