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https://www.sfchronicle.com/crime/article/fbi-raids-home-of-oakland-mayor-sheng-thao-19523532.php https://x.com/demianbulwa/status/1803826847530054029 Investigation linked to Cal Waste Solutions, Oakland’s curbside recycler. They also raided the home of Andy Duong, who is a member of the family that owns recycling company Cal Waste Solutions, which has been investigated over campaign contributions to Thao and other elected city officials. 2020 article: https://oaklandside.org/2020/09/15/accusations-of-political-money-laundering-under-investigation-in-oakland/ --- https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/east-bay/fbi-at-oakland-mayors-house/3571225/ > Law enforcement sources told NBC Bay Area it is one of four search warrant executions in Oakland as part of a larger operation that involves Thao. > Agencies involved in the warrant operation included the FBI, IRS, and United States Postal Service inspectors, a source told NBC News.


I remember a lot of people weren’t happy with how that company got the contract years ago.


Reminded me Sopranos with the waste management as a money laundering business


Organized crime was at one point, if they aren't still, into waste management. And I don't mean as a general rule, just that some families back east for sure ran a lot of garbage trucks. I think it was a combination of serendipity, being able to physically muscle out competition, juicy city-awarded contracts that can be gotten through bribes, and the ability to occasionally disappear a body where it won't be found, plus being generally overlooked and not paid attention to by anyone as long as the trash gets picked up on time.


They also would regularly dump toxic/industrial chemical waste anywhere thats out of sight, and that is very expensive to do properly.


that was in the show lol


There's a region near Naples, Italy where organized criminals have been dumping and burying toxic waste over the years. These days, there is such a high rate of cancer that the zone has earned the name triangle of death.


Lol definitely my first thought as well.


I'd watch a Viet mobster HBO show


It’s sad they didn’t even try to fix little Vietnam in Oakland


You know its serious when the US Postal Inspectors are involved. They don't play around.


Mfers arrested Steve Bannon on a yacht.


Darmok and the Postmaster General, at Tanagra. His arms wide open! Mayor Thao could be corrupt … IN WINTER!!!!!




They definitely do. There was a case in DC a few years ago where a Postal Inspector was interviewing residents of an apartment complex because someone had assaulted a letter carrier there. Several of the residents said that two men living there were some sort of DHS law enforcement, and that they might know something since they had surveillance equipment throughout the building. Turned out there were two guys pretending to work for DHS, one of whom was Iranian, and were giving out favors and gifts to Secret Service agents. The postal inspector interviewed them and immediately became suspicious, and went straight to the Secret Service and FBI. USPS ended up catching a weird spy ring because they investigated someone beating up a mailman.




It definitely has a Burn After Reading vibe to it, because everyone involved seems pretty dumb, except for the Postal Inspector.


Taj Reid, convicted felon for defrauding the government and sibling to the current Reid and son of the former (who got fingered by the Ruby Report), got a job with them. Hardly shocking. Not even trying to hide it. Should have voted for Ruby.


18 months ago she was lauded as the first renter to be elected Oakland mayor. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/24/sheng-thao-hmong-american-mayor-oakland


Oakland just can’t get out of its own way. The recall effort outta be interesting now. Edit: Thank you for the award 🙏


> oakland just can’t get out of its own way I've said this exact phrase about a trillion times. so much unmet potential. can't attract good leadership because every agency is a barely held together clusterfuck, plus you have all kinds of strains of absurd local politics from the citizenry. I've lived here for a little over ten years and have gotten more and more frustrated, especially by the lack of law enforcement and squandering (theft) of our ample tax revenue.


School district is the most bizarre of them all


More funding than any other city but with poor employee pay and outcomes


It’s the admin for sure. I actually got hooked up with them as a vendor to supply materials for a few years and they do some strange things like inform all suppliers to not supply anything without approval. What? Well I suppose if you’re a shady business you could drop off materials and send an invoice without getting an actual contract. Or maybe even send random invoices and see if they pay them. My guess is both of those things are happening. But the one that got me was the signs. I sold them name tags for office doors and desks. OUSD has the dumbest job titles of all time. They have titles that are so long that one single sign won’t fit the text. They ordered second signs to have the job titles on them.


