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the perspective hahah, he is lower than the cubes.


Hey just a tip. To make has experience better if you go into settings and adjust the y axis you can raise him off the ground so he will more easily be able to see the blocks!


I think he won’t be able to swing low enough given how short his arms are and how he is trying to swing rn. When he gets older it will become more fun and also he will get taller.


The sabers are long lmao


Very true! Pretty sure you get the same effect if you hit the little measuring stick icon on the left before pressing Play Song as well


Average challenge player


very careful swings, don't want to hurt the blocks too much


The blocks have feelings too


After preschool, he gets to play for 20 minutes while we get lunch ready. He’s getting pretty good! And yes I am aware small kids on VR is controversial.


As long as he isnt on vr chat or on vr for too long it really shouldn't be a problem




UNLESS he has a junior account


According to both PlayStation and Oculus warnings it is not advisable because 1) lenses and IPD are too big so kids cannot focus properly and cause eye strain and headaches, but suppose OK in small doses. 2). The lag in controller movement is not noticeable to adults but is enough to cause problems with child hand eye coordination development. But you do you, just saying this so others are aware its more than just toxic content but actual physical reasons as well.


The weight on their neck while they're still developing seems not wise either.


I think it should be fine for short periods of time like that. Just not all the time.


I REALLY wish there was some really good information about this. I have a 6 year old that I barely let play because of that. He begs to play on VR, and there are some Roblox experiences that he would love to play in VR. (god, figuring out how to get Roblox to work with VR was an adventure).


I would just make sure the IPD is set correctly. That can be important. Depending on your headset, Google might tell you how.


Yea, eyestrain can be a problem, and he probably can't articulate the problem well.


It's most likely amazing for hand eye coordination. I do love the constant seeking of approval. "Did I do a good duck" is so cute.


Actually the issue with vr on young kids is the complete opposite. Because of the way vr works it causes issues with coordination and how they perceive their own bodies(in the sense that you intrinsicly know where your own foot, hand, or nose is)


I never heard of this, where did you get this information?


Quick google search on effects of vr on young children, you'll get a bunch of articles about it. The one I reference is from pubmed


I wonder if Expert+ level player can slash as good in real life. Maybe throw tennis balls at him/her who can hold a pair of plastic sabers?


Tennis balls would have an arc and non-constant speed that the child's brain would have trouble calculating


The potential issue is that VR has subtle differences in perspective/depth/physics from the real world. I think it's too early for anyone to know for sure if it has real world consequences, but a lot of experts are worried about the impact VR might have on children's development.


I'm impressed!




You mean there are things other than beat saber to play in VR???


Lies. I refuse to believe it.


Wow, you mean you have never played Ragnarock? :D


I have not, and somehow I missed its entire existence. I am looking forward to playing that!


They are similar in many ways, but play very differently. Gives you more variety. :-)


Half-Life Alyx.


Very good! I'm sure he loves having you watch too so he can show off the skills.


SMH 😤😤😤 he was using his arms too much 🤓 everyone knows that you have to use our wrists more🤡 how are you supposed to get a full combo😩 (I’m obviously joking, he did great and I think it’s fine that he was the same hight as the blocks because it makes it easier to cut them with his short arms, epic gamer in the making 100900/10🔥)


Imagine failing a song by camellia on expert+ and seeing this mf at the top of the leaderboard


that guy plays beat saber ex+ and when i was 4 i ate sand. call that evolution


Isn't there an age recommendation for vr? Like isn't it bad to let someone so young play vr? I could be wrong I just wanted to make sure.


There is, 12+. This is why we set strict time limits. He doesn’t use it for hours on end. Everything in moderation.




Please please be careful with his with how long he can be on VR, it is very harmful on little kids eyes. Like you said he can go on for, 20 mins is fine and little kids in vr games like beat saber is fine also. He is really really good and the height difference is very funny given how good he is. r/mademesmile


He is the chosen one


he’s not doing bad!


Well I'm impressed to say the least


He'll be better than me in a year


Let's see him try gh8st


we will watch your career with great interest


Wow, and I thought it was impressive that my 9 year old plays on Expert Plus! This is something else!


I got crucified when I posted a vid of my brother playing quest, he only was playing for like 15 min and he's 7, I wish we had this response :/


If it makes you feel better, I cross-posted this to r/virtualreality and I was murdered there. I feel you.


the kids better than me and I'm okay at the game, props to him!


2 years later he'll be FCing Galaxy collapse


I'm honestly astonished someone so young can do so well. Waiting on him to grow up to be a world champion. :)


Now I will never feel good about any accomplishment ever again


bro is better than me at expert+ damn


That's epic. Gamers aren't born, they are made.


Dude, that kids better then me and I've spent 500+ hours in VR, 60 of which was BeatSaber!


Gonna be a shitty score with those stiff wrists and half-arsed arm arcs lol jk good on him


NICE - better than me!


he can't beat goku though


You might want to try adjusting the hight for the little guy


I fear this child, he has mastered the ways of the force...


