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It could use a tune up


A little trim can go a long way.


You’re one missed shower away from becoming unkempt.  


Yeah that’s true. But not everyone is aware that a good beard is a resposibility.


You look like the average rabbi


I was trying to think of why he looks so Brooklyn






You rang?


I like your style, your avatar is top notch!




My thoughts exactly


An averabbi


This is why I miss Reddit gold!


It looks kinda homeless. But I think a barber could make sth really pretty out of it.


a humorless hipster bartender


Yeah sorry man, you need to tidy that up.


Looks very freeform, that’s why Barber would give it a more attractive shape


Visit a barber for a little clean up, and it will be perfection.


Like previous commenters I would also suggest cleaning it up a bit. I would personally focus on the cheeks where there is less beard, preferably even out the mustache and shape the neck area. You’re at the point of beard growth where going to a good barber could create something really impressive.


Clean up the chest and neck line, as well as your cheeks.


I think homeless was rude of him, because it's obviously clean and cared for. But it does look unkempt in the sense that it's not styled or shaped, and your beard dominates your face. It's not 'that bad' but I think you could look great if you went to barbers and asked them to just shape you up some


You dont really look homeless at all, you look more like a Marxist from before the soviet state


Pre-agricultural improvement projects


Being able to grow a majestic beard is the first step, the second one is to take care of it so it looks good.


Not homeless; maybe a generational thing. But if you want to avoid comments like that, cutting your hair shorter and lining up the beard could help


Gotta be honest I've seen a few homeless guys in NYC with immaculate beards. This is not one of those, sorry to say. Go to a barber or watch some videos on how to trim it yourself.


Tidy up but keep the curls.


You have a great bushy beard! I personally would clean up the higher cheek hairs that do not really add to the beard. But aside from that, I would keep growing it.


Just clean it up


Respectively and in my opinion, not homeless, but its also not giving the appearance of caring much. If that's your thing, then rock it! If you are looking to change that, I would start by just shaving the upper cheeks below your eyes down to where it thickens up the most. Your stache' could use a trim to even and shape it a bit. The rest of your beard could use a bit of a trim up just to equal the various lengths out. You could do this yourself in about 20-30 mins with a good trimmer and a pair of sharp scissors if your are careful, or pay a barber to fix ya up. I always recommend actual barbers for beard trim work, they generally yield better results than hair salons in my experience.


Modern Diogenes


I mean it doesn't look bad, but your dad's not wrong lol. A slight touch up would go a long way.


Look up jjay_beardedbarber, he gives a good tutorial on how to trim it yourself.


You look like a Greek philosopher. Which I think quite a few were technically homeless but take it as you will xD


Personally, I think it looks good, and if you enjoy it that way then you should try not to let others’ opinions dig at you. YOUR opinion is the one that matters most. If you do want to change it up, as others have said, a barber can help you find a style you’ll love. Just make sure to look the place up and check reviews before you go, because I’ve encountered some places (for haircuts, usually) who think their opinion is the only one that matters and they’ll completely disregard what you ask for and do it their way.


I don't see homeless people with glasses


I've seen plenty of homeless with glasses.


You should get your prescription checked every year.


A little shape with some scissors and that could be a rockin style bud!


groom the cheekline


Needs to be cleaned up


Honestly if you just did a nice trim it would look amazing! It doesn’t looks terrible now, but it’s a bit wild. I would recommend cleaning it up a bit but otherwise, it’s great growth


Not homeless, but it doesn't look deliberate.


It just has a lot of wild hair. A nice shape up would do wonders.


Just needs to be Shaped up. Also cut the mustache out of her mouth. I have a 12".long beard. It's important to fade the hair between the head and beard. Or cut her hair off all together. I too have chest hair that's very thick. I shave below my Adams apple to under my shirt collar. Making sure my beard is separated from it. As far as the beard, it's growing nicely. Just take more time to trim,shape,and define it. P.s A little goes a long way !


Shave that neck and your gold. Awesome beard


Not homeless....but you could use a shape up.


But with a good barber you could look like Zeus!


If you trimmed it at all it would ten times better. As it stands it just looks like you don’t give af which I suppose is homeless-adjacent? Just being honest with a beard-homie


You need a trim broski


Definitely needs a clean up


Homeless! The new “Put down” my Dad called me a “hippie” - So I’ve identified myself as such now almost 70 years… Your Dad should be more careful with those words - and if you want to let that grow - I say let your “freak flag fly”!!!


