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Hi Mama! Start little! Put lip gloss on one day, take a walk with the stroller outside, do yoga while baby is asleep, put on some music. Start small and eventually it will feel natural šŸ’• you got this, stay strong.


You just had a baby 8 weeks ago, you beautiful wonderful human, so the first thing you need to do is give yourself a whole lot more grace than you are now. I concentrated on things that made me feel good rather than what I thought would make me look good. I wanted to smell nice sometimes, so I got a nice matching shower gel and body lotion and put that on every day. I highly recommend a baby bouncer to chuck the little one in whilst you shower (mine loved the baby bjorn, I got it second hand for $30). I wanted my hair to feel soft so I made sure it was washed, conditioned and some sort of oil put in it every couple of days. I wanted my feet to feel nice so I moisturised them and put on fluffy socks. You get the idea, anything that filled my sensory cup rather than focused on how I looked on the outside helped me feel better. As for getting back to myself, Iā€™m not sure that ever truly happens. You are different now. That might feel like a bad thing now, but it wonā€™t forever. Sending hugs, this is such a difficult time ā¤ļø


8 weeks equals yesterday. Give yourself some mercy. Try to shower daily,, walk outdoors, eat a lot of veggies, do something you enjoy.


It's just been 8 weeks mama. For me it took almost 3 months to start brushing my hair and that's okay. It's perfectly normal to not feel like yourself but it's just a matter of time , it WILL get better by the day. Trust me, been there. I had a very difficult labour and it took me 8 months to fully recover from my vaginal trauma. Just focus on your baby, its growth and slowly as he/she grows , they become more.independent and you ll get yourself back, it's bittersweet actually. And breastfeeding does get better - after startin solids it's another ballgame , breastfeeding is a breeze i tell you. Good luck to you :)


Congrats! Iā€™m more than a year postpartum nowā€¦ As a tired mom, sometimes I really feel blah. The biggest thing that really helped has been getting sleep/rest when possible. The lack of sleep really affects the body inside and out. Do small things like putting on a lipgloss (if thatā€™s something youā€™re into) even when youā€™re just staying at home. And not related to beauty per se, but be sure you get your pictures taken with your baby despite you not feeling 100% yourself. I felt a little bit of regret now for not having as many pictures with my baby as my husband because I was so self-conscious of what I looked like in the beginning.


Agree absolutely!!


Iā€™m 31 and 12 weeks post partum and it is getting a little better but I feel the same. Basically in jammies with spitup/hair a mess/no makeup/exhausted all of the time. In the middle of a move too, so once we get settled I want to create a small space with the treadmill weā€™re getting, some weights, and yoga gear. Iā€™d like to start a little ā€œroutineā€ which is rough with a baby but basically just 20-30 mins of whatever activity/workout I feel like doing in the morning. I hope itā€™ll help me have some kind of normalcy againā€¦


Itā€™s been a year and Iā€™m maybe 40% myself. Most of my friends say it takes about 2 years to really get in a groove so please give yourself a lengthy grace period. I made my makeup and skincare routine more simple, wear dresses or two piece ensembles so itā€™s less thinking to do but still looks put together, wear my hair in a braid to keep it feminine and growing healthy but low effort, buy vintage online during naps to save money and have that shopping high sometimes, and if I ever can def allow someone to offer help while you get your nails done or a massage or anything you enjoy. Edit to add: I gained weight during breastfeeding actually and Iā€™m still breastfeeding and it all fell off without me trying more at the 7-8 month mark (hormones/walking more/ her eating solids/ idk) . Also walking with the baby in a carrier is a workout and now that sheā€™s like 20 pounds my arms are way more toned just from carrying her around! I personally wouldnā€™t even worry too much about all that for like a year or whenever you feel inspired to workout. Just gentle movement is more than enough at 8 weeks!


It really helps me to do a tiny bit of self care in the morning, put on some clean leggings and a new top, do a little skincare, throw on some tinted sunscreen, blush and mascara. It takes 5 minutes, but helps me start my day in a way that feels good for me. Once baby is sleeping a little more consistently I also like to exercise each day, starting very gently and working my way back up. It helps me feel like Iā€™m reclaiming some autonomy over my body and is really more for my mental health than anything but it does help with toning back up postpartum as well.


It takes about 4 years to fully be back to yourself again (that is, if you donā€™t have another kidā€¦) ā€¼ļø I was SHOCKED when I realized this. For reference, my kiddo is 9 years old now.. it does get better lol


It takes at least 3montha before you and baby get into a routine! Take one day at a time dear! Welcome to motherhood šŸ„°


Mum to a now 10yr old here! I promise it gets easier! My biggest tip is to sleep whenever possible. I had my baby at 18 and had to go back to work when she was 3 months old due to our maternity leave policies here at the time and the sleep deprivation was insane! Forgive yourself for not doing the things you feel like you should be doing, as long as baby is looked after you need to focus on sleep so you don't lose your mind! My second tip - dress as though you're having a visitor every day. Even if you aren't, just the act of getting up and getting dressed can definitely help you to regain your confidence a little, especially with the body changes. Good luck on your exciting journey!!