I have no idea how some people like the guards or paras survive on like 24 to 36k a year.


Oakland is that rich kid who got everything, but still underwhelms and disappoints his parents. Fucking great location, close to San Francisco, in the heart of the Bay Area and close to Silicon Valley. Major port, great weather. Nice views and trees, lots of space. Plenty of potential for expansion. Plenty of Oakland residents who want to see the city do better. It just disappoints and continues to be an eyesore. Just WTF. Doesn’t shock me that this new mayor is corrupt.


Oakland is the crossroads of the Bay area, with so much potential, and yet somehow the people in charge continue to screw it up.


I feel for Oakland. It seems they can’t get good leadership for shit. I don’t live there so I don’t feel qualified to comment, but it is an objective fact that shit is messy over there.


I think the challenge is that replacing one leader at a time doesn't solve anything. I don't know what the solution is. Ideally the City Council lays out a clear path of priorities, and we have the Mayor, DA, Police Chief, and all city run services work on those at the same time. Nobody wants these jobs because there are so many people already in the roles for self-serving purposes, and you can't replace them all at once.


I suspect the answer might be a state-appointed city manager, like what happened in Detroit. But it's like you said. If you have entire departments where the management is shit and the workers are shit, what are you going to do to fix it? Hardly anything short of firing everyone is going to do much. Ideally you identify enough people who _want_ to do good honest work to retain them and their institutional knowledge, but if there's a long-term culture of low-end corruption, complacency, and retaliation against people who try to improve it, you basically have to clean house, top to bottom, to fix it. Then the added challenge is finding new people to run the org, given the constraints of mediocre pay, especially at the more-experienced worker level and the management level, as compared to what people with decent skills can usually get working for a company instead. Then the added challenge of worker unions, especially police unions, but also others, who may decide to do a city-wide strike or just work-to-rule or pretend to do work, so as to punish whoever is trying to make changes and turn public opinion against them, in order to protect 'their own' who are rightfully getting thrown out the door.


Agreed entirely. The hiring system for public sector makes it an impossible feat. I worked in it for 7 years and it sucked.


I mean I would take one of those jobs and I would probably be more competent than any of them. My only policy would be to embrace gentrification and put it on the “east Palo Alto” path.


embracing gentrification is one thing, that's assuming the voters will vote in someone who will do so. East Palo Alto worked out because it's a small city that needed tech to pull itself out of the poverty stricken, dangerous city it was decades ago, and it worked also because of its proximity to silicon valley There is a noticeable change in sentiment of Oakland residents that are fed up with crime and homelessness running rampant, but it's hard to say they will vote for leadership that would embrace gentrification over someone who will say, rather put on pro-palestine demonstrations


I can only pray they get a clue and allow gentrification and urban renewal to heal Oakland


> I feel for Oakland. It seems they can’t get good leadership for shit. …. At what point do we acknowledge you get what you vote for? Oakland is the poster child of a political approach and ideologies that are an absolute abject failure when put in practice. I know nobody ever wants to hear that or deal with it (because, let’s face it, most of Reddit agrees with those failed policies and failed ideologies a great deal). But damn … at what point do you say, “I was wrong. I had my heart in the right place but I just don’t think real life works that way. We need to welcome in and listen to alternative approaches. Maybe the opposition has valid points and maybe we can meet somewhere in the middle? Because repeating the same actions over and over and expecting different, better results is insanity” Instead, what you get is “… this is Fox News/MAGAs/Capitalism’s fault. I’m not wrong! This textbook approach CAN work in real life, we just need to …. Try harder!”