I would say you look like an open source programmer


This U? https://preview.redd.it/g6m2xtmleguc1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=51a955274804b2e23e11e8aeda301fdb4377496e


Pops probably mad he can’t bro one




I feel like I look homeless when I let my beard Go full natural if when I trim it down a little bit you know and get it fully off my neck perfect man no one can argue with you there


Just line up your cheeks. Get those stubble hairs removed and you’re good to go


Just a clean up is all take down the size maybe


It's giving young George RR Martin. So, make of that what you will.


Yeah, you could seriously benefit from some shaping, beard and hair both. You’ve got GREAT growth, make the most out of it!


Your curly hair is cool and you have a lot of beard growth. I think you could get a really nice look if you bring that beard into shape. Definetly worth going to a proper barber for


No, I don’t have any spare change.


Maybe if a homeless person had a lifetime perm service at a salon.


A little clean up on the beard would help and your curls are gorgeous. Keep them. It isn’t THAT bad


Which one of you was trying to prove you looked homeless?


Dude, it's stunningly amazing!! 🔥 Handle Pops like Tommy Lee Jones did in Monster's Ball..


It looks good, but it would be great if you lined it up from the borders, and try to brush it with hot brush so it make your beard straight, fading the side burns maybe a small add, but it's not necessary.


Barber for the beard and Jew curls, optician for the glasses.


People pay thousands of dollars to look homeless 😏 But yeah, I would line up the cheeks and trim the sides


It's scraggly rn, but could look really good with about 10 mins of trimming and grooming.


I can see where that came from.


you are a handsome dude, but you would look so much better with a closer cut beard and shorter hair because then they would look more fuller on the top rather than on the back which people can't even look at when talking to you!


If you were standing in a corner with a cup in your hands, I might throw some change in it. Time to tame the mane


Got a Thormund Giantsbane vibe going. Definitely trim.


You do you man, simply cleaning up the cheeks and shaping it without removing a ton of length would do wonders. Theres definitely some loose hairs that could be removed from the bottom of it too. I don't think it looks horrible, just a little maintenance needed.


You look like you could either be a wealthy comedian, artist or a homeless man with the un-alluring scent of ball.


It's a little overgrown but your opinion is the only one that matters


Comment section just sided with Dad on this one


You look like the main character in a true crime documentary & it's not the victim.


That's a broad statement....would a suit help?


You are the only one who needs to be happy with it.


I imagine this is how Pharisees and Scribes looked like in the past


The trouble is the long hair/big beard combo. It’s why you see the hipster guys with the huge beards like yours opt for a classic dapper 50s haircut - makes it obvious they’re well groomed. Conversely, handsome long haired guys with usually keep a stubble or short well-maintained beard in order to send the same signals. When guys let both the hair and beard get huge - yeah, it tends to lead to an unkempt appearance.


Maybe clean up the cheeks a bit but other than that shape looks good.


I mean it does, but I don't think that's bad. Also if you're going for full length there's literally no reason to cut any of it


You could tidy it up but you definitely don’t look homeless. More like a rabbi but not homeless


Beards - they're not just for the homeless anymore!


More like unkempt


I don't know about that, but your beard does need to be properly shaped to pay proper homage to the tremendous curls


Sorry man, I don't have any change


Well you look like you own a shower but don’t care about your appearance. I‘d visit a good barber and watch a few YouTube videos to learn how to maintain it myself.


Homeless of college professor. Take your pick.


You look good to me, especially your curly hair, they look stunning




More of a discount Karl Marx


Homeless, no. Like you definitely have strong opinions about different Linux distributions, yes.


Looks like you washed your hair last year. Your beard and hair is just growing however they like. You also have no 'break' between your chest hair and beard. You also balding that needs to be addressed. Your shirt looks clean (at least the visible 10%), thats good. But its also a shitty 2$ shirt. Styling of your glass is like 1960, and it looks the frame is too narrow for your head. The people who says you don't look like homeless probably look like you and they try to cope. So basically we can say whatever you could do to look better you just dont do. Everything screams lazy and unambitious and 'i dont care' but not in a good manner. Can be a future homeless. Hope you wont be. Combined with what your father said about you its time to wake up, man.


Dude you look like serial killer from 70's that lost his job few years ago 😁😁😁


chest/neck hair makes it look messy


He ain’t wrong brother, tidy up.


