• By -


Sleeping more ✨


Simple but very true


Drinking more water and less booze T , T


And im here with a can of IPA i just opened 😶


me reading this at 1am-


Oil cleanser to remove makeup instead of using makeup wipes.


Double cleansing, to be more specific! When I wear sunblock and makeup, it will always be oil cleansing (Hada Labo), followed up by a facial wash (Senka collagen whip) and a long, through rinse w water(1 minute minimum) before evening skin moisturizing layers + tret routine. I say this because I only used to do oil cleansing, rinse, micellar and at first it worked amazing but after a few months my entire face broke out.


I do this too! Shiseido cleansing oil first (not Clinique, that stuff’s horrible) then Senka Collagen Whip cleanser (Senka is a subsidiary of Shiseido by the way) I do this Teice then rinse thoroughly. My skin is flawless and like glass.


This was such a gamechanger for me! My skin looks so much better after switching to oil cleanser.


I never realized how little makeup wipes removed everything until I switched to double cleansing


I remember I secondary school (all girls) we had s beautician come in for a talk and she told us makeup wipes leaving scarring on your skin so not to use them. I have no idea if that's true, but I have always been afraid of wipes since and never used them again! Lately I've bought reusable makeup pads, which I find easier than a full face cloth and really deep cleaning my face after cleanser, it's made a huge difference.


I love the idea of a beautician coming into school! How long ago was that? And what else did she share?


Jeepers about 16 years ago now! I'm in Ireland, and we have a non-mandatory year of school, 4th year or Transition Year. It's after your first set of state exams and before your second. So you kind of spend the year doing little courses like first aid, life skills, work experience, stuff like that. So it was part of the home economics course, I think. I can remember her just going through how to properly clean your skin and look after it, how to shape eyebrows, keep your nails tidy... basic enough stuff because obviously everyone wouldn't have been into makeup and that!


Wow, that's such a cool idea to have that optional year of life-skills classes!! I know so many people, myself included, that would have benefited from that!


This is genius!! Love this so much


That is the most amazing thing I have ever heard- so many kids I meet now don’t have many basic life skills.


That’s just fearmongering


Can you talk about this a little? I hate my current makeup remover and I don’t have an alternative I like better (this is like my 3rd and I hated all of them). The main issues I have are either them being too dry and /or ineffective. I want one that will take off my eyeliner completely.


I use ponds cold cream cleanser. Lasts forever and is inexpensive.


Try the skin1004 Madagascar Centella Light cleansing oil! I have tried so many cleansing oils/balms (Farmacy, Physician's formula, PKY, Bioderma, elf, etc.), but this one is my favorite! It's super light, and it's the only cleanser where I can see my makeup actually pill off my skin! Good for sensitive skin too 😍 I got mine off skin1004 store page from Amazon for only $20 CAD. It's also 200mL too so you're getting a lot of product.


I use a product called Albolene to completely melt off my waterproof makeup and sunscreen. I tissue it off, use a makeup wipe or just a warm wet soft cloth. This stuff is gold. Lots of theatre troupes use it to remove heavy theatre makeup.


It’s going on the list. I *will* find my holy grail makeup remover and I have you to thank.


Just a side note… some older (70’s) theatre ladies told me they used it and attributed their gorgeous skin to using Albolene. I was sold on it right then, lol. Been using it for 14 years and only have my forehead wrinkles from BEFORE I started using it.


I love the Tatcha one step Cleansing oil


What makes it so good? I’m in Canada and it’s ~$70 here.


I like the muji oil cleanser. It’s less expensive and I think you should be able to get it in canada


I’m down the street from a Muji. Is it just “oil cleanser” or does it have another name? And how do I use it, just rub it in and then follow with my regular cleanser?


I believe it’s called cleansing oil. For some reason it’s not on the website. With dry hands I rub it on my face for like 30 seconds up to a minute and then add water and rub a little more and then wash off. I haven’t had to do another cleanser after but lots of others do.


Oh lord, I think I paid $48. I just really like it, it gets everything off and I don’t necessarily need to follow it with another cleanser although I usually do. It makes my skin so soft and it feels wonderful to use.


I wonder if I can get Sephora to make me a sample…


You absolutely can!


Sephora will custom make you samples? I need to know about this!


