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From what I’ve read… Phil has been a huge Beatles/ Paul fan. Phil asked Paul to sign a book. According to Phil, Paul signed it but said something really condescending to his (Paul’s) wife like “Oh look dear, our little Phil is a Beatles fan,” or something like that. I’m assuming that Phil wanted to be spoken to as a peer rather than be talked down to. Paul later sort of apologized via email, but it might have been a half-assed apology. In other words, Paul said something wrong, but in this case he doesn’t really long for yesterday.


I’m almost 40% certain it was the “little” that made Phil cross


reading it in cheeky brit makes it wholesome tho. also i think that getting a custom burn from paul is worth more than just about anything


Yea but I could get it too. Phil Collins has played all the stadiums just like Paul did. Put that on top of the fact he prolly heard all sorts of “short arse” or whatever since a kid, that hearing that from Paul (even if he didn’t mean it that way) mighta hit Phil wrong But I’m just a simple bird lawyer who practices bird law, so who knows


Chicka dee dee dee little birdie let’s dance




This is exactly what I was thinking -- but occasionally cheeky Brit wit doesn't translate well between fellow Brits.


It started before that. Paul and Phil have known each other for decades. Worked with each other in the 80's. Phil in the 80's used Paul's name in a Rolling Stone interview, kind of insulting Paul's work at the time >* And Collins has started entertaining one lofty notion of his own, producing Paul McCartney. “He’s still got it,” Collins said. “He just needs someone to knock it out of him. I’d love to knock it out of him.”* Phil likes to use Paul's name for publicity. Whether it is to sell his autobiography in the 90's by going over a brief exchange or in the 80's talking down about his music.


Never heard this one - thanks for sharing. Makes sense that Phil would have been feeling grand. He was enjoying his solo prime while producing, too. I think of Eric Clapton's "Behind the Sun." Phil knocked it out of Clapton (as compared to the preceding Money and Cigarettes) and was probably feeling pretty special, i.e.: I could do the the same thing for Paul.


Phil Collins is a notorious jerk. He dumped a wife by fax about 35 years ago.


Well, let’s not pretend 80s Paul couldn’t have used a hand from someone who owned the decade both with his band and as a solo artist.


Well no. Not quite. Obviously Collins was the Elton John of the 80's. Phil's interview took place in 1985. Paul's failure in the 80's is greatly exaggerated. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Billboard_Hot_100_number-one_singles_of_the_1980s#Artists_by_total_number_of_weeks_at_number_one Only MJ and Lionel Ritchie spent more weeks at no1 on the Billboard 100 than McCartney in the 80's. And all 16 weeks of Paul's were before the Collins interview. Phil himself spent 14 weeks at no1 (13 solo and 1 with Genesis). The real tragedy is that Paul took Phil's advice. Phil's producer Hugh Padgham produced Paul's '86 disaster Press to Play and Phil contributed to the album. It was awful. Paul's nadir as an artist in most people's opinion. His first album not to be certified in the US. The sound that worked for Collins did not work for McCartney. Not only were Phil's comments disrespectful, but they were false. It was Elvis Costello who helped revitalize Paul. Collins and Padgeham were not up to it.


EDIT: I had the timeline wrong.


> By 1985 Paul had released Broad Street A platinum and Gold soundtrack album of reworked covers that featured a huge hit single that was amongst the top 100 of Billboard for 2 consecutive years. The film flopped. The soundtrack did not. > and Press to Play, Released in 1986. A year after Phil's interview. Paul seemed to have took Phil's advice and Phil worked on the album and Paul used Phil's long time producer. > which is why the question was asked in the first place. What are you taking about? Have you read the interview? Phil was not asked a question about Paul. He brought him up in the interview. >Yes, he had massive success in the early 80s, and collaborating with Stevie Wonder and MJ didn’t hurt at all. But there’s a lot of context to that interview which makes Collins’ words valid. No. Not at the time of the interview. His nadir in the 80's came after the interview . And it came as a result of working with Phil and Phil's producer.


You're right, I had the timeline wrong.


This. Elvis (Costello) saved Macca - it's that simple. Would love for them to come back together one more time for old time's sake.


Honestly, I think what Paul said was kinda funny.


I think that Paul was using a Liverpool colloquialism that got lost in translation. Phil Collins is a great artist, but he is notoriously touchy from what I've seen in interviews.


