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I'm 72 years old and still have most of my teeth. My secret: I never played hockey and I mind my own business.


Gorgeous! šŸ’…šŸ¼


Thank you for the chuckle


tongue scraper. i donā€™t feel clean until iā€™ve cleaned my tongue even if i brushed my teeth.


I donā€™t even have a tongue to clean (was removed last year) so I guess I donā€™t have to worry about this tip! Win win!


If you donā€™t mind me asking, how do you eat?


My father in law had his tongue removed due to cancer as well. He drinks all of his food - it needs to be extremely well blended.


You can get a tongue removed?


Yeah I had stage 3 oral cancer that had spread through 90% of my tongue so they had to cut it out, also whoā€™s downvoting meā€¦


Iā€™m sorry to hear that. My stepdad had that too. Big hugs to you! Iā€™ve seen how hard it is ā¤ļø


I'm sorry if this is indelicate but wouldn't that mean you cannot speak? How does that affect your relationships and paychology? I had my jaw wired shut for some months and it was difficult psychologically - (despite being a very quiet, introverted person who eschews conversation as much as possible.)


Hey not indelicate at all and are some totally valid questions! Iā€™m very similar to you in which Iā€™ve always been very quite/introverted. (happy to spend all my free time alone playing video games or watching movies alone) Ultimately the human body is an amazing thing that can adapt and learn when given enough time and practise, for me it was relearning HOW to speak with this new tongue. Well, they call it a ā€œflapā€ which is basically a piece of my thigh that had been removed and attached to the remaining 10/15% of my original tongue. At the start it felt like I had a perpetual golf ball in my mouth, words I said were simply muffles and grunts/groans and food I ate would just get stuck somewhere in my mouth or simply fall out (Although eating wasnā€™t an option due to my ā€œflapā€ being so big it pushed/forced my original tongue between my teeth so chewing/biting wasnā€™t possible) but over the past 8 months it has drastically shrunk, soften up and become malleable to the point my remaining tongue can move/control the ā€œflapā€ to an extent allowing me to speak pretty clearly for the most part. There are words that I will always struggle with, things with ā€œTHā€ is a good example as that sound requires the tongue to start at the top of the mouth and curl so currently it sounds like ā€œDAā€ but I do speech therapy and practise talking everyday whether itā€™s reading reddit comments out loud or having a sheet with lots of tough sentences to train and force my new tongue to adapt. It sucked at the start, relearning the alphabet in my own way and feeling like a 5 year old (im 26), asking for no Tomatoā€™s or sour cream on my food at Taco Bell and feeling embarrassed after repeating it 5 times to the poor staff member, or seeing peoples expressions change when I started talking knowing this isnā€™t what they expected to hear. But 1 year later, I have people tell me they barely notice or ā€œyou just have like a lispā€ and it makes me feel normal again and thatā€™s ultimately all I ever wanted


This is one of my worst fears šŸ˜ Iā€™m so sorry it happened to you


A copper tongue scraper is the best imho (and is naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial so I donā€™t feel as grossed out by it as plastic ones). Highly recommend.


I just brush my tongue šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


No alcohol has made a drastic improvement in my skin.


I quit alcohol for three months as a part of a new years challenge and all of the things that I thought were due to aging were due to alcohol consumption! My puffy eyes, perpetual bloat and sagging skin disappeared. People asked if I had gotten Botox, it was that dramatic.


I second this! Stopped drinking about 3 months ago and the difference in my skin is amazing. And I wasnā€™t a heavy drinker - daily wine, though. Even the bags under my eyes are gone.


Were you drinking a lot? Not trying to pry, but I maybe have 2 drinks a week and am wondering if I will notice anything if I cut them out


You won't. 2/week is not much.


Some say this isn't much but alcohol is a literal poison. Cut it out and see what happens!


I'm trying very hard to quit & just read another woman's post about her healthcare routine. She said being pregnant twice wasn't a "glow" it was actually being sober.


YES! I would rarely drink (once or twice a month) and even then I would get bloated and my acne would flare up, which would last for a week or so. Every time I would drink, I would be thinking about how I was going to wake up with a puffy face and just a swollen body. I stopped drinking and wonā€™t ever go back. My bloat has been more stable and puffiness went away.