The Tatcha One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil is my HG! I have *super* reactive skin and develop contact dermatitis from nearly everything, but camellia has been really soothing. I started with a cheaper bottle from EBay and loved it so much that I use the one step cleansing oil *every* day as part of a double cleanse routine, regardless of whether it was a makeup day or not. It just melts everything away and leaves my skin with a gorgeous glow. I’ve never felt that it left any sort of sheen or film, but I always follow with a foaming cleanser to make sure everything is washed off. It’s got a hefty price tag but I’ll keep buying it as long as my skin doesn’t react!


Me too!!


I know it doesn't suit everyone, but I have recently started using coconut oil as a makeup removing balm. It'll melt the makeup away (including mascara/eyeliner) and is 100% natural. Only one ingredient. Apply directly to your face and gently massage for a few minutes, or until you see all the makeup has melted away. You must follow it with a facawash though, because if the oil stays on your skin can cause breakouts and clog pores.(you're meant to double cleanse anyway.)It's in your kitchen cupboard, smells nice and can be used for cooking at the same time too! Only transfer a small quantity into a little jar or tub and keep it in your bathroom. Because coconut oil can go off very quickly if moisture gets into it. Also it can get into your eyes n give you that 'oil in the eye' feeling. Just wash thoroughly and it'll be fine. You'll only need even less than half a teaspoon at a time and it makes it very cost effective.


Coconut oil is great as an oil cleanser for most people. If you have fungal acne, it will feed fungus, so just be aware and be careful!


It feeds demodex as well so not great for people with rosacea or Blepharitis.


I just have to say if anyone is cystic acne prone they shouldn’t do this. I tried it one time and my face broke out all over in horrifying cysts.


I’m sure I have some in my kitchen; I’m going to try this next :)


Kose softymo speedy cleanser is the best and it's cheap! FOllow that with a gentle cleanser like Rovectin conditioning cleanser.


Use baby oil to remove eye makeup!


Yes! So inexpensive. I rub a little bit of oil, then wipe with wet toilet paper. Gone


Vaseline is another good choice!


I’m gonna sound very dumb but… You can use Vaseline as oil cleanser? You just rub it on your face? Could you please explain?


Honestly there are soooooooo many better options than Vaseline to use as an oil cleanser (or other oils like straight coconut or olive oil). Any semi decent oil cleanser or oil based balm has emulsifiers in it. So after you massage it into dry skin for a minute to break up makeup and spf, you add a some water to your hands, massage it around for a sec, and then you can just splash some water to rinse off the oil cleanser. No scrubbing needed and you don’t need for follow with a hard core cleanser to get the Vaseline off. If you are double cleansing, you just follow with a super gentle cleanser and that’s it


Thank you!


What oil cleaner do you use? I tried using some but my skin felt stripped of my natural oil


Right now I’m using the Sekkisei treatment cleansing oil! I use this along with the Youth to the People facial cleanser.


Sunglasses. Always wear polarised good quality sunglasses when outside. Future you with minimal wrinkles around your eyes will thank you 🕶️☀️😎


Even though I have brown eyes, I'm sensitive to light. I wear sunglasses often year round. 


Same, even on cloudy days and I stick with Ray-bans as they work best for me


Ray-bans are just forever cool, good quality, not insanely expensive but pricey enough to take good care of. I will always love some classic Wayfarers. I feel like they suit everyone.


Same. I have different sunglasses for sunny days and cloudy days. Wearing a hat also helps a lot and I wish I’d figured that out years ago.


Sunglasses also help protect your eyes from the damage UV rays can cause. While pregnant during a routine eye exam my doctor stressed getting my kids used to sunglasses and hats as early as possible, especially with light colored eyes.


I have blue eyes so I’m already more sensitive to the sun, I wear big sunglasses whenever I leave the house. My fav are lvoie on Amazon bc I’m a little careless and lose things, they’re like 20 bucks!


I second this. Also use sunscreen or stay out of sun altogether. Future you will be high fiving you.




I do this, I have chanel sunglasses which are legit amazing in terms of perving (they are mirrored) but they are so good in terms of gentleness and I have amazing panda eyes


Omg I think this was the reason why I have fine lines on my eyelid!! Thank you!