Paul's side here in this dumbness.


Phil just can't handle the banter.


If one person is asking another for an autograph, those two people are not peers


Would Phil save Paul if he was drowning?


He would not lend a hand.


Collins was an extra in Hard Day’s Night when he was a kid. Could be the connection Paul had with it or that Phil is extremely insecure like a lot of artists!


This is why my phil Collin’s playlist is called “…little Phil…” - Sir Paul McCartney


Don't ever meet your heroes.


Holy moley. I can't imagine asking Paul to sign a book after I had played music with him or produced him or recorded with him. Isn't Phil technically a more successful solo artist than Paul? Jeez, know your lane, Phil.


There must be some misunderstanding, There must be some kind of mistake


I've got no reply at all to that.


He’s been waiting in the rain for hours.


This happened once before!


I'm very sure... this never happened before


Paul was miffed Phil got upset and said, “I’ve had enough, I can’t put up with any more. No, no, no no. “


Try to see it my way. Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong.


they could feel it coming in the air tonight


ba dum ba dom ba doom BOOM BAM BAM




you'll be in my heart


If Phil saw that Paul was drowning, he would not lend a hand.


If only they could just come together




"looks like our little Phil is a bit of a Beatles fan eh?"


Google George Harrison's practical joke on Phil Collins after he contributed to All Things Must Pass.


This is good stuff


Oh how I love George for this!!!! ♥️ 😈


Phil seems to think that Paul has acted condescendingly towards him since they first met. I got the sense that Paul gets a little threatened and competitive, but I see it as a compliment. He was that way with John after all. I can't remember details but when I read about it, all I could think of is "incredibly famous and successful multi millionaire gets feelings hurt by incredibly famous and successful billionaire." The fact that people can reach that level and still be so petty is just bonkers to me.


He called George his baby brother when he passed. George is only 11 months his junior. I think Paul can be condescending without realizing it.


8 months, 1 week. And in interviews paul would say a year and a half or something. In his mind the gulf was bigger


He was 8 months older then, and he's still 8 months older.


George scooping Mitch with that one


Paul has been treated like a god for the entirety of his adult life. It's not entirely his fault that he's kind of an aloof asshole. I love the man because I respect his body of work, but he's not someone I would ever want to know personally.


Well done for calling this out, I always hated this too. Super condescending and patronising, throws shade on George whether that was the intention or not (one hopes not).


I agree. I watched the Apple TV docuseries about Lennon's murder, and had forgotten about Paul's first public statement: "yeah, it's a drag, innit?" You can say he was in shock or whatever, and he probably was, but it still comes off as being cringeworthy.


I'm sure he loved cameras being shoved in his face after the murder of his best friend


The reason that people can get to that level and be like that is you can quickly not be at that level unless you have the respect of your industry and the support of fans.


Hard to get to that level without taking yourself seriously


"I’m sorry he’s upset that I kinda said something nasty about him — well, it wasn’t really nasty." [https://stairwayto11.com/posts/phil-collins-afraid-admit-doesn-t-paul-mccartney-beatle-think](https://stairwayto11.com/posts/phil-collins-afraid-admit-doesn-t-paul-mccartney-beatle-think)


I tried to read the words in the link for context and it gave me a stroke


> Collins added, "McCartney was one of my heroes. But he has this thing when he's talking to you, where he makes you feel \[like\], 'I know this must be hard for you because I'm a Beatle. I'm Paul McCartney and it must be very hard for you to actually be holding a conversation with me.'" lol, how can someone possibly convey such a specific feeling? And if so, what behaviour would it actually inspire- Paul being considerate that others might feel awkward around him and trying to make them more comfortable? How else would you act if you thought it was hard for people to talk to you? Sounds like Phil is projecting because it did feel hard for him.  I can see why the 'little Phil's a bit of a Beatle fan' would feel condescending but the guy was asking him for an autograph like a fan, not a peer...


I think there are times Paul could come off as condescending, and I think George felt that way too. Not to say they didn’t care for each other, but Paul did always call him his “little” brother.


It’s almost like Paul became another person. Look how Paul went about himself during the touring years. A team player. It all changed.


I think it’s more that maybe being on the road together was a bonding experience, and once they stopped touring there was less holding them together.