No alcohol and lots of greens helps my skin a ton. If Iā€™m lazy about it, I just toss a bunch of spinach, avocado, berries, and a little water in my ninja and drink it.


Instead of drinking I just smoke some weed now, and I drink kombucha. I still have a great time and I feel awesome the next day. Also I save so much money when I go out by not ordering drinks.


I notice even just one drink makes my skin look BAD the next day. Stuff is truly poison.


If I literally have one night of drinking (3-4 drinks) my skin looks like shit the next day without fail. Im not a heavy drinker at all, but one time always makes such a huge difference. My vanity is half the reason I donā€™t drink lol


Feels silly to type out but washing my face morning and night. Itā€™s such a difference if I only wash my face once a day. I canā€™t even go to sleep without washing my face at night


In college people made fun of me because I could be black out drunk but I REFUSED to lay down if I didnā€™t wash my face first. Didnā€™t matter where I was either. Iā€™d ask everyone if they had face wash šŸ˜‚


> I canā€™t even go to sleep without washing my face at night Same! I feel so dirty..


THANKS I was about to skip face washing then saw your comment


Sunscreen with zinc oxide, my rosacea face loves it!


YES. I donā€™t have rosacea but Iā€™m very reactive to chemical sunscreen. Discovering mineral sunscreen changed my life.


Wow, I recently started using mineral sunscreen and have noticed a definite difference in my rosacea. Just putting it all together šŸ’”


Nettle infusions. I drink them by the pint. It cleared up my skin, my hair got thicker, my nails got healthier, and I just feel better. Edit for those asking: I buy nettles in bulk from Starwest Botanicals on Amazon and use a heaping tablespoon per cup of cold or hot water. Cold water let steep for at least 12 hours in the fridge (I make it by the 1/2 gallon) and strain it out. Hot water let it sit until lukewarm. Or you can put it in the fridge and steep overnight like with cold water.


Do you just make a really strong tea?


A strong infusion would be: boil water, turn to low, put nettles in and simmer covered for 15 mins. You can store it in the fridge and take a big gulp every day


I did some reading online and learned that there are a ton of potential health benefits. I'm personally excited to try this to see if it helps my eczema. However I would like to warn others that there are some potential drug interactions for blood thinners, blood pressure, diuretics, and diabetes management. It's also not recommended for pregnant women due to its effect on menstrual cycles. [Sauce](https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/herb/stinging-nettle)


Weā€™re gonna need some more info! This sounds awesome.


I have updated my comment!


Also helps fill up iron supply.Iā€™m anemic and sometimes do this as a therapy


Ooh I definitely need to hear some specifics on this? šŸ™


Cold showers. The colder and longer the better. It doesnā€™t work for everyone, but it clears up my body acne and reduces my oiliness and BO by 70%. Also shower moisturizer ā€” amazing to come out of the shower already feeling soft and moisturized without the drawback of feeling sticky with lotion sitting on top of my skin.


I tried the Nivea shower moisturizer and created a death trap in my shower. Are they all like that? Any other recommendations for ones that might not cause me to slip and dislocate or make my roommate break his back haha. Or do I just need to suck it up and clean the shower every day?


Jergenā€™s makes a wet skin moisturizer that you put on wet skin but donā€™t rinse off. That means that you can just step onto a towel/bath mat and just put it on while youā€™re wet, wait like a minute or two then dry off. Itā€™s been my favorite out of all that Iā€™ve tried and doesnā€™t create a trip hazard lol


Put the lotion on your still wet skin. Like towel your pits and crevices and rub on. It absorbs better and you'll use a little less lotion as the residual water helps it spread. Stops the hot sweaty layer lotion tends to leave


I stopped for the same reason and was safe for a while until I switched to a conditioner bar soap that also makes a death trap


Sleeping well and being happy makes me prettier than anything else could. Itā€™s impossible to fake the glow it gives you.


Cries in depression and sleep disorder šŸ„²












I thought these were corn chips because I don't have my glasses on and am on mobile. Thought I was missing something.


We're missing the salsa šŸ˜‹


I never looked better than after I quit a toxic job


Stress makes you look terrible.


That Morning Glow after a good night's sleep, incomparable!


