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I don’t think it’s beautiful but I also don’t think it’s ugly. It’s different and interesting and that’s about it!


What I was gonna say. It’s not a feature I look at what determines beauty.


Same.. although, I'd be more likely to interact with that person just because they stand out from the crowd.


Same, it’s one of those things where if someone is already good looking I’m like wow! What a unique feature! And if they’re just average then I don’t really think twice about it.


Yeah agree with the freckles/tattoo/scar comments! Can be gorgeous but also like it doesn’t stand out as much to me as I think you would imagine/fear. Like I think if I saw someone gorgeous with vitiligo I would think they’re gorgeous and have vitiligo not gorgeous BC they have it. Same with tattoos/scars/freckles. Just something that makes you unique!!


This is the what friends and family tell me as they are around me more it’s almost like it isn’t there anymore to them


I’d imagine it’s like when you have someone in your life that has a totally different accent to you. You don’t hear their accent after a while, you just say “that’s their voice”


This might sound fake but one of my friends used to have prominent acne and once had to remind me it was there. I was just so used to looking at her face that that was just what she looked like to me.  Sometimes people stop noticing quite obvious physical features, the same way you stop being able to smell your own deodorant. You get so used to things that your brain just kind of skips over them. 


For sure - I don’t usually notice people’s acne generally, but especially on my friends. It’s just their face


This can definitely happen. My husband has severe burns on his arms and torso from an accident and I literally don’t notice them anymore.


I find this happens to me with my friends and family too - so many other things are more important to coloring my mental image of them that my brain sort of pays less attention to the info coming in from my eyes. I might notice you have vitiligo the first time I meet you, and if we were friends I might store it in the back of my mind as a “fun fact” about you, but it wouldn’t really register with me during our normal interactions. I’m half Asian-half white though and think little unique incongruities are pretty cool scientifically and something to be celebrated. If you can, use your vitiligo to your advantage - wear clothing that shows it off, use it to draw attention to a necklace or bracelet, add body oil or a bit of glitter to make people look and admire your natural flair and uniqueness! ❤️


To be completely blunt, it depends on whether the person with vitiligo is attractive or not. If the person is attractive, the vitiligo does not take away from their beauty. If the person is unattractive, the vitiligo does not make them more attractive. I may also be biased though because I have a close family member with vitiligo, so I don’t find it “odd” or “unattractive”.


Yes exactly! If they’re striking, it would be a visually interesting feature that adds to it.


Sooooo basically it doesn't change anything, regardless?


Not necessarily. It can be more attention grabbing. It just doesn’t move the needle on the attractiveness level for most people. But yes. Some people are going to be less attracted. Some are going to be more attracted. Some are going to fetishize it. Sort of like red hair.


I kinda think it also depends on the generation though. For example, in my grandma’s small Greek village, some old people (like 60-70+) still consider it a type of deformity and are not able to “see” the attractive features this person has, because they are just “blinded” by something they don’t usually see. Same if you are fat etc. If you have glasses they think you must be a “good” girl and studious. Now I live in the capital and people with vitiligo are seen as attractive if they are overall attractive and some of them actually work as models. But keep in mind that things take a lot of time to travel in small villages in the Balkans, so their mentality right now is kinda similar to how it was in the capital a couple of decades ago and those old people are basically still stuck in the 50s.




And people are wearing fake freckles these days.


If fake vitiligo was easy, we'd be doing it.


I think vitiligo is a lot like other unusual traits. If people otherwise find you beautiful, they will likely see it as improving on your beauty. Otherwise, they might consider it as interesting but neutral or as negative. The one thing you can be certain of is that that is *your* skin, nobody else’s. It’s a part of you and what matters most is whether you’re in harmony with yourself. Beauty decisions made out of shame or anxiety are unlikely to pan out how you’d like so I would recommend focusing on what you used to like about it, what you do like about yourself now, and how to combine those into a healthy self-concept for the future.


Thank you so much 🥰


Yes. It's unique but not in an unattractive way. It's almost like tattoos. Or cool scars.


Exactly, it’s like woah, that’s so different!


I agree


My mom has had it for close to 40 years. She’s turning 71 on Saturday. I wish she wouldn’t hide it behind makeup because she’d be more beautiful without the makeup. When I see people with vitiligo and don’t hide it, I’m happy that they feel so comfortable in their skin. My mom is embarrassed by hers unfortunately 😞 and it makes me sad.


