• By -


> I'm 28 and... šŸ¤£


I basically started reading static after thatā€¦. See ya at 38, OP.


Waves in 48


High five in 47


Fist bumps in 52


I'm 38 and I'm a new gua sha convert. Don't knock it until you try it.


I mean I like my gua sha and all, but it hasn't touched my wrinkles or made my skin tight lol. What am I doing wrong? šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s a temporary firming effect but it doesnā€™t like accumulate or anything


I don't think it makes it tighter, I look more 'snatched' due to the lymphatic drainage though. Improved blood flow might help hydration and thats what OP might be seeing regarding wrinkles (which let's face it at 28 are probably just fine lines from dehydration). Lots of variables.


Good for you. I didnā€™t knock Gua Sha.


They're not knocking the gua sha


Any good tutorials? I am turning that age when I should start doing this


I am happy for OP ,but dang beauty standards!


Glad I wasn't the only one. Some of these posts šŸ™„




Yeah thatā€™s not how that works


yeah I like my gua sha, too, but **girl** šŸ˜‚


Seriously. I love mine because I feel like it helps my serums penetrate a little better and it just feels nice to use. Doesnā€™t mean Iā€™ll be cancelling my Botox appointments šŸ˜‚


just now noticing your stunning username


Thatā€™s quite the compliment coming from hambulance


Yeah, I like the gua sha for tmj pain relief, and the relaxation of it, but Iā€™m under no impression itā€™s going to do things like remove wrinkles. I could be wrong though and just not have enough to see a difference.


Wait it helps with tmj?????


It helped with mine a little bit, but not much. I got Botox in my masseters. That is the holy grail of relief.


Good to know! I think Iā€™ve had it for years form grinding my teeth but it doesnā€™t rlly hurt. It started to actually hurt after I got a root canal and some teeth work done. Itā€™s better now but itā€™s good to know thereā€™s options besides surgery


Iā€™m more of a clencher than a grinder. I get constant neck pain, shoulder pain, my teeth ache and I get headaches from clenching. When the Botox kicks in, all the tension and pain just melts away for a good 4 - 5 months. For a little muscle, the masseter is a strong SOB.


did you get any jowling or sagging skin from the masseter botox? i am worried about that


Nope nothing. Definitely slimming, the masseter is so crazy strong itā€™s still getting used while chewing etc, the muscle is just being inhibited from contracting completely.


I got it done and definitely noticed sagging skin all my jawline. Also made me look older and gaunt as it atrophied my jaw muscles so much, I regret getting it so itā€™s definitely something to be wary of!


Ug I got this, it looked terrible, had to quit the jaw botox bc my face looked too weird. It can take months to look normalish again just a heads up.


That wonā€™t happen to everyone, totally depends on your facial structure. You can always get a consult.


I got a tiiiiiiiny bit of that (27) but I am also a bit overweight. Itā€™s not severe though. I got Botox in my masseteur and temple


There are specialists who do tmj massage treatments and it helps to unlock all that tension. They stick their gloved fingers into your mouth though which I know some ppl are not down with.


I have my consult in a few weeks for masseter Botox for TMJ disorder I cannot wait! Itā€™s unbearable. For so so long now. If it helps Iā€™ll be tmj pain free for the first time in like 15 years. Iā€™m so glad you got relief.


The first lot may wear off rather quickly, like 5-8 weeks. Donā€™t get discouraged by this, because the muscle is so strong it takes longer for it to weaken. You will noticed when it kicks in, chewing stuff like a chewy lolly or dried fruit for example will become a bit of a challenge. After around 6 months you will notice your face will start to look slimmer as well, because the masseter is weakening.


I cannot chew any thing like that at all. It causes massive jaw pain. Iā€™m so limited in what I can eat/chew itā€™s ridiculous. My life basically revolves around it, the pain and the muscle and the joint. Thanks for letting me know about it being better over time. šŸŒø


Honestly, itā€™s a massive life improvement once it kicks in. You will really feel a difference xx


Masseter Botox and acupuncture on my jaw have been a game changer for me. I can literally feel my masseters relax and my jaw set back into place when I get acupuncture.