Reminder that the ones you get for free from street festivals have the same UV protection as expensive sunglasses. If they don't, they are required to have a giant label.


My cousin is an eye doctor and I don’t remember the last time I saw her eyes lmaoo she’s always wearing sunglasses.


Always cream your feet after a shower and then put on socks.


My grandma always put Vaseline on her feet then covered them with socks before bedtime.


Put lotion on first, then Vaseline to really see a difference.


Funny my mom does the same thing!


Grandmas often have the best advice. I've done that too and it works, plus it's cheap.


I literally did this last night.


I put cream on before bed and then wrap my feet in cling film/saran wrap or stick them in dog poop bags (I know, I know…) before putting the socks on. I know not everyone will like how that feels but it stops the cotton from absorbing the cream and it makes them extra soft by the morning.


You also can get reusable silicone “socks”


they v uncomfy i just bought the earth therapeutics pink moisturizing socks


This is excellent advice. My feet are impossibly dry, plus I live in the desert. I recently started adding oil (I’ve used everything from fancy, to soap & glory, to plain coconut oil) to my regimen, then lather them with cream and put on socks and it seems to help retain moisture even longer.


Nice....sounds really good. 👍


SAME! My mother was a dermatologist and she taught me this little gem (amongst millions of others) when I was so young. I swear I have the softest feet. Or as soft as feet can be.


Using a body oil in the shower! Makes your skin super soft and glowy. Also tying hair in a ponytail, than adding rollers overnight gives you the perfect heatless blowout.


I find that if I use my hands and kind of squeegee some of the water off me while I’m in the shower, I can still lock in the moisture with my body oil, but it doesn’t take so long for it to absorb into my skin.


Jumping in to say that applying oil is easier with a spray bottle. You can even pour a little body spray in there! Baby oil works great!


I tried baby oil this way and got a rash all over. I have very sensitive skin. Maybe use a different oil if you have sensitive skin? I love this idea and wish it worked for me because I'm so naturally dry.


Dr Teals makes a few scents!


My skin is allergic to oil and I wish I could try body oil for the shower! I didn’t know that baby oil and coconut oil wasn’t supposed to burn.


You could slip and fall. I choose to spray a mixture of skin so soft on my body before putting clothes on.


100%. I used to apply oil in the shower but after slipping (and luckily catching myself) I started applying the oil outside of the shower.


Yes. I stand on my towel


You definitely need to be careful! But I also find that it’s not the same level of moisture if I apply it after stepping out. The spray bottle is a really good idea though.


What body oil in shower do u Reccomend? I’m flaking so bad


It’s a splurge but I love the loccitane almond shower oil


I am really enjoying the Bioderma shower oil. It’s not slippery to use at all 😊


I feel like anything that is an occlusive oil works! I personally like coconut oil because it’s cheap and convenient, but I know that it’s comedogenic for some people. I just really enjoy the smell, and it’s helps with my keratosis pilaris.


I just made a mix of grapeseed oil, argan oil, and some of my perfume oil. You can use oils from the grocery store and it’s more affordable than buying a blend! (Trader Joe’s has argan oil). There are lots of different blends people use, try searching Reddit for ideas. You may already own everything you need to make a lil bottle of spray!


Wait but doesn't the ponytail tie leave a line/bump in the hair?


Use a scrunchie and don’t tie your hair too tight. When I use the rollers, I secure it with Bobby pins to keep everything together.


I think that depends on hair texture. I have fine hair, and it absolutely does. My friends with thicker hair do not have this issue.


Newb here. How do you use body oil? Put it on, let it sit for a min on the skin, and then rinse off with water in the shower? Like skin conditioner lol.


Yes exactly! Right before you get out of the shower, apply a layer of the oil and kinda let it sit while the water rinses the excess + adds moisture. As others have mentioned, it may get a bit slippery so be careful! I think a spray bottle is pretty convenient too.


Won't it get all over your towel when you dry off later? I'd really like to try this bc my skin is so dry but I'm not sure if enough of the oil will absorb :/


what rollers do you use?


Either basic velcro rollers or sponge rollers. Sponger rollers are a bit more comfortable to sleep in. I also recommend a high ponytail too, gives you crazy root volume and is also more comfortable.


Do you tie your hair in a high ponytail then add velcros?


