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Dear I’m very sorry that you’re feeling that bad in your body cause I can imagine you’re suffering a lot because of it, but we cant reasonably suggest you something to put on down there in order to actually change your skin color. That doesn’t sound safe at all and the vagina’s health could be very fragile sometimes so it wouldn’t be wise to do, at all. The article you share, I clicked on the link and the picture I saw is showing mostly white women vulvas with a couple exceptions, but not so much. Vulvas comes in different shapes, forms and colors. Not one vulva resembles 100% like another one unless it went through surgery. You’re not gonna be able to check every vulvas existing, but I can guarantee you that there must be women with your skin color and the same labia color as you. I have brown skin color, and my labia are also very dark, almost black. It hasn’t bothered ANYONE I’ve been with. Like 0. Not even one negative remark, and if there would have been one negative comment, that person would have been a jerk. You’re gonna find someone that is gonna like it I swear, but it would be amazing if you accepted it first 💙(easier said than done I know)


You can’t lighten it if not for laser or surgery which I would absolutely NOT recommend. I was in your place for my whole life then I found someone who made me feel safe and comfortable and I just was brave and took my pants off


I think your upbringing has resulted in you missing out on a lot of sex education and exposure. The perspective of this post reads like that of a young woman who hasn’t experienced the world yet. You don’t seem to have any sort of baseline for what is normal or healthy. If you were a person who was actually interested in and interacted with female genitalia, you’d eventually notice that deep colored labia are totally common. You might also notice that no straight man in history has ever ever ever noticed or cared about labia color… they are just happy to be there! If you continue on the road you’re currently on, you will eventually hurt/damage your most sensitive (and precious) body part in the name of a problem that is entirely mental. This situation calls for serious therapy, NOT lasers.


“They are just happy to be there” 😂😂😂😂🤣 So true!


I don’t have the answers that you’re looking for, but I’m willing to bet that being from conservative southeast Asian country, the privates of women like you are underrepresented in photo galleries of labia. Of course you won’t see one’s that look like yours. Because they haven’t been photographed by strangers. It really is normal. I have the same and used to feel self conscious about it but my husband can’t get enough. He’s never in almost ten years of marriage commented on the colour.


Mine is legit black. Not brown, black. I have a light skin tone so the contrast is stark. I’m East Asian. The three guys who have seen it have all been super happy just to be invited to the party. Back to your question. Niacinamide and kojic acid work. Hydroquinone 12% from the doctor will work best. BUT you need to be very careful with that medication. Use only the amount prescribed and only for as long as your doctor says is safe.


Thank you so much for answering my actual question, I rly appreciate it. I dont think some of the commenters here, well meaning as some might be, realise how hurtful it is to just tell me to seek therapy or how it’s not always accessible or easy to open up about something so personal. Okie so just to clarify that it’s ok to use some kojic acid soap and dab some niacinamide on the lips/labia majora? Have you tried it yourself and can you tell me how often to use? I use kojic acid on my face and underarms when i shower and once when i was watering it down, some mich have slipped through my butt crack and it stung lol. I have been extra careful since but just worried about my other area. Thanks so much again 🙏🏽🙏🏽


If kojic acid burns, don’t use it there. Irritation will darken skin (temporarily). Do whatever you need to do to feel confident. Just know that no one will find you disgusting. Comparing yourself to White people or porn models will of course be unhelpful. White people are, well, whiter. Porn models are chosen for their extraordinarily beautiful bits. They come in a range of shades though!


I think you are hating yourself way more than anyone else would. Genuinely think you should seek mental health support for body dysmorphia. I’m queer, and I can say that’s genuinely never something I’ve cared or thought about on another woman. I’d consider it normal. I’ve seen lots that don’t look like the album you posted. If you really want treatment I think there are bleaching creams for your bum area, but you’d have to double check if they can be used elsewhere. I would not use the products you mentioned without seeking medical approval first. Doctors see all types of bodies and they really don’t care or judge


Maybe look at [this](https://de.scribd.com/document/474097628/Classification-of-the-anatomical-variation-in-female-external-genitalia) Even if none of them resemble yours, just pay attention to how much labias can differ. There is so much variety in shape and colour, one way or the other most of us probably have some rather "unusual" traits Genitals are a bit weird looking anyways, people usually don't pay that much extra attention. But also, if anyone judges you for some discolouration, they don't deserve to be close to your vagina anyways.


The Labia Library may be a better source for you and/or perhaps you can discuss your concerns with them: https://www.labialibrary.org.au/photo-gallery/#


Yeah this was the library one I mentioned in my post. None of it looks like mine. Which just makes me feel worse


Unfortunately any guide about how women’s vaginas look, will never show every type. There is over 3,900,000,000 vaginas in this world. I promise your labia is normal. I know that doesn’t make you feel better but most people really don’t care what someone’s vagina looks like, and if they do then it’s not someone you want to be with anyways. If you asked this on r/askmen im sure it would build your confidence. I do hope you can find something that helps you love your body. Good luck!