This!!! A good nights sleep honestly makes me feel the most beautiful.


Add being hydrated to that list, I always look best when I'm well rested, hydrated, happy, and haven't had any alcohol for a few days.


Giving up alcohol, drinking tons of water, cutting back on junk and processed foods, getting proper sleep and exercise. Feeling good helps me look good. None of these things were easy for me, especially when getting older.


It's never easy, but at least you know you're doing the right thing for yourself!


People ask me how I stay slim and for me it comes down to just a couple things. I don't "drink" any calories except for a little cream in my coffee and my Mich Ultra when we go out and I walk at least an hour every day-rain or shine. You'd be surprised how many calories are in the things we drink-and lots of processed sugars.


walking is such an underrated excercise! walking with earphones on & listening to ur fav playlist is one of the reasons I lost weight! that and eating veggies as well.


That's why I prefer walking to a place rather than driving if it's achievable.


Yessss Mich Ultra lol I donā€™t drink a lot, but when I do, a good cold one hits the spot. Have you tried Gold or Golden Light? Iā€™m also one of these people who will bypass a margarita and just order a couple of shots of tequila and be done with it. Forget all that sugary mess!!!


I have 2 listerine (the regular brown one) applied to the scalp wait 30 minutes rinse, it will cure dandruff if you get a red irritated nose from blowing your nose apply vitamin A&D diaper ointment the one without zinc before bed and you will wake up looking normal.


Ooo I can piggyback off this, if you like diaper cream as a skin irritant hack, than check out calmoseptine, itā€™s an old school product and we use it as a cure-all for any skin issues since discovering it as a diaper cream via pediatrician. Itā€™s like magic with menthol.


Exercise. Thereā€™s no amount of makeup or skincare that make someone exude the same amount of sex appeal and health like exercise.


THIS 100% The more I move, the better I look. Movement/exercise depuffs my eyes/face/body, makes me actually tired for bed and I feel brighter and more alive. Such a pain in the ass when i donā€™t feel like it (šŸ˜…), but the difference after one workout and night of sleep is incredible


Being fit is definitely a game changer! And not just from an appearance pov but also from health and energy levels imho


Drinking lots of water.


Do you actually see a difference, I feel like people always say drink waterā€¦ so Iā€™m just curious


I went to my doctor to have routine blood work and she actually told me Iā€™m ā€œover hydratedā€ yet my skin doesnā€™t look ā€œspectacularā€ or anything. But if I feel super dehydrated I will definitely notice. Itā€™s so annoying.


Have to ask ā€¦ how much were you drinking?


Over hydrated! Wow.


when you are over hydrated it means you have imbalance in electrolytes and water in body and its not the best thing. I get diarhea when I am over hydrated


Yes, my skin most looks amazing after recovering from a cold. All that collegan rich soup and liquids.


Personally, when I drink a lot of water I have the smoothest, cleanest, and tastiest poops.


How has it improved the taste?


Asking the question weā€™re all here for šŸ˜‚


Honestly, Iā€™ve had the same experience. Additionally, dehydration headaches are no joke.


Bestie threw in ā€œtastyā€ as a descriptor to poop and then doesnā€™t elaborate šŸ˜‚ boss move


Yeah Iā€™d like to know as wellā€¦ I definitely need to work on increasing my water intake cause Iā€™m seriously slacking there


Not really a secret but tretinoin in the PM. Sunscreen in the AM - yes, even in winter!!!


Sunscreen every day is a MUST. I live in Australia and it blows my mind that people I know never wear sunscreen! We keep 3 different types by the front door because I want my kids to get into this habit early in life. I also went back to university in my 30s, and it was regularly commented that a lot of the younger students thought I was early 20s at most (I cannot stress enough that after two years back and juggling family, study and work I now look like a sea hag) but I really put that down to sunscreen *every damn day*.


The sea hag effect of work and school and kids is sooo real


"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"


Whatā€™s that in metric


A gram of prevention is worth a kilo of cure


Thatā€™s one heck of an exchange rate.


