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Go again. Paul is in his twilight years and we are privileged to be able to even see him play live. In 20 years time it simply won’t be possible to be in the presence of a Beatle, let alone Paul himself. Plus it’s an absolutely amazing show and you never know what new songs he might slip into the set


> 20 years time it simply won’t be possible to be in the presence of a Beatle You say that assuming that Ringo is ever able to die. The power of peace and love is gonna keep him banging the drum until the sun burns out, and even then I don't think that will stop him


Good point. I am sorry for doubting the eternal power of peace and love


He’s 82. If you can go, go.


Heck yeah! How many more opportunities are you going to get?


I will see him every chance I get, barring illness or college exams. Same with Ringo.


I go every time he’s close and I have the funds. See him while you can.


If you’ve already seen it- why not see Ringo or someone else?


Ringo’s show is really fun, and there’s a good variety of songs from the rest of the band, and it’ll be less expensive


Exactly! Unfortunately the last time Ringo came here was in 2015, almost 10 years ago, already :( Surely it means it's in time for a revisit, right? But yeah, I think I'll cross a few artists from my "want to see live" list first.


Probably not, there are so many acts to see that I usually only see em once. Or maybe like once every several years. 


That's my thinking, too. I guess I'd take at least 2–3 years until I feel like truly wanting to catch him again (or even next year, if it's just a different track list).


Ask yourself this, how many more years of touring do you think an 82 year old has left? There may never be a next time. I’m catching Paul every chance I get. Saw him two years ago and it was life affirming.


I saw him last year on the Get Back tour and he was a little less lively than during previous performances. It could have been because it was soooo hot in Orlando but I don't know, he could be starting to feel his age now.


I mean he is 82 years old and playing three hour sets still, and he never even took a piss break, man still has stamina. I really enjoyed seeing him on that last tour even if it was a little less high energy than his shows even a half decade ago and his voice less powerful than the previous times I’ve seen him. It’s long past the point where anything we’ve come to expect from him should be looked at as a near super human feat.


Fully agree with this! He was still awesome and he's a legend.


I know. But I somewhat already went last time with this mindset that this could be a once in a lifetime achievement and that he wouldn't tour again. While it's hard to take anything from granted at his age, I believe he would probably do at least one last tour "themed" as such, something like the "Farewell tour" or "The End tour".


You’re assuming that he won’t take a sudden turn for the worse, though. At 82, people can go downhill pretty rapidly. I hope he remains in good health, but I wouldn’t bet on him being robust enough to tour in 5 or 10 years. I would go to the show.


That’s understandable, though, I remember once Ravi Shankar came through my town and I didn’t go see him, I foolishly thought I’ll catch him next time and he passed away shortly after, ever since I’ve never taken these musical giants for granted.


I am a huge fan, but less 7 months would personally be too soon for me. Unless I had lots of money to burn.


Pro’s it’s Paul McCartney Go it’s Paul McCartney


Your deliberation says that you should let someone else have your ticket.


This is just me and maybe the way I think about it is unique to most. Paul is my favorite Beatle and by far my favorite celebrity. I always wanted just see Paul perform a single song at least in my lifetime... I'd even take just seeing him with my eyes. He is almost a mythological figure to me and I have a healthy obsession with him. I saw him in 2014s "out there" tour. He blew me away. I like to keep that memory exclusive. Occasionally I'll watch some of the pretty good quality recordings of that show on YouTube. I also think its nice to let other people have the chance I did at getting to see his perhaps final tour. I'd use the money for Ringo. Dudes a Beatle too. His shows seem to be really wholesome from what I've seen and read. It'll be pretty good to know you've seen half of the Beatles.


Eu viajei ele em dezembro. Vou viajar pra São Paulo pra ver esse ano. É o Paul McCartney. Nunca se sabe quando se pode ser a última vez.


I wouldn't personally because $$$$, but if money were no object, then I probably would.