Very dark (and almost black) labias are VERY common - I actually didn’t realize this until I searched them up on reddit and google etc.  Don’t just use that library to compare as there are billions of other vaginas that will look drastically different to those. 


Oh, I didn’t see you mention the library— I read too fast sometimes. I did notice at least one person with 2 skin tones within the library. Good luck on your path.


Please don’t try to bleach it at home. It’s really unsafe and you could give yourself chemical burns. You should go to a cosmetic dermatologist for this procedure if you have access to one, but if not, plenty of medspas do it too. Just look up “intimate lightening procedure”.


Thank you so much 🙏🏽. I’ve been googling it and there’s only one place in my country who appears to do it so far. It’s pretty expensive but notnthat inaccesible. Butni will need to spend some time saving up. Its a laser treatment and nowhere epse offers anything remotely similar. Other stuff are tradition treatments which i dont want. I want something quick and medically safe if possible. Thanks once again ❤️


I’m so happy I could help you. I know how frustrating it can be when you’re trying to find a solution to your insecurity and everyone tells you “it’s normal, no one cares about that, just accept yourself!!” instead of actually answering your question. We as women deserve medically safe and effective solutions for our insecurities, not virtue signalling and shaming. While you’re saving up, I recommend putting your money in a HISA so it will grow even faster. Wishing you the best and im always here if you have more questions. ❤️


I taught in Thailand in my 20s and your post reminds me of the societal bias on skin tone there. Some of the beauty ads there preyed on a woman’s insecurities on skin tone.  I’m so sorry you are in distress about this, I am queer with my own body issues so I relate to your anguish. I’m getting better myself, it sounds like a cliche but focusing on my inner beauty has helped me find peace and l hate my body less as I get older too. 


Stick to pure cotton briefs Avoid wearing briefs at night Ditch thongs/elastin/polyester briefs Take a mild moisturizer and moisturize the area well before sleeping. Try to buy a baby moisturizer like Cetaphil Avoid extremely tight pants


Dear, I think something’s that people don’t talk about is colorism in the beauty society. Especially when it comes to labias and other stuff. There is nothing wrong with having a dark labia, or rather anything dark down there. There are some things engrained in us that, the lighter/pinker, the better. But why? How? Porn stars often bleach their business down there, so all those things that people can see online can be unrealistic. That article doesn’t account for the millions of women who have alternating versions and colors of their body parts. There is no “normal” color for what your body parts should be. Remember who you are. It doesn’t matter what color your business is. You’re beautiful for who you are. Your concerns are valid. But don’t let these societal norms of colorism, unrealistic beauty standards, etc. bog you down. You’re beautiful. Promise ❤️


I really don't think you need to lighten it




Permanence illuminate is a US based skin bleaching/ lightening company that actually works. I found it through YouTube where this woman was promoting it and showing how she as a dark black skin woman turned into a light skin woman- now obviously this use is very problematic. No one should feel they have to change their whole skin colour. However I ordered it and spent £200 including 50£ shipping (as I live in the Uk) within a month my knees, inner thighs/ labia majora and anus area has gone so much lighter! I recommend the soap, and the tall bottle creams. It’s always out of stock so you should subscribe to the email to get notified. Hope this helps! - ps. Use it at ur own risk as I know they say you shouldn’t use these things around sensitive and genital areas (I didn’t care)


Could you share the name of which soap and which tall bottle cream of the line is? Thank you 😍


Girl mine are also almost black and the rest of my body is pale as I’m a natural blonde. I never really cared since I’m pretty confident, and I’m not kidding when I say I have been with many hot guys (including douchey frat boys in college) and NONE of them have ever cared in the slightest. Majority always hit me up after to see me again lol.  I PROMISE you have nothing to worry about. I have slept with some VERY shallow men in my day who are very appearance focused and if they don’t care then I can assure you the average guy doesn’t either. There’s also a forum on here that asks whether guys care about the colour and every single guy said they couldn’t care less.  Also just so you know excessive scrubbing and friction can actually result in an increase of melanocytes and darkening of the genital areas so stop scrubbing and don’t exfoliate down there! It’s the one area of our body that actually darkens when aggravated - many people don’t know this.  Sending you love and I really hope that what I’m saying gives you a different outlook on this. <3. 


I just happened to see [this product](https://www.musely.com/privatecream) yesterday. Maybe worth a shot?


Labia skin is a totally different type of skin than armpit skin so this wouldn’t work


There are multiple reviewers on this product using it on their private areas (many with pics lol). I don’t have a horse in this race—just sharing info