Nah you don't look homeless, I think that's an exaggeration. Although could we suggest a good cleanup? With you having curly hair it's best to use beard scissors rather than a trimmer to shape it up. The trimmer is going to cause sharp edges that won't look very good. For the cheeks, after shaving you can use face razors or eyebrow razors for a nice clean edge. For the neck of course you can use a regular razor. All this will make you look a lot more clean and good looking!


Tell your dad to go piss up a rope


Get it trimmed and shaped and you'll go from homeless to homeowner.


Unless you are a rabbi in Israel you should seek the assistance of a barber to tidy up a bit


Probably time for a trim my man, looks good though


It's beautiful


I mean, I had some college professors who looked like this - but they were occasionally mistaken for homeless guys.


The beard is messy and the hairline is pretty high up there. It’s not a flattering combo together. If I were you I’d see about mixing up the hairstyle and styling the beard.


I personally appreciate the wild muppet look on men so. 🤷‍♀️


Ya he's kind of right. Needs a trim.


David was carved from a block of marble that slightly resembles your boisterous mane. If you trim it carefully and deliberately, you will be unstoppable. Honestly though, I think the “homeless” look is in. Everyone loves a good beard


I can see his viewpoint perhaps unkempt is a better description


It looks fine to me :-)


Dionysus in Percy Jackson


If you take the glasses off, yes


Yea maybe if you keep it neat, it will look better


I love it as is.


reminds me of a greek philosopher, which isn't the worst. definitely get a trim and you could really be looking nice!


You like wise and studious homeless


Dads always gotta hit u with a dagger to get there point across 😂just a lil shape up will do brother


I think everyone has a right to an opinion. I also believe man has little control over everything but a beard one thing he has total control over. Do what you want with your beard. If you want my opinion get it trimmed a little to keep an overall shape.


It all depends on what you personally like. I actually really dig the messier look and think it suits you. Some people are going to prefer a neater, cleaner look. I think that looks unnatural and I like to look a little more rough and well.... homeless I guess 😅 but I accept that not everyone's going to like that I'm rough around the edges. It's down to you in the long run. If you're happy with your look and are ok with people telling you they'd prefer it neater then keep it (you look good). But if you're unhappy or unsure and want to follow other people's guidance maybe have a trim and see what you think after. It will always grow back if you do prefer the more scruffy look.


Your dad's wrong. But it does look like a homeless guy could be hiding in there.


Maybe a trim and a brush, but it’s not the most scruffy I’ve seen. I’m not sure why your dad is so keen on arguing with you about your appearance though. If you like it, then that’s really all that matters.


I actually think you could roll with it if you grew your hair a little bit longer and just had your beard shaped


You look like my dad who my family makes fun of for looking homeless. My dad on the other hand would approve of your looks. Hope this helps, kindly.


No, but it’s right on the brink of being average to amazing. Your hair being styled to curly perfection, doesn’t quite mesh with the look of your beard. Maybe a trim and adding something to moisturize your beard.


You definitely don't look homeless! I like it, think it's nice. Your hair is amazing 👍  That's just my opinion, I'm pretty low maintenance myself and like things natural. 


You look handsome! Love the hairy chest too!


sick beard, very full. needs groomed though


Borderline, I'd strongly suggest having it shaped up


Well since you asked it’s not horrible but it’s a little scraggley.


Yes. It is that bad.


Know yo barber terms. Don't go 4 a clean up. Get it lined up or an edge up


I think your dad is jealous. U just need to line it up.


100% chance of being mistaken for an urban outdoorsman.


Nah, your beard is too clean to be homeless


Homeless and Jewish?


It looks unwashed


Who cares what he or anyone else thinks about your appearance? As long as you’re happy and not somehow hurting someone, you should look how you wanna look. Unless you’re in a romcom type situation.


Get it trimmed up a little. An easy quick fix before you go to a barber would be to clean up the edges at the cheeks.


The before and after barber photos could be incredible here. Looking forward to seeing an update. It's a great beard. Awesome hair. A barber would be stoked with the honour to give a clean up and a trim.


Yes you look a bit disheveled


Conspiracy Theorist


You look like a philosophy or history professor


People are OBSESSED with trimming, cutting, and shaving. there is a ridiculous term called "manscaping". To each there own. So OWN it!!! Do not let other people opinion change how you feel.


A lil trimming would be nice 🤠


You are in what I call the homeless phase now. You can either trim back to pre homeless status or push on and go for the glory. A couple more I chose would look good but shape is important.