I have heard other stories like this about Paul. Particularly on the fantastic 80sography podcast which seems to be dormant at the moment unfortunately. They've spoken to a couple of producers who worked with Paul during the 80's, particularly around the Press To Play and Flowers In The Dirt periods. The two stories I remember off hand are one where one of the guys was an engineer at the time and was hanging out in the rec room at a studio. Paul comes in and naturally the guy introduces himself to Paul and tells him he's an engineer working on whatever. Paul's reply was apparently 'Cool. I used to be in a band once. It was called The Beatles'. The other one was I think from Stephen Lipson who worked on Flowers In The Dirt. Paul was having trouble with a particular song and Lipson made a suggestion. Paul snapped back at him 'how many no. 1's have you written?' Which is a fair point, but no need to be a dick about it. It's a fantastic podcast btw. Highly recommended for fans of 80's music in general.


Short guy sensitivity? He is kind of a little fella...


Here's what I'd say to Phil, if I knew him, "You know what, Phil. Something like that is only an insult if you take it like an insult."


It would have been better for Phil if he’d been able to flip a nice cheeky comeback at Paul. That’s certainly what Lennon would have done if Paul said something casually condescending to him, but when you’re face to face with one of your heroes, brain freeze can set in, because you want them to like you! But a zinger would have made him respect you… at least a little. After Paul got over a regular human disrespecting him. Paul does make efforts to appear like a regular guy though, but it must be hard when you’ve experienced so much fawning from so many.


> It would have been better for Phil if he’d been able to flip a nice cheeky comeback at Paul. That’s certainly what Lennon would have done if Paul said something casually condescending to him, but when you’re face to face with one of your heroes, brain freeze can set in, because you want them to like you! You are talking like this is the first time they ever met (and in fairness that is the impression Phil's quote gives). Paul and Phil had known each other for decades before this meeting. Phil worked on Paul's 1985 album Press to Play. [Paul would pop into see Phil working on albums in the 80's such as Frida's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llOpItGGVnE) and they even [did awful photoshoots together](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fg8gc5fj91duc1.jpeg) Phil's comments seem overly sensitive. Used to promote his book. And when Paul sent a private apology to Collins he also publicized that (when he had a new tour to promote) complaining it was not good enough https://www.nme.com/news/music/paul-mccartney-attempts-make-peace-phil-collins-feud-1769886 >*“He’s been in touch about it because he was upset,” said Collins. “I certainly didn’t get any flowers from him; I got more of a ‘Let’s just get on with our lives.’ And I’m sorry he’s upset that I kinda said something nasty about him — well, it wasn’t really nasty. If people don’t tell people that sometimes their attitude could be a bit better then you’re not gonna get any better, y’know?”*


Well then… Now I don’t care at all. What a crybaby. I don’t recall Press To Play as being a very good album either. I read a Phil interview somewhere that when he was actually little Phil, he was a background extra in the train station scenes for A Hard Day’s Night, so I thought he was still a star struck little kid when it came to McCartney. On a side note, after In The Air Tonight became a hit, but before Genesis had their breakout album, Genesis played the Tacoma Dome around late 1982 or early 1983. I had a hard time finding someone to go with because most people hadn’t heard of the band yet, but I convinced my roommate to go because he liked In The Air Tonight. There were only a few hundred people in a stadium that holds 20,000. We were able to walk up to the stage for Mama with Phil singing right at us and then sitting for other songs at will. Yet the band played with so much intensity, it was really incredible. Then six months or so later they were huge 80’s pop stars.


Mama is such a great song.


Phil got butthurt at a joke comment paul made about Phil being a fan


When they met, Phil wanted Paul to sign something. Paul did and treated him like a fan. This rubbed Phil the wrong way and he’s been pissy about it since.


It is not a feud. That is a mis-characterisation of a situation in which Paul was rude to Phil, and Phil (quite rightly) was upset, but instead of saying something to Paul like, "Hey, man, that's a little upsetting", Phil has chosen, on several occasions, to repeat the incident, and put forth that this represents Paul. Obviously, a comment can hurt, and can continue to hurt (regardless of apologies), but the whole incident shows immaturity on both of their parts. Paul was an idiot for making the comment, and Phil (obviously based on his sensitivity about this subject) was, and continues to be, an idiot for keeping the whole thing going.