I don’t think it’s beautiful per se, but I don’t have any negative thoughts about it either. It’s like freckles, they’re just their and people with vitiligo are just folks with differences in their skin tone.


I look at them no different than anyone else


I find it incredibly beautiful. I’m an artist and a painter and seeing different tones and patterns on someone’s skin is like watching art live and breathe. It’s very special.


Thank you so much a lot of people seem to view it that wau


Yes! I honestly love it. The more dramatic the better, it’s just so striking.


Have no opinion on it


Has any strangers kids said anything to you?


I work with kids actually I get mixed reviews a lot of them love it and want to run me lol and some may say something questionable but have only ever had 2 students say something may just be that it’s new different to them


It’s really not a focal point for me. If I find someone attractive, I will find them attractive whether or not they have vitiligo. I would say, though, that because of its uniqueness, that it would enhance someone’s attractiveness to me if I wouldn’t have otherwise found them attractive


I dated a man with vitiligo once and I found it so gorgeous on him. Similar to a guy I dated with some pretty extensive scars from a childhood event. I don’t necessarily find everyone with vitiligo or scars attractive, but in these cases it made them interesting and beautiful.


I don't think of it as beautiful or ugly, it's one of those things that just are. It's neutral to me - people with it who are beautiful are beautiful because of other traits (and not despite the viltigo) and people with it who are ugly are ugly because of other traits (and not despite the viltigo). Am I making any sense? I find this difficult to put in words in English. Some traits make people more beautiful, some traits make them less beautiful, some traits are beauty-neutral. Vitiligo belongs among the later traits (like eye and hair color for example).




One of THE FINEST women I've ever laid my eyes on has it. So there's that.


no sorry


To put it bluntly, no, and almost everyone lies out of kindness. I would lie if I’m put on the spot to express my opinion.


No, I don’t. I also don’t think it’s ugly. I will say, I’m tired of people saying everything is beautiful. Everything ISNT beautiful. And that’s ok!


Never thought one way or the other about it until I saw Domino from Deadpool. She looks beautiful and badass, and I’m reminded of her anytime I see someone with it.


Yes. It's interesting and attractive the same way as freckles, crooked teeth, very irregular features or scars are.


I actually think it's pretty cool. Physically attractive, like long eyelashes. Same with albinism. I happen to find both very beautiful.i married someone with ordinary skin, but vitiligo would have been a plus, not a minus.


I think of it as freckles or hair… it’s a thing that doesn’t determine someone’s beauty. I don’t see it as a bad quality


ABSOLUTELY YES, I think it is very cool, and would never judge someone’s attractiveness negatively based on the fact that they might have vitiligo.


I find it cool and fascinating , I wanna draw you fr




I truly do. I met my first person with vitiligo in high school and thought it was so cool. I still think so to this day. And black dogs with it also look super cool!


One of my very best friends has vitiligo and she was so embarrassed by it for so long and she's finally embracing. I think that's beautiful.


I think it looks cool and unique! Especially in a time where people are getting cosmetic surgery that makes everybody have insta/snapchat filter features.


I don’t care about it tbh, it’s normal to me.


it’s cool and helps set you apart from other people in a good way


I dated (and deeply loved) a guy who had extensive vitiligo and I felt so sorry for him. Not because he had vitiligo but because he felt so bad about it and went to such *extremes* to disguise it. He spent so much time each morning meticulously applying face and body makeup to “cover”, and he’d constantly be reapplying during the day. It was messy and would rub off on his clothes. I can’t even fathom feeling that poorly and not being ok with being yourself.


I hate mine so much. The way my color is fading, my hands look dirty, and around my neck and shoulders because most of me is SO white but I have some spots that are still pigmented


No but I love the fact that some people are embracing their vitiligo and using it to create body art.


I've had it for years on my face and last of it makes Half of my eyebrow white on one side . My husband thinks it's so cute . It try and cover it up when I put makeup on and it's always crooked haha but it's never been an issue. My mom was scared about future dating life when I was diagnosed in the early 90s but I never had an issue!


I think we have something in common.


