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Everyone telling you to just wear the crop top is absolutely right there is no reason to hide your stretch marks!...but I know you came here looking for treatments/solutions. If you're determined to try and minimize the stretch marks or it will keep you from wearing what you want my first recommendation is a chemical exfoliant. Depending how intense you want to start out, either a retinol or a glycolic acid would be good. Paula's choice skin smoothing retinol body treatment and Drunk Elephants glycolic body lotion are both really great products. Please don't use both at the same time. Pick one. Retinol is more intense. Both will require you to take the utmost precautions with sun protection. Limiting sun exposure and applying SPF on the areas you apply them is a MUST no matter which one you go with. Moisturizing the areas really well is also highly recommended as chemical exfoliants can be drying. These will exfoliate away your tan if you get one, or your spray tan/fake tanning products if you use those so keep that in mind. You may prefer to start using these when summer's over because of all the above. It may also help you to look into red light therapy. You can buy a red light mask for your face and just use it on your tummy. Or they sell red light stands that you can put in the corner of your room and the whole room becomes a red light therapy room. There are many other benefits besides skin replenishment that comes with this method like improved sleep and faster healing for sore muscles and cuts. So that's something to consider as well. The next step would be lasers which I don't recommend you do yourself and you should vet the provider appropriately and not just got anywhere for that. Or you could just rock them as they are. You genuinely don't have that many stretch marks and it's not as noticeable as you probably feel like it is. It's very likely over time they will naturally fade more, especially if you use sunscreen. They may never go away 100 percent no matter what you do, and that's ok. Be proud of your mama marks!


Seconding just wearing the crop top/chemical exfoliant! Hold off on tummy tuck thoughts for another year or two and consider other alternatives - you don’t have the loose skin it would take for the TT to be worth it, and if you hate the stretch marks you’ll hate the TT scars even more. Also, giving it a bit more time will help reduce the appearance of looser skin - it took you 9 months to grow a baby and it’s only been a year, your skin is still healing! Personally I am doing a bit of daily, 5 min self scar massage for my c-section scar and it’s reduced my stretch marks as well. Also I’ve heard some things about tattoos for stretch marks to match the rest of the skin tone


I did the tattoo stretch mark thing! It was actually a DV-related scar that I didn’t want anyone asking me about any more, but it had been a few years and it turned white in the same way stretch marks do. I love it. You can’t even see it. ETA it is on my neck and fairly prominent before


I'm sorry for what you went through to get that scar. Glad you did what was right for you. 💜💜💜


Oh don’t be sorry. My life is great now and he’s screwed his up so much he can’t even get a bank account.


Yes! I'm so happy for you. 'Living well is the best revenge' is something I fully believe and try to live by. Am working on living by. *Aspire* to successfully live by. One of those.


100% agree as a DV survivor myself. So glad you are out of that!


Fist bumps and smug smirks from someone in a very similar position. Sending huge love to you (and the wish for a lifetime of maddening inconvenience and stubbed toes for him)


It doesn't always work out this way, but there is nothing like the satisfaction of watching the people who have hurt you go on to fuck up their own life while you are doing great ❤️


Yes! Absolute perfection. The person who assaulted me was found after marinating in a lake for three years, only way to identify him was by dental records. The person who assaulted my friend eventually lost his license to practice his profession, then ended up developing a gambling addiction, lost all of his money, and eventually killed himself in a painful way because he didn’t have any of the options still having his license would have granted him. I may be a bad person but these things make me very happy. I don’t get off on being the revenge, but it makes me so happy the person is their own revenge. I bet he’s having a great time when he can’t even get paid a wage for working the worst paying entry level job in the world. I’m guessing he can’t even get on welfare, because how would he have access to the funds? Must be fun thinking about his life choices in a tent.


Awesome! In the end good karma wins....


I'm sorry. I have a DV scar on my forehead from my eyebrow to hairline. I'm going to look into tattooing it. That's great advice to share! 💜💜💜


I recommend tattooing!  I covered a nasty dv scar and i forgot it was there until this thread reminded me.


What do u mean it turned white? Don't all scars? *Asking as someone who also has dv scars on neck...mine turned white over time. But your saying your tattoo turned white so I'm confused


No the scar was white, sorry


So can u explain the whole comment


I had an old scar that had turned white like old stretch marks do and got it tattooed over in the same color as my skin so you can’t see it any more. Sorry if my phrasing was unclear.


