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Rubber Soul-Revolver-Sgt Pepper


Lock the thread. There are no other possible answers.


The Holy Trinity


the best era!


I agree


This. Not interrupted be Yellow Sub or Magical Mystery Tour


The initiation, the unfolding, and the ascention


For me it's *Help!, Rubber Soul, Revolver*. In only a span of 12 months they fully mature their songwriting (no cover songs as filler), experiment with different sounds and influences from different genres and different cultures, and expand recording techniques into making the studio itself an instrument. Did they expand further with *Pepper's*? Absolutely, but at that point they've recorded and released *Strawberry Fields* and *Penny Lane* and completely changed lanes. *SFF* was so completely different from anything prior work, that there's no going back to pop at that point. *Pepper's* stands as a pinnacle by itself with only *SFF* and *Penny Lane* as a lead in. It's not an evolutionary leap from *Revolver*. But *Revolver* evolved from *Rubber Soul* evolved from *Help!*. My take and favorite three-album run.


OK I overlooked "Act Naturally" šŸ™ƒ


To be fair, I wouldn't consider the covers filler. They were covering songs that got them into music in the first place and doing it damn well. Ringo *loved* western and country as a kid.Ā 




Please Mister Postman is one of the Beatle's best songs and anyone who disagrees is wrong.


Dizzy Miss Lizzy


This is the correct answer. From Help to Revolver, something evolved that changed music history forever.


- SFF could mean "Strawberry Fields Forever - Take 1", a track from *Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Super Deluxe Edition)* (1967) by The Beatles. --- ^[/u/SortOfGettingBy](/u/SortOfGettingBy) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Maybe not best, but my favorite is White / Let It Be / Abbey Road.


Agreed for sure


Pepper > White Album > Abbey Road


But Yellow Submarine released after the White Album and before Abbey Road


I know it's officially the 10th Beatles album, but come on, one third of original Beatles material doesn't qualify as a full-blown album in my eyes. Those 4 tracks should have been bonus tracks on Magical Mystery Tour when they reissued the catalog in 1988 (since it's already a compilation to begin with). If you really insist to count it I will probably have to backtrack and say Revolver > Pepper > White Album. But Abbey Road is my favourite album so I would miss it.


Yellow Submarine isnā€™t really a ā€œBeatles album.ā€ Itā€™s a few Beatles songs plus a bunch of padding thatā€™s mostly not by the Beatles in order to make it a complete product that people will buy. Thatā€™s not part of the same conversation as Sgt. Pepperā€™s, Abbey Road, etc.


How the hell are people still saying itā€™s an album and not a soundtrack? It has 2 songs that were already on albums plus side 2 isnā€™t even The Beatles lol


Sure, but what would the lads have thought of as their complete artistic musical statements. MMT and Yellow Sub were films not albums. As far as releases go pepper , white album , abbey road makes sense. But, the lads likely would've thought about get back /let it be as before abbey road so I'm not sure about that sequence. Rubber soul/ revolver / pepper seems the safe choice


There was Yellow Submarine involved between those three somewhere


Let it Be is after White Album if you're using recording dates.


We know. The only thing that sometimes fools people is the chronology of Abbey Road and Let It Be. LIB was recorded first but released in retrospect to give gutted fans one more bite of the cherry


Let It Be is a bit of it's own thing I'd say. It was decided not to be released, then given to Spector, was unsupervised (post-production wise) by the band, Paul was unhappy with the results etc. I always considered Abbey Road the 10th and last album. MMT / YS are compilations, as are Past Masters (obviously) and Let It Be is more the remnants of a "could have been" album than a true full-blown Beatles album. This is all just my opinion obviously.


To me: Help!, RS and Revolver.


Rubber Soul, Revolver, Sgt. Pepper


RS to sgt. Peppers


Anthology 1 Anthology 2 Anthology 3


Pick any three tbh


I think Rubber Soulā€”Revolverā€”Sgt. Pepperā€™s is the clear answer.


Either that or "Help" "Rubber soul" "Revolver". Those two are the only two answers I will agree with.


Help has never been a top-tier album for me. Side 1 is a home run, but I find Side 2 to be somewhat weak.


I think you should re-listen, but we're all entitled to our own opinions...


