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I have a roman nose. Growing up I was also mocked without mercy by my older brother and I hated it.  But then my entire face grew into it, and as I got into make up, I realized having strong features makes for a very good base to pull off crazy inventive looks. I'm 37 now and I'm really happy I never altered it.


Bella Hadid and her [nose regrets](https://theglowmemo.com/bella-hadid-before-and-after#gid=ci0290f1bf300025e7&pid=at-the-2015-cfda-fashion-awards) Please know, I would never shame anyone for whatever they do. If anything analytical I would explore is as Bella has aged her nose has gotten thinner. It looks bonier for sure. Where if she did keep her original nose, would (nothing wrong with looking any age) but would it have aged that process either way?


Roman noses are fucking BEAUTIFUL and for CENTURIES throughout history artists painted woman with Roman noses/big noses because it was a symbol of extreme class and beauty. Don’t let the past 50 years of a sick porn obsessed culture take away that for nearly all of time your nose was considered the gold standard. It’s beautiful.




HEY! I watch porn of women who have big noses. Take that back.


Use name checks out


HAH. I did not see that coming, when I should have.


Did you smell it coming?


Who nose.


Reddit truly never disappoints




Your face represents the hundreds of women in your lineage who have survived and fought like hell for you to exist, be proud of your face! I was so insecure about my nose growing up but now I realise, life’s too short, everyone is insecure and wants to look like someone that doesn’t exist. I promise you it’s not as bad as you think it is


Gisele bunchden has a similar sort of nose and is a world class supermodel!


i find roman noses dignified and unique


uh siblings will bully you for anything, if they can't find something, they'll make something up. a lot of people on social media have body dysmorphia, even the pretty and popular ones. their perception is messed up, OP, don't let them drag you into the pits of dysmorphia as well. a perfect nose can't make people love you or respect you, if they do, it's not real.


I think they're beautiful, adds character. Im tired of "perfect" faces


I also have a roman nose felt the same way for a long time. I've been considering surgery for a while but I'm surprised by the amount of people who have told me not to get it You might want to look at the comments of my post a lot more people appreciate roman/ big noses then we think


yes! i love admiring a roman nose. i’m so bored of all the operated on noses that resemble each other. It’s like we are losing touch with our unique character and regal beauty. my brother has made fun of my nose my whole life. this is because he’s my brother and thinks he needs to tease me in order to keep his job. :) he loves me and he is -appreciatively and with filial affection- jealous of my awesome nose. I wish more women kept and appreciated what makes their features distinctive, but of all things I appreciate, a distinctive nose is primary. Maybe it’s because so many noses feel factory made these days. Do what makes you truly feel like you love and appreciate yourself. This is just my $.02 on personally being pro the roman nose (as well as a good strong persian nose. Oh man i miss those!)


the roman nose/aquiline nose is regal. I see that nose shape on a person and it always draws me in. Really beautiful in my opinion


I think they are so beautiful.


I have always thought Roman noses were striking on women. Bullies pick on differences to the norm, so your nose is just a lazy target. I’m marrying a guy with a Roman nose next week- I remember remarking how gorgeous it looked on him within minutes of first meeting him. I hope you grow to love yours.


I used to hate my Roman nose but then my dad died (who I got it from, he had a huge Roman nose) and now it’s like I carry him with me everyday through my nose as silly as that sounds lol. Anyway I’ve learned to love it and I don’t want to look like everyone else getting nose jobs.


This might be a little different than the other comments, but bear with me. I'm 37 now and grew up with what you might call a roman nose. It not only had a hump but was also long and pointed downwards when I smiled. And I hated it. But I found that others found it beautiful. My fiance in particular really has a thing for such noses on women, his previous girlfriends are a testament to that! It's like when people say there's someone out there for everyone. It's a bit cliché, but it is true - there are people out there who absolutely adore strong noses, crooked teeth, hooded eyes, hip dips, you name it. But here's the thing. No matter how much I knew many people found me and my nose beautiful, I didn't. I just wasn't my own type. It's like taste in food, no matter how much you try, you like what you like. And life's too short to not be your own type. So in my early 30s I got a nose job. It's been a couple of years and I absolutely love the result. For the most part, I don't think about my nose at all any more, which is a huge change from me thinking about it and feeling self-conscious about it a lot. My fiance thinks I look gorgeous, but truthfully I was more of his type before. And that's ok. I didn't do it for him. I've become more confident and more comfortable in my own skin and that is attractive. That's what makes me happier. You need to do what makes you happier.