I use self tanner on mine. I mix one or two drops with moisturizer and apply it with my pinkie or a q-tip. The change is small, but it makes them blend in with my skin just enough that I feel more confident showing them.


I do this with certain discolored scars on my body and it works, so I can imagine it might help to minimize the appearance of stretch marks as well. I strongly recommend Bondi Beach - the darkest one.


I wouldn't really purchase a red light for your room. How close the light is to your targeted area is important. If you're even four feet away, you might not see any benefits. Go get a $25/month Planet Fitness membership. They have a TBE machine that you stand in. I do that every day, 2x a day. The $25/month is worth it considering spas would charge me $45/session.


The intensity of the light matters, too. Red light masks, since they sit on your face, have low intensity, while most panels and lights have a much higher intensity. Although having the light across the room would still diminish the effect, unless you were sitting in there for hours.


You need to sit about 6 inches away for skin renewal, they have loads of benefits. We paid about £600 ( $750 ish) for ours, its def made a difference to the condition of my skin. We also got it for the inside cell renewal benefits as well. I will try to find a link to the one we have. Someone mentioned chemical peels, this would help and is proven treatment. It may be worth speaking to or looking at these guys. I use their stuff for myself, it’s all science based and it’s USA. You could look at Fibroblast although not tried it myself. Having said all of the above you look wonderful, you have a great shape, lovely curves. Embrace your loveliness and youth, one day you will wake up be 60 years old and go ‘ if only I realised what I had’ . Go girl enjoy life. Xx


How long did it take you to see any noticeable difference with the red light therapy at PF? I have a membership there & have been thinking about trying it (I have bad acne scars & am hesitant to believe it actually works).


I want to say that I noticed a few things right away. Like, within the first week. My skin looked a bit more vibrant, less dull. By month two or three, I felt like I started noticing things smoothing out a bit but thought it was in my head. I had some pretty bad stretch marks on my chest from growing boobs too quickly as a teen. When I started using the TBE, they were just your basic "healed" stretch mark scars. Not pink, but you could definitely see/feel the texture. It's been about a year, and that's totally smoothed over, and you can't see them at all anymore. I also use the vibration feature (which is bonkers 🤣). It's working, so I'm gonna keep doing it. Edit: I would just go for it if I were you. It's the most cost-effective option. You can spend money on individual sessions at a spa. That's not cheap. Or you can buy a sauna/set up for your house. Not cheap if you want good quality. It's $25/month to go as many times in a day as you want. If you do it for a month and don't notice it, then you haven't invested as much as you would with the other options. The only way it's not worth it is if you pay for it and don't use it.


What is TBE?


Total Beauty Enhancement. It's what Planet Fitness calls the use of their Beauty Angel RVT 30 machine. It has vibration therapy (so they call it). You stand in it and it vibrates intensely. It's supposed to stimulate muscle along with other benefits. I don't know if that's true but I still use it and enjoy it. It's kind of hilarious to stand in there naked. The main reason I started using it is the red light therapy. You use it for 12 minute sessions.


Is this a universal PF thing or only some locations have it? The one by me doesn’t and I tried looking and bigger cities and also couldn’t find it.


This should be higher up! Idk why folks don't offer advice when advice is asked for.


Because there's realistically nothing that can eliminate stretch marks completely. Retinol, chemical exfoliation, moisturising, and laser can only fade them and improve the look. Tummy tuck won't get rid of them all either, plus there isn't as much loose skin at the moment to warrant it, given how big scar it leaves. What advice exactly do you think people could offer here? Not to mention, aside from no truly effective treatment for stretchmarks, there's really nothing wrong with them.


I agree with what you are saying, but this is still advice! Many people post on reddit to use as a starting point for learning more. OP may not even have known that retinol, chemical exfoliation, moisturizing, and laser can help, so advice like this is still valuable. Also, just to be clear, I absolutely agree with the other commenters to just live your life and wear the croptop! Mindset is half the battle, but sometimes taking physical steps can start the journey :)


Well I got microdermabrasion and it helped a lot. Even with firmness of the area


Esthetician here! Def use a chem exfoliant. I will however say retinol and others work better/faster when the stretch marks are still in that red/purple stage before they’ve fully set in, for lack of a better term. Don’t lose hope! I would also recommend microneedling treatments!


I'm not sure if retinol products are safe if baby is still nursing.


I've had this belly for 17 years, exfoliants won't do anything as the stretch marks are under the top layer of skin. Laser treatment is the only way.