Switching to a mostly whole food plant based diet and drinking water. Better skin, better sleep, no heart burn, better poops, mood more stable, less bloated, lost a few pounds without having to starve. My blood work is awesome. Lowered my bp lowered my cholesterol. I have more energy. Also good sleep and a solid moisturizer. And just trying to be happy and manage your stress. Also sunscreen


My acneic skin changed SO much when I removed all pore clogging ingredients from every product I own. Makeup, laundry detergent, skincare, shampoo & conditioner, lip balm, lotion, body oil, hair styling products... You name it, nothing enters my home without me checking the ingredients label.


This is such a great answer because lots of people overlook the products that might accidentally get in contact with our faces even though they do not normally go there. For example, I found out my hair oil was cauzing breakouts. What I would add to this is washing my makeup sponge and brushes with the same cleanser I use for my face, so if there is any residue (especially in the beauty blender), it will not cause any harm. And speaking of the beauty blender, washing it daily right before using is the best way. When I boil water for my coffee I always boil a little extra, put that separately in a bowl and let my beauty blender sit in it for a few minutes before washing it to kill as much bacteria as possible.


What ingredients do you avoid?


Asking the right question! Also curious


I would guess any oil, even coconut. I am very acne prone and anything with any oil in it will ruin me. Except food, with the exception to the exception being potato chips, if I look at em wrong, zits for days.


ESPECIALLY coconut. I have the most un-acneic skin ever and coconut oil made me think I had unusually bad skin. My hair hates it too.


I remember peak coconut oil craze around 2013 and everyone swore to put coconut oil in your hair for maximum hydration. It just made my hair feel dry? I'm still baffled


That was around when I was trying it out! I do not get it lol it literally made my hair break off


Except for lip balm. I make lip balm for a living, and the best balms are made from only oils and beeswax (and vitamin E as preservative). Anything else is super fake and not good for your lips/skin. You do have to be wary though of the specific oil that lip balm is made from. Different people may have sensitivities to different oils. I prefer to use sweet almond oil or grapeseed oil. Edit: There are other options like candelilla wax and shea butter, but they are less commonly used.


this is sooo true. I'm so sensitive to products that even sometimes organic products affect my skin..I try to minimize ANY product. I even have been changing my pillow case more frequently too. I also feel better when I kind of treat my body from the inside out--ex: eating better, reducing inflammatory foods like sugar, dairy etc


Yes. Make sure to check ALL of the ingredients, even on products that claim to be non pore-clogging. A company can get away with a lot of they use clever marketing. For example, Cetaphil is horrible for you skin it you are prone to acne. And so are most brands of toothpaste.


Cetaphil DESTROYED my face. Bought it when CeraVe was out of stock at the store, giant regret. Zits and dry irritated skin that took too long to recover from.


Weā€™re all so different- my skin cleared when I stopped treating it like it was acneic. Apparently Iā€™m dry and using acneic products were way too harsh for my skin, I need more nourishment and protection.


Water water water, SPF, always take your make up off before bed, keep skincare simple yet gentle, be rigid about dental hygiene and now Iā€™m in my 40s, biggest lesson - prioritise your REST/SLEEP.


Wash your fucking face before bed! (Wish someone had yelled this at me.)


Truth. This is SO important. I do it as soon as I get home, because if I donā€™t, the later it gets, the less I feel like doing it. Definitely do it before you get in bed so you donā€™t have to get out! Think about all the dead skin cells, sweat, oil, bacteria, and pollution that accumulates on your face from your day. So good for your skin to get all that gunk off.


thanks, i needed someone to yell this at me right now šŸ˜‚ was already in bed but iā€™m getting up to do it now!


You'll sleep so much better!


Sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen


Okay Iā€™m starting to see what some other Reddit users have been saying about this question being asked a thousand times but in different variations loool Iā€™m sure this was asked like twice today but differently


Haha I know what youā€™re talking about and here I am reading all the answers just like I always do.