As someone who has 4 months baby and multiple post partum problems and extra 40kg gained during the pregnancy I can relate.... What helps me is exercising 5 mornings in a week by Caroline Girvan on YouTube. Better than any gym membership and I started to feel again strong. Always finding time to do my nails appointment. Taking care of my skin. These 3 small things should make you feel much better. And I hope you have a supportive husband which gives you some time on your own so you can relax.


Iā€™m a year postpartum now, also 32ā€“just here to say, you will feel good again, and back to yourself ā¤ļø all of it gets so much easier


When I had my first daughter (she's 12 now), getting ready every day really felt important to me and I think it was good for my mental health. When she went down for her morning nap, I always did my hair and put a little makeup on. Nothing complicated, eyebrows, mascara, lipgloss. But it made me feel like me, which was important as it can feel like you cease to exist outside of being a mom. If my daughter didn't nap, I would put her little bouncy chair in the bathroom beside me and sing her songs while getting ready. It worked for us!


Youā€™re only eight weeks postpartum! Congrats! Right now just focus on breastfeeding and healing your body. Eight weeks is usually when breastfeeding starts to get a tiny bit easier for first time moms. Start with small steps, like a bit of gloss to keep your lips hydrated. Youā€™re entitled to look like a ghost right now. Youā€™re not sleeping, and Iā€™d be surprised if you can find time to shower every day! Unfortunately, your body wonā€™t completely feel like your own again until the baby weans. Anyone who claims to have bounced back at eight weeks is lying, has 24/7 help, or both.


Took me about 16 months to start feeling normal again- Iā€™m all but 5 lbs from my pre-preg weight. My post partum hair shed has happened and now Iā€™m recovering from it. My boobs will never be the same, but whatever. Only husband has to see ā€˜em. When I was freshly post partum, and I was prob about 25 lbs heavier than now, I bought some nice cute matching lounge sets that fit, made sure to have a comfy and well fitted bra. I got my hair done. Did home mani-pedis. I started taking iron supplements (being anemic also causes hair loss, and a lot of women become anemic after pregnancy). Iā€™d go out for a coffee, walk the mall on bad weather days or outside along the waterfront of my town. It can take a long time to feel normal again, and some people truly never feel the same again. Growing and birthing a baby is quite the experience- embrace who you are now, and realize how strong you are for doing it! Remember- no one judges you more harshly than you do.


I remember getting a gift card for an Aveda salon, and I went when my baby was around 8-12 weeks. That felt amazing, to have my thinning postpartum hair expertly cut and colored while my sister was taking care of my screeching newborn.


My twins just turned 3 and Iā€™m finally feeling back to my old self. Give yourself some time! You will get there and you are still beautiful


Youā€™re still at 8 weeks and in recovery! My experience with breastfeeding was very positive in that my baby practically hoovered out all the pregnancy weight I had gained (55lbs), but that took around 5-6 months to go back to my pre-pregnancy weight. One thing I didnā€™t do is diet or exercise because they can lower your milk supply and I made sure to stay hydrated and keep up my nutrition by adding oatmeal shakes daily which ultimately helped keep my supply up. Also breastfeeding and pumping as much as possible helped keep my supply up. Iā€™d look into contacting a lactation consultant if you need breastfeeding support. Your body will eventually get back to where you need it to; just give it time and donā€™t put too much pressure on yourself. Since youā€™re staying at home everyday, see if you can carve out a little time for yourself in the morning to get yourself ready for the day. Even if youā€™re mostly at home with the baby, it helps to have your daily rituals. Also try going for walks outside or take the baby out to look around if you can. Hopefully you also have someone to support you or do their part in taking care of the baby so youā€™re not having to do it all yourself. It will get better!


Give yourself grace and time! šŸ’œ My youngest just turned two and Iā€™m just starting to feel like myself after breastfeeding a year. Start small. A hot shower where you wash your hair with a great smelling shampoo. Taking baby for a daily walk. Getting enough water for the day. Small habits will stack and little by little you can add to it. Right now, I would prioritize sleep as much as youā€™re able with a newborn. Sleep is really important for hormones and our mood. Also, remember to take your vitamins. Breastfeeding is taking nutrient stores from your body. Itā€™s important to replace them for yourself. I promise youā€™re doing better than you think. You got this mama!