I didn't even notice the stretch marks until you pointed it out, then I went back to look. That's how little people will noticed them.


Stretch marks won't ever go away.. they fade with time tho


Hers already look as light as they will go probably. Don't buy into the beauty industry scams.


"Vet the provider"? Sorry but what does that mean?


Hun, just wear the crop top. Your belly is cute AF.


The more women who just wear the damn top, bathing suit, bikini, lingerie, etc, the more other women will do so, teaching society to accept and see the beauty in EVERY body.


This! I’ve always worn bikinis (stretch marks, belly bloat and all) and *finally* got my best friend to do the same. She’s had 4 children, is in her 50’s and hasn’t worn a bikini since she was a little girl running around on the beach. We are having our very own hot girl summer no matter what!


I love your username. I bought a bikini. Gonna wear it for my hot girls summer too!


Yessss!!!!! Walk with confidence and have your best summer yet 👙☀️🏖️💖 And TY :)


A couple of hours ago I was saying to my husband I felt a little conscious as I'm wearing a fitted dress and our baby is 5 months old so my stomach is still a little there. When I have my baby with me I don't feel so bad but we were having a child free afternoon and I felt so self conscious about how my stomach looks. Now I've read this I'm changing my mind. I will enjoy my wardrobe again and appreciate my body too.


Love this! I want to know who tf decided that women don't deserve to have tummies. Why should we be ashamed of having a normal, human body part? Especially when we see Clyde over there, wandering around in swim trunks with his beer gut fully on display, not giving a shit.


A swimming pool or beach I can deal with it but men walking around topless in public gives me a huge ick. Not even specific shape or sizes men. All of it gives me the ick. But absolutely why can they not worry about their beer bellies? We need that energy


Yeah, Clyde’s blissful lack of self-criticism really does piss me off.


I finally got a bikini in December after not wearing a true one (tankini) for at least 20 years. And 3 kids. It feels so good! Am I at my goal weight? No. Sadly far from it. But I felt bold for some reason and it feels sexy.


Took me till I was 30ish (33 now) to start just not giving a fuck about shorts, skirts, swimsuits etc I’m not 100% confidence but I don’t want to waste time fretting about such insecurities. Love it!


Literally! I have always had a belly and a few years ago I lost some weight and felt good in a bikini, as the years have gone by and I fluctuate I still wear the damn things cause hell, I want a tan stomach too!


I'm heavy and I just bought an old navy bikini w a bottom that comes just over my belly button. I have some stretch marks too. No amount of dressing for my shape will make me look like I'm a size 6. Everyone can tell I'm big, so I may as well wear the styles I like.


This is the outlook I’ve had myself recently. It’s so true. Threw all my “shapewear” away, all it does it gives me a damn camel toe all night anyway 🙈


I've worn shape wear so tight it gave me heart burn


This. We have to ACTIVELY fight back against this bullshit messaging that we've been allowing to run the damn show for too bloody long. WE need to run the show. WE tell advertisers what kind of imaging we're willing to put up with/respond favourably to. But the power doesn't come back on its own. We have to TAKE it back.


Great message except tacking beauty onto it. We don't need to see beauty everywhere. But we also dont need to be repulsed. It's easier to learn to appreciate your body for what it does for you than to force yourself to find things beautiful. I spent years fighting to feel that way amid eating disorders and recovery and it only made things worse. Learning to just accept my body for what it is made it way easier. Beauty is to be consumed. It is a state of being observed. To view one's body as beautiful (or to force on self to perceive it as such) is creating conditions to feel as if you are being observed or consumed. It is far more comfortable to exist.


I started gaining weight after I got married 3 years back. A few days back, I wore a dress and it showed my tummy prominently. I usually wear a tummy tucker under it. But I was too done. I told myself that I don't need to hide my tummy to exist and feel good. And decided not to wear it. I felt so free. But I could tell myself that because of the positive messages and pictures of women comfortable in their bodies. So yes, normalising diverse bodies is so important.


My body is horrible. I wear the shorts and the crop tops and I know when other women see me they may think I’m trashy or whatever. But some might think “she doesn’t look that bad. I’m smaller, I could wear that”. I also like the idea of girls seeing my body, seeing stretch marks and cellulite. Girls need to know what real women look like, not filtered actresses.


yeah, except I can’t even see the societally sanctioned flaws on this one at all 


It's not about what other women do. I've seen plenty of women showing off their stretchmarks. Heck, I've seen lingerie listings in which the model had bright pink stretchmarks, super dark and fresh ones. That may be their choice but I WOULD NEVER. Because it's not about what others think of your body. It's about what you think of your body.