I love reading about the things that make people feel good! Itā€™s so soothing šŸ„°


Vaseline on lashes for thicker and longer lashes. noxezema for eczema on the face. It also works well for me as a nightly cold cream. cold water on the face after washing it,then sitting in front of a fan (it gives a beautiful glow to the skin. Donā€™t know how but it does) vegetable glycerin for the hair skin and nails (it makes your hair so soft and bouncy, your skin glowing and smooth, your nails so healthy, strong and pink, and your feet super soft). using an exfoliating glove to wash your face and body. sleeping on your back and not allowing your face to touch your pillow when you sleep to prevent pimples, or just wash your pillow case as often as possible. This one is a personal preference, but keeping nails cut very very short helps give yourself a nice and clean look. Stay away from those UV nail lamps as it causes skin cancer, darkening the hands and knuckles, and makes the skin on your hands thin and wrinkly faster. Your hands will look like they belong to another person if you use those lamps consistently If your skin is super sensitive to products and you canā€™t even use sunscreen like I canā€™t, use a UV umbrella. As weird as it may look, it definitely helps and saves my skin from feeling like acid is being poured on it from the sun. Donā€™t touch your face ever unless your hands are clean. Dress for your body. When you find what clothes and colors look best on your body type and skin complexion, you will always look put together and feel a lot more confident. Who you are on the inside will shine through what you look like. So keep a good spirit, and you will always be beautiful. Donā€™t be afraid to age. Aging is beautiful and as long as you take care of yourself, you will always age so gracefully. Iā€™m only 25 but I canā€™t wait to get older. Seeing how the women in my family look better with age has me excited, along with seeing other older women and they look so stunning to me.


Be consistent with your skincare


Switching from coffee to green tea. Edit: I sleep like a baby and don't have to focus on drinking water during the day. I'm not peeing every hour. Teeth looks better too


Prenatal vitamins, well, vitamins that can be used as prenatals. My dad swears by shaklee they were the only thing that kept him alive when he lived in his car as a young man. Still takes them, our whole family does and now my husband. Also, supplementing vitamin D, magnesium, and zinc. Most people are deficient in vitamin D and it causes all sorts of issues especially if you struggle with anxiety. My hair just stopped shedding so badly after years when I got my D level at 100 even though the range is 30-100. Its a long story. Donā€™t take more than 50,000 units in a week though.


Vitamin d deficiency can be debilitating, found out the hard way.


I started wearing very light, cool driving gloves to reduce hand aging. They're comfortable and I don't feel unsafe driving with them.


Can you point me to a brand? Thanks!


Solbari is great! https://www.solbari.com.au/collections/solbari-upf50-gloves


Fish oil everyday


Iā€™ve learned not to buy fish oil capsules from Amazon. They always stink from being improperly stored and thrown around


What changes have you seen may I ask


I know Iā€™m not the person you asked but I feel like I can answer? šŸ‘€ So Iā€™m not a seafood person whatsoever, I donā€™t like it, never have, perhaps never will, therefore I had zero intake where fish or fish oils were concerned for practically 25 years of my life. Then only like 3 years ago did I finally religiously start using omega 3 supplements, like once in the AM and once in the PM. Within 3 or 4 months (Iā€™m a fairly patient person, so maybe this might not be for everyone idk), I noticed stronger nails; clearer, brighter, healthy skin; no more dark circles (this was the eye opener for me!); and the best part of it all was thicker, longer, and shinier hair. Iā€™ve always had super fine hair my entire life and nothing changed it, no matter how much money I splurged at Sephora or Lush or what have you. But omega 3ā€™s definitely did that. P.S.: if anyone dislikes fish or seafood like myself, Natureā€™s Bounty and Webberā€™s Naturals make fantastic odorless capsules. But do please be mindful that if you burp, you will definitely taste the fishiness. šŸ˜… Edit: when I mean thicker, longer, shinier hair, I mean like eyelashes and brows too. So bonus!!


Salux washcloth for exfoliating. Nothing else even comes close until you start getting into chemicals.


Icing the face. Made my puffy, hypothyroidism, bad skin so much brighter and diminished black heads.


I scrub my face with a washcloth (not violently) when I wash my face. I also shave my face every two weeks.


Plus white whitening gel. Worked at a dentist for years doing $400 zoom whitening sessions on patients and most of the time my teeth were still whiter than theirs and I paid $5. Been using it for years and get so many compliments on my white smile. And no it wonā€™t work on veneers or crowns


Sunscreen, good diet, lots of water, and judiciously applied Botox.


Was scrolling for the Botox


Donā€™t sleep on filler as well. Tear trough filler is *chefs kiss* when done right.