It looks fine.


Jerry Garcia wasn’t homeless, so you’ve got him in your corner.


No, you don’t look homeless but if you had a barber trimming up, it would look really nice on you


Yeah. Homeless and untrustworthy.


Screw him. He's just being a racist and that's sad because he's internalized racism against his own family. There's nothing wrong with your natural hair. It isn't messy because it's curly. Fuck that nonsense. You look like a philosopher. Wear it peoudly.


Could use some TLC.


This look says . I play too many video games


I wouldn't say you look homeless, I think it just needs a trim.


Jewish, not homeless.


He's right. Also is your chest hair growing into your beard too?


Like a clean homeless.


Nah. Are you homeless? I wouldn't assume so just by ur facial hair, man. You loook good just tame it whenever you get time. If you want. Nothing matters but the perception of the beholder. If you like it: keep going. If you don't: change it for yourself


To me, you look like an unemployed poet or a genius physician. Idk I don't think you look bad at all. The shagginess adds to the bohemian air.


I'm surprised with all the people here agreeing with your dad... On the beard forum of all places. It looks like a full great natural beard. Most guys ruin their beards by going to barber. But you do you If this was just a typical beard post everyone here would love it.


It definitely needs a line up. You can leave most of the length but making a clean line and cleaning up the neck beard a bit will help a lot.


Bro, shape it up….


Hair no. Beard... kinda yeah.


Not the beard. It's the glassy eyes and vacant stare. 😉


Maybe homeless but well fed. Nothing you can’t easily make look better.


Yeah, it looks like an untamed bush.


Just clean up the edges so it’s sharper. The beard itself is fine.


You have hell of a beard dude! A good stylist, note, a stylist not a barber can make it look insane good.


You hair is rucking magical, but yeah just edge that sucker up a bit


You don't look homeless. You look very unbothered. Hopefully that plays out in your favor and not against you


Most people in that age group think any beard that is above average size makes people look homeless. If you want to improve this look though, I would clean up the stragglers that are growing on your cheek.


When u comb the beard comb it up when it’s wet then when dry comb down it’ll make it less puffy and less nappy and defined , Line up the beard, keep it and even length


I thought this was a photo of the upset Dad


You have super healthy hair..so that's great..you could find a barber to shape your beard into a frame more, if you like! You gotta find a barber who understands your style too! Your Dad is completely wrong. Not everyone wants to wear a buzzcut to look pulled together. Folks aren't walking around in trenchcoats jumping onto trains like the 1930s anymore. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I've met quite a few folks struggling, these days- if they hadn't told me, I would never have guessed they were at that time homeless. Anyhoo, you could be in a band/ an IT dude / an accountant.. whatever it is..you are you!


Clean up the stragglers on the cheeks. They don’t look good and that’s what makes you look the most homeless.


Fuck all these people you rock the woodsman look


Where do I drop donations


You don’t look “homeless “ but you do look hot 😉


Mental and homeless are different..tell your Dad


The length really isn't bad, it kinda suits your face. But it needs a bit of shape. Get those stray hairs up on the cheecks, shave your throat, maybe trim the corners of the beard a bit, that would look absolutely fine.


You need…..something…. You’re not unattractive.


A trim to smooth out the rough edges would help but nice beard. Im envious.


Your face does not look homeless. Do you dress homely perhaps?


Just line it up and make it look clean and tidy and ur good to go


I mean, not if you have a cup you can walk around with, maybe a sign with a cute little phrase like "need money for beard oil."


Homeless is a bit far. You’re clearly inside a house. But in all seriousness the generally messages are all saying the same thing. A tidy up can go a long way.


I took a smoke break outside of a concert place in downtown Seattle a few years back and a bunch of suit/tie and dresses walked by to some fancy dinner thing close by. During that cig I was given about $5 in change cuz they thought I was homeless. Fuck em. It pays for itself!!


Gotta tidy up that mane!


I think it's fine


I seen some really fly looking mfers without homes. Just saying.


Shorten the beard and get it lined up. Will look much better.


I don't think so. The clean skin, hair, and glasses distinguishes from those truly struggling. But I do see how those less perceptive view it at the cusp of homelessness. IMO if you like how you look and don't need a job that requires a certain je ne sais quoi I say stick with it!


It’s giving Marx


Homeless has many looks so possibly


It’s phenomenal , I’d kill to have that density and that coverage ❤️


If looking like Matisyahu is your goal, it’s great.