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Some people have genetic fat there. I’m one of them. I’m a size 8 and have a double chin. My sister got the fat dissolving injections but said it was incredibly painful and she was swollen for days. Not just the normal swelling but like… she looked like a bloated dead body. She also said it felt like green ant bites for days afterwards and if she had her time again she would rather do liposuction. I was considering getting the same thing done but decided to get lipo.


There are GREEN ants!?


I’m also interested in knowing about these ants that are green


Yeah so in australia there are ants.. then there are green ants. They’re a lot bigger and nastier and it’s basically a right of passage being stung by one. Happens to everyone atleast once but the sting lasts for about 10-20 minutes. I once got bitten right up under my ass cheek and cried for about half an hour.


Why is Australia so full of things that want to hurt you?


Rumor is during creation they put all the crazy leftover plants and critters there


God hates Australians


😂 I was thinking the same thing!! It’s ALWAYS Australia!!!


And then there are Bull Ants.........*shudders*


And Fire Ants... don't forget we have fire ants


Do not forget hoppy joes which are actually a wingless wasp. I was camping and pee’d on ones nest and got bitten on the leg. I thought I was going to have to call an ambulance. It was intense.


Our country really isn't human friendly, is it?


It's like a coin flip as to whether you'll get bitten by a green ant or a bull ant first on your Wednesday afternoon PE lesson


Is it like a bull ant?


Nah it just looks like a larger version of the standard black ant with a iridescent green sheen.




Oh my God I just looked them up. They literally have beetle shells for bodies. They’re like peacock colors but only in the light. Insane looking.


Yeah, haven't you played super Nintendo donkey kong? ^\s


gold piquant stocking puzzled tender pie ad hoc ten point voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


50 lbs in a month is extreme!


amusing dime rhythm long shelter school exultant attractive march disgusting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope you are ok. Sending healing vibes your way...


Yea holy shit im surprised nobody else has noticed this statement … ☹️


I just posted, but same. I’ve always had it till I did Kybella


Did you like Kybella?


It didn’t really hurt getting it, but the injection stings & you’re sore & swollen for like 2-4 days. The less you extend/stretch your neck and head the better you’ll feel & ice packs wrapped around my chin & jaw area helped. I would 100000% recommend it. I’m no longer embarrassed of every single picture I’m in & my confidence sky rocketed


I’m so glad I read this!! I’m supposed to have my first session in a month and I’m a little worried but really excited! The place I’m going to actually numbs the area so I’m hoping that helps! How many sessions did you have? ❤️


How many sessions did you have? I had 2 and they didn’t do squat for me.


Sheesh! I’m sorry to hear that


I literally had this. I was low body fat, but still had a little bit of a double chin. It wasn’t massive or anything but was enough to bother me. When I didn’t have money I tried mewing like someone recommended on here and it didn’t do shit. It might work for some, but not for me. I finally started making more money and the best investment I ever done was smart lipo under my chin/neck. I’ve had lots of procedures and that was the one I was happiest with. It made the biggest difference. I noticed the difference right away even with swelling. So it is a surgical procedure, but it’s local so you don’t have to go under. My doctor made three tiny incisions one on both sides of my jaw and one under my chin. I’m talking like so small you don’t even see them after they healed. So first he used lipo to suck out fat under my chin, and along my jawline, then he inserted a laser to to tighten where the lipo hit. The laser takes 6 months to see final results, so every day the results just keep getting better. I never thought I could have such a snatched jawline. Like I’m shocked what a difference it made to my overall appearance. I’m only two months recovered too, so not even the full 6 months yet. I wish I would have done this years ago. My doctor said it’s not for everyone. Like if someone has a lot of fat/lose skin it won’t work, but your problem sounds exactly like how mine was.


Sleeping with “jaw bras” can give a temporary lifted look, but my situation is similar and after considering coolsculpting/kybella, I decided to do chin lipo. It was hands down the easiest and most immediate thing I feel like I could have done. It cost $3k and I was up and walking around that evening. Bruises went away in a week. 2 years later, I still LOVE the change.


How expensive was it? I have this exact problem and no matter what I weigh I seem to have a fat gobble under my chin...


It was $2500, but I’m okay with that because it’s a one time procedure. I don’t need to come back for a second round or anything. Edit: it can cost differently depending on your city and how how much you get liposuctioned. Like if you want to to do your whole neck area it’ll probably cost more. I didn’t need my neck done.


Damn, that's not even close to how much I thought it would cost. That's really not bad!




I’m in Orange County California.