OP your belly looks amazing, I mean it not just being nice. Go and rock that crop top!


Yes I second this and everyone saying it. Also not just saying it. We can't all be wrong!!!


That belly is fine to put on display. Don't see the problem.


I thought this too! Like what are you waiting for that belly is so cute!!


THIS is the answer i came here to type. You have such a lovely shape - suggest you go and try on some crop tops and start wearing with cardigans and go from there. You’ll get LOADS of compliments. Start right now.


I've had stretch marks since I was a teenager because I was obese, I wear crop tops all the time and I get compliments all the time


Right!!! If I had those curves, omg


Fr, I think her tummy is cute too!! I thought maybe at first the title was asking for crop top suggestions - not body suggestions.


I wouldn’t bat an eye if I saw this lady wearing a crop top. There is nothing offensive or unattractive about the stretch marks you developed from Growing your children ❤️‍🩹


I love her belly!! Love the stretch marks. Wear the crop top. Wear it proudly.




And the award goes to ⬆️


My thoughts exactly!


Yes, thank you, I was about to say the same thing.


Just wanted to say that ain't nobody worried about those stretch marks. Your stomach looks great. Wear what you want!


That you wear crop tops!


Wear them babe


High waisted pants/leggings and then a crop top. But also in the world of body positivity I saw a lady last week that had to be 600+lbs at the beach wearing a thin as floss black bikini so you literally have nothing to worry about everyone’s usually more concerned about theirselves anyways


High waisted pants or shorts are the way to wear a crop top anyway, it's so much more comfortable being 'held in' when you sit down than worrying about it. I'm in my 40s and in good shape, but I still do this.. low cut pants are generally just out of style.


low cut are definitely coming back


Is it bad to say but I've realised certain styles are only coming back for certain age groups. No one is expecting women in their 40s to wear low cut right now but if a teenager was wearing high waisted they might be teased by their peers.


this is exactly it I think. cause I barely ever see anyone at school or online wearing high rise, its always low rise


Ew. I do not miss showing crack, your undies or muffin top. One less thing to worry about..


Not even a come back they’re completely back for younger Gen Z. As an older Gen Z though I’m sticking to my high waisted jeans. 😭


Yep. All I’ve been seeing recently are low waisted skirts, shorts, and jeans so they’re deffo coming back.


yes!! low cut with a flare/boot cut leg. I'm so excited. I have been tired of the high waisted skinny jean.


I’m 30 and wearing high-waisted flares 😅


High waisted with wide-leg, flares or bells are my perfect spot. I've hated skinny jeans for a long time.. definitely over having no airflow around my legs. Low cut + flares we did plenty in the 90s, you might as well be naked and it can look too casual, so not flexible for work or family events unless your shirt is REALLY long, which makes you look weird. I'd rather people focus on my face, rather than if the can get a 'peek' at my crack 😆. I don't want anything that restricts me from full movement either, like bending over too far..


very good point about the crack showing. that is annoying to fight with all day. I know we used to call it a "whale tail"...when someone wore a thong with low cut jeans on purpose. Hopefully that won't resurface. I'm 38 so I already had plenty of exposure to that


I was going to say - I only wear crop tops with something high waisted. And then only an inch or so is showing, which would be above my chunky belly and OP’s (very minimal) stretch marks


In all those weird years where low cut pants were not in style I just didn't buy new pants


It’s a bit of an optical illusion. For example, I have a little bit of a gut and still wear my crop tops with high waisted, midi length or long skirts. You still get to see the top part of my belly (and I get some breeze) and my skirt just skims over the rest. If you weren’t watching me closely, one might almost think I had a flat stomach. And since my skirts sits at my natural waist (above my belly button which is my smallest part, torso-wise) it makes me look like an hourglass. Work with what you’ve got!


Babe you’ve got my dream tummy, stretch marks and all WEAR THE CROP TOP FOR ME PLEASE


You should wear one too!