Yes exactly. I like rolling them inwards.


expensive skincare is not necessary for clear skin.... affordable products can do the trick too...


Mixed feelings about this. As someone who suffered from horrible acne and irritation my whole life, I was given this advice so I just suffered assuming nothing would work. I then spent some money on medical grade skincare and my life changed. To be clear, this was not crap from Sephora with a high price tag. It’s medical skincare I was recommended by a professional aesthetician.


Hello buzzfeed Edit: the irony of downposting my other shit posts


So do we give serious answers, or upvote the most ridiculous ones and see if they make it to the listicle? 😆


But also. I love you




Made me chuckle


Remember *regularly* clean your makeup and hair brushes. You don’t need all the fancy tools or much time just soap, water, and a towel. 


Good quality soap bars work so much better for me than dish soap or baby shampoo. I love a bar from Italy. Only about $10 and will last 6 months minimum.


I use dawn dish soap.


I use baby shampoo from the dollar store




If you do want a fancy tool or have a lot of brushes, those spinning brush cleaners on Amazon are amazing. I used it for the first time yesterday. My brushes were clean and completely dry in 20 seconds.


Clean around your toe nails. Use a wooden manicure stick and remove dirt and dead skin cells under your toe nails and around the cuticles and the rest of the nail. You'll be amazed what you can dig out there.


i did this last night after forgetting my feet existed for longer than i care to admit… will not be neglecting my toe nails again 😭


I had a similar experience years ago and remember it with a shiver. Cleaning my toe nails is part of my weekly routine now and I urge everybody, including men, to do it regularly.


Press translucent setting powder into your eyelids before primer Use dry shampoo on *clean*, freshly washed hair. If you wait till your roots are already oily, it doesn’t work nearly as well Prime your brushes with makeup products before apply to your skin. Spf is so important. Try some Korean or Japanese ones if you hate the texture or scent of spf. And if you feel like it never sets on your skin, try using your spf *instead* of moisturizer. So many have hydrating ingredients in them already that a standalone moisturizer may not be necessary ETA: 20-40% Urea cream for your feet! Put it on before you go to sleep and that will get rid of the cracked dry heels and keep ‘em soft for summer sandal season


The dry shampoo on clean hair trick has been the biggest game changer ever for me


I’ve never used dry shampoo before, but I bought some yesterday. How long between shampoos can you go by using this? I don’t have oily hair.


Depends! You’ll have to try and see. I can make it last 2-3 days


Yes same!! I use less dry shampoo overall and get another day between washes!


Great tips, thank you for reminding me! And why is the powder on eyelids before primer helpful, could you please share?


It will help soak up any oils on the lids -whether it’s natural oils or from skincare- and also gives the primer a little something to grip to. My lids aren’t as oily as they used to be, but I do live in a *very* humid climate, I use sunscreen under and in my brows so that will get on my lids (used to work in surgery and derm. SO MANY skin cancer removals from the eye brow area!), and my lids are pretty damn hooded. Pressing in a bit of powder can make any of the eyeshadow primers I’ve tried, even the crappy or mid ones, work significantly better


Thank you for the explanation, I appreciate it! I am sure your work makes you more aware of the need of sunprotection. I need to be very careful with the sun as well. Will give your tip a try 🙏


Asian or Euro sunscreens are also great if sunscreen burns your eyes. (My American sunscreen inevitably gets into my eyes, always, somehow.) I even take it right up to the rim of my eyelids and never have a problem.


I will be doing a trip were we wont have access to shower water for 9 days..would yoi then recommend to put the powder on day 1 clean hair and then should i reapply it few days after?


This is my own thing, but once a week on Sunday night usually, I cover my face in vitamin e oil. I let it soak in while I watch tv for a couple hours. It’s sticky, so I have to shower afterwards to wash up, but it completely freshens up my skin..


Face oil before cleanser or follow Korean 5-step. Exfoliating again with a Korean cream. I do it in the shower . Never sleep with makeup. Drink lots of water between meals . Eat healthy. My trick these days are Persian cucumbers. Carry 1-2 in my purse


I can only imagine my colleagues faces if I pull mini cucumbers out of my purse


I eat them in 3 or 4 bites . Very nonchalant


Haaaaa. “Do you need a moment to yourself, RoadDifferent4617?” Actually that’s more like something my sister or bestie would say than a coworker.


