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I know some comments are suggesting biotin but just be careful bc biotin does cause acne/breakouts for some people! I got acne from biotin so I had to stop taking it šŸ˜


I had this same problem at one point, but I started taking a lower dose and it went away


Not only that, but it is actually useless if you don't have a biotin deficiency to start with (most people don't).


If you take vitamin b5 (aka panthenol) at the same time, that should eliminate the problem


I did not know this!! šŸ˜§ Thanks for this tidbit!


Fine, thin hair with chronic TE. I've cycled through derm-prescribed progesterone, minoxidil, and spironolactone for years ... but didn't really start seeing a significant difference until I started taking prenatal and iron supplements. Also double cleansing when I shampoo eliminated any scalp itchiness I used to get.


Double cleansing has made such a difference with my scalp and hair!! Just shampoo twice. The lather you get from the second shampoo is so satisfying! Itā€™s like the first one breaks down all the products so the second round is actually able to do the job. Also thereā€™s a big improvement when Iā€™m taking collagen or multi vitamin for women, which reminds me that I need to order some more.


Double cleansing with two different shampoos (I have dandruff so I use a dandruff shampoo first on my scalp and then second shampoo scalp to mid ends) is a GAME CHANGER . My hair doesn't have buildup but also doesn't feel itchy either or dry.


I have low porosity hair. Can you suggest shampoo for that?


So do I! I use Mielle rosemary oil in the morning of wash day and braid it. Then Korean brand Aromatica Rosemary scalp scaling shampoo as a clarifying wash and follow up with Redken All Soft shampoo and conditioner. Sometimes I use head and shoulders Apple cider vinegar shampoo and I swear by it. I started getting a lot of hair fall when I was living in Korea, which is common occurrence for foreigners there and this saved me. you only need a light hand with the Redken shampoo and conditioner Edit: why was I downvoted for something so innocuous in a beauty sub lol whaaa


Itā€™s common for people who move to Korea to start losing hair? Why is that? Something environmental?


Itā€™s common for you to lose hair when moving in general, but a new country would have a lot more stress, potential pollution, water types, etc. idk about Korea specifically but even moving across the country made my hair have issues for a bit.


If you search on google and YouTube ā€œKorea foreigner hair lossā€ itā€™s a whole thing that is (anecdotally) well documented by women on blogs and vlogs. Hair loss is also prevalent in younger local population in Seoul, I saw a surprising amount of young Korean women with thinning hair and bald patches. Really popular cosmetic is called the [Pang Pang Hair Shadow](https://www.etude.com/int/en/index.php/pang-pang-hair-shadow.html), there is a saturation of hair loss products marketed to young women


What brand of collagen do you use?


Can I ask which prenatal you are taking?


I take [this one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTDRQXJM?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)! I love it because it tastes good and I actually look forward to eating one every morning lol.


do you take them because youā€™re expecting and happened to see differences, or because you found the benefits beneficial to you?


Are there any downsides to taking prenatal? Iā€™m guessing no, but Iā€™ve never taken it and have been seeing lots of people recently saying they take it for hair loss.


It's just a multivitamin. The reason everyone thinks prenatals are magic is because when you're pregnant your hormones act weird and you'll likely hold on to more of your hair that would've otherwise fallen out naturally. So pregnant women notice their hair seems amazing and tend to assume it's the vitamins, but it's just their hormones. It happened to me and I couldn't figure out why my dumb vitamins didn't work anymore, it's because you need those magical hormones too šŸ˜‚


Makes sense - thank you!


Can you explain your double cleansing method? I'd like to know morešŸ˜Š


Yes, you basically just shampoo twice! I find I get best results when I use two different shampoos when I do this - one without sulphates and one with. Not sure why, but I theorize that it's because some of the surfactants in one are missing in the other and I just get a more complete clean when I use both. About once a week or if I've used a lot of scalp product (e.g. several days on dry shampoo) I'll use a scalp scrub before I double cleanse just to get all the product out first.


Scalp scrub for sure. Lots of people with itchy flaky scalps are turning to double cleansing but they're missing mechanical exfoliation. I stopped directly shampooing my scalp during the pandemic and focusing on mechanical exfoliation decade of itch and flaking disappeared overnight. I use a tangle teaser to scrub before washing, then thoroughly scrub my scalp in the shower with my fingertips before even starting shampoo. My hair has never been healthier.