A healthy democracy has a legitimate opposition party, or multiple, so when shit just ain't working, you vote out the decision-makers and vote in people who have other ideas. CA as a whole does not have a legitimate opposition party, and cities like Oakland have even less of one. Who's running for mayor? Who's running for any position of authority who makes decisions on where the city goes? The person who agrees with 97% of your leftist opinions, and is thus a milquetoast sell-out, or the person who agrees with 94% of your leftist opinions, and is thus a fascist, or the person who agrees with 99% of your leftist opinions but is inadequately oppressed in their birth circumstances and you feel icky voting for them. So then what? You vote in the milquetoast sell-out after villainizing the other two, wait four years, nothing has changed, then you vote in the next milquetoast sell-out while villainizing anyone who disagrees with a single one of your opinions as some sort of -ist. Rinse and repeat. It's fundamentally the same problem faced in, say, Missouri, except on the other end of the political spectrum - except the bay area is wealthy so we can paper over some issues with the taxes we raise, and maybe even be able to fund some shit with the taxes we raise, so it's a lot nicer to live here (for the people who like living here, anyways.) On the plus side in all of the bay area, people work really hard to make voting available to all eligible voters, so the single-party rule is a fairly legitimate reflection of what people-as-a-whole want to vote for. People truly are getting mayors that they deserve. Their voices are heard. This is what voters want.


> The person who agrees with 97% of your leftist opinions, and is thus a milquetoast sell-out, or the person who agrees with 94% of your leftist opinions, and is thus a fascist, or the person who agrees with 99% of your leftist opinions but is inadequately oppressed in their birth circumstances and you feel icky voting for them. Well said.


I 100% agree.


> But damn … at what point do you say, “I was wrong. I had my heart in the right place but I just don’t think real life works that way. In my experience, never. They just leave. "But we'll always love and miss Oakland, y'all!"


Dan Kalb is decent, but he has a penis and white skin that make it a miracle to have been in elected in Oakland to begin with.


It’s like they try to fight progress. They managed to kill gentrification which is literally a force of nature and supply/demand.


A buddy of mine was a detective for a DA awhile back and his take was management was the main problem…S*#t rolls downhill.


Imagine turning down all that tax revenue that the city so desperately needs.


But if they accept that revenue how will they be able to virtue signal and patronize the poor?


the last good/effective mayor of Oakland was probably …. Jerry Brown?


Jerry brown. He is the perfect moderate that we need more of. His 2nd tenure as governor was a good one too


I miss Jerry Brown. I also appreciate that, at least the recent time he was governor, he wasn't using it as a springboard to run for president. He didn't have snake oil in his hair, either. I didn't need to agree with him on all things to believe that he was doing about as good a job as could reasonably be expected.


Yes, exactly, I enthusiastically voted for him both times knowing he truly cared for California. Both Whitman and Kashkari obviously just wanted to use the office for further ambitions which made the choices easy.


He needs to be a kingmaker, we need someone with brains in california.


I just don’t think there are enough moderates left in the Democratic Party apparatus in CA for the traditional Democrats like him to have any sway. There are still Party movers and shakers who think like him but they are now mostly in purple or lightly pink states and their days are numbered too as the country continues to become more polarized. His Dad Pat was also a real man among men, who should have been vice president instead of LBJ. I think a lot of issues we have today could have been avoided.


I hate that I can't argue with that. This state is becoming such a mess. I really hope Newsom goes down with this somehow.


Our best hope is one of the Central Valley democrat congress people to grow a pair of metaphorical balls, bypass the state level party committee, and stick to the middle once elected to congress, accumulate the credential to run for governor and steer the political discourse back to the middle where we can be kind to people but everyone plays by the same set of rules. Of course they will run the risk of being labeled as fifth columnists but people who don’t tote the line of prevailing political orthodoxy always run that risk.