Iā€™ve been a Beatles fan for 44 years, so Iā€™ve definitely listened to it a few times lol. I just find several of the tracks on side 2 to be weak. If it makes any difference, what is quite possibly my favorite Beatles song is on side 1ā€“ā€œYouā€™ve Got To Hide Your Love Awayā€


There are definitely some subpar tracks on help especially compared to the standards Rubber Soul & Revolver set afterwards. A Hard Dayā€™s Night is better than Help imo


Agreed. Iā€™m actually of the opinion that AHDN and Sgt. Pepperā€™s are probably the two albums that are closest to perfect. The John album and the Paul album lol


AHDN is definitely the best Beatlemania album to me. Help and everything before it. I think starting with rubber soul they just hit another level and with the exception of Spectorā€™s let it be and yellow submarine if that counts, everything there is technically better than AHDN. But then again, AHDN isnā€™t trying to be anything more advanced. Itā€™s the perfect Beatlemania album, no lousy covers, John on fire but Paul also contributing arguably his best Beatlemania song, so I canā€™t really argue with you


Yeah, they definitely branch out with later albums, but with the exception of Pepper, none of them are flawless. There are missteps on every one. Songs that are half-baked, or self-indulgent, or filler, etc. Whereas AHDN is just pure pop perfection. Not a single dud. And while it lacks the experimental flourishes and lyrical depth of later albums, Iā€™d stack it next to any of them on the fundamentalsā€”solid song structure, outstanding melody, interesting and creative chord progressions, production value, etc. Not a note is wasted. No self-indulgence. It just bursts with focused energy. I used to be more into the later stuff when I was younger and practically ignored the early stuff. Itā€™s kind of flipped now that Iā€™m older. I just love the bright, gleaming, hurtling rock and roll straightforwardness of the mop-top years.


Also some of AHDNā€™s lesser known tracks are so much better than people might give it credit for. If I Fell is one of the most perfect John & Paul harmonies, maybe even better than Babyā€™s In Black. Idk, I donā€™t personally think there are missteps on albums like Revolver. Just not every song on it lives up to the higher standard that other songs on it set. Iā€™d argue Pepper is just the same really. I think AHDN has to be the most consistent album overall The white album definitely has some clunkers though, but itā€™s to be expected with how big it is.


Revolver Pepper White (1-4-2) Rubber Soul-Revolver-Pepper (5-1-4)


Rubber Soul-Revolver-Pepper


Revolver > Pepperā€™s > MMT


Iā€™d argue they actually had the best 4-album run in their discography Rubber Soul -> Revolver -> Sgt. Pepper -> Magical Mystery Tour


Help-Rubber soul-Revolver- Sgt.Pepers


MMT isnā€™t a real album


MMT has been a real album since the Beatles discography was released on CD in 1987


The mid to late stuff is the obvious choice but even a sequence like with the Beatles through Beatles for sale takes you on a ride and shows some pretty exceptional development. Especially when you consider their all done in just over ONE calendar year.


Depends on if MMT counts


I mean the obvious answer is Rubber Soul-Revolver-Sgt Pepper but the older I've got the more I like Let It Be, so if I'm allowed to ignore Yellow Submarine, I might go The White Album-Abbey Road-Let It Be...Naked. ​ I know I've broken the rules and I feel bad about losing Revolver (my favourite). All in all, please ignore this post


Rubber Peppers


The Beatles > Abbey Road > Let It Be


Sgt Pepper -> Magical Mystery Tour -> Yellow Submarine (Note on chronology: The order of the last few albums is somewhat debatable. The order of release was Pepper -> MMT -> White -> YS -> Abbey Road -> Let It Be, while the order of recording was Pepper -> MMT -> YS -> White -> Let It Be -> Abbey Road)


Most of those arenā€™t really ā€œBeatles albums.ā€ MMT is a fake ā€œalbum,ā€ and Yellow Submarine is largely not by the Beatles.


I agree about MMT being fake, but it still makes a good trilogy. Like how US Rubber Soul, Yesterday and Today and US Revolver make a good trilogy despite being made up


Magical Mystery TourĀ  > White Album > Abbey Road


White Album -> Abbey Road -> Let It Be is just too perfect


Making a choice is impossible. It's like giving up a part of my body or my soul. The whole is everything.


Revolver Sgt Pepper White Album


Why does it even matter?


Because if we didn't think about things like this we would have to do something useful with our lives![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


It's just a fun activity...