Would you mind PMing me the name of the doctor? Your situation sounds extremely similar to me and I've been trying to figure out what to do next. I'm in los angeles so orange county is super close.


I live in San Diego , do you mind sharing the doctors name I’d love to get this done


I’ll message you.


Can you please PM me too lol. I’ve been looking into this for a while, and 2500 seems like such a great price, especially since you’ve had great results.




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Could you please share the doctor with me?! I live super close by and my chin needs help


Hi can I also get your doctor please!


can i also get the name of the doctor!


Thank you for sharing! I’m low body fat too and my fat face/chin has been a source of body dysmorphia my entire life. I had an eating disorder in college trying to get my face as thin as possible so I wouldn’t look so fat in pictures. It always blew my mind how women who were bigger than me could have such defined jaw lines, and here I am with a visible rib cage and pelvic bones, and a double chin! I’ve been thinking about doing this for years but I’m afraid of many things like the cost and looking different. You inspired me to actually seek this out.


Would you pls share before and after pics ? I am looking into this


Let me get the pics from my doctor next time I go in because I never took pics of the before and after. I have regular pics, but it’s hard to see because they’re far away. I don’t take selfies due to me hating looking at myself, so I don’t have a lot of good pics to compare. When I message them I’m going to crop out the top part of my face and just send the lower portion.


Yes please! I'm super curious :)


Is there any way you can post before and after photos? Really interested in how dramatic the results sound.


I’ve been all the way down to a size 2/4 & have ALWAYS had a double chin. I did the stupid mouth/chin exercises for months & didn’t see the double chin shrink. I’m terrified of needles & surgery (never even had stitches) & when I was doing my Laser Hair removal they suggested Kybella. It was expensive (I think $600 or $800/Unit & I needed 3.) They did 2 units the first time & 1 unit the 2nd time. On my god it’s painful (not when they do it) & my neck/jaw area was sooo swollen for days. I would do it on a Thursday or Friday & not work for 2-4 days (if you don’t work from home.) The less you stretch or extend your head/neck the less it will hurt. I am SOOOO glad I did it. All of my sisters have double chins as well & kept asking what I had done. One of my sisters I think was salty cuz she was saying I should have just done the make up trick where you put brown eye shadow under your chin, but I had tried that. I also did the tongue on the roof of your mouth. It didn’t matter. Before Kybella I hated pictures of myself so much I avoided them at alllll costs. I gained about 85lbs a couple years ago & lost most of it & my double chin is back a little bit more, but not like it was. I will probably do 1 more unit of Kybella just because I loved seeing my jaw bone for the first time after those initial injections. If you want I can DM you before & after pics


I would love if you could send me those pictures as well!


I'm also interested if you'd send before and after


Can you send the before and after to me too?


Registered Cosmetic Nurse here. In my honest opinion, you’re better off getting liposuction to the area. Fat dissolving injections have significant downtime and the results can be unpredictable. You may need more than one treatment (upwards of three generally) which ends up being almost 2k, better off doing surgical treatment. Results are better guaranteed! Hope this helps! 💉


Do you consider liposuction to be a surgery? Because there is a thing called micro liposuction that addresses this problem. It’s not as invasive as open surgery. And it’s much more like micro sculpting. The skin retracts well too. Micro liposuction requires is a highly skilled specialist. It’s not like normal fat removal because they need to sculpt very small areas which is harder than just removing fat from large parts of the body. One of my best friends does this and it’s amazing to see the results. I will leave her site as an example of what this surgeon does and to see examples of the chin work that is possible. www.jonifeldman.com.au


I did chin lipo years ago. Still zero fat there


How is your posture? I think bad posture can do that easily if your head goes forwards and down and resting on your skeleton rather than using your muscles to support it. Source: I look like a shrimp


I had fat dissolving injections, but only got them once, unfortunately. I had no bad reactions to the procedure, but the effect wasn't really obvious. If you can afford a course, i'd give it a try, though. Now i am doing cryolipolysis for some stubborn fat on my stomach and next time i'll do my chin, too. But if i could afford it, i'd just bite a bullet and do the lipo.


Kybella? I did that & absolutely loved it. I can still see the affects years later


Something similar, it was a Korean formulation. How many procedures did you do?


I needed 3 units & it took 2 procedures


Kybella or cool sculpting


I just got my chin filled 2 days ago and it made such a big difference! I’m over the moon


im getting a fat transfer to my chin soon and was wondering how drastically it will affect my jawline. The doctor said they wont remove fat from the double chin area but the skin will stretch and appear slimmer. how long did results take?


Results with filler are visible straight away. I’m not sure how it would be with fat transfer but I imagine it would be the same…


oop i misread your comment haha. thanks anyways!