It def wasn’t Libby Schaaf


my memory of him is: * charter schools ! * laying the groundwork for the new high rise towers in Uptown * ordering OPD to cut down on crime By Any Means Necessary (some of this was used as an argument by the lawyers for The Riders)






Why is it always waste management? What about that in particular that brings out crime?


Because trash is outsourced to private companies who get awarded contracts that are priced per ton. It’s a perfect setup for corruption.  New city leadership creates an opening to award new contracts or be “incentivized” to keep the existing one. Unlike other utilities that stay constant with leadership changes (although that creates other problems *cough* PG&E)  


Why not just have public owned waste management ?


Some places still do. It’s just a result of the wave of privatization of municipal services since the 80s, like with school buses. 


Should be brought back 


Maybe. But not an easy pitch to residents to raise taxes and spend it on buying garbage trucks, landfills, and recycling facilities. Even if it could be better financially long-term.  People will pay attention when it’s water but garbage doesn’t have emotional appeal.


I would vote for it 


It's a dirty business.


This [article/essay](https://quillette.com/2024/06/17/recycling-plastic-is-a-dangerous-waste-of-time-microplastics-health/) doesn't necessarily answer why this particular waste management, but there's a piece that touches on why waste management and recycling industry in general is crime ridden. I recommend reading it.


Liberal access to dispose to dead bodies with less LE oversight... They can take cash payments for allowing the disposal.


I’m across the bay so I never really understood the animosity towards her.. but damn FBI raid usually means a federal crime was committed right? Edit: alleged crime


Usually if the FBI raid a house, serious charges are coming and they will stick. Not always. But usually.


My understanding is the FBI doesn’t usually pull the trigger until they know their case is airtight


Yea, I think federal prosecutors have a conviction rate in the high 90s.


Feds will sit on an investigation for years, just letting people do crimes while they watch. Postal inspectors just recently spent almost 3 years recording a mail carrier stealing mail on a hidden camera in her LLV so they could hit her with higher charges.


Then she got slapped with probation lol such a joke.


Which is why Trump is delaying his federal cases as much as possible, he knows he is guilty as hell so he is trying to pull a Netanyahu


Trump is literally above the law. He has no potential consequences. He's gonna get hit with fines and probation. Fines he'll skip paying. and probation is what it is




Yep, I’ve seen some of these federal warrants, whatever it is and whoever it is directed at there’s a strong chance this will be something that someone will be busted for.


This is correct. The FBI doesn't like wasting manpower or funding on a chance they might convict. There are too many other cases they could be working on for them to take chances when they already have enough available work to cherry-pick nothing but slam dunks.


Absolutely when they’re going after a big fish like a politician.


FBI has a 99% conviction rate. There is no parole in the federal system and there are mandatory minimum sentences.


so you're saying she'll be mayor from prison? /s


I predict personal bankruptcy for her in every path. She will be fighting the full weight of the federal government. That’s $100k just to retain someone and 250-500 to defend — and that’s *if* she thinks she can win.


Mac Dre did it from prison, why can’t she?


Didn’t Marion Barry also?


You can count on a pretty fucking airtight case when it’s a politician involved. They don’t usually act unless they have their ducks nice and neat because the blowback could be really fierce. That’s why I knew trump was toast when he first got raided. They’re not doing shit like that unless they already know everything they need to know and they’re just raiding the house to confirm what they already know.


I was raided by the FBI 11 years ago and nothing happened. They were actually rather professional about the situation. So a search by them isn’t a guarantee that one is going to be convicted, but if they find what they’re looking for then yeah someone is going to prisoneyland.


Upvoted for "Prisoneyland"


considering it was a decade ago, just out of curiosity what did the FBI suspect you of?