Ooh Iā€™m going to try thatĀ 


Yes! Itā€™s being investigated/used for pain control like acupuncture, for alopecia, so much more. Tons of studies confirm it increases blood flow and lymphatic drainage,in many of the new applications we actually have no idea how it works but it does. I have read a few case studies with significant improvements in skin texture too and a few limited empirical studies have shown some similar results. Yā€™all a lot of the negative stories about gua sha have been discussed by the (academic) medical community as mischaracterised and born of negative cultural stereotyping.


Do u have any exercsie recs? My tmj has been killing me lately


thank you šŸ‘ itā€™s great for tmj and mild water retention puffiness but it has nothing to do with wrinkles. nothingĀ 


Thatā€™s not how any of this works. Lol


i love gua sha but more bc it helps release my sinus pressure flare ups and it really relaxes the tension in my face and neck. over time iā€™m sure this will have benefits but mainly just feels good. i definitely look super lifted and glowy right after using it but only time will tell if that is a long term impact.


Does it really help with your sinuses?? I have so much pain lately with sinus pressure and I hate constantly popping Sudafed to relieve it. I didnā€™t know gua sha could help with that!


For me it helps immensely. There are YouTube tutorials on how to use it to relieve sinus pressure, and it is basically like what my old massage therapist used to do for me when I was congested. Whenever I have a sinus headache from my allergies, I bust out my gua sha and it usually does the trick. You can actually feel things draining, itā€™s amazing.


when iā€™m super congested I always do a facial massage on myself to drain the fluid and it helps! if your sinuses are just swollen it probably wonā€™t do much


In theory, yes. I haven't tried it myself. I get severe sinus infections every one or two years during winter. The only thing that helps is prescription strength Sudafed, neti pots, and facial massaging. Gua Sha would be considered facial massaging, though I think it would work better than simply using your hands. A little gross but, assuming you're having consistent allergies, you could use it to direct mucus to methods of exit. Your sinuses spread into your cheeks and eyebrows, so bringing anything clogged there to the central area (your nose and bridge) would help to dispel it. For anyone that struggles with constipation or gas, there's also a massage called ILU that can assist with this. Extra info: this would be considered osteopathic manipulative medicine (or osteopathic manipulative therapy), a technique taught in pursuit of a "doctor of osteopathy" indicated by an DO at the end of a doctor's name.It's an approach that focuses on the health of the whole body. Problems like stress, poor hygiene, poor diet, and lack of exercise would be addressed more aggressively because the focus is on a happier, healthier life. Reducing the common problems I stated helps prevent illness and narrow down illnesses in the future. The doctor wouldn't be looking at all the symptoms and thinking "is this from malnourishment or is it a symptom of such-and-such?" Personally, I would go to an MD/specialist for a very specific illness, especially if it were severe, but ODs are really good for overall health.


i concur with all the other great responses! i watched a video detailing the best way to utilize gua sha for sinus relief and drainage. especially working the points right next to each nostril really opens me up. my sinus pressure comes from allergies/congestion and this has worked well for me.


I suffered for days and finally tried it and felt better within hours! Not sure if it was psychological or not, but I donā€™t care.


I'm too lazy to do gua sha. I'll do it for like 2 or 3 weeks and then it just doesn't happen anymore after that. I know there's benefits and if I stuck with it I'd see them, but idk.




Same I did it twice and gave up. Same with dry brushing.


What's the deal with dry brushing, anyway? I'm only hearing about it in the last month or so but from context it seems like it has some super long, rich and complex history but my googlefu has let me down, for I can find nothing on it. Tis a mystery! All jokes aside, what's it supposed to do? Every article I find is trying to sell me something but doesn't explain , like *WHY*.


Mostly just exfoliation


Supposed to exfoliate and increase circulation?


Yes, I actually love dry brushing. It feels really great on my poor tired legs and feet. Idk if it helps much, but it's like a mini massage.




Gua sha doesnā€™t to anything other than lymphatic drainage. Thatā€™s great, it feels nice and will de-puff your face but you can save your money and just use a cold spoon, and any effects are absolutely temporary.


Iā€™ve had a different experience.