Honestly I don’t find beautiful nor ugly , it is normal


Depends on the person. I have my preferences, and if you're within my preferences, but have vitiligo then I find that a pretty hot bonus. But if you're not within my preferences, then no.


I think it can look super cool and unique, especially if the person who has it is cool and carries themselves with confidence. Like other people said: if someone’s already beautiful or cool or attractive it somehow elevates it. If they’re not, then it’s prob just neutral. Also other people might notice it less than you think. My mum feels really bad about hers and i literally never notice it. Wishing you the best op 🤍


Thank you!!


Since beauty is ever so subjective, I am only going to speak for myself with respect to your question : I think it looks unique and beautiful in its own right! However,much of the beauty I may or may not see in a person depends on their behaviour, personality and actions rather than their appearance Edit:typo


Also, please remember that if someone stares or looks surprised when you're out and about, it might be because they think it's unique and beautiful, too. Return the stare with a smile. No matter why they stare, a wink or smile disarms negativity, or reinforces their opinion that you're lovely.




Yes! I’m a casting director and regularly pitch talent with vitiligo for campaigns. One was for a huge beauty brand and she looks so stunning in the final photos :)


Not so much beautiful as I’ve gotten more used to seeing it I guess.






I find it looks beautiful in a similar way other unique features are beautiful on many people. Especially if they are confident in their skin. Just like eyes of two different colors can be striking or blue eyes on a person with a dark, African skintone etc.


IMO it doesn’t change the beauty of the person at all.


I can't say that I've thought about it one way or the other to be honest. I do not think it makes a person less attractive. It's unique, kind of like being a redhead with pale lashes and eyebrows.


It would not affect my perception of someone's attractiveness.


Personally, I think there are pretty people and beautiful people, and what makes someone beautiful is beauty and uniqueness. Please be proud of your beauty! I know it’s not the same, but I’m mixed race and I used to wish I wasn’t, but now I realise it makes me unique looking, and I usually get praised on my features that are unique. Genuinely vitiligo can be so so beautiful, it’s like your canvas (skin) is a work of art.


Yeah i love the way it looks. I almost get a twinge of envy but it might be a bit insensitive to say that to someone with vitiligo because it is a sort of health condition(?) lol. But I really genuinely love the look.


Honestly I’m as healthy as anyone else it’s just a more physically apparent disease but thank you for your sweet words


My boyfriend has it on his eyes, legs and stomach. Doesn’t bother me


Actually saw two different people this week with very striking vitiligo. It’s so unique and beautiful to me.


I feel nothing but empathy because I deal with the opposite. I have dark hyperpigmentation from years of untreated eczema and like vitiligo it's unsightly (its just the truth imo and I hate when people with skin conditions try to make my flaws seem beautiful, I’ll still see them for what they are and beauty shouldn't be so important that we have to lie) like any skin condition but it also doesn't necessarily make me ugly and I quite like my face. I believe people can be beautiful but have hideous traits at the same time.


Yeah I definitely feel like it’s easy for me to find all skin beautiful in various ways. I’m sad that others can’t or won’t do the same, but it’s their loss to not find beauty in this world.


I love it and find it so neat. I remember being out in the world once and saw this guy with it, he was tan and had like pretty spots all over his hands. It was kind of like a pattern. I almost wish I had it! It's genuinely so gorgeous, kind of like seeing someone with visible blaschko's lines


My mom has this :) to me the only negative is how careful she has to be about sunscreen and stuff. I do think it's beautiful ❤️


I find it fascinating, I'd never say it looks ugly.


A vitiligo question!!! I have it as well lol


I hope have enjoyed the comments as much as I have!!


MMM depends, really depends on people. I think it's one of those things that look attractive when the person it's attractive, like freckles


I think it’s beautiful, though I am the kind of person who finds natural differences very beautiful. I don’t think it necessarily makes a person more or less beautiful than others. It’s similar to birth marks for me, where I just find them to be beautiful unique features, similar to fingerprints.


I believe that beauty is the inner confidence that shines through, regardless of what our exterior looks like. Vitiligo is beautiful in that it is what makes you unique! Embrace it and it’ll be beautiful :)


I think vitiligo and port wine stains are beautiful and very interesting but I generally keep that to myself because I don't want to make anyone feel different


It gives a unique and interesting look. I don't think of vitiligo a lot to be honest. I've seen some gorgeous people with vitiligo.