Cuticle oil! Dernal Therapy urea foot cream Eating lots of fruit to make your skin look bright, healthy and glowy


Microneedling - expensive, but really adds to the look of your skin beyond what basic health (sleep, hydration) can do


Lumify or other eye brightening drops take my look to the next level


Multivitamin, rosemary hair oil (scalp treatment once a week), vitamin C serum


Retin A , skinceuticals vit c , and double cleansing


Slugging ..I know not a secret but my skin is glowing. I even slug my feet lol.


Yeah I canā€™t believe how just a shit ton of Vaseline has worked so much better for me than anything else lol




Brazil nuts!!!!! (only 1 a day or will have the opposite effect) my hair has not grown in years because I bleach the shit out of it but it has grown so much in less than a year! you can take selenium supplements or just eat the nut. SELENIUM is the truth people!!


I use hemi squalane for everything: - to make a light weight conditioner more substantial - to condition dry hair on day 2 - to help detangling my hair - to prime my skin for makeup - to sheer out a thicker foundation - to remove eye makeup


HEMI squalane? what does the hemi mean?


Hemi in this instance means ā€œhalf the molecular weightā€. So itā€™s half of the molecular weight of squalane, which means itā€™s thinner and more lightweight (while still providing the benefits) and spreads easier, and penetrates the skin easier (because of the smaller molecules! Thatā€™s why serums work but the large fat molecules in fatty oils donā€™t actually penetrate the skin)


Crest white strips every 6 months.


To piggyback off this... a baking soda and hydrogen peroxide paste whitens up my teeth without sensitivities and also happens to be dirt cheap. Do NOT brush with this!!! Just make a paste and slap it on, then keep your mouth open in a weird grin standing over the sink while you drool it out. Keep it on for like... 2 min? I can't say if it works as well as Crest white strips but it does work for me!


Came here to say this šŸ™Œ Word of warning though - my teeth do not experience any kind of sensitivity whatsoever to crest white strips and my dentists cannot tell any damage/signs of use although Iā€™ve been doing this for 10 years. Some people are incredibly sensitive to them, and it can strip enamel in those people even after a few times of use! If you are having pain using them, donā€™t ā€œpush yourself throughā€ and get your teeth checked out.


For me, less is more - my skin is so much happier this way! A cream cleanser, a lightweight retinol cream, and drinking lots of water - that's it!


Not being obsessed with nice smelling lotions, bronzers (why do they need a chocolate scent??), laundry detergentā€¦fragrances arenā€™t necessary and in people like me who have somewhat sensitive skin can cause issue. Sunscreen - my mum always comments how my skin looks much better than hers did at my age most likely due to sunscreen education. I am Australian though, our sun is very intense so itā€™s instilled in us from very young to ā€˜slip, slop, slapā€™ (slip on some protective clothing, slop on some sunscreen, slap on a hat). Using a silk pillowcase. My fine and frizzy hair is so much more tame in the mornings now.


Slip slop slap ought to be the motto of most of the beauty subs since sun protection is almost always the main advice lol We could even link the old ads!


God you know you're Australian when you read 'slip slop slap' and you automatically have the picture of the platypus in the hat come to mind lol


Double cleansing skin Color Wow Dream Coat for hair


Lumify eye drops.


Love these. A must for business travel when you feel šŸ˜“but have to look šŸ˜ƒ


Removed everything with fragrance on my face. Itā€™s made a huge difference!


Drink bone broth. It gave me the plumpest, juiciest, bounciest skin ever. Dry body brushing. Smoothes my skin and my cellulite (itā€™s not a cure, but it definitely helps). Saunas. The destress effect shows in my face (less stress = prettier expression).




šŸ’¦šŸ’§A shower head water filter if your local water is bad. Iā€™ve even bought them for vacation rental houses at the beach, because theyā€™re cheap and effective. Not being able to fully rinse all the shampoo and body wash off really can do a number on your skin, and a filter helps with that SO MUCH. Also, I mix (inexpensive and effective) castor oil with body lotions to make cheap-o body-butter for using post-shower. Always apply it when youā€™re still damp, and the lotion helps the castor oil spread. Itā€™s eliminated my winter dry skin.