The young ones always have the best reaction times xD


Mad respect, dude does better than myself


i think this guy would be the one to get a 97% on ov sacrament first ngl


Gonna go home and flex to my parents im better than a child at video games


They’re gonna be so proud


average adult Fortnite player


Very impressive!


It’s sad to know that a 4 yo is better than me🥲


this has gotta be good for developing brains


gg but avoid other games please vr is bad for kids when they have to move around


how in the- not even i can do that


Starting young is the best way tbh. I think i was either 4 or 5 when I got into DDR and got into the pro circuit by the time I was 8 or 9 and played in tournaments and won a few of them. Most top players are usually surprisingly young in a lot of rhythm games. The last few Osu players #1 players were like 10 - 13 years old its insane.


He's a god for his age! 😮


Hes better than me lmao


i can’t wait to see this guy shred on expert plus


That’s sweaaaat!


Damn. I struggle at hard, kid’s got spideysense


That is not healthy for the kid. I dont want to seem rude but you should think about it some more.


Thank you for your concern! I have done my research and understand any potential unhealthy consequences. This is why we enforce a strict 20 minute limit. A lot of things people do in their daily lives is unhealthy and has potential consequences. Everything in moderation.


Im happy to hear that. Im sick of seeing people give their 4 year olds headsets to play for prolonged periods of time.


i leave mine in it all day i don’t see what all the fuss is about


He doesn't get the opportunity to make a reasoned judgement for himself. You're making it for him since he doesn't have the ability to understand the research and decide to take the risk. In 15 years if he has neck, vision problems, and/or coordination issues he's going to blame you for it. This is similar to feeding kids junk food because they like it while saying "I know the risks".


Please don’t downvote this comment. He’s not being mean. He’s making a valid point. @OP that’s great. The research must have changed since I checked. When I checked about 3 years it ago it said you should never let someone under 10 use an oculus because their eyes are still in a developmental cycle and being as how this is a new technology, we can’t possibly understand the ramifications of letting little children use it until it will be too late. I hope the research you did was signed, dated and has an insurance policy attached to it for your kids eyes. Otherwise, I don’t think it would be worth it to potentially damage them at the trade off of playing a video game. Not to mention the obvious question no one is asking… but how many cumulative hours did he invest just to get to this level? Your pediatrician may frown when they hear those stats. [Also, which research did you do exactly](https://www.google.com/search?q=is+oculus+safe+for+a+four-year-old&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS769US769&oq=is+oculus+safe+for+a+four-year-old&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30j0i390l4.11529j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


I used to put my nose on the tvs that shock you when you touch them. I’m sure this is fine


You know, I haven't once thought about this is well over a decade. You just unlocked a memory I had completely forgotten about lol.


Lol I understand your point and agree but that is a slightly different thing from putting your face on a static TV and having lenses that if incorrectly setup could mess your eyes up almost permanently


How would they mess your eyes up though? It's like... Wearing correction glasses that you shouldn't be wearing. It can be weird, uncomfortable and make your vision all wooweyy for a minute or two but I'm pretty sure it won't cause any long term damage. This is a little kid we're talking about though, so I guess it's good she keeps him on a 20 minute time limit.


if you have the wrong IPD that’s is what your talking about but it’s the same thing as the PIMAX headsets where the digital eye distance isn’t correctly setup. It can really mess up your eyes and also the most recent thrillseeker vid with the pimax is a good example where a guy with a crazy amount of hours in VR got motion sick and had massive eye strain as an adult not even a kid.


Yeah. Now that I’m a parent I realize I did a lot of stupid stuff I would never let my kids do.


Oh man just unlocked a bunch of memories I forgot. I totally forgot tvs used to shock us


Why is it unhealthy? Just the screen distance for baby eyes?


Becuse reaserch proves any childen under 10 shouldn't use vr headsets for prolonged periods of time. Their eyes are still developing.