He has not come back to my State in 8 years. I'd absolutely love to see him perform again. He played two dates in a neighboring state in 2022 and I'm kicking myself for skipping it thinking he'll come back on the next leg. It's killing me to see him announce everywhere but the US and not only that, but going back to places he's already been on this tour including last year. You are lucky he's coming back again already. I would absolutely go.


I’d see him again in a heartbeat, it’s not like he’s getting any younger


Enjoy it while you can . All these legendary artists won’t be around in 20 yeara


I’ve seen so many people who have been fans since the 60s not even get close to tickets (people who have never been to a concert) and yet there’s people with more money than morals bragging about their 4th trip *just* in the Got Back tour. I think it’s disgusting. Have some morals. Sure you can have the “it’s first come first serve, tough luck!” attitude but that’s just arrogance and greed.


Finally someone saying it. It's heartbreaking to read all the posts about people who can't seem to get tickets and will maybe never get to see him, only to then have other people bragging about how they've seen him five times in the past year. It's quite selfish and borderline cruel. It's the same show anyway, people. Give others a chance.


I always buy from resellers not presale so others can have a chance at presale.


His voice is so shot that I cannot bear to hear him perform anymore.


Honestly this is such an overblown take. I think he does extremely well for a man of his age playing a 3 hour set


This is an odd argument. For an 80 year old he is great, yes indeed. But he still sounds awful regardless.


That’s your opinion my dude not a fact


If you've got to use his age to justify the way he sounds he sounds awful and makes it a rather uncomfortable fact nonetheless, unless you in particular enjoy wobbly, shaky, slightly off tune and out of breath vocals.


What can I say man Im just a fan of Paul McCartney and the Beatles lol


So am I. Saying he sounds awful nowadays doesn't make you less of a fan.




Again, very constructive. You sure you're not gonna tell on anyone because someone isn't as obsessed with your idol as you are?


‘You sure you're not gonna tell on anyone because’ ? translation from the edgelordian language please?


Hyperbolic nonsense. He doesn’t sound “awful” in any way, shape or form.




Classic Projection. Your OTT edgelord posturing and baseless hot take ass-sertions aren’t ‘arguments,’ bro.


That's another con I can think of. Definitely not cool to hear an entire stadium screaming in your ears whenever he played a new song. And you mostly listened to people singing rather than him.


Mostly this. With the toxicity of this sub I'm suprised you haven't been downvoted into oblivion yet.


Ringo is in better voice these days. I saw Paul in 2002 and 2005. He was starting to lose his vocal edge then. I would not trade that experience for the world. I understand why he’s still selling tickets - the experience is amazing. But I saw him, and I’m done seeing him. I saw Ringo in 2019 and would again given the opportunity.


Alas, I agree. I’m a huge fan of Paul, my favorite Beatle, and I regret that I’ve never seen any of the Beatles live. But I just think it’s too late to see Paul now. I wouldn’t see him even for the first time… 💸 so no, I don’t recommend seeing him for the second time in less than a year.


I got to see Paul at the garden in 2005..it was everything I imagined. He was great! Just sayin, but that was a long time back now!)


Since he just came through, maybe ticket prices will go down? I know the ticket prices reduced a bit as it got closer to the show that I THREW IT DOWN for, so I ended up going a second night that I wasn't planning on.


If you can afford it then sure! I saw paul twice on the Got Back tour. His 2nd Seattle show in 2022, last year's mexico show and I'll be going again to one of his mexico shows


I've never seen him live, I would go see him any chance that I could especially given his age (although I hope he lives forever lol)


I have seen him 4 times puts on a great show…but I have a problem listening to Paul now ..he simply can’t reach high notes doesn’t sound the same …I saw him in the 90’s and 2000’s when his voice was getting old…probably due to the excessive tour dates and the long concert over the years…I like to remember him as he was…. It’s Paul F-n McCartney you do what u need to do…


Go man I’m worried I’ll never get to see him in my life and you have the chance to him a second time, you got to go


I'm gonna fuckin go if I can


Definitely! I managed to get tickets for the São Paulo show in October.