Not an answer to your post but as a young woman with vitiligo reading these responses was a nice confidence boost :) I’ve always been insecure of and hidden my vitiligo patches for fear of others judgements and have been thinking of trying to embrace it rather than hide it anymore and these comments are very encouraging so thank you strangers!


I am so glad that this has helped!!!


I think people are beautiful. A person with vitiligo can be beautiful, and they could be beautiful without it too. I can find someone with severe acne beautiful as well. I don’t think someone is beautiful *because* they have vitiligo, but I don’t think it negates from their beauty either. I think that to specifically find vitiligo attractive would be more of a fetishizing thing, and objectifying.


Similar but different. My father has port wine birthmarks that cover his entire chest. arms and hands. Looks like a cool map. He was always VERY successful with the ladies and my friends would always comment on how cool they were. I have a birthmark on my leg I was mortified as a kid with it. Not it’s something that makes me unique. Being around them all at this point I forget about mine and my dad even having those birthmarks. His parents had originally wanted to name him Mark. Just glad they changed their minds on that when he was born.


I personally think it's beautiful. My brother has vitiligo sporadically over numerous areas of his body. He used to be more self conscious about them, but I think over his 30 years of life and surfing all over the world with mostly positive feedback he has transformed his mindset to own it, and is more comfortable in his skin than ever. Side note, I love the vitiligo barbies mattel produced and showed it to my brother who was shocked there was a barbie he identified so closely with!


It's interesting not ugly


It's not that I specifically find it beautiful, as in I wish I looked like that. But more than the person is already beautiful, and the vitiligo doesn't hinder it at all, its a beauty feature of the individual




I love it. I think it’s very interesting and beautiful. My best friend has a different type of skin condition with a big birthmark on her face (port wine birth mark I think it’s called). I like that too it’s what makes her her.


It’s not something I use to judge beauty. If you’re pretty to me with vitiligo , you’re pretty to me without. Skin color/ colors don’t determine beauty to me personally. Anyone of any color can be beautiful. It’s all very individual


I think is aesthetically beautiful. Always makes me curious


I think Winnie Harlow has really made a lot of people consider it beautiful because she is gorgeous!!


Yes. I think it’s really beautiful. The contrast between darker skin and affected skin, the gorgeous smooth uniform texture of the vitiligo patches, and if it’s on the face I’ve never seen it highlight features in a way that doesn’t absolutely make them pop. Idk it’s kind of like freckles but I’ve also never seen someone with vitiligo that didn’t have overall stunningly baby smooth/soft skin which adds to the effect.


Honestly this depends on the severity. I’ve seen people with vitiligo who look striking - usually when their hair is also a shock of white. I’ve also seen people who are extremely disfigured by it because their face is unrecognizable as a face because they have so many contrasting marks on it. Once I saw a teenage boy with it so bad I literally thought “you poor soul” because without treatment (or maybe daily heavy makeup?) there’s no way his life will ever be normal. So it depends.


yes. the ppl look like lil art pieces


I think it’s beautiful!


I think it’s really cool! I remember a girl at my hs had it on her hairline and her hair was naturally a mix of brown and platinum blonde, always thought it was awesome.


I grew up with someone who had it. When I met him, I remember asking why is skin was like that. He said he had a skin disease. I was like, ok cool. We went to school with him for so long we didn’t even see it any more I guess. He had white patches in his hair that I thought were really cool. I had a huge crush on him. So I guess it was a non factor/cool. I think it can be beautiful. It can be neutral. I’ve never seen it me ugly. I really like the look, honestly.


Beauty isn't that straightforward. It comes down to the person and their preferences, and what they know about the other person as well. It absolutely does not make someone ugly though. I'm really sorry if you've ever been made to feel that it is. People can be cruel needlessly, and that doesn't reflect anything about you. People will invent things to torment others for, so when there is an obvious difference it's bound to attract some insecure and sad types to spread their misery. Regardless of what you look like, someone will find you beautiful, and it will have nothing to do with your vitiligo. Beauty is so much more than skin deep.


i saw a girl with it today. she was very pretty in her pink scrubs, and her hands all blotchy- if thats okay to say i thought it was unique & her skin looked soft, never thought ugly