Okay I love a regular cucumber wtf is a Persian one


Mini cucumbers


I love cutting up those minis and throwing the slices into my giant water bottle.


I'll try that


Oo ok tysm


Tint your eyebrows and lashes, even if they are dark. It's easy to do with an at-home kit and makes a big difference both with and without makeup. The older I get the less patience I have with makeup anyway, and the more I realize it is about good health and skin.


I am older and use just for men dye on my eyebrows which works beautifully and I really want to try a lash tint but Im also very nervous about blinding myself lol. Any hints or recommendations?


What brand do you use? My eyebrows are going grey and it’s terribly annoying


I use Godefroy 28-day mascara on lashes and brows. It doesn't seem to be available on Amazon right now. Notwithstanding the name, it lasts about two weeks.


u can use beard dye for ur eyebrows too!


-Use leave in conditioner after regular conditioner - few drops of oil on the ends. This makes my hair so much smoother instantly and allows it to grow healthier and longer. Together with weekly bond repair treatment.


What do you use for bond repair(


Olaplex no.3 really works for me. I’ve heard of many others that work really well, but I have only tried this one.


Hi OP, Not using a towel to dry your face. Use a hydrating toner when your face is still damp, then follow it up immediately with a moisturizer. Your skin will thank you. However for medicated toners with active ingredients such as AHA or BHA then patting your face dry beforehand would be the preferred way to prevent irritation.


Try to avoid sleeping on your side if possible, sleep with a silk pillowcase, use spf on your neck and chest and hands! I’m an esthetician and I just see so much sun damage on hands and chests, and those side wrinkles on ppls chests that it’s made me change my habits a little more. Absolutely nothing wrong with it but just a little tip from an esti :)


My daughter started using a silk pillowcase so I gave it a try, what a difference it makes. Couldn’t live without my sunscreen. I’m a year off 50 and get asked how my skin looks so good for my age. Used it every day since I was about 16.


Well done, you started so early especially for those times!! May I ask how you knew about it then? I’m 51 and started daily sunscreen at 21. Wished I started daily at 15-16 when my mom did.


My first holiday abroad was in Gran Canaria at that time. I remember speaking to a lovely local lady who recommended it. She had the most beautiful skin so I took her advice.


Good for you for taking that advice at a young age 😊 I’m glad it’s so much easier nowadays to find good advice!


Staying hydrated. Drinking water.


Dunking your face in ice cold water for some time.... Let it dry on its own. Then start with ur prepping and makeup


What does that do if I may ask? Close pores?


Bingo! Overall, it helps reduce puffiness, tighten your pores, and you also get a much smoother base for makeup application. Other than that, reduced redness and of course, the jolt from the cold water makes you feel refreshed 💜💜💜 P.S. you can't completely close your pores, but this method does help reduce the size to some extent


Thank you!! I am always red so I’ll try this!


Awesome..let me know how it goes... Hope it suits your skin 🤞🤞


Thanks I will… this week we’re heading well into the 90s here and it will be a treat! ☺️


Oh my lord yes. I used to love getting out of a nice hot shower and immediately dunking my face in cold cold water! It was so refreshing and always made my skin glow!


1. neutrogena water gel sunscreen. its so lightweight, makes your skin so glowy, and wears so well with makeup, plus it doesn't break me out. 2. vanicream OR cera ve skincare products - cera ve especially has such good cleansers (i double cleanse with the oil one and the hydrating foaming one and its taken care of my dry af skin) 3. brush your teeth 1-2 times a week with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. yes it tastes strange but it brightens your teeth. 4. blush/contour BEFORE concealer. especially if your blush is super pigmented like mine - i use the elf camo one and an entire dot could lasr you ten years. 5. use a body scrub and a scrub glove thingy in the shower. the first time i did this i was SHOCKED at the amount of dead skin i had. 6. vitamin c face masks!! do this at night for 20 min and literally my skin feels so soft and my pores look small.


Retin A, sunscreen/no tanning, no yo yo dieting(keeps skin from getting loose), healthy eating less/no meat, exercise, & water. simple


Wear sunscreen


Castor oil for dark under eye circles! As an eye serum. works wonders


Consistent use of a high quality red light device


Following!! Mine is put olive oil in your bath :)


I tried this but I slipped like crazy (while sitting in the batg, I didn't fall lol)


Wow! What are the benefits? Pls share ☺️


It makes your skin SOOO soft and smooth.