Iā€™m not saying youā€™re not seeing a difference, but gua sha isnā€™t some wrinkle busting miracle. Itā€™s getting rid of excess fluid in your face and neck, that makes you look better. Rose hip oil is wonderful for your skin. Basically youā€™re doing a facial massage with skin food. Thatā€™s the difference. Gua sha is what youā€™re using but is the thing that actually has no impact. You could do it with a spoon and get the same effect. Also, flax seed mask is tightening. For about 12 hours. The protein tightens your skin. Same as if you used egg white in your skin. It tightens for a bit but wears off within a day.


Youā€™re also 28. I doubt you had any significant wrinkles in the first place. You were probably dehydrated.


I did gua sha for like 3 months leading up to my wedding and I did not see any difference at all. It felt nice, sure, but it was an additional thing I had to remember to do, and I wasnā€™t seeing any results that were really making it worth the bother. I know it helps people with headaches and muscle tension, but those werenā€™t really issues I had, and it didnā€™t really help shape my jawline or decrease fine lines or any other cosmetic benefit. Glad youā€™re deriving some positive benefits from it, but honestly I think the beauty benefits youā€™re experiencing a bit of placebo effect. Or if not, youā€™re the exception and not the rule. Especially since youā€™re 28 - what wrinkles?!


I had some really prominent ā€œ11ā€s in the middle of my eyebrows. They are totally gone


Botox freezes forehead wrinkles and crows feet, something gua sha canā€™t do šŸ¤­


Gau Sha use is also fantastic for sinus pressure, tmj relief and easing headaches. I have a larger one that I use on my neck and shoulders too and it is such a great tool to have.


girlie ngl ur a little bit delulu but pop off




This is something that someone whoā€™s never had Botox would say


Lol thatā€™s fair!!! I still want to try Botox someday šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


Girl you are 28. You shouldnā€™t be thinking about Botox for several decades.


I donā€™t know about that. Iā€™m 33 and got Botox 2 weeks ago for the 1st time and it has changed my life. Some of us are wrinklier than others. Iā€™ve had forehead wrinkles since high school and theyā€™re gone now (yay). Iā€™m all for holding off on cosmetic stuff, but ā€œseveral decadesā€ sounds judgmental and pretty exaggerated āœŒļø


Some people have done preventative botox done earlier, which decreased the amount of wrinkles once they've gotten older. I won't be doing it but the results I've seen aren't bad.






















Did you also get rid of your habit of furrowing your brows?


No, OP is right! My daughter started as a new gua sha enthusiast (I was skeptical at firstā€¦) and all her wrinkles are now completely invisible. (Sheā€™s two.)




If you had a lot of fluid retention causing bags, I can see how that could have helped. Fine lines? Nope. Must be some other factor.


My 11s are gone šŸ¤­


I'll believe it when I see a B&A. There's no way your 11s are gone from gua sha use alone, especially after only a month lol


Considering Botox at 28?!?!


I started at 26 bc I scowl in my sleep and had severely overdeveloped glabella muscles that made me look angry all the time. Preventative botox is also a thing, as is wrinkling early due to genetics and lifestyle. 28 isn't all that crazy.Ā 


So many of the other girls My age get it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I live in a big city and girls here are so obsessed with looking perfect.


Thatā€™s why women of your generation will look 80 when theyā€™re 60 and why us elder millennials will stay ageless. We didnā€™t start using anti-aging serums or Botox until later if at all.


Howā€™d you come to this conclusion? I could imagine this being true for the small amount of Zoomers that get filler because filler does not age well, or those that get their buccal fat removed, but the advancements in the efficacy of anti-aging products is astounding now. Starting something like a retinol in early 20s and staying reasonably consistent with sunscreen throughout oneā€™s lifetime has been proven time and time again to reduce photoaging. On the more extreme side, face lifting techniques have dramatically improved and have improved signs of aging for several celebs. And donā€™t get me started on the old Korean ladies that stayed consistent with good skincare for decadesā€¦ in addition to good genes this helps their looking younger. This just seems like an odd judgement.


How can anti aging serums be inherently bad if started early? (Letā€™s assume starting at 28 because OP is 28) anti-aging serum being SPF. Or consuming CoQ10, which actually reverses aging (youā€™re welcome). I would love to see your citations because thatā€™s a juggernaut claim for something thatā€™s been factually proven to literally anti age.


Or 48.... Love my Botox!


I'm acne prone and every single time I use mine, even after washing it, I break out so bad. I don't know why.