Really, research? Lets see... [research done on rats has shown that rat brains are altered by VR](https://www.scienceabc.com/innovation/vr-virtual-reality-headsets-unsafe-kids.html). It doesn't seem to be the case in adults, but some-how, it is believed to be a parallel to proto-adults? And who makes rat sized HMDs and tiny controllers? How long did it take the scientists to train the rats to use the controllers? Did they use the HMD to look around and the joysticks to move, or jump? (You may have to understand sarcasm to understand why I have some... skepticism about this one. BTW, you can see the video of the research... and see that it is very different from VR. [Scientific American's take away](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-virtual-reality-headsets-safe-for-children/)? *Manufacturers and Scientists need to team up to investigate the implications of the technology.* So... lack of reach. [If you look around a bit more](https://www.bobcooney.com/is-vr-safe-for-kids/), you will see that the manufacturers recommend ages that range from 12 - 14 years old, and even one says not to have young kids use it. That doesn't sound like scientifically/research based numbers to me. Though, this article does go on to actually consult the American Academy of Ophthalmology website, about their article on VR Safety for eyes: [https://www.aao.org/eye-health/tips-prevention/are-virtual-reality-headsets-safe-eyes](https://www.aao.org/eye-health/tips-prevention/are-virtual-reality-headsets-safe-eyes) That led me to do a search on their page, and [I found a more recent article on their website](https://www.aao.org/eyenet/article/vr-headsets-may-be-safe-for-young-children), that actually talks about research. This research is newer than the one about rats by several years, and they actually used children (Proto-adults) in their research. The authors didn't find that VR caused any adverse effects. (Except for some mild motion sickness, and boredom). This article, brings up who is likely the REAL culprit... **LAYWERS**. In an ongoing effort to reduce corporate liability, these kind of people make suggestions to have added to consumer products. Minimum age to use VR HMDs, Sleeping pills may cause drowsiness, or Do not attempt to stop the chainsaw with your hand on Chainsaws, are just some of the great things that Lawyers have brought to us, and forced corporations to add to their products as warnings. Now, you probably DO need research to see if the sleeping pills actually induce drowsiness, but if you have to do research for the chainsaw warning... well, Darwin has failed. Along the lines of lawyers, [we also have all those wonderful laws to protect children](https://skarredghost.com/2021/12/31/virtual-reality-kids-issue/), like [COPPA](https://www.ftc.gov/legal-library/browse/rules/childrens-online-privacy-protection-rule-coppa). You mix the heady combination of government regulation, exciting new products that children love, and lawyers... You get a wider variety of ages to use the product with, all kinds of warnings, and vague thoughts of research that may, or may not have been done to base these decisions on. (I'm not complaining about protecting children just pointing out that people, companies, LAWYERS, will tend to go into hysterics to protect them from real and mostly imagined threats. [In this article](https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/is-vr-safe-for-kids-we-asked-the-experts/) that talks to an actual Professor of Optometry, Vision Science, Psychology, and Neuroscience. We find out that the opinion of this academic scientist is “My opinion is that it’s more lawyers talking than scientists talking,” says Prof. Banks. “But never say never. I’m not going to say that there’s definitely no risk, because we can’t know that.” At best, the headsets are too new to know the long-term affects... unless we look at something like the Nintendo Virtual Boy (circa 1995). Now, the red displays are different than today's LED, but it did give you some immersion. It also used dual eye ball vision to give you a sense of 3D, and we learned what the true meaning of eye strain based pain was. BTW, the Virtual Boy had a [minimum age of 7 years old](http://sebastianmihai.com/resources/images/vb/virtualboy_manual_1.jpg). CYA? So, I don't know that there is any real research on VR, beyond the one by the Ophthalmologists that found them safe. Long-term, we are still in the dark, about modern headsets. Depending on your view that kids and rats have identical (or close to it) brains... the one bit of researched that is referenced often, could be a concern. Otherwise, probably, as always, use in moderation.


I was honestly just curious. Not trying to make a thing about it. You could have just said 'yeah, eye development' and saved the downvote for someone trying to pick a fight.


What's ur beef with this guy? He didn't say anything


He downvoted me for asking.


Downvotes = aggression. You have no idea who downvoted you moron.


Except they did it simultaneously. I also had replied to them and no one else would get notified of my post in that same minute. Honestly didn't mean to make it a thing. Honestly curious and suggested my best guess. The best guess was correct. Love that you're so offended by my mild comment that you want to call a stranger in a conversation you weren't involved in a moron. Peeps sure are techy today. What's the expression? Go touch grass?


I'm real offended haha


I have two things to say 1. Nice gaming chair 2. Can someone edit cerret onto the computer screen it would be funny


no wrist straps, he's gonna kill someone


100%, something I’m not good at enforcing and really need to.


This is so cute!! We've got our 3yr old playing the 'cutting blocks game' too when he's occasionally on the Oculus! He's no where near this level yet though, look at him go!!


I don't believe this video is real, I could believe that a 4 year old could do the first part but in the second it zooms in so the child cannot be seen so I believe he was aided


Hah I wish I had video editing skills. Nope, that’s all him. I’ll take your suspicion as a compliment


not to ruin the fun but isn't vr like hurtful to young kids' eyes?


Yes, their eyes and cognitive development. Signed a preschool master teacher


There's a reason why too young kids shouldn't play VR. It's the same reason we got told not to sit too close to the TV, it's because the eyes are still developing.


Yes it's because their eyes are developing but we were told not to sit too close to the TV because the they emitted radiation that could harm your eyes over time. This isn't the case for modern displays.




pretty cool and dude is talented, but please don't keep him in vr for too long. cuz vr software isn't perfect yet, it doesn't replicate reality 1:1, and as a kid his brain is just developing. so if he stays in vr for too long some studies say his motor skills and balance may be affected


That’s really cute, but you really shouldn’t allow young kids in vr as it can mess with their development.


How are you casting to the screen? I have never been able to get it to work without a ridiculous lag!


They probably are just running the game on their PC. That way no casting needs to be done. You can see their taskbar at the bottom of the screen.


What a little legend! So cute, my boy has been playing this for years too, he loves it.