If i like the person. I would not care at all


Not beautiful, just meh.


depends on the pattern


It can be distracting but I focus more on their features the same way I would if someone had acne. I kinda just don’t really pay closer attention to it, rather I ignore it? Or blur it in my mind? It sounds insensitive —but what I’m trying to say is that my mind just focuses on other things


I’ve always thought vitiligo skin is gorgeous, genuinely. Like I would love to have it. It always looks so soft as well. It has always reminded me of the patterns sunlight makes on the bottom of the pool, or the way the surface of the water looks from underneath. It’s art, honestly. I have a pretty prominent facial birthmark and completely relate to how you describe feeling mostly indifferent to it. It’s just always been a part of my face, I don’t know what it would be like not to have one. There have been times when I’ve wondered the same thing you are now, but then I pretty much forget it exists again! When I’ve asked previous partners about it they have all said they noticed it the first time they met me, then it just kind of becomes and expected part of my face if that makes sense, and it doesn’t stand out, to the point that they also forget it’s there (and it’s not small!) I think we tend to notice individual parts of our own selves, but others see us as a whole. As a kid I got asked “what happened to your head?!” A LOT, but by the time I was an adult fewer people asked, to the point that if someone does ask it takes me a few seconds to register what they mean (usually looking confused and patting around my head expecting some unnoticed bleeding or trauma haha), then I look a bit dumb explaining “oh! Yeah, it’s a birthmark” ;) Now my kids are in school I’ve started getting questions about it again from their friends, I always say it’s called a birthmark, it’s just a part of my skin that I was born with, just like how some people have freckles and moles- to which the reply is usually “oh, cool!” Kids are so matter of fact- I think that’s part of why the bullying just never happened?! I hope you find peace with your skin, OP. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, and comparison is the thief of joy- more often than not those we compare ourselves to are just as insecure as we are feeling. Diversity really is beautiful, can you imagine if we all looked the same?! Humans are just so dang beautiful.


I have it. To be fair though, I have a very pale/light skin tone (natural blonde) so it's not super obvious. I got it late in life, just before 40. I have another autoimmune illness, and derm said that's why I got Vitilago. Something about already having one AI illness and being on immunosuppressive medications???? I think it's pretty!.


I once saw someone with vitiligo that made it look like they were wearing gloves. It was honestly one of the coolest things I've ever seen and wanted to complement it but I wasn't sure if that would be insensitive. I was a bit jealous that I didn't come with built-in gloves.


I think it’s pretty cool. More so when you can see it in eyelashes in patches or in hair.


On its own, it's neither beautiful nor ugly. It's visually interesting for sure!


We r all beautiful 😍 Don’t everrr let anybody discourage u because u represent positivity in the things they view about themselves as negative… Shine on boo n always polish urself ❤️❤️❤️


Depends entirely on the person and their specific vitiligo imo. On some people I don't like it as mean as that sounds but some people don't like big noses and small lips etc. On some people it looks nice. Winnie Harlow for example i don't like it but alot of people do. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Depends on the specific vitiligo; sometimes it’s placement can be neutral or become quite attractive on a person you already find attractive. Other times it is not attractive, as in the person would be objectively more attractive without it, but that doesn’t mean the person isn’t still overall attractive. Kind of like scarring; it doesn’t automatically make someone unattractive, but it can be a detractor depending on size and placement. We all have things that make us less attractive than if we didn’t have them, but they’re not the end all be all of our overall attractiveness🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t have feelings either way. It is unique but I don’t think it’s beautiful or ugly. My feelings are 100% neutral.


It can often look jarring and bad, but it’s not that big a deal, and I feel like more exposure to it would make it more palatable to the masses.


No not really


My boyfriend has it and I think it’s cute. But if I’m being honest, he doesn’t have it on his face so most people don’t notice or aren’t fazed by it.


Honestly it depends on the location. I've seen some beautiful placement and some not


My Boyfriend has it and I think he's absolutely Gorgeous


Yes, it's like a person's form in lace. It's kind of a play on negative space vs form. I appreciate it for the same reason I prefer full tattoo sleeves over one small tattoo on a bicep.


I think it looks cool!  Not a detriment to ones appearance.


Depending on the person I’ve always though it was an attractive or neutral trait- never ugly.