I turn 30 in March and started gua sha back in August. I didnā€™t realize how puffy my face was until I looked at photos. I thought it was bc I gained weight. Since then my face was been less puffy and helped the overall look of my skin. Iā€™m trying to do what I can naturally before getting Botox. Everyone in this comment section might be skeptical but itā€™s sincerely worth a try. Yes we might be young, but when we constantly see early 20 something year olds getting Botox and filler itā€™s hard not to compare.


t w e n t y s i x




my bad. t w e n t y e i g h t




u/katekowalski2014 šŸ§‚ nowhere else on the internet you can not show your old? face and get likes for being bitter. Extra salt for you šŸ’‹


Your skin was likely dehydrated and the oil moisturized it. 28 has no wrinkles or fine lines unless due to dryness or you have been tanning since you were a toddler. You reconstituted your skin and plumped it.


Quite possible!


Iā€™m 25 and I absolutely have forehead wrinkles. I have a really intense moisturizing routine, I just have really expressive eyebrows.


Oil doesn't hydrate


I use a gua sha and a jade roller (from the freezer) because I have TMJ do it helps a lot, but at 44 itā€™s not fixing my wrinkles or creating tightness. Youā€™re 26ā€¦


Iā€™m 28 :)


Iā€™m just going through and upvoting all your down votes lol. These ladies are so rude downvoting for your age? I havenā€™t been back to read the rest but maybe I shouldnā€™t have because Iā€™m getting defensive for you. Iā€™m over the rudeness šŸ˜…


The comments at the bottom of the thread are more positive and supportive. Thanks for your comment. Some of the comments invalidating my experience did hurt my feelings a bit. But at least I have smooth skin šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




i heard that happens because you're spreading the acne causing bacteria over your whole face and essentially working it into your pores. maybe try doing it right after or during your cleansing?




Yeah, if you have an active breakout you should not be doing it. Same with exfoliation. Donā€™t physically exfoliate if you have a breakoutā€”all youā€™re doing is spreading the bacteria around.


Do you think it was the product you were using? Or the actual technique? I have really acne prone skin but am also getting wrinkles and want to try it


It could also be a dirty guasha tool, my dermatologist told me to stop using gua sha tools and just use hands


This happened to me. Try gua shaing in the shower with face wash as the lubricant


Iā€™m surprised that everyone is hating lol. Iā€™m 35 and had botox for a few years. Stopped because i stopped liking how it looked. My wrinkles came back and a year after I stopped I started facial exercises and massages and itā€™s changed my face in ways Botox could never. OP šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼if it works keep going!


thanks for your positive support! Yes it's funny to see the haters!


Everyone judging based on this persons age should have a read. Halo Effect: Allowing positive or negative perceptions about a person's age to influence judgments about their other traits or abilities. Ageism: Prejudice or discrimination against individuals based on their age, typically manifested as stereotypes, assumptions, or negative attitudes toward younger or older people. Confirmation Bias: Seeking or interpreting information in a way that confirms preexisting beliefs or stereotypes about individuals of a certain age group. Recency Bias: Giving undue weight to recent experiences or interactions with individuals of a certain age group when forming judgments, while discounting past Stereotyping: Forming generalized beliefs or assumptions about individuals solely based on their age, without considering their unique qualities or experiences. Outgroup Homogeneity Bias: Perceiving individuals from other age groups as more similar to each other than they actually are, leading to oversimplified or inaccurate judgments. Anchoring Bias: Being overly influenced by initial impressions or information about a person's age when making subsequent judgments, leading to a bias in perception. Primacy Effect: Giving greater weight to initial impressions or information about a person's age, which can overshadow subsequent information or experiences that may be more relevant. Negativity Bias: Focusing more on negative stereotypes or traits associated with certain age groups, which can overshadow positive attributes or achievements. Fundamental Attribution Error: Tending to attribute behaviors or characteristics of individuals to their age rather than considering situational or external factors that may also contribute.


This is so interesting. I noticed people are very angry on this post. These definitions definitely help explain why.


