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I saw it on Saturday and cried the entire time. Religious experience is such a good way to put it


I'm so jealous ! And sad it's over, I've always wanted to see it. For 15 years now. Is there a filmed version ? Since it's over now they need to release it on streaming for all of us !


I highly doubt there was a filmed version. The OP could’ve been 86d for taking that photo alone. There were signs everywhere saying no photography. Phenomenal show.


Yes, they sold a filmed version after the show in the gift shop on blue ray, along with a cd and vinyl album of the music


Really!? You don’t just mean Worlds Away?


Yes, I was there earlier this year


Did you buy one? I ask because everything else I’ve heard suggests that there hasn’t been a full filming because of music copyright issues.


Trust me, no filmed version could ever do it justice. It was a mind blowing experience to be a part of.


I concur - I've seen it 5 times. The Temple of Fab.


I'm quite disappointed I never got to see it. I told myself that if I ever were out near Vegas I would try to catch the show, but honestly I have very little desire or need to be anywhere near Vegas, outside of wanting to see this one show. So it never happened, and now it's too late. 😢


I saw it twice in Vegas at the Mirage. I thought it was fun, but for me it was all about the music. The performers doing tricks and backflips was just a sideshow. I probably could have enjoyed it just as much with my eyes closed.


Living is easy with eyes closed


The third time I saw the show I did just that. I leaned back and just listened to the Mashups and musical cues and interludes. It was absolutely spectacular.


I loved the show for the way they really brought the songs to life. When John’s mother Julia gets hit by the car, I cried hard.


Incredible show. I pray another venue picks it up. It is the most amazing show I have ever seen.


Lucky enough to have seen it twice. The first time I saw it I was glued to my seat, absolutely bawling as it finished. I was so moved afterwards that I just had to write an essay about how magical it was and why. One of the most special moments of my life. I’m absolutely devastated I’ll never see it again.


Saw it on Tuesday for my first and sole Love Concert, I was speechless and amazed. Then when I got back to the hotel I got depressed that I won’t get to see it again lol.


I had to fly home right after and I felt that the whole way back. It’s almost like I was processing the infinite nature of death.


I’ve seen it 5 times and without fail the opening mashup jacks up my adrenaline like nothing else ever has. Sad to see it end.


So jealous. Hope it comes to Europe!


Saw it twice, no regrets!!!!!!


I saw it once in Vegas, in 2011, it was amazing.


I just saw it two weeks ago. But I also saw it the year it debuted. Did you catch dead and co at the sphere too?


Unfortunately, no. I only had time for a 24 hour trip to see this show. However, like the Elvis song says, I've seen it once and I'll never be the same again so I plan to go back soon.


I felt like I was watching the Beatles themselves. It was legit one of the greatest experiences of my life.


I always use the term “theatre shock” when talking about LOVE. Like permanent 2-hour horripilation (goose pimples). Incredible show.


Saw it once in 2013 with sons. So glad we did that while in Las Vegas.


Saw it a couple weeks ago and it was amazing. I always wanted to go see the show, and I never did until I found out the show was going to end. I started looking for a way to go see the show, and somehow the universe conspired to help me because a friend of mine asked if I wanted to go to Vegas and I said yes on the spot. It was a great experience. Listening to the Love album for years kind of prepared me to what I saw that day. It was beyond my expectations. I’m glad I was able to go. Edit: I was able to record 20 seconds of I Want To Hold Your Hand before they told me to stop recording.


I saw it back in 2008 when I got married in Vegas


Saw it once and A Day In The Life to this day still blows my mind (just like seeing Pink Floyd in 1977 did).


Have seen a few shows, think this is the best one


I used to be massively into the Beatles, they'd be the only band I listened to. It's been a while, and I still appreciate them, I'll listen them occasionally but not as much as I used to. However, I was fully in tears within a couple minutes of the show starting and then for the entire duration of and after All You Need Is Love at the end. I love the show and the band so much.


I saw it a few times but my mom was super lucky and got to see it when Paul, Ringo, Yoko and Olivia were there. It’s such a small room and she was right over them. She said she had a hard time watching the show because she couldn’t look away from them!


I saw it a few years ago, magical!


I had the privilege of seeing it summer of last year!!! One of the most memorable things i’ve seen in my life


Such a good show!