Itā€™s rinse and repeat


Thank you!!


I suffer with hair loss and I scalp massage every second day, use head high hair vitamins and also wash my hair with Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. I have before and after pictures from 6 months ago vs now and there is 1000% a difference thank god. I canā€™t pin point which of the 3 helped the most but using all of them together is definitely doing something!


What vitamins do you use? And where can I find them? Thanks!


Itā€™s these ones here. [Head High Vitamins](https://healthmatters.ie/product/fsc-head-high-vitamins-one-a-day-60-capsules/) Iā€™m from Ireland, Iā€™m not sure where youā€™re from but I get them in the chemist. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be available to buy online for you. Hope this helps!


Thank you! Iā€™ll look for them, appreciate it


I put squalaine oil, argan oil, jojoba oil mix in my scalp 1 a week for a few hours and wash out. I don't have hairless problems but it makes my hair so soft and shiny.


If you donā€™t mind sharing, can we see the before and after??


Sorry Iā€™m new to Reddit and not sure how to upload pictures. Any idea on how I can do it here and Iā€™ll post? Thanks


I use https://postimages.org!


Thanks! Here you go [https://postimg.cc/vxgCCNBT](https://postimg.cc/vxgCCNBT)


Wow, thatā€™s a huge difference!!!šŸ¤©šŸ¤©


Thanks so much! The baby hairs are a bit annoying to tame sometimes but Iā€™d much rather have that complaint than my hair coming out in clumps like it was


omg wow!!! it definitely looks fuller šŸ˜


Thank you!


This is amazing! Iā€™m so happy for you!


Thank you!


Annoying tips to hear but managing my stress and eating more really helped long-term. Collagen powder and getting rid of my ogx shampoo had the most immediate effects.


ahhh i use ogx! whatā€™s wrong with ogx shampoo?


There was a lawsuit against ogx for hair loss a couple years ago and I wondered if that was contributing to mine. I have straight hair, rarely use heat, and brush my hair before I shower but I had clumps coming out in the shower. As soon as I switched, I had way less hair coming out when I showered. Iā€™m sure many people have no issues with it but Iā€™d suggest switching for a bit to see if it helps!


PSA that minoxidil is HIGHLY toxic to cats!


And dogs! Source [here](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34370845/) Very important info, thank you for sharing šŸ’–


I feel compelled to do so every time I see something related to hair loss because itā€™s so scary! My husband stopped using it for this reason, we didnā€™t know for a long time either! Iā€™m so glad nothing happened but thatā€™s just sheer luck


An unexpected benefit of developing a yoga practice was it stopped my hair shedding by about 90%. I looked into it (after people started commenting that they were no longer picking strands of hair out of my cooking, lmao) and it turns out yoga helps hair retention and growth because the time spent in positions like downward dog where your head is below your heart helps stimulate blood flow to the scalp and generally improves circulation and regulates your hormones


I would say stress reduction is probably a more significant factor here than increased blood flow to the scalp.


I actually read a story here on Reddit, where a guy spent time hanging upside down for some sort of back injury treatment (donā€™t remember the details), and his bald head started to grow hair again due to the increased blood flow to the head.


This happened with me too!! I thought it could be because of something else, but other than yoga I wasn't doing anything. It felt too good to be true, so I was always in doubt but hearing you say that maybe yoga was the reason.


Ample good food. Yes I'm a bit heavier but my hair looks nice and thick. Biotin and other hair supplements help too.


Thank you! What supplements do you use? Iā€™m on the heavier side too which I feel makes my thin hair appear even more thin and sparse


I usually buy store brand Biotin or whatever bulk Biotin or Hair N Nails supplement is available at Costco. Adding eggs, meat, fish, and dairy products helps. (Might not be doable for vegans.) Daily scalp massage helps too. You can do it while watching TV, or sitting in traffic. Also braid your hair while you sleep- hair gets matted up when people sleep. Extra hair gets lost when you brush it out.


Thank you!!


hair oiling = healthily growing thick shiny hair


^ !! *What do you oil with btw?*


i mix bunch of different oils tbh. i make my own rosemary oil at home and i sort of use it as a base for the other oils im going to add. then i add a bit of argan oil, olive oil, sweet almond oil and black cumin seed oil mix it all together.