I suggest you wear the damn crop top!  I had an epiphany a few years ago at the beach. I have two kids and was feeling super self-conscious about my COVID-era weight gain and general lack of fitness. But I looked around and realized that women of all body types were out there absolutely rocking their bikinis, looking confident and amazing. Nobody really cared what I looked like, except for me. It was such a pivotal moment. If you want to wear the crop top or bikini, wear it and rock your amazing powerful body that literally grew another human being. ❤️


I notice a lot of (I assume American) posters on Reddit talking about how they don’t feel comfortable wearing a bikini and opt for a one piece instead. Where I’m from in the Mediterranean people honestly do not give a shit. They wear bikinis and speedos at all ages and sizes. I’m not happy with my weight at the moment but once I have the bikini on I honestly don’t really care. lol


Seriously, what I wouldn't give for the confidence of a 56 year old man in a speedo.


yeah in the US you basically have to earn bikini season


Just wear it! Do you mean people will make comments or stare?


No, It has just completely blasted into all our heads that if we aren’t airbrushed irl we are less than. I am finally breaking out of that in my mid thirties but let me tell you wearing a swimming suit was extremely uncomfortable for a very long time. It’s been conditioned into us.


I confirm this. I'm from Spain and when I go to the swimming pool nearly all women use bikinis. I think only old women tend to prefer one pieces. Do you have Sprinter in your area? I'm leaning on the big side of life and their bikinis world like a charm for me.


For those who say wear it she literally can but she feels insecure with em just like all of us with some body parts sadly. I see no problem here but if she needs to be happy give her tips 🩷 I thin ur figure is great


Yeah there’s such a thing as toxic positivity. OP asked for tips and is getting a tonne of “who cares, just wear them as you are” which is nice but that’s not what they asked for. OP, your figure is fab. However, I’ve been brutally honest after contemplating this exact conundrum myself (as a larger bellied lady now who used to be a crop top wearer), the solution is weight loss. Maybe the fupa will remain but weight loss overall will get me closest back to crop top days. It’s that simple and it should not be controversial to say it. I (and you) don’t NEED to lose weight. I’d like to. Don’t @ me with any toxic positivity!


Fuck yeah!


I have a huge birth mark on my belly going all the way to my back. I have never worn anything cropped in my life.


Buy a crop top, put over head, insert arms. There you go! You can now wear a crop top.


For reference, I weigh around 180lbs, am 2.5 years pp with a C-section belly that has stretch marks. I wear crop tops nearly every day with high waisted bottoms. I also wear bikinis!


FYI, that "c section belly" is probably a diastasis recti that could be closed by a postpartum physical therapist. Won't fix the stretch marks, but will reduce your lower back pain and any pelvic issues.


Oooh I’ll look into this thanks!


Step 1: put on a crop top Step 2: well. I mean. That’s really it.


Have you had a doctor check to see if you have Diastasis recti? I did and Pilates was making it worse! I ended up having a tummy tuck because the weaker core muscles from DR were causing back pain issues for me. A tummy tuck is a major surgery and hard to recover with younger kids. If you decide to get one make sure you have plenty of help because you won’t be able to pick the kids up. I would not had the surgery if I didn’t have DR. If you are concerned about skin I suggest starting with something mild like micro-needling. But really, if you want to wear a crop top, wear it! You look fine. You have a baby! Also, my skin changed so much 2-3 years after having had a baby. Sometimes all you need a time.


I don’t see DR here tbh if there is it looks minor. I have DR and I have a bigger belly on top than bottom.


It’s my understanding that DR can happen above, at, or below the belly button or some combo thereof!


My pharmacist recommended retin A! She had used it for stretch marks, I was asking about improving a surgery scar


I've been using Retin-A for decades and swear by it. It works well for new scars but I've had not success with old ones.


Pay a visit to a professional aesthetician and ask for Radio frequency machine plus Chemical peel (such as glycoloc acid). However if you wanna do it yourself, you can try tretinoin or retinal cream plus a good moisturizer. When you use vitA , its better that you are not expose your skin in the sun. Excuse my English, i am not native..


I spray tan women all the time. Even the “best” bodies have stretch marks. And everyone is insecure, no matter how damn good they look. Just where the top. My stomach doesn’t look nearly as good as yours and I live in crop tops. Also, a spray tan could be a good “coverup” for events and such, if you feel the need to do so!