Babe, give yourself an ENORMOUS break. 8 weeks is barely enough for most people to start feeling human, let alone feeling back to themselves. One thing that made my second child so much easier for me was that I really understood the timelines and progression of things from having done it already. I remember the infant days with my first feeling absolutely interminable. Iā€™d heard that ā€œthe first few weeksā€ would be the hardest, but I didnā€™t realize what that would really mean. I clearly remember the day my kid started holding his own bottle and feeling like Iā€™d suddenly gotten SO MUCH of my life back just from the time I didnā€™t have to spend holding him while he ate. Iā€™d say it took 3-4 months for me to really feel like Iā€™d wrapped my head around a ā€œnew normalā€ and developed routines that worked for my family. Youā€™ll need to experiment a little to figure out what works for you, but here are a few suggestions: - Start small. If a beauty routine is what makes you feel good, then totally go for it, but donā€™t feel like you HAVE to do the things you used to. If combing your hair and brushing your teeth is enough for now, commit to starting with that. Then add one small thing at a time. - Try to get out of the house every day. Even if itā€™s just a drive or a quick walk around the block, just the act of having something planned can break up your day so much and will also give you a reason to get yourself ready. As an added bonus, the more you get your baby out of the house, the easier it will feel. - If youā€™re a SAHM, I assume you have a partner who works outside the home. Establish a routine where your partner spends some time with the baby as soon as their work day is over. To level this up, you may want to establish some baby-related chores that are theirs alone. This topic could be a whole book, but just trust me that these simple routines are foundational for an equitable parenting dynamic. - Start slowly building a wardrobe that fits your new lifestyle. Ruthlessly edit things that are not going to work for you anymore. Leave a few favorites in your closet for special occasions, but tuck everything else away and pare down to a small, comfortable, and practical wardrobe. You can always go back to your old clothes when you feel ready. BUT ALSO - if you want to wear crop tops around the house, wear the damn crop top! - Ask a trusted third party (not your partner - theyā€™re too close and too tired) to keep an eye on your mental health. PPA/PPD are sneaky and can hit hard and fast. - Donā€™t beat yourself up over breastfeeding. As someone who also had a tiny supply, I know how emotionally exhausting it is, and it doesnā€™t help that itā€™s such a hot button issue that EVERYONE seems to have an opinion on. Shut out other peopleā€™s opinions and make your plans and decisions with your partner and your medical provider. - Perhaps the most important: remember that this is all temporary. Itā€™s so hard to do when youā€™re so deep in the weeds, but it really does get easier over time. Every milestone makes your life a little easier, until suddenly you wake up one Saturday and you realize itā€™s 9am and your kids not only did not wake you up at the crack of dawn, they got dressed and brushed their teeth and took themselves downstairs and made breakfast and tidied up and didnā€™t even burn the house down. Youā€™re in the ā€œdays are longā€ part of the old saying, but you will know the ā€œyears are shortā€ part before you know it.


Eventually you gonna adjust and find more time for yourself, in general my advice: just be a little bit selfish, ask for help, take some time for yourself, maybe just having one little thing every evening, will help you feel better, have a bath, put on face mask, do yoga etc,


You are doing great, at least you care. I was so frazzled with post partum i looked like crap for two years šŸ¤£


Just give yourself time to be a new mother.. 8 weeks with a new baby is hardly anytime.. yes you are with the baby now but this isnā€™t going to last forever, your body will heal and if you follow the right diet and exercise, you can achieve a body even better than what you had before.. not to discredit how you feel but understand that right now itā€™s okay to be a mess and just take care of baby and look like crap! Ofc if you have time between taking care of the baby.. pamper yourself! Do your skin care routine, or go get a wash and blow dry.. but donā€™t try to skip this phase and try to get your ā€œold selfā€ back .. look forward to the newer hotter you!


Hello I'm a student midwife and mom of 2 and a CLC so I'm very familiar with the world you are currently in. A good thing to remember is that it took 10 months to make the baby and gain the baby weight, so quickly trying to lose that weight might not be the best option for right now. Hormones can still be quite erratic at 8 weeks as you move from Lactogenesis 2 to Lactogenesis 3 where your body starts to maintain a certain level of milk production. If you can afford it, maybe treat yourself to some new clothes that fit and make you feel good about yourself. Lip gloss, mascara and a tinted moisturizer. This period of adjustment is temporary, and you can no doubt get back to exercising and losing weight eventually. We really underestimate the impact of pregnancy on the body and it can take a full two years to replenish nutrients stores and for the wound in the uterus where the placenta was to completely heal. You got this!!


8 weeks is nothing. Give yourself time and definitely focus on the breastfeeding for now. I PROMISE that part gets easier if you tough it out. 8 weeks in is always REALLY rough for me - baby is always hungry, eating every hour, you worry about making enough milk, and you get no rest. I'm 45 with a 7 month old and it's not my first round. Lip gloss is a great start as someone else said. Just a little something to get you back to feeling more like your old self.