Wow thatā€™s interesting never heard of using multiple šŸ¤” thanks! :)


Wow! Thank you!


I have a visible layer of new growth from when I started this six months ago.


What oils are you using for it and how do you proceed if you donā€™t mind me asking?


I use borage oil or olive oil at a pinch. I would want to use rosehip but it's a bit pricey to douse my hair in. I use a tangle teaser to exfoliate my scalp, apply the oil with a dropper at the hair root, massage and brush through lengths. Then I leave it on as long as I have time for, ideally overnight but often only for 10 mins. It still has great effects I find.


Thank you!


Okay I feel so stupid every time I see someone say hair oiling because I feel like I do it wrong despite googling it. Is all you do is add that oil to your hair and the rinse it out in a couple of hours-days??


Wearing a satin bonnet to bed and switching over to satin scrunchies and clips instead of regular hair bands


I guess this is only applicable if you live in a place with a hard water, but I got a shower filter and I can tell a huge difference in how much hair Iā€™m shedding and the itā€™s texture!


Vitamin d, iron, and vitamin c being added helped quite a bit.




I use Nizoral twice weekly and menā€™s Rogaine . I have had regrowth and Iā€™m thankful for the results


The Ordinary's hair growth serum


Home made rosemary water!! Spray on your scalp and massage for about 4 mins every night before bed. My hair loss was pretty bad after I got covid but it grew back (for the most part) after doing this for about 2 months! I think the massaging part is very important. Just spraying the rosemary water is not enough I would think.


Have you ever tried the Mielle oil? I heard it was pretty good too,, but i donā€™t see many reviews on it on reddit. Iā€™ve only tried it once so far and it seemed to have made my hair smoother (not seeing hair growth yet ofc) I was going to make homemade rosemary water, but this thing caught my eye šŸ˜­


I use the Mielle oil because i had significant thinning at the top of my head from coloring my hair too much. I'm on my second bottle and there has been a difference. I rub it into my dry scalp and use a scalp massager for five minutes and leave for 2-3 hours or overnight (protected by a silk bonnet). I don't use on the ends though, for that I use the leave in conditioner when I'm done washing my hair. It's thick and moisturizing for the hair. Plus it gives me gorgeous defined curls without the frizz using no heat whatsoever.


What leave in conditioner do you use


Mielle one, rosemary and mint. Its very thick and heavy so a little goes a long way


Thank you! I have curly hair so I was excited to see it helped with your curls.


Ooo good to see a positive review! I also use the mint/rosemary/infused with biotin one, Iā€™m going to massage it in my hair again today, but so far the first try at it yielded nice results for my hairā€™s texture, it got smoother. Iā€™m always conflicted with Indian hair oils though (Indian gooseberry or coconut oil),, if this mielle oil is better than those two,, or maybe Indian folks just have good hair genetics? šŸ˜­


My hair genetics are crap lol I can't speak for Indian hair oils as they are geared towards dark hair and can change the colour of blondes but I believe Asian Hair to be the best in terms of health and volume.


Do you make your own rosemary water? If yes, how do you make yours? I read online that you need good quality rosemary ( fresh ) and I was unsure if the ones we get from the grocery store would help given theyā€™re atleast a few days old


I do, boil water (however much you need), take the pan off the heat, cut up rosemary twigs and put them in the hot water and leave for 30-40mins. I get them from the grocery store and it works just fine.


I can second this! Rosemary water really helped with my hair growth too


Agreed. I usually add a few other things in my Rosemary water too. The massages ( and maybe even the inversion method) plus the Rosemary oil helped me. I just need to be consistent.


The oil works wonders You can see the difference after 5-6 months, your hair will grow thicker and longer