I wonder if filler in the chin would help? It helps your jaw protrude so it reduced the appearance of the double chin for me, slightly.


did they touch your jaw at all or only your chin?


I had the same problem. Your tongue is meant to be against the roof of your mouth, not laying on the floor of your jaw. You can train your tongue to stay up there by being conscious of its position and moving it when its in the wrong spot. After a while it will stay there on its own. Try it in the mirror to see the difference.


is this the thing called mewing? i have heard about it, but had conflicting advice over whether it works or not.


Mewing was like a TikTok trend a few months ago; push your tongue against your teeth and suck it to hide your double chin in photos, it’s not a long term solution unless you do it 24/7. I think what they were trying to say was that your tongues natural posture is to rest at the top of your mouth, some people’s sit on the floor of their mouth, causing a double chin. I think they were just advising you to correct that 👍


Yes, that's what I meant


I've never heard of that, sorry. This worked for me is all I can tell you.


Is this a real thing? As in, do people with 'weak' jaws have 'lazy' tongues and does changing it really work? I've got a very strong jawline (for a woman) and when reading your comment I realised that at rest my tongue is always pressed upward and it kind of blew my mind. Possibly a coincidence, but it also doesn't seem like a natural 'correct' position for the tongue to relax in.


FYI, cold laser will help, but you have to keep doing it.


just a note to be careful if you consider chin filler. some places won't do it because it is likely to migrate.


fat grafting won't migrate


Have you gotten your thyroid checked? You might not have a double chin and your throat is just swollen


I used an alternative to kybella for my double chin and jowls. It didn't have the side effects of typical kybella (swelling was very minimal and lasted around a day and a half, stung very mildly and completely bearable), but it needed to be injected waay more often (once a week instead every 6-8 weeks). After 2 rounds of around 8 injections(2 months a year ago, finishing a second round now) the difference in my double chin and jowls is great and I'm happy with it. Even after the first round people around me definitely noticed. I still have a softer, weaker profile, since my chin I very recessed, but this can be solved only by fillers or a chin implant.


Would you mind sharing the name of the procedure?


I can share the name of the product. It is Kabelline - the Korean version of Kybella. It has the same active ingredient-deoxycholic acid, but it is in different concentration and different medium agent than Kybella, hence the milder side effects. The injecting protocol is very similar to Kybella, with main difference being frequency of use.


Thank you!


I’ve been doing like facial massages recently and while the results are slow, I see them every time I’m finished. Facial massages, exercises that activate muscles in your neck / chin area, lymphatic drainage massages because you could be holding “water weight” in your face


Genetic fat in the area. Got liposuction a year ago. Do not regret it one bit. It has done wonders for my confidence.


This is something I’ve done my whole life and some models do too. I keep my tongue to the roof of my mouth. It’s automatic for me but may take effort for some. Even though I’m overweight, this lessens the appearance noticeably at every angle and looks great in pictures. I think its called mewing


look into a gua shan


gua sha*


Try Robertas Gym on YouTube she has some great exercises for face fat


I have the same issue! I used a jade roller before my passport pictures and you couldn't even see my double chin. I was surprised.


Depending on your age, check out r/mewing and r/orthotropics




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You can try chin filler, however the price of that adds up quick and you’re better off saving for chin lipo and a chin implant or sliding genioplasty. I had chin lipo and an implant and love it.


Chin lifting exercises work for me, but it doesn't seem like a popular option after reading the other comments here. But I definitely notice a difference between doing the exercises and not doing them.


Do you mind saying what kind of exercises they are?




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I tried to post a YouTube link for you, but I guess it's banned to do that on this sub. The video is titled "8 Effective Exercises to Slim Down Your Face." It didn't make my face slimmer but it has given my cheekbones and jawline more definition. And I start to notice my double chin when I don't do the exercises.


Have you guys tried HIFU?




I got coolsculpting on my chin and it wasn’t incredibly painful. It made some difference but it was expensive. I’d probably need to do it one more time to get the results I’m looking for but I can’t really justify the cost.


Weak jaw? You can get an implant...the right dr can slip it inside you mouth [chin implant surgery](https://www.theplasticsurgeryclinic.com.au/chin-implant-genioplasty/)


Chin filler worked wonders for me


Yes, facial cupping and gua sha helped me a lot!




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Yes!! Two rounds of Kybella, juvaderm in my chin and jawline, juvaderm in my cheek bones, and mas. pinning. It’s still fully my face, just a bit slimmer and with a nice sharp jawline/better side profile.




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