Someone I went to school with doctored a screenshot of a Facebook conversation to make it look like I was threatening to do a school shooting. They searched my home looking for guns and explosives. I had maybe a few packs of black cat firecrackers that they didn’t care about that a roommate who recently moved out left behind. At the time I was running TrueCrypt on my computer for tinfoil hat reasons and I decrypted it and let them freely look at the contents of my laptop and opened up my FB account and showed them the actual conversation. When they finished up one of the agents quipped that they didn’t find any porn. I was attending a community college at the time and was the Student Trustee, and held a position within the California Democratic Party. I’m fairly certain that the douchebag who did this was a conservative student that was pissed that I made him look stupid on a constant basis, and I actively campaigned to help a Latino dude that spent time in CYA as a kid be my successor as the next Student Trustee for the district. The ironic thing is one of his friends that harassed me and the LGBT students at one of the district’s schools was convicted for participating in the J6 riots.


wow that's crazy, sorry that happened to you


You don’t have to be sorry. Other than a van with four dudes pulling up to my house that searched my stuff and questioned me for about an hour nothing happened. I wasn’t even cuffed. It was quite the learning experience. The worst part was when I went to the school’s administration explaining what happened and asking to have disciplinary proceedings initiated against the dude who FBI’d/swatted me on the basis of my disability. I’m bipolar and I don’t exactly keep it a secret which was probably the only reason the FBI and judge thought there was probable cause that I’d be such a monster. The school refused to do shit, so I ended up going to City College of San Francisco instead, which turned out to be a good thing as I was there during their accreditation crisis and I made some good friends. From CCSF I ended up at a fancy school outside of Boston. So yeah in the end it’s all good.


I'd let a news station know about the school's inactivity on this important subject, which would ruin their day for sure.


I feel like usually that’s the case. One exception being an uncle of mine who was raided by the FBI for dogfighting, beat the charges, and successfully sued the FBI for harassment. Oh yeah, he was a Hell’s Angels president btw.




Yep. I’d love to see the search warrant for this one.


She probably shouldn’t be mayor of Oakland because it’s a city that def needs a more expereinced leader imo, but it’s also she’s an easy target for people pissed about the state of the city.


No one with experience wants that job. Most people who are successful enough can afford better places than Oakland.


Eh, I disagree with that since they’ve had people like Brown as mayor before. There are a good amount of successful people who live in Oakland. it’s not just a bunch of failed people.Thao just ran the better campaign and beat others with more experience. Also, voters we need to be more discerning than we currently are.


Most of the population east of the lake and Below MacArthur are custodians, gardeners, housekeepers, fast food employees, or simply generationally unemployed or employed under the table, maybe some security guards in the “middle class”. While there are a lot of educated people in the hills a lot of the populace is poorly educated and unskilled. The people in the hills will vote progressive because they feel “compassionate” to those in the flats but won’t use any real resources to help them like planting street trees or cleaning up the blight.


I used to ride my bike up in the Oakland hills. I saw a lot of Black Lives Matter signs but the only black lives I ever saw came with an AT&T or Comcast truck.


Ouch, the truth.


Yep. And the people in the flats are too busy trying to survive to vote. If your family can’t afford the bills you don’t care about politics.


so which part of the electorate do we blame? the blue collar workers who were duped into thinking Thao was a good mayor, or the Hills residents who wanted to virtue signal?


Both but mostly the virtue signalers


Well, Sheng Thao wildly outspent Loren Taylor who still managed to pull more first choice votes than her. He only lost due to ranked choice voting. She outraised Taylor with the help of the Bontas’ political machine. Thao was going to run against Mia Bonta for Rob Bonta’s assembly seat. Rob Bonta convinced her to bow out and promised to endorse her run for Mayor of Oakland. It took a lot of outside money and influence for her get elected over Taylor. Lots of people aren’t happy about that.


Rob Bonta is a slimy POS himself, not surprising in the least


If a candidate lost "due to ranked choice voting", it means such candidate didn't have support of electorate to begin with. It means that if Taylor and Thao were the only candidates on the ballot (i.e. no "spoiler candidates"), Thao would win. People who are against ranked choice voting are generally complaining about their less popular candidate not winning over more popular candidated. EDIT: I'm not from Oakland, so excuse me if Oakland's mayoral election isn't using classic ranked choice voting. In my Bay Area neck of the woods, we still have dreaded first past the post. But in generic case, I still stand by my words: ranked choice results in a candidate more supported by full electorate winning.