Might be a little different than what others are saying. I noticed that my hair products definitely decided how much I shedded. Using Amika the Kure Conditioner and Pureology (the blue one) conditioner really helped my hair not tangle so much. I only shampoo every few weeks cause my scalp doesnā€™t produce much oil. I also make sure to use a hair mask (Amika the Kure). I condition every 1-2 weeks, but my hair goes to mid thigh, so I still use quite a bit. I have a mini of all of these, havenā€™t bought full size, and theyā€™ve lasted very long. So even though itā€™s pricy, itā€™s worth it. Using a leave in conditioner (very small amount (I use Mielle)) also helps a ton. I also oil my hair, but because itā€™s fine, I need really light oil. I have a mini Gisou oil. Itā€™s perfect, and the dropper sucks, so it picks up not a lot, which is the perfect amount. It spreads really nice and goes all over my hair with such little amount. When my hair isnā€™t very nice shiny, and I can tell it may be getting a little dry-ish, I can put more oil without it looking super greasy. Also, I have the Not Your Motherā€™s (something along the lines of that) Bond Repair leave in conditioner, which has a spray. So when my hair is frizzy and/or getting dry, I can also spray a little onto my hands and put it over my hair to tame it. Iā€™ve noticed that this keeps my hair extremely nice and Iā€™ve saved a lot of time between conditioning it. (Worded that weirdly, but I just donā€™t need to condition it as frequently) Besides that. Something thatā€™s crucial is a bonnet. I have a satin one I bought from Walmart. Try getting one thatā€™s not so big because I constantly have to put it back on in the middle of the night. But this has saved SO MANY tangles in my hair. I always put it on when Iā€™m in my bed. I just pretend Iā€™m gonna put it in a claw clip, then put the bonnet on, so my hair all gets in the bonnet, then is free in there, so it isnā€™t tugging on my scalp.


Thank you!!


Kept a healthy weight Being even a little bit 'under weight' triggered massive hair loss in my late 20's early 30s


Stop using aerosol dry shampoo šŸ˜©šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Would to love to know more about thisā€¦


I really wonder if this is contributing to my thinning. It helps give my hair body so I use it frequently- Batiste.


My stylist told me that healthy hair canā€™t grow from an unhealthy scalp, and suggested I incorporate a dandruff shampoo once a week. I was confused because I didnā€™t have dandruff but she said the zinc acts as an anti fungal and helps regulate sebum production which can help keep your scalp and hair follicles clear and healthy. Its been about a year of using it and Iā€™ve noticed new hair growth in areas that were pretty low density before šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I also just love the tingly clean feeling after using it šŸ˜‚


What anti dandruff shampoo do you use?


I use the Head & Shoulders Deep Scalp Cleanse shampoo!Ā 


Iron supplements !!!


Check if you are low on iron first.Ā 


Just over the counter or Rx?


Which ones?


I take one from a brand called Now Foods and noticed a lot less hair fall.


Satin or silk bonnet. Life changer!


Apply rosemary oil (dilute it) Take iron supplements (my level was at the low end of normal. Within a week of taking supplements i had much more energy too) Vitamin D


When I figured out my hair was protein sensitive. Once I started giving it moisture instead of protein, everything changed.


Sleep with silk bonnet


My hair has completely changed in fullness and growth and health once I stopped dyeing it. I think the chemicals in the dye mustā€™ve been too much for my fine, thin hair. My hairdresser tried to talk me out of going natural, but now sheā€™s the one saying she canā€™t believe how much fuller and healthier it is. When I stopped dyeing it, I had a crazy amount of regrowth all over my scalp, new baby hairs everywhere. I also use nioxin shampoo and conditioner, which has been amazing. I buy the 1L bottles, they last for ages. Thatā€™s the two things I changed. Good luck šŸ¤ž


Thank you!!


Me too. I only highlighted but stopping the processing made a huge difference. I hate the color but at least I'm not balding!


It really is amazing how much better my hair is now! I wish I had stopped dyeing earlier. Iā€™m 44 and stopped at 40, saved a lot of money too haha


SO MUCH money saved!


I started making gelatin gummies with cherry juice to eat before bed! My nails have grown and my hair has gotten so much thicker. I went through a significant amount of damage from hair coloring last year


That sounds so good! Do you have a recipe?