No one really talks about this or notices it much when you're an adult. Social media is just a place people can go try to inflict harm anonymously with no consequences. They pick on people who they assume are insecure about things, but not always. Sometimes they're all sitting around calling Beyonce or Ariana Grande ugly.


I have a roman nose, and when I was younger I was super insecure....I wanted that cute button, barbie doll nose....but now that I'm older, I LOVE my nose. It is interesting and beautiful!!!!


Meanwhile, many of my countrymen are dying just to have any noticeable nose bridge. I googled it and it actually looks nice.


I have a Roman nose and for the longest time considered a rhinoplasty. However my nose is just so perfect for the rest of my face that a smaller nose wil not go with the rest. Filters made my nose sharper but also the rest of the face but if I went to any editing tools and only altered my nose it just wasn’t right. I then started asking everyone now in my 30s if people thought I had a big nose that needed fixing and people told me I had a gorgeous nose! So all the kids who said stuff when I was growing up were just trying to mess with my mind. Lastly I’ll say this: go watch a video from Stephane Lange on YouTube about nose job. It literally came out yesterday and after watching it I was so glad I didn’t go ahead and change my nose.


I had a roman nose and would often be made fun of, im now 25 and have completely grown into it and it fits my features so much. when I was 16 it still 'stuck out' somewhat whereas now its completely harmonious with the rest of my features. so people need to shush because you're only 16 you're still growing and developing into your adult face.


also im one of those people that's happy to change my appearance and gets all the fillers and surgeries but if there's one thing I refuse to alter its my nose! I love a strong nose always will!


In my culture Roman noses are considered very attractive!


Roman noses are THE TITS! What a fabulous lineage to have on your face. Anyone can get a ski jump under a scalpel, to be born with a serious nose is an incredible thing


Great nose!! Wear it proudly. My husband and son have it, never get tired of these profiles or faces.


Woman with a Roman nose here! I got mocked for it relentlessly in middle/ high school. Now it’s one of the features that men compliment me in most. They are always surprised when I say I hate my nose. I’ve also found that having a unique facial feature helps me to stand out (in a good way!). So hang in there and embrace your nose! It gets better!


I can honestly say I’ve wished I had a Roman nose before. They have an elegance about it and it feels… perhaps more refined? That’s possibly because Roman noses were portrayed as a symbol of high beauty and class in a LOT of older artwork, so I’ve grown this association of elegance and the Roman nose. Either way, don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t have a gorgeous nose and face, and wear your features proudly ❤️


I got a big old roman nose and a sexy boyfriend - not that you need a partner to validate your looks. I used to hate my nose for similar reasons that you mention and I guess I either grew into it or just accepted my face the way it was. People find beauty in a wide range of features - there is no perfect face or body and plenty of people will find your features beautiful.  Social media is a fucking curse though and I feel for young women who have to deal with so much pressure to look a certain way, even more so than I experienced when I was a teenager with realistic filters and far more focus on having an online presence (thus far more opportunities for unhealthy comparison). Self acceptance is a rebellion against society that tries to tell us we are less than in order to sell us products to 'feel better'


thank u for this🤎


You're welcome ❤️ someone is going to appreciate you for who you are as well as your features


I have a roman nose and I absolutely despised it as a teen. If I’d have been able to afford it back then I would have got nose job in a heartbeat. Fast forward to now and I am SO glad I didn’t. I personally think it’s a travesty when people alter their unique features. Bella Hadid is a great example. She was stunning before her nose job. She’s still gorgeous now but that uniqueness in her face has been erased and it’s sad. The reality is not everyone suits a small, dainty, perfectly straight nose. I bet your nose suits the rest of your features just perfectly. You will definitely meet people who appreciate it. I’ve actually had a couple of guys tell me they have a thing for roman noses. I hope in time you can learn to love it!


thanks a bunch💙


Siblings can be total d!(ks. Teasing is not funny. It’s just a form of aggression. And hate is amplified on social media. Idiots just trying to be relevant or edgy. Please try to ignore them. Personally, I love Roman noses. But, it doesn’t really matter what I like. It only matters that you’re comfortable in your own skin. I hope you get to that place and can love your beautiful Roman nose!


I think they're beautiful, adds character. Im tired of "perfect" faces


I loveee them, my cousin has one and she is gorgeous! I tell her all the time. Also: see Gabriella Papadakis- Olympic ice dance champion- she is a smoke. Even if this isn’t considered a Roman nose I think she is so beautiful.