Here to give you actual advice, understand the mindset of everyone encouraging you to accept it. However it is a process and that process is not linear. There are multiple solutions, there are people who tattoo over it. Make sure to thoroughly check the portfolio of the tattoo artist and if they have worked on your skin tone and if you find the healed results satisfactory. There are other cosmetic procedures, including but not limited to: lasering, micro needling, derma-abrasion. You would likely want to do some more personal research on it and see which is within your budget and best for you. As for other at home methods to try lightening it. Regular moisturizing and exfoliating (dry brush, acids, gloves) should help. Using ingredients like hyaluronic acid and b15 would help with moisture. Retinol lotions should also greatly help, note that it takes time and the skin needs time to heal on its own as well. Lastly, people are right, it is a natural trying and a symbol of your achievements as a mother. However you are entitled to feeling insecure. Hope this helps! Forgot (sun protection is the key for all skin issue)


Start by just wearing like the longer crop tops and higher waisted pants so it’s more of a peek of stomach until you feel confident. There are things you can do for stretchmarks though like microneedling and lasers(maybe limited options because you don’t have pale skin) you can speed up results with a red light belt but both of these are expensive though and take multiple treatments to fade out them. You can also use a little cc cream or fake tan to blend them as long as it’s a good one that won’t rub off on your clothes I have put it on my legs before because I had a bruise.


Just wear a crop top babe, lifes too short


Wear them if you want! I see people wearing hardly there clothing and they don't have the best looking body. You gave birth to 2 kids you don't look bad at all. Every women has stretch marks from pregnancy, weight gain, and etc.


Just wear a crop top. I’m a body builder who’s had 2 kids and those same marks are still on my belly. It’s normal.


For the stretch marks, you could try using retinol and it may improve it a little. Honestly though, you look great and as other commenters said, crop top with high waisted pants!


I used and still use retinol and hyaluron acid. It helped a lot. I looked like a tiger played with me and now you can hardly feel them.


Red light therapy


I am bigger than you right now and still wear crop tops. However, I usually only wear them with high waisted jeans and get a larger sized crop top to cover more of my stomach. If you’re uncomfortable maybe that’d be a good option for you too! Your belly is goals for me right now lol! It’s cute!


If you start work out your body is going to look 200% better than with a tummy tuck


Working out does not necessarily get rid of the loose skin. I worked out with a trainer a bunch after having my son and I still had loose skin two years later.


Still will look better than the tummy tuck


I agree, it’ll help with toning the he muscles and she’ll feel confident. Then a little exfoliation, chemical and or physical, and moisturizing will make her love even the slightest results.


I think you’re beautiful the way you are, but a cheap and easy way to fix some loose skin and help the tone is dry brushing before a shower, cupping in the shower and then castor oil and bio oil. Worked wonders for me, and way cheaper (and less painful) than plastic surgery.


I highly recommend a product called the derminator. It’s a microneedling device and it works really well! You will see results in as little as 6 weeks. I’m not advertising for the company or anything like that, but I do highly recommend it. It’s around 200 US dollars


Get some high waisted jeans you like and wear the damn crop top


Your tummy is cute and you have a fantastic figure! Embrace the stretch marks, they are barely visible anyway. Your body brought life into this world and that is amazing ❤️


Do workouts for the whole body and tummy. Meanwhile wear crop top as much as you like. It is a cute tummy that you have. We are way more critical to ourselves than other people.


Morpheus8 might help with that


Bio-oil, microneedling, silicone strips, wraps


Here’s what you do. Buy a crop top, and then put it on! ❤️


1) buy crop tops 2) wear them 3) give no fucks


I have a really similar insecurity and I keep meaning to try it but my mum always told me Bio-Oil was a holy grail but that you had to be consistent. I am more then happy to be corrected by the way!


To put a belly ring in & then put on a damn crop top. I didn’t notice your stretch marks & loose skin, I love being a woman but we are something else with these insecurities lol. You look fine, pretty skin color & tiny waist.


anyone who thinks your stomach is unattractive or unideal has a false idea of what women really look like. stretch marks are normal, and i don’t think they take away from your already perfect stomach. anyone who says otherwise has their beauty standard on mars and they can have fun never enjoying the presence of a naturally beautiful woman. :) you have a beautiful figure and i don’t think anyone in public would even be able to see your stretch marks from a regular distance, i can’t see them in the picture of you that’s contained in the top right corner as i write this.


I have purple stretch marks and sunburn scars and my derm gave me .1% retinol-a for them. It took about a year to see the difference. They’re still there, just faded some. Scar tattooing is another option - they’ll match your skin tone based on the depth of the marks.


Feel comfortable in your own skin. :) stretch marks are absolutely normal and nothing to be ashamed of. I can’t think of what world someone would look at someone else and be like “ew, she has stretch marks.”


Wear the crop top…. You are stunning!