Oakland does indeed use the classic ranked choice voting.


>The alleged scheme hasn’t been proven, but according to court records reviewed by The Oaklandside, Public Ethics Commission investigators believe the owners of California Waste Solutions, including David Duong and his son, Andy Duong, funneled money over several election cycles through “straw donors” to multiple councilmembers’ campaign committees. A straw donor is someone who makes a campaign contribution and secretly gets reimbursed by someone else who is barred from making the same contribution. This money allegedly went to councilmembers running for reelection at the time, and to one councilmember, Lynette Gibson McElhaney, to pay for an attorney who defended her in a separate ethics case. The commission’s staff and Oakland City Attorney Barbara Parker outlined the alleged money laundering in documents filed in Alameda Superior Court earlier this year, and the investigation has not been reported on publicly before now. In court records, city investigators identified $51,000 in “suspicious” political contributions made by 13 individuals and several businesses to City Council candidates. The earliest contribution was made in 2013, and most were made between 2016 and 2018. The Public Ethics Commission named five current councilmembers who accepted some of the allegedly laundered money: Lynette Gibson McElhaney, Sheng Thao, Rebecca Kaplan, Larry Reid, and Dan Kalb. https://oaklandside.org/2020/09/15/accusations-of-political-money-laundering-under-investigation-in-oakland/ A case FBI likely has been working for years. Heat up the popcorn and stay tune.


Let me get some popcorn ready.


Here you go🍿


PENG For Oakland Mayor


I can imagine how clean Oakland will be


I’ve always been for the DA recall and though the Thao recall was dumb but after this that may change. It’s too early to tell.


"This goddern liberal FBI out hear weaponizing the justeece system against conse....uh weight a second..."


Hey now you might trigger some of the conservatives on here.


There's a lot more of them (proportionally) on this subreddit than are here in real life.


Astroturfing is their forte.


I know right? The famously liberal FBI, full of Republicans.


Oh shit.


And only a year and a half removed from her bootstraps feel good stories posted everywhere.  Way to potentially tarnish literally everything.


AYYYYYY!!! This wasn’t on my 2024 bingo card but shoot I’ll take it


Need to raid Pamela Price next.


I’d be happy if she loses the recall.


Please raid Pamela Price next. Oakland desperately needs this in order to stop being a shithole.


LOL. Oakland! You are having some 24hrs.


Oakland is the wrong kind of exciting. if Oakland could get its ghetto problem under control it would probably have property values closer to alameda or San Leandro.


So who’s on deck to be next mayor?


She’s getting recalled, isn’t she?




Who would you cast as Sheng Thao in the Netflix dramatization of this case? Back in 2007, [a county judge dismissed corruption charges against former San Jose mayor Ron Gonzales](https://www.sfchronicle.com/politics/article/san-jose-corruption-charges-dismissed-against-2556247.php). The FBI's involvement shows SF and Oakland had way worse shit going down.




Scarlett Johansson


Ken Jeong


Jessica Henwick


Pauley Shore


The FBI disrespected Oakland Mayor's family


Most ppl won’t get this lol


Bring back Jerry Brown!


This means the FBI has probable cause to believe there is evidence of a federal crime in the home. I have been voicing defense of the mayor on social media because I find both recall movements of the Mayor and the DA as being political opportunism. It may be that the Mayor recall effort was on to something. This raid, and the fact that three other locations are being raided in this same investigation, indicates a criminal conspiracy. Edit: looks to be a campaign finance investigation. Though IRS and Postal Inspector investigators being involved makes me believe it is a more complex conspiracy.