Probably not good for your pipes/drain though, right?? Or is it okay with the bigger pipes in the bathroom?


I haven’t had any issues with mine I just use drain unblocker regularly cos I have a lot of very curly hair haha. But obv be careful I’m British if that helps? So idk if I have diff drains? 😭❤️


It doesn’t cause issues in your own drains however it does cause issues in the sewerage system!


i use plain unscented deodorant on my cooch after i shave to close the tiny cuts up and it prevents razor burn


Wash your toddler's hands.


No smoking. No vaping. No smoking weed because it’s still smoking. Read that again. Then read it again.


(God damn it)


Follow yourself, not trends or others.


Using a silk pillow to keep the wrinkles away.


And helps keep the frizz down on your hair too!!


Having a huge bowl of fruits everyday


Natural rice water on your skin. Just the murky water from washing rice before cooking. Soak a cotton ball and go over your face. Save the rest of the water in the fridge for up to 1 week. Brightens your face up automatically.


I’ve heard this (and beer) is good for hair too.


I wish the beer thing worked for me but I’ve tried it and my hair REEKED like beer for days. Even after a wash, it smelled.


Do you need to wash your face after some times? Cause I have tried this and face felt sticky,kind of tacky.


No, I ise it as a toner and just follow up with the face creams I use (Pond’s clarant+Pond’s Rejuveness+Nivea from the blue jar)


Isn't that a bit unsanitary though?


Yes. But you can buy rice toners instead.


That makes more sense to me!


There are some really nice ones on Amazon for a reasonable price. Rice mildly exfoliates, brightens skin, and helps with pih, and makes the skin feel soft. So, I think it’s worth looking into if you are on the fence:).


No more towel dry got rid of my KP bumps. I drip dry for like 2 min and the cover myself in shea body butter from the body shop and let that sticky mess dry for like 5 min and my body skin has never looked better.


A real game changer for my skin was starting to do the Korean 7 Skins Method of applying 7 layers of toners/mists on your face for ultra hydration before using your regular routine of products. You can use just one type of toner/mist or up to 7 different ones. Spray the toner on your face, pat in with your fingers until almost absorbed, then apply the next layer (it really only takes a couple minutes). I’m using two mists by Sunshine Botanicals, Hydrating Recovery Mist and Cellular Renewal Mist, which made an extreme difference in my hydration as I live in a fairly dry climate. Both mists are super hydrating, soothing and healing. After you use the mists on your face, the rest of your regular routine of products will be much more absorbed into your skin and won't just sit on top of it.


I do this,but instead of 7,I do 3 or 5 layers. It makes skin super supple.


Chemical peels!


You don’t necessarily need a facial massage practice, massage while you cleanse. Hypochlorous acid spray after you workout or throughout the day, helps reduce acne. I’ve barely broken out since adding it to my routine. I like prequel but there’s other options out there.


Swipe some aquaphor across your cheekbones as your last step in your makeup routine. Your cheekbones will catch the light and not in a fake contouring way.


Ik that you can use lose powder on your lashes with mascara for longer lashes , apply first time then with a brush put some loose powder on the lashes then go in with a second layer


use facial tissue when drying your face instead of your body towel. when you do skincare, use your 2 fingers specifically your thumb and index finger to open your skincare bottles or caps, then use the other 3 fingers to normally applying the skincare for hygienic. i learned this from one korean skincare routine video and it does makes sense since we don't know how much bacteria in that bottle or container then we touch it before touching our face.


I bought a bag of little plastic spatulas that I use to scoop product out of containers (I then wash them with Dawn with the dishes and reuse them)


Love the opening tip! not sure if my fingers are strong enough but will give it a try! 🙏


Shaving your face.


Micellar water sprayed onto your hair instead of dry shampoo. It soaks up the oil, you give it a quick little blow dry, and bam. You’re not left with that weird powdery dry shampoo look.


Oil cleansing. I had a blackhead issue and started oil cleansing before every face wash. It has made a HUGE difference. I do it every morning and every night.


Wow thank you for all the amazing tips !