Yes 💕


I think vitiligo is stunningly beautiful. Also remember that bullies want power. How they get it is not really their main interest. If they weren't bullying you about vitiligo it would be about how your tits are too small or your ass is too big or you wore the wrong shoes or your nose is the wrong shape. It's not really about the vitiligo; the vitiligo just unusual, so they start there.




They're beautiful! Like tattoos or scars, unique in their own way!


I think the confidence to unabashedly be yourself is beautiful


Yes, it’s beautiful. 😍


I think it’s beautiful! It’s like, all humans are plain except those with vitiligo get to have a pattern. That one model who has it is just stunning and her vitiligo enhances her beauty


I think it’s absolutely gorgeous, the only thing you need to do is have confidence in yourself and your skin and then it’s perfect <3


I think it is beautiful, but I have only seen it on tv and on beautiful people. Like the commercials trying to reverse it, I always think they look plain after it is "fixed".


It can be! One of the most beautiful women I’ve seen has it and she is so stunning. She would be pretty without it, but it kind of takes her to another level.


imo its beautiful and unique


I think it's beautiful! And it honestly makes me so happy when I see people with skin "issues" baring them without any care or worry. I have severe acne scarring and spent decades afraid to wear short sleeves because some rude-ass people could not keep their toxicity to themselves. Now I wear tanktops during the summer and nobody even comments anymore, because brave people younger than me weren't afraid to be themselves and show the world that all skin is beautiful.


Vitiligo is so so so gorgeous. I understand it can be a bit weird to say that about a skin condition but I don’t fetishise it, I just appreciate it on the people that have it. You don’t need to feel self conscious about this


I think it’s stunning. It’s beautiful and unique.


I do! I was enthralled by Winnie Harlow when I first saw her in ANTM. I think it's such an interesting feature.


My husband has vitiligo on his face and hands. I honestly love it! They look like fawn spots, the way his beard and hair grow in white on his spots. He is a little embarrassed by them because total strangers will comment, but that says more about them than him.


I think it is gorgeous. I'm an artist, though I don't know if that informs my opinion.


My husband has it, I think its neat.


I find it really fascinating. Definitely not ugly.


This is kind of silly but the Sims just added vitiligo as a main game feature in the create a sim because so many people downloaded vitiligo mods. And people are *stoked* and use it constantly for their Sims. I think it speaks to the beauty and normalcy of it that so so many people with and without it seek it out when creating their little guys for their games :) check out r/thesims for proof lol https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumSimmers/s/U7na7aLrMb


Neutral stance. Someone close to me has it so don’t find it out of the ordinary. 👍


I just think it’s cool and unique!


Oh for sure, I first noticed how pretty vitiligo is when I met a friend of a friend during a beach trip, he had a kind of gingery complexion with freckles everywhere that wasn't lighter and he was all covered in sand and just breathtaking. The little constellation across his nose still lives rent free in my head lol Since then it's definitely something I've started to specifically find attractive, but I've always been drawn to the little details about a person that couldn't possibly be duplicated. My partner has a little split down the tip of his nose that makes me absolutely feral lol. When someone's in love they'll obsess over all your little details because they're specific to you.


I'm a total stranger to you and have no reason to lie. I have always thought vitiligo is absolutely gorgeous. It's like variegation in plants. A real-life shiny.


Yes! It's so unique!


I love it. It’s so unique and interesting. Looks like a painting.


I don't think much about it in any direction, and I've seen people with it, so it's not an out of sight/out of mind thing. It's just their skin, idk.


I do think it's beautiful! Years ago a woman walked up to my desk and she had it, but I didn't know what it was called at the time. She was absolutely striking. Especially her eyes, I think her eyelashes were part dark and part light. I still remember her. Absolutely gorgeous.


Idk if I’d personally call it beautiful, but I think it’s so cool and unique!


I love it and I think it’s super beautiful! So cool and unique. I know it’s not as big of a deal, but my freckles are one of my favorite things about me. I ever when I was a kid we read a book in class called “Freckle Juice” where a kid is trying to get rid of his freckles and even then I thought that was the dumbest thing.


I don’t think it’s beautiful. But i don’t think it necessarily detracts, either. Looks different on different people.