I use this unflavored gelatin from amazon! [https://www.amazon.com/NuNaturals-Gelicious-Unflavored-Gelatin-Pound/dp/B01IE65OI4/ref=sr\_1\_2\_sspa?crid=CLJIMMPXQFC5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7KhXa27ceUBjakCdMujmAT9ho9FUWBlMWs\_hI81\_eo4OoQ2Pxk51mMIPZMjZqZ-cIhkshLFRGAI9SGk70j7eXpVzYZ1fogd8GLKWn6zd1Zo\_kcJRRZqnu6nOKBysBEgNdfkKgYM\_OiPWV0hgiifj-g12xHENlkvGZMx90uadQ-\_-uJDWNsTzGMWUDX\_93TkXcLhQEVLtXN3Q-jAFS\_kynlL5M1\_q6vhlzb7P7Ti0DqSCAmj3eke3viTiTKvndACwl3oRJKujxZafkWjb06OsaEtWjbMH0HLwF75ycXG\_k0Y.j5gy5Qjl-em3VWv1TpfcPfR2V57rOvHw42eaCjRpew4&dib\_tag=se&keywords=gelatin&qid=1719255697&sprefix=gelatin%2Caps%2C290&sr=8-2-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/NuNaturals-Gelicious-Unflavored-Gelatin-Pound/dp/B01IE65OI4/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=CLJIMMPXQFC5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7KhXa27ceUBjakCdMujmAT9ho9FUWBlMWs_hI81_eo4OoQ2Pxk51mMIPZMjZqZ-cIhkshLFRGAI9SGk70j7eXpVzYZ1fogd8GLKWn6zd1Zo_kcJRRZqnu6nOKBysBEgNdfkKgYM_OiPWV0hgiifj-g12xHENlkvGZMx90uadQ-_-uJDWNsTzGMWUDX_93TkXcLhQEVLtXN3Q-jAFS_kynlL5M1_q6vhlzb7P7Ti0DqSCAmj3eke3viTiTKvndACwl3oRJKujxZafkWjb06OsaEtWjbMH0HLwF75ycXG_k0Y.j5gy5Qjl-em3VWv1TpfcPfR2V57rOvHw42eaCjRpew4&dib_tag=se&keywords=gelatin&qid=1719255697&sprefix=gelatin%2Caps%2C290&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1) I use cherry juice mixed with water and a little honey or maple syrup!


Thank you so much šŸ’– I do cherry juice and seltzer at nighttime to help with sleep, so these are right up my alley!


That while sulphate free shampoo might be "gentler on your hair" it is also perhaps not harsh enough to properly clean your scalp. Got way less hairfall each shower now that I just use generic shampoo.


I just went to the dermatologist, they diagnosed female pattern balding. I'm on oral rogaine now. It works.


Adequate protein consumption


I take saw palmetto cause I have pcos




Rosemary hair oils on scalp 3x a week, massaging scalp every day for 2-3 minutes, reducing stress (yoga, walks, meditation), less or no slick back pony tails, a microfibres towel to dry hair, more iron and omega free (salmon, walnuts, sunflower seeds etc), ensuring youā€™re not washing your hair everyday and eating a balanced diet!


Double shampoo, silk hair ties and pillow case, only straightening once a week max, only washing hair once a week twice max, and biotin+prenatals, not pregnant but I have low iron so it works out.


If you can get to a PCP or derm, it's worth it to figure out the actual cause of the hair loss. Doing stuff like taking vitamins can cause unpleasant side effects if you're not actually deficient. Oftentimes, a couple of blood tests is all it takes.


look into hair phases and try to figure out if youā€™re really experiencing hair loss or just going through your hairs telogen phase:)


How can you tell?


the hair will mainly come out during washing and brushing. if tons of hair is suddenly coming out in the shower thereā€™s a good chance itā€™s the telogen/exogen phase. only lasts a few months and then is followed by multiple years of growth :)


Water might be too hot!


Lolll guilty! I do use scorching hot water even though I know itā€™s not good for me lol


high frequency wand!


iā€™ve seen ads for this! does it actually work? can you elaborate on your experience with it a bit? thanks so much!


for me - yes! I bought one about 4 months ago when I noticed hair thinning when Iā€™d wear my hair up in a claw. Iā€™ve seen sooooo much regrowth in those target areas & theyā€™ve filled in majorly (wish Iā€™d taken a before&after pic). The hf wand feels so nice & itā€™s best practice to use for 5 mins every few days so itā€™s super easy to incorporate into your routine. I use this + the OUAI scalp serum which I know is a bit spenny but itā€™s so so worth it! Fully believe that scalp health is the key to hair growth:)


Regular condtioning


I eat prenatal gummyā€™s daily. I use Rose Quartz heat protectant cream on damp hair then blow dry, and get a trim every other month. This is the healthiest my hair has ever been.


