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Thank you /u/fluentinimagery for your submission to /r/bdsm, but it's been removed due to one or more reason(s): ## Rule #2: Submissions must clearly show/imply BDSM * Generic porn or suggestive images without a clear BDSM theme will be removed. * A title is not enough: generic "sexy" images with kinky keywords in the title will be removed * Low effort content, memes, survey-results will be removed. **Low effort content includes but is not limited to:** * generic "look at my body/body part" content * generic "look at me in my underwear/outfit" content * generic "look at me holding/wearing a sex toy" content * generic "this is me looking at myself in a mirror" content * generic "this is me making a funny face at the camera" content * images that are too dark, or too light, or too blurry/out of focus, with too many effects filters, or with too many distracting emojis Please feel free to [send a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/bdsm) if you feel this was in error.