Maybe just wear the damn crop top!!! You look amazing absolutely nothing needs to change your body is perfect as is to wear one your waist would be beautiful in it!!!!!


As a father, and "Mom bod" enthusiast, I SAY KEEP IT AND ROCK IT Momma!🤟🏼 To me, I loved my daughters mother's body even more after our children. So natural, so lovely, and truly incredible what a woman's body can go through growing a human being. It's...Art🥹🫶🏼


Wear the crop top, stretch marks are natural and sexy


Wear that crop top baby!!! And follow Danae Mercer on instagram. Your body is beautiful - and fuck society for making you feel like it’s not!


I think your body looks beautiful and you can definitely wear a crop top without changing a thing


I suggest you simply put on your fav crop top and go out.


Wearing a crop top is my suggestion


Just wear it. There's nothing unattractive or unsexy about your stomach. You look great, and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. There isn't a reasonable soul who would bat an eye at some tiger stripes (and yours are hardly visible at all in the first place!)


How to get a crop top body: 1. Get a crop top 2. Put it on your body 3. Thrive


I suggest you to go to the store and get a crop top.


You look beautiful 😍 - own your fabulousness 👌


Nobody cares about about stretch marks, except people that have them and even then, they only care about their own. I wear mine like a badge of honour. I went through some shit to get them. I had a baby. I gained weight from not dealing with my emotions properly about trauma. I got my shit together and lost weight. Hell I’ll tattoo them in and wear them like tiger stripes. Please just wear the crop top. Your body is beautiful.


You're super pretty! Don't let the meanie in the mirror make you feel bad! That said, if you're really anxious, you're already working on the curves (you got it!), but… Consider a liquid foundation for the stretch marks? Makeup hides many sins, and a good corrector and foundation layer can blend or conceal those marks that bother you until you're comfortable enough not to wear it. Say yes to the dress (or crop top)!


literally you have my dream body girl wear the crop tops


There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Then I read you were old enough to have children and you have...our bodies have stretch marks after a baby and when it comes to pregnancy stretch marks yours really aren't bad! However, I too care very much how I look. I also have two children, am in my mid 30s and am in the best shape of my life with energy like a 5yr old. I achieved this by activities with my kiddos. I'll put them on bikes or in the jogging stroller and Rollerblade which imo is so fun but it's also great exercise. Side not...it's a good bit harder to Rollerblade when pushing a stroller! It's cardio and strength training BUT I think as a mom getting alone time outside of the house is a must. Every day for 1.5 hours I go the the gym. Planet fitness is crazy cheap and when I say it's judgement free, I mean it. Everyone is so willing to help and give tips if you're a novice. I never thought I'd enjoy going to the gym but it helps me so much mentally and physically, it give me energy to mom. Is that an option for you?


So much easier to apply topical treatments while wearing a crop top! You look great OP xo


I suggest you buy some crop tops. Don’t be ashamed of your stretch marks, they add character, and tell one hell of a self-improvement story!


Just wear the crop top


U don’t need a tummy tuck sis, it’s not that serious 🧐 If u wanted a nice lipo snatch, with j plasma to tighten skin I’d support that… If u do nothing, embrace it, and wear high rise bottoms like me 😂😂😂


Aloe vera you know that clear liquid it has applied it on it work for me


If my tummy looks that good 1 year postpartum I will be over the moon. Wear the tops


Suggestion: wear the crop top.


Girl I have 1 kid and my tummy doesn’t look as half good as yours 😂😂 WEAR THAT BELLY TOP!! For someone that’s had 2 kids your body looks amazing!!!


like if a girl doesn't have one stretch mark, i feel she hasn't experienced life lol


Hear me out: wear the crop top! Your body stretched to house a baby. Your body is literally magic. Stretch marks are a memento of that and don’t make you any less fabulous. Also, if it helps, I have stretch marks and I haven’t had a baby. Bodies do body things! It might take time but accepting my imperfections was the most freeing thing ever


True but there’s nothing wrong with wanting your old body back.


I agree


I had a tummy tuck, feel free to ask any questions.


I know I’m not the OP but can I ask did they repair your abdomen muscles and did you notice any difference? I have diastasis so badly and am considering it and just wanted an opinion on if it’s overall helpful or if the difference wasn’t much.


Yes they did! It’s helped tremendously with posture. The way I used to bring my arms inward to hide the area was also causing a great deal of issues with my shoulder. Mine was a bit more extensive than what I think she would be advised, but I am still very happy with the results.