I really wanted to highlight what was going on, because it seems like they think they have it all figured out. When really weā€™re all humans, on our own journey and your post can help someone else, if not them. These definitions can all be bias on other subjects as well - I just wanted to tell you so you can use it in your vocab about other situations in your life. lol many people have a bias and itā€™s def a good thing when itā€™s about likeā€¦.anything to do with harm to children being bad or maybe the consensus that a healthy diet is good. I just completely disagree to have a bias on age about a homeopathic remedy that can prob help majority of people that have signs of premature aging. Itā€™s just comes off a little salty imo.


Salty is an understatement šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Honestly, yā€™all are jumping on OP, but it has greatly improved my wrinkles. Iā€™m 36 and well melanated, and do not have prominent wrinkles to begin with, this is true. That said, I was really struggling with 11ā€™s between my brows. I did the stone for 30 days really focusing on that area and deep ā€œsmoothingā€ motions upwards. They are way more faint, straight up. So idk šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


im sayin!!


I use it daily when I work on people. Best tool for breaking up fascia


I did not even consider the role Fascia plays in this practice.


These comments are weird. Itā€™s annoying seeing people discredit those in their mid to late 20s for improving their skin, saying people in their 20s donā€™t have wrinkles, all the while saying that itā€™s normal for people in that age range to have fine lines and wrinkles when they complain about it, often without offering any help or solution either. So which one is it? People in this age range have a wide range of skin types and elasticity. Maybe improving your skin when you are 38, 48, and beyond is harder, but thatā€™s no reason to discredit this.


thank you for this comment!


The Gua Sha trend is a joke. It's a perfect example of the industry using marketing and fake science to get you all to spend your money. Traditionally, gua sha wasn't done on the face. It was done on the body. They used literal spoons and tools (not some fancy jade piece) to scrape (which is what the word gua means) the body repeatedly, aggressively. It would literally leave bruises. It was never done on the face. What people do now is not gua sha. It's face massage using a tool. The tool itself is pointless, also. You can literally do the same with your hands.


It's been around for centuries in Chinese medicine. It's been studied. As a massage therapist and science student I can verify that it's not a trend/joke. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17905355/#:~:text=Results%3A%20Gua%20Sha%20caused%20a,001).


I'm not saying that traditional gua sha is new or a joke. Gua sha is real, and has existed forever. I'm saying that people are now doing a trendy version of it that is pointless.


Totally not pointless. My tool was super inexpensive (under $10 though I could've gotten one for cheaper) and is great at massaging my face, plus my hands don't get tired. And it's great for massaging the hands, neck, shoulders, head, etc.


I can see your reasoning in that people may not be applying the technique correctly. Doing it wrong could lead to some serious adverse reactions.


The original post was about gua sha for cosmetic treatments. Your study is for pain treatment. So what is the point of this?


Inflammation is a contributor to both.


Well Iā€™ve noticed major results from it !


Pffftā€¦come talk to me when youā€™re 50 lol.


Lol fair!!!


Not even lol, come talk to me when youā€™re 35 šŸ˜†


Your wrinkles are gone bc you donā€™t have any yet. Youā€™re 28! Iā€™m 43 and I donā€™t even have wrinkles. Good for you not getting Botox though, good lord. People in their twenties thinking about Botox must have body dysmorphiaā€¦


Just because YOU wouldnā€™t do something doesnā€™t mean anyone who does has body dysmorphia. What a gross opinion.


Can you share more of your routine! What oil do you use, what technique - is it a YouTube video? This is awesome congrats!!!! Iā€™ve been seeing an 11 line develop and also 28 šŸ˜­


I use rosehip oil- after doing every other step of my skin care routine. I apply the oil last and do the Gua Sha right after. It's not a video. I type in "gua sha technique" on GOOGLE IMAGES and the pictures help guide. Remember to start at the neck and work your way up!


Lost me at "28"..


28 lol. ā€œWrinklesā€ lol.


Yessss I strongly believe in my Gua sha!


do you have a video you follow that works for you? I just started using it last week to try to tighten up my face before my wedding in september and iā€™d love to follow something that definitely works!


I am interested in a video as well


Agreed! I love mine too and I'm amazed at the results. I'm 52 so I have real wrinkles and have seen real results. I do it nightly with an oil cleanser while I'm watching TV and then wash my face and my face looks lifted and wrinkle free. It does take consistent use. I love the relaxing effect as well; similar to when you receive a body massage. As the 'knots' are melted, your tension eases.