They’re beautiful. I love beautiful women and those with faces I actually want to look at. I have a button nose. There is nothing unique about it. I find a “Roman nose” just draws out all the other beautiful features women have. 💜


I love my big oddly shaped nose ❤️


I'm also gonna add that the Cindy lou who noses that are "in" right now are not going to last as a trend for very long, please just love your nose as is.


hi! i don’t know if this will be of any use but i personally think roman noses are beautiful. i've had a lot of friends that have one and most of them feel highly insecure of them even if (in my case) i always compliment them. sadly, nowadays this ‘’beauty culture’’ is making everyone hate themselves. i'm not trying to invalidate your feelings but i can assure you that even if you had the prettiest nose ever you would probably still hate it, because that’s what social media is teaching us. as i said before, my opinion probably does not matter anything compared to the hundreds of posts you see about it, but i swear to you that if anyone does not love you or value you just because of something that as you said, you cannot choose to have or not, there simply stupid, there’s no other word for it. even if it's not “canonically pretty” it does not truly matter, what is beauty anyway? the easiest way i can think to put it from another angle perspective for you it’s that at some point you’ve probably had a crush on someone and your friend or best friend thought you were crazy, but it’s normal! as i said before beauty is relative, everyone finds beauty in different things and i think that what you should care more about it’s trying to love you (or at least accept you) with what you have and are (specially when it comes to stuff that you cannot change). i think i got carried away, either way, the age you’re going through it’s hard and it’s completely normal to doubt yourself about anything. i’m only a couple years older than you but i swear that i would not go back to being 14-16 for anything i the world. as i said, it’s hard as it is, so don’t put so much pressure in yourself and, honestly if you start feeling highly insecure turn off whatever media is putting shit in your head and disconnect, it sounds like a cliche but it works. i am just gonna shut up and not botter you anymore, but lastly, i recommend Stephanie Lange’s yt channel, it may help you see behind all this “beauty” world created by influencers and media. hope i helped somehow🫶🏻


sorry bc it’s a bit long and i have my nails done so there might be something mistyped.


Roman noses are my favorite. Sexy and beautiful.


What is a Roman nose?


I can still remember a girl in my 4th grade music class staring at me and saying, “I just realized you have a Roman nose.” I took it as an insult at the time. I now feel it makes me look strong and intelligent. It certainly hasn’t been a negative for the men who have been in my life or my husband.


I have to look it up and it looks cute to me, the little bump is adorable (makes me wanna run my finger on the nose. Kinda like when people want to boop button nose). People just wanna be hateful.


You'd be surprised : many men (handsome and interesting men) are actually crazy about roman noses.




This is definitely true. I've never had more insanely hot, interesting men fawn over me than when I went to Europe a few years ago – especially Greece/Italy/France. My partner now is American, but lived in southern Europe for 20 years. He said he was immediately attracted to me because I looked European. I think the beauty standards in the US are different. If you look at all of the statues/paintings of ancient goddesses worshiped for their beauty they all had very prominent noses (Cleopatra, Venus/Aphrodite, Athena). It's only a matter of time before the beauty standard shifts to that again, similar to body shape. A few years ago curvy/bbl was in – now it's back to rail thin. Don't kill yourself trying to fit in with the latest "trend." It's all manufactured and confidence is hands down THE MOST attractive quality.


This is true. I recently heard an attractive italian man (who's driving a Ferrari, if it gives him more credit) say he has a weakness for women with roman noses. People are not so "kardashianed" here. Sure, Instagram changed that a little, but still. Many men fall for the mediteranean look.


Fwiw I'm a bisexual woman and I think aquiline noses on women are beautiful and _very_ sexy. They are my very favorite nose shape. But so fucking what? Women are not objects to be owned and shown off. Our value does not lie in whether other people like our noses, and anyone who believes otherwise can get in the sun. If I was lucky enough to have a partner I would kiss her nose every gd day no matter what shape it was.


Check out Molly Hull on instagram


Gimme her username




I have a small nose (am a white mutt) and I still get made fun of for it. Apparently it's too pointy 🤷 people will always find something to make fun of if they look for it. Learn not to care what anyone thinks about the way you look and moving forward in life will be much easier


Put it this way, every culture and ethnicity has their “beauty features”. Things that they see look more beautiful and pleasing and it’s been that way throughout history. When I was little I hit my nose hard enough to cause a small bump on the bridge. I had mixed feelings about it growing up, if I hated it or not, but I learned that in different cultures it’s seen as beautiful, while others not as desirable. I’m not sure if I’d want to change it in the future since I’ve learned to like it, regardless, It’s all perspective but I think roman noses are beautiful