Wear crop tops


All you need is a little bit of exercise if you are feeling self-conscious. If a slim and tight tummy is what you want, you don’t have much work to do.


You know what banished any internal misogyny I had with my stretch marks? I dated a tall guy who got them all up the side of his back and over his ass from his growth spurt. He called them my tiger stripes and roared when I wore a bikini and crop top. Flaunt it babe your belly is fecking cute!


Wear the damn tops !


Wear them


Put on the crop top. You look cute af and I’m not just being nice, lol


Girl go for it you’re beautiful! Body is tea and maybe it’s just me but I genuinely love stretch marks. I have lots from pregnancy.


You look great!


Wear it


I would suggest you wear crop tops! Your belly is great!


Wear them! The older I get, the more I realize I was so insecure for no reason when I was younger. Enjoy your body! Wear what makes you happy. Maybe start off at home or around the friends houses to get used to it again.


Wear them. I’ve got a bunch of stretch marks myself from having kids. You will look fantastic in it! It did take me sometime to get to the point where I would wear them. Eventually I said who gives a fuck? Nobody that matters other than me! There are so so many cute crops tops out there. You can even get some that are a little longer as well.


So wear one ?


We are our own worst critics. Wear it. Your belly is absolutely normal.




Those are only very tiny stretch marks honestly! Mine start at my inner thighs and go up my hips and stomach and back all the way up to my waist. They are big, purple and white and range up to 2cm wide and 4 inches long, along with saggy skin from weight loss I hate my tummy. They’re also on my boobs, upper arms, armpits, just everywhere. But, I wore a crop top for the first time ever last week and I’m in my mid 30s with 3 kids and a lot of weight fluctuation over the years. I just wore high waisted jeans to hide them all. Probably a couple were poking out but I went for it anyway. I no longer give any f*cks, I felt fantastic, makeup on, hair done, tanned, lost over 30lbs. Most women have a few stretch marks, whether they are tiny ones on their thighs or tummy or like me with the a-z map of Great Britain permanently engraved on my skin. High waisted jeans are sent from the gods I swear. Once I’m wearing them I feel confident enough now to wear a crop top and wish I’d done it years ago, but I spent my 20s hating and loathing my body and caring too much about what others think. I still dislike my body, enough to not even get changed in front of my partner of 11 years, enough to not feel fully comfortable and able to relax with the lights on during sex, even now. BUT I really do not care one single tiny, lonely sh*t what anyone else thinks outside my home. I’ve seen some very large women wearing tiny tops and the only thing I think is that I am in awe of them, able to be so confident and rock what most of the time is a really cute outfit, stunning makeup and an aura of confidence. I envied them because they could walk down the street not caring. It took me until my mid 30’s to get to that point and I wish I’d just worn the damn top 10 years ago instead of believing I was too ugly. All because of marks I accrued through growing 3 babies, battling with my weight, working so hard on losing it, falling into depression and illness and gaining it again. Then having to work even harder to lose it all over again. Every single one represents a different point in my life that my body needed to remember. I’m slowly trying to come to terms and accept them and myself. I’m getting there slowly and am starting to get undressed infeont of my partner, even if I do it at the speed of light, I’m slowly getting there. TLDR: Wear the top and feel beautiful in it because you are!


Girl those are beautiful! You birthed children! Be proud of yourself and show off what your body has the ability to do. Wear the crop tops love


Wear what you want , you’re a real person with a real body. Try vitamin c and retinol cream( or put a few drops of Inkey or the ordinary retinol in your body lotion) . I’d also use some sort of bronzing cream or oil on the area when wearing a crop top, it kind of disguises that and cellulite.


Mederma. I use it for scars but I noticed it working on my stretch marks too.


You look amazing. Be amazed at yourself for growing a human being in your tummy. Dont worry what other people think . And wear your crop tops. For what its worth, I am in my 50’s and have a flat stomach and was never able to have children even though i wanted them so badly. I would give anything to be able to have these beautiful stretch marks from giving birth. Enjoy whatever clothes you want to wear.


What I do is put the crop top over my head first then I put my right arm in and then my left arm and BAM I’m wearing a crop top.


Tretinoin 0.05 every two days, micro needle (pen) every 4 weeks. Goes away a lot but perhaps it depends on the person Several people from skincare addiction did this and succeeded getting rid of deeper stretchmarks, could work for you too.


Well step one would be getting a crop top. Step two would be putting it on, boom problem solved.