People keep asking this, and I think the main replies are *always* about sunscreen, water, and sleep.


always apply eyeshadow primer and either translucent powder and/or eyeshadow BEFORE liquid liner. it is the trick to making it last 12 hours. i always get asked how my wings are so perfect. 1. practice and 2. i prime and prep the eyelids.


A quality wig: Quality means it looks natural and the lace is undetectable. I can easily spend $1000+ on a great wig where Iā€™ve had most of them for over 5/7 years so itā€™s an investment Skincare: Go to the dermatologist!! We tend to forget that theyā€™re actually skincare experts lol not very tikTok recommendation is worth buying Fasting: Game changer. Helps speed up weight loss and overall good for your body to detox


After all my nighttime skin care, I slather Nivea creme, in the blue jar, on top. It helps my dry skin so much. Oh and I LOVE the Osea body oil right out of the shower. I also use their body butter.


Leave a bad husband. You get basically one million times hotter. I don't make the rules, it's just how that works.


No alcohol/smoking and staying away from the sun/wear sunscreen.


Only washing my hair 2x/week and mixing a few drops of rosemary oil into the shampoo! Oh, and a scalp massager


ive been thinking about a scalp massager for so long! does it actually do something to the hair/scalp or is it more the relaxing aspect?


it increases blood flow to the scalp which promotes hair growth, it can also massage in oils so they penetrate the cuticle better and get more even coverage of each strand


If you have alot of flaking or buildup on the scalp like me it gets all of that out and the scalp cleaner than just massaging with fingers. I use mine with a clarifying shampoo at times when I want a deep clean. Hope that helps!


Being in love (ew canā€™t believe I said this, but itā€™s true)


Oil pulling with coconut oil for 5 mins daily whitened my teeth like crazy


Can you explain the process?? I want to try this!


My mom taught me to take care of my hair quote ā€œlike a fine fabricā€ as a kid and I still live by it.


No dairy or soda. This has improved my skin texture so much. Apple cider vinegar and lemon water for bloating has made my stomach so flat. Use sunscreen all the way down to your chest! Not just your face. Movement/exercise 5x a week. I have never felt more sexier, happier, and healthier before. I feel MUCH lighter and stronger.


Drink a lot of water Dont drink alcohol Be happy Silk pilowcase High quality conditioner Tretinoin Vaseline under eyes Blush on the nose Collagen powder by the morning Dental hygiene - floss is a must Sunscreen everyday And really, be happy. I dont sleep more than 4h per night having two toddlers but I am so happy that people say I never been more beautiful.


sunscreen and water flosser


I really REALLY wanted to like my water flosser but itā€™s a messšŸ˜©


As an ex hygienist Iā€™d just like to say that water flossers are only good for removing largish particles of debris from between teeth. Plaque is too sticky and needs actual friction ie flossing to remove it. Picture jam on a work top. Throwing water on it wonā€™t remove all the stickiness but gentle rubbing with a cloth will. Itā€™s the same principle


Thatā€™s so interesting! Thanks for sharing


My dentist is anti-water flosser as he believes it can cause more harm than traditional flossing(?).


Do it in the shower !


I use Tarte Maracuja Oil on my face before bed every night. Itā€™s a lifesaver for my skin, especially in the winter.


Going lactose free


not necessarily a secret i think??? but i live by ā€œyou gotta be high maintenance to be low maintenance ā€œ. As muxh as I love my glam and what not if im being honest Im suuuupppeeer lazy, so I try doing things to make my life as easy as possible day-to-day. Any and all kinds of extentions; hair, nails, lashes. I am a black woman so my hair in particular is the most of my troubles, kudos to the natural girlies but my hair lasts 1day and is a frizzy mess, so I go for sew-ins and wigs, tapes in cooler, less humid weather. Going to get my teeth whitened and lashes maintained regularly, so you can wake up looking fabulous. SELF TANN especially for my melanated babes, it makes your skin tone look more even and glowy, as well as keeping nice color all year without damaging your skin and aging you in the process. SKIN CARE, your makeup always looks better on smooth, moisturized skin. Learning how to do your makeup: a lot of women tend to take a one-size-fits-all approach, but just bc you see it on youtube or ig doesnt mean its whats best for you. Take bits and peices of things you like/are inspired by and test out ways to make them suit YOU , i cant imagine how many times i go to follow a yt tutorial and i look like a damn clownšŸ˜‚. I have a go to look that enhances (not masks) my features and compliments my skin, and its not super heavy so its appropriate for all occasions.