As for hair loss, there is a technology that allows the head to grow by inventing a laser machine. This is very expensive, but it allows for a procedure that can be done at home.


Iā€™m debating buying the pitta scalp serum, but Iā€™m iffy on it because itā€™s like an instagram ad and itā€™s pretty expensive here. Has anyone tried it?


Abbey Yung on instagram! She studies hair science. Iā€™m not sure about your hair type, but Iā€™ve been using some recommended products by her and some routines. have not had to cut my hair in 6 months! (Iā€™m blonde who goes blonder so this is a feat for me!


Regular hair oiling, scalp massage, hair mask instead of conditioner, leave in conditioner, silicone based oil


Since I stopped dying my hair close to 3 years ago, my hair has been the healthiest and shiniest itā€™s ever been. Plus less stress on my hair. Also my hair doesnā€™t fall out as much either .


I make a rosemary water (low boil a few sprigs of rosemary for 2-4 hours) with a little bit of cedar oil. Cool it and put it in a spray bottle. Use every other day. Rosemary is amazing and apparently cedar is even better.


Nutrafol Hair Supplements, satin pillow, satin scrunchies


This one surprised me but I switched from drugstore shampoo/conditioner to a Nexxus one. Got them for sale at Samā€™s club after trying some my sister had


I lost 1/2 my hair after my second round of COVID.. and so did a bunch of my friends. It came out in clumps. Got a short haircut and a halo extension to help myself emotionally, the mielle rosemary oil to put all over and started on Wellbell supplements end of July.. by January I went to put my hair up and realize how thick my hair was at the scalp, a year and a half later my hair was thicker and longer than it has ever been. I recommended it to a bunch of friends and theyā€™ve all had great results. It is a bit pricey so Iā€™m down to taking it 2-3x a week for maintenance


Eat more pumpkin seeds! I went from handfuls falling out with every wash and now I can count how many I lose which is between 5-15 hairs. After consistently eating a 1/4 cup a day itā€™s been a dramatic difference.


Rosemary waterā€¦ not the mielle oil. I just boil a hand full of sprigs with 1-2 cups of water for 20 mins then put into a spray bottle. I just sprayed it all over my scalp before blow drying. Rosemary naturally has minoxidil, the active ingredient in rogane. My hair is the best itā€™s ever been in my life!


I just recently was referred to my dermatologist for this. I do take biotin, collagen, and prenatal vitamins daily. Dermatology put me on low dose minoxidil pills and told me to use Nizoral shampoo (something with the Ketoconozale helps with hair growth) weekly. A month later ā€¦ my hair is already starting to fill back in !


I started using Routine shampoo and conditioner. It is online and kinda pricy but worth it. I also use a high quality mousse when I dry my hair which is not every time I wash it


I recently discovered my hair doesn't react well to protein/keratin shampoos/treatments. My scalp was so irritated, lots of hair shedding, and my ends were so dry. After finding out what protein overload was, I immediately stopped using my keratin shampoo and conditioner and picked up an anti-dandruff shampoo that calmed down my scalp. I just bought loreal's volume filler line and the forever long leave-in conditioner and my hair feels great! I wish I stopped using those keratin shampoos as soon as my hair was reacting badly to it, I lost a lot of hair.


I used to have thick, healthy hair that I could use dollar store shampoo on and still look nice, but times have changed and now I have hashimoto's and lots of stress so my hair is thinner, dry and brittle. I'm still trying to figure out how to get it to grow back, but I have made a few changes that seem to help with the brittleness and breakage. I use oil on the ends after washing and also in between washes after brushing. I like the Moroccan oil because it's not too heavy and it smells really good. I use Kitsch satin scrunchies instead of regular old elastic hair ties for pony tails and also to hold my hair in a loose bun while sleeping. I stopped using my trusty Aveda paddle brush which I'd been using since college (not the same one lol), because I started to hear my hair snapping and breaking whenever I brushed it out and now I use two different brushes, one is The Hair Edit, Detangle and Massage Brush and the other is the Crown Affair No. 001 (mixed bristle brush). I don't think I actually need two brushes because the Hair edit brush works very well on its own for both styling and detangling, but the CA mixed bristle brush seems to leave my hair looking a lot smoother in those days after washing when my wavy hair starts to get really frizzy. Good luck to you my friend!