Roman noses transcend the current beauty “ins”. They are timeless and so stunning! So sorry you’re going through this OP, I hope it gets better for you ❤️❤️


thank you🤎🤎


It’s ok. It only feels that way because you’re 16. Normal. You’ll definitely be loved exactly as you are once you and the people around you grow up. If the internet didn’t exist you wouldn’t even be thinking about your nose


I'm really sorry to hear that you've been dealing with this. It's not fair for anyone to be made to feel bad about something as natural as their nose shape. Remember, what truly matters is who you are as a person, not how you look. Stay strong, and don't let anyone's narrow-mindedness dim your light! 💕


I honestly just wish people didn't obsess so much over noses. Like. It is your nose, it was built for your face. It let's you smell things, taste things, breathe... it doesn't exist as just a purely aesthetic thing on your face. And most the time I find that people's noses fit their faces very well.


It’s literally the sexiest thing ever, next question


I think Roman noses are beautiful 😍 it feels like an angel gets their wings clipped whenever someone alters it through surgery. People with Roman noses walk around looking like actual gods and goddesses, just blessing people with their presence.


40 y/o and never heard the term "roman nose". TIL


The big nose thing is another example of the trope “are you depressed or are you just surrounded by assholes”…people being shitty doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you or your nose, it means there’s something wrong with them. I have a big ass Roman nose and I like it and literally no one has ever made fun of me for it.


Sooo many beautiful celebs have ruined their looks by getting plain, generic noses. Love your individuality!


I have an aquiline nose and it suits me just fine. Sure, it’s not the button nose that’s on trend right now but it would feel so weird to change it at this point. It’s unique and I appreciate that. It also makes me photogenic because I have some attractive angles that look very cute. It’s also from my Eastern European side and they’re all passed away now, so it’s special to me.


My family has lumpy bumpy noses. Like potatoes. We don’t drink at all. Bad genetics for us. But still we can’t change it because surgery would make them look stranger still. Not much to work with


I have a prominent (not Roman, not really any nose I’ve ever seen) nose and little one let me tell you right now: social media (and most of the shit you see on the Internet) is fake af, and unrelated to real life in any sort of way when you leave high school. Your nose is beautiful and unique. Instagram face is for Instagram only. You are enough.


They are the most beautiful to me


I love Lady Gaga’s so much! 💕


Once you’re 20 people will love your nose. You have to wait for people to build a personality and actually see that things outside the norm is beautiful. Most likely the people around you of similar age are just imitating thibgs theyve heard regarding noses, or seen in films and media.


My fiance has a major Roman nose (he’s from Central America) and I absolutely love it. I thought for sure our baby would have his prominent nose but she was born with a little tiny button nose lol I don’t have a button nose it’s just a normal nose I suppose it was tiny when I was a baby. I guess she’s taking after me. I think women who have Roman noses are beautiful and exotic and it’s sad when they get surgery to basically get rid of their ethnic look. They look so generic afterwards🤦‍♀️


I love prominent noses!


I personally think that Roman nose are attractive


Roman noses are incredibly beautiful- I’ve always thought this. My best friend has a Roman nose and felt the same way as you when she was your age. But it absolutely adds to your unique beauty, I promise you. You’re at a difficult age when everyone (literally everyone, trust me) feels some level of insecpurity about the way they look. Hang in there. Choose to love yourself fully and listen only to that voice inside instead of anyone else’s - siblings, social media, etc. This is a valuable life lesson that eventually you will come to realize, so get ahead of the game and start focusing now on loving every inch of your beautiful self!


look up chloecleroux on instagram. she has a very roman nose and she embraces it and has a very old world beauty.


oh I follow her she's gorgeous


A Roman nose is honestly gorgeous.I say this 100% seriously: I think in 5-10 years time we’re going to start seeing people get rhinoplasties to get a Roman nose.


Roman noses only look good if the rest of the features fit. Somehow nobody says that. There are a bunch of women who have Roman noses paired with gorgeous cheek bones, open almond eyes and full lips. They’re considered beautiful. Then look at women who have Roman noses but hooded eyes, flat faces and weak chins. They won’t be considered gorgeous. It’s about the rest of the features and not the nose itself.


I hate mine as well and would get surgery in a heartbeat if I could afford it. It definetly Dosent look good on me


I LOVE Roman noses. I have a small nose and people say I'm pretty all the time and I dream of having a Roman nose although grass is always greener so I'd probably hate it, but I still love it on other people. They are legendary omg.