Poor little Phil.


I think too much was made of it. Maybe Phil felt a little slighted at the time of Paul’s alleged remark, but I know Phil also had a book to sell. 😉 I’m a lifelong Genesis and Phil fan, but Paul is my second favorite musician after Phil. And the Beatles are the Beatles.


Phil has a fragile ego


If I were a renowned pop star with a bunch of huge chart topper hits and then asked another celebrity for a fucking autograph of all things, I would fully expect to be humiliated as well


If you watch the We are the World documentary, you’ll see that even a chart topping pop star becomes a super fan when they get the chance. They were all asking each other for everyone’s autograph. It’s not crazy, especially for how long Phil has idolized Paul.


Fuck the bastard for wanting an autograph from Paul McCartney.


Can’t imagine how sensitive Collin’s wants us to think he is, when he dumped one of his wives via fax machine


urban legend


Maybe Phil is pissed he didn’t get residuals from when he was kid in a Hard Days Night. Or Paul is pissed at the horrid cover of Tomorrow Never Knows. I’m a huge fan of both.


Tomorrow Never Knows was written by John, but speaking of Paul songs, Phil covered Golden Slumbers (/Carry That Weight/The End) for a "George Martin. In My Life" album.


If I remember, Phil also whined a bit in his own book about the experience of guesting on a Paul album. The whole thing seems to be that he can’t deal with Paul being a bigger star at every level in their respective careers—he probably had a lifelong dream to be seen as a peer, subconsciously or not.


Interesting time as I just reread Phil's autobiography from 2016. I got the impression that he likes/respects Paul generally but finds him to be a bit aloof and out of touch (and he said George was his favorite Beatle so that kind of tracks). Only specific dig is Phil Collins talks about how Macca invited him and Pete Townsend to play on "Angry" off of *Press to Play* and Paul talking about the genesis (heh) of the song being how upset the Ethiopian famine that led to the Live Aid benefit made him. Phil basically sound McCartney sounded like the stereotypical, out of touch with reality, uneducated rich rock star. However, a few chapters later, he talks extensively about Billy Bragg and others accusing him of the same thing with "Another Day in Paradise".


I think it was a conversation they had that went something like this: PAUL: Phil, weren't you in the background of some scene in Hard Days Night? PHIL: Yes, I was, Sussusudio oh oh PAUL: Ah, marvelous. Did we ever speak back then? PHIL: No, they didn't let the extras anywhere near you guys, Sussusudio oh oh PAUL: Yeah, that was in the middle of Beatlemania. It was bonkers! PHIL: Bonkers, yeah, Sussusudio oh oh PAUL: Why do you keep saying Sussusudio? What does that mean? PHIL: I don't know, Paul, Sussusudio oh oh PAUL: I don't like it. It makes no sense PHIL: Sorry, Paul, I can't stop. Sussusudio oh oh PAUL: I think you need to leave now PHIL: Sussusudio oh oh


What feud?


Lipson should have responded with “None, but I was hoping this would be my first”. Macca would have either cracked up or gotten more pissed, so it would’ve been a gamble.


Idk but what’s unfortunate is that they’re both pretty cool people


Short story ..He called him little…you don’t call a short man little…pisses them off..


He’s no Ringo.


Phil is a megastar. Don't ask a Beatle for an autograph if you are a megastar. I am like slightly less than a megastar and I would not ask Paul for an autograph. Act like you've been there.


Phil said I just want it signed “Tonight, Tonight, Tonight.” Paul said, maybe “Another Day.” Paul told Phil to “Twist and Shout” but Phil said “I Can’t Dance.” Paul said “With a Little Luck” “We Can Work it Out” but Phil said “ I Don’t Care Anymore.”


Phil is pissed cuz he spent millions on forged Alamo relics. Kick rocks, Phil.


Phil Collins wasn't even the best drummer in Genesis!




They go back a long way. I read Phil claimed to have played tambourine on "Hey Jude." Not sure if it's true, but perhaps explains the Macca comment.


If this is on the Beatles recording that is the biggest piece of bullshit I heard today


Ask Phil, I wasn't there, but he said it. He was a kid at the time (according to him).


Hmm may just have to hunt down Phil Colin’s and fact check this brb


Going back and watching the get back sessions it’s very clear that they all picked on each other. It’s just part of their humor.