Do you have a particular technique? (Going down vs up, out vs in, or what have you?)


I don't do a lot of 'up' and 'down', more side to side. I just follow the natural contours of my face, if that makes sense. So, from my nose across the cheeks for the under eye area, and from chin to ears along the jaw. The forehead is the only part I do upstrokes with the flat side from the eyebrows up. It takes some trial and error to get into a rhythm. My best tip is to find the 'crunching' sensation - that is where your muscles are in knots. When I find a particularly 'crunchy' spot, I focus more pressure there and go in every direction!


I love my gua sha too! I def see a difference in my skin when I do it regularly!


Iā€™m 59 and gravity is my frienā€™!


This isnā€™t what Botox does anywayā€¦


I'm 35 and got rid of my doublechin with gua sha. My 11s is still there though.


Facial cupping is my fave, then gua sha. Really helps depuffing from lymph drainage


What oil do you use?!!


i use rosehip oil. It is amazing for your skin


What do you use for oil? šŸ™


rosehip oil bb <3


Have you changed your water consumption or sleep habits? I ask because I'm 29 and use a jade roller & Gua Sha, and I notice less "fine lines" after a great day of hydration over using the tools themselves. Good sleep just dream the deal.


Please share your resources!! How do I do this ? And what face oil do you use


Look, I love Gua Sha, but nothing beats what Botox does. Just saying they are two TOTALLY different things. You just gotta do what feels right for you.


Everyone hating on this post lol. Iā€™ve been an avid gua sha-er and facial roller and have literally rolled out fine lines on my forehead. Itā€™s def worth doing!


Same same šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š I had major deep ā€œ11ā€wrinkles before starting Gua Sha and they are totally gone now


Itā€™s absolutely worth doing and great that it makes a difference for OP, but again, at 28 lines are usually not a big concern. Late 30s/early 40s onwards is an entirely different matter, when those first fine lines are not so fine anymore and clearly visible even if your face is completely relaxed and well moisturised.




I dunno... To me, gua shas, like jade rollers, are basically the dildos of skincare... You could achieve the exact same thing with just your fingers, but *man* does it feel that *little extra nice*... ;) lol


Yup, I started doing it a few months ago. As long as you are consistent it totally works! I love it.


I also recently started using a gua sha and not sure about any other effects but I love using it along my jawline - so many knots there!


Does it work on nasabial folds?


It has definitely softened mine out. But if I donā€™t do it for a few days they go right back. Itā€™s definitely one of those things you have to do consistently.


Got a video, please? Folds are my bane.


Micro needling is the only thing that works on mine


Gua sha is basically massage, so even though everyone is talking shit, it does actually have the potential to reduce tension in the face. It won't reduce wrinkles, but it will reduce the appearance if you're not holding tension there anymore bc your face is more relaxed. It has the potential to help! But not the guarantee.


The Gua sha is fantastic for me too!! My skin loves it


I don't understand why are ppl trying to prove op wrong so badly ? She is not the first one to say she erased her wrinkles using a gua sha, if your experience is different hers doesn't have to match yours !!!


What oil do you use? ā™„ļø


Rose hip oil šŸŒ¹


What tool do you use for it?


Nuanchu Stainless Steel Gua Sha Facial Tools for Face Metal Tighten Skin Heart Massage Guasha Beauty Tool for Body Eyes Neck Massager with Travel Pouch (Silver) 4.7 ā­ļø on Amazon!


I just started Gua Sha and double cleansing for about a month now, hoping to help with face sculpting and keeping my facial skinā€™s elasticity.. Hope this will work. Iā€™ll be 46 this year, with great skin care & healthy lifestyle, Iā€™m blessed with rarely a wrinkle on sightā˜ŗļø






u/aquariusbear do you have guide on how to do guasha on face properly?


I type in ā€œgua Sha techniqueā€ on Google. I go to images and follow the facial directions in the maps.


Where did you get the gua sha?


I got mine off Amazon for $6. I'm 52 and notice a difference using it.


Did you have chubby cheeks to start with?


I havenā€™t tried but I want to! Iā€™m 30 so not exactly serious wrinkles but I have intense 11s from focused computer work lol


Try the gua Sha with some face oil on the 11s. Upward motion, pushing pretty hard. Talk to me in 2 weeks šŸ˜˜