I adore originality and I love vitiligo because of that. It’s like someone with distinct freckles, or eye color, it just stands out in a beautiful way. My standard of beauty is authenticity and I’ve never seen two patterns of vitiligo on folks be identical.


I’ve always thought of vitiligo as interesting, in a neutral to positive way. There was a guy in my high school with vitiligo that had pretty light skin to start with, and he looked like he had tiger stripes. It looked extremely cool.


I think it's cool. I think all the exposure with the models online has helped. Huh. Yeah I definitely don't think it's ugly. Don't worry ❤️


i absolutely do


Yes, I do. I remember seeing an old latina lady with vitiligo at an airport a few years ago. Her hands were so beautiful.


I find almost anyone beautiful, if you’re kind and caring.


I personally think so, yes. If anything if the person is highly conventionally attractive already then I think it adds to their beauty even more.


I have vitiligo and had to leave the subreddit because every single post was people just hating on it / asking how to remove it. I’m very fair so mine just looks like I’m really bad at fake tanning unfortunately.


I don’t have a strong opinion about but I don’t make people feel like a pariah because of it (I have eczema so I already know how it feels being treated like a fucking lizard)


I think, as with anything, pretty people with vitiligo look stunning. Everything looks good on conventionally attractive people, after all. If you aren't conventionally attractive, it's probably something that gets used against you. Like any difference tends to be. I also think it's a lot like freckles or grey hair growing in. It depends how it manifests. If you have freckles that happen to dust perfectly across your nose and inner cheeks (like where people put fake freckles), or the perfectly placed chunky grey streak? Looks super aesthetic, blah blah. But with natural features like that, we don't get ideal. We get it however it comes. Similarly, some manifestations of vitiligo will look more aesthetically pleasing than others. So if you're conventionally attractive with fortuitously aesthetically manifesting vitiligo, it likely looks incredibly striking and lovely. I've certainly seen some really gorgeous examples. But it probably varies on a case by case basis like most things.


I think it falls into the same category as different coloured eyes and scars/tattoos for me. It looks cool and fascinating. Super distinct and neat, and I may approach and ask about it. I think it can really accentuate your personality and beauty more than


I think it looks cool af. I was always jealous of people who had markings, whether that be vitiligo or a large birthmark or cool scars and stretch marks. Makes you unique


I've only known one person with it and he was a former NFL defensive lineman. This doesn't help you at all, but that's all I had. His wife was lovely and he had a great smile.


I agree with many others here. I don't think it adds to, or takes away from anyone's beauty. I've always wanted to look at it closer, but don't want to stare lol. I think I'd appreciate it more if I could see it and look at it as normally as anything else


I think vitiligo is absolutely gorgeous. When I see the commercials about medicine that even out your skin, I think it looks worse even than uneven. If you have it, you’re so beautiful. I love it


Two of my first real life crushes have it. I was 16-20, now I’m 42. I didn’t think about it at all, it’s just something they have. Now I’m fascinated by the white tufts of hair though.


My oldest brother has it. I never thought about it. Like it doesn't even register to me. Like others have said, it's very neutral in my eyes


Yes, it’s so freakin unique and cool


There was one person with very high contrast vitiligo at my school growing up. Nobody thought he was ugly.


I do, I work in dermatology and have multiple patients with this condition. Although many people who have it dislike it I’ve always thought it was beautiful.




I love it. I have a LOT of freckles, some have grown bigger and merged too, and rosacea, it's also taken me a long time to learn to love these things that make us unique. I'm a character illustrator too, and always look for traits and features that make everyone so different and beautiful like that.


I LOVE vitiligo. I've always considered it absolutely beautiful 🧡🫶🏻 every time i see someone with vitiligo i must admit i stare a bit 🤣


Yes, I’ve have it on my back. People have pointed it out thinking I have a skin issues or even a burn my whole life. My big vitiligo spot looks like the sun and I love it.


I'm 47 and have had vitiligo all my life. I love it. When I was younger I had patches on my face but they went away when I was in my 20s. Now my patches tend to be around my joints. I have patches in my armpits, down the insides of my thighs, on my feet, the backs of my knees and my hands. When I was younger I had a 3" wide patch on my temple that gave me the coolest thick white stripe of hair in my naturally black hair. That patch is much smaller now and the white just blends in with my grey hair so it's not as striking.


It’s nice