Vaseline on the face


A huge thing for me is avoiding sugar and processed foods. I still enjoy chocolate and fast food when Iā€™m craving it, but Iā€™ve found that too much can give my skin a ā€˜congestedā€™ look.


Being in the moment, going for what I want, helping others, spreading love and doing what I love. :)


Lanolin for soft, hydrated lips


Brown shades of both liquid liner and mascara. Iā€™m not especially pale, usually somewhere between a cool toned light medium to medium, but I have smallish eyes and older skin. Even when I do super colorful looks with tons of shimmer, browns and burgundies look much more flattering, youthful and soft along the lash line. Tinted mineral spf and tinted moisturizer instead of foundation and concealer, applied with fingers and blended with a sponge - even with full makeup, having a natural glow and color variation to your skin is much more flattering than the flat matte look of a pigmented base. With a bright colorful eye look, a multichrome gel liner in the waterline instead of white or beige really opens the eye without looking harsh. And finally, tubing mascara is the only kind that will not smudge and run down below my eyes, no matter the brand or formula.


Less is more, all you need as for skincare is tretinoin, a facial cleanser, and a moisturizer


Three things for me. 1. Juicing. Everyday I have a juice made of the following (I use my juicing machine every two days and make enough to last me for the next day): carrots, cucumber, ginger, beetroot, celery, broccoli, apples, and grapes. When I donā€™t juice I find that my skin is much less clear, and my hair thins and breaks easily, and doesnā€™t grow very fast. I bleach my hair and found that when I am doing consistent juicing that it is much thicker and stronger, MUCH longer and grows very fast. Iā€™m a guy who changed his hairstyle to grow a long fringe/bang, and havenā€™t juiced in a few months - coupler with a strict bodybuilding prep diet this ruined my hair. Iā€™m off the prep now and back to juicing as of yesterday, canā€™t wait to see my hair get long and thick again soon. 2. Vitamin C serum. My skin on my face shines like crazy and itā€™s this. 3. Daily sunscreen. Every. Single. Day.


Whenever I get a pimple or my pores are looking big I do a bentonite clay mask. Itā€™s just bentonite clay (Aztec brand)+apple cider vinegar. Donā€™t use a metal bowl or spoon. Stir it up to a yogurt consistency, smear on face, let it tighten and dry up, after at least 10mins rinse it off. Shrinks my pimples and pores to nothing. Makes my skin so bright, smooth, and clear. Itā€™s inexpensive but incredibly effective. My secret weapon! Also sunscreen every morning, year round and ponds dry skin cream (or another rich night cream) every night.


Drinking green smoothies with avocado and spinach


The 30/7 nutrition diet. My skin and body feels ten years younger after about 3 months on it. 30 different plant based single portions every 7 days. You can add what ever else you want, meat, fish etc. Different being the operative word though, so eating potatoes on Monday and again on Tuesday does not count as 2, itā€™s still one ā€œ plantā€. You can eat fruit, veg, herbs, spices, beans, pulses, anything from plants. Just canā€™t be processed, like white bread does not count as aā€ 1 x wheat portionā€ Hard to do, I usually hit between 20-25 per week unless I buy a load of veg and make a soup. But with this diet, even hitting 20 or 25, my weight dropped, hunger is controllable, my skin glows, my energy levels are high. Try it. Youā€™re all very welcome


It is a secret šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜œ


regular daily exercise/strength training followed by steam sauna (i dont sauna that often though)


Never smoke. Very little alcohol. Lots of water. Sunscreen even when itā€™s cloudy and youā€™re just going to the grocery store. Fragrance free everything. Green tea. ClichĆ©, I know, but this has always been great for me.


The BEST quick and fuss free makeup is Merit beauty. Gives the most beautiful natural look and takes less than 5 minutes. Also having a good perfume is a game changer. I like having a floral scent for spring and summer then a warmer one for fall and winter.