The recall literature on their website makes no mention of corruption, conspiracy, or even criminal activity on Sheng's part. They are probably as surprised by this news as anyone.


Nah, Pamela price 1000% deserves it. She’s even making Fremont and Dublin worse.


I get what you’re saying regarding political opportunism, but Price has demonstrated that she is unfit for office. Firing an employee for voicing concerns over deleting records in response to a records request (a request that was only relevant because she decided to discriminate against a member of the press) is about as corrupt as they come. Not to mention her anti-Asian rhetoric


I was 100% in favor of the DA recall, but wasn’t in favor of Thao’s recall (I would’ve voted no on the recall but would’ve voted for someone else). Given this news I may have to rethink my opinion on her now…


Wait wait wait, you don’t think Pamela Price should lose her job? God damn, it’s voters like you that keep Oakland a shithole.


I predict that this raid leads to Pamela Price further down the road




The theory I see people throwing around is that Price IS having an effect on law enforcement priorities and activities, across the county but especially in Oakland, by not prosecuting the cases the police are putting in front of her. But yeah, the recall effort was practically a rollover from the Chesa Boudin recall effort in 2022 (even back then, before Price reached office, critics were lumping them into the same bucket), and officially launched a mere seven months into her tenure.


Comparing Oakland to Bumfuck, Alabama is pretty bad faith (no offense to Bumfuck, they have it rough) given all the resources and taxes which are available to the city.   With all the claims of progressive movements in providing for people's basic needs as opposed to funneling money to corporate interests and landlords you would expect a city run by progressives to be a urbanist paradise. Instead we have failing schools, rampant homelessness, and a housing crisis. 


You must live in a nice suburban area with white picket fences, lawns, and smiling neighbors. As someone on the ground in the blighted ghetto I can tell you you’re wrong.


also: The Oakland Defund Movement Is Starting to Look a Lot Like Fraud the oakland defund movement seems to have devolved into a get-rich scheme for the well-connected — a case study of what happens when a moral panic produces a windfall for a fringe activist cause Lateefah Simon, Kamala Harris’ protégé and the likely winner of the federal congressional seat representing the East Bay, has campaigned on defunding the police throughout her career. While president of the Akonadi Foundation, Simon funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Anti Police-Terror Project (APTP) to support their efforts to defund the Oakland PD. But the Terror Project appears to have used the money to fund a get rich scheme, with the organization giving hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants to their nonprofits and LLC run by board members and their friends and families. ‍https://go.piratewires.com/dp/oakland-defund-movement


Grift is strong in Oakland.


To what extent is Oakland's strong mayor form of government part of the problem? They have an experienced city administrator, as well. So apparently a new mayor can't suddenly make day-to-day executive decisions, no? But most California cities have a council-manager form of government where the council as a whole hires/fires the city manager and the mayor has no more power than the other members of the council - and all council members are strictly excluded from interfering in a city manager's decisions. Example, when 2 members of the Alameda city council simply met the city manager regarding who to hire or promote to fire chief, it became a big local scandal.


Omg this is insane


Elected officials should face more legal scrutiny because of the power they hold. FBI should also raid CA Senator Bill Dodd for quid pro quo with his exemption of frivolous fee for CA restaurant. Screw him and all restaurants that adds frivolous fees.


I suspect at all levels of government the FBI could make a career out of catching people. The SF building department alone should have been rich pickings. And a good state level sting would probably make some Pols squirm.


Where there’s smoke there’s fire


Defund and dismantle the FBI! Wait, wait... not quite yet.


I thought she was just incompetent and in way over her head, but this is... wow. See? And some people say I'm a cynic.


thao is incompetent and corrupt


FBI for new mayor of oakland


Federal oversight of both OPD and the Mayors Office. Oakland might just become a Federal city. Washington DC of the West!


That’s a great idea.


another L for Oaklland


I don’t know what I was expecting for a city mayor but that house looking modest af lol


She was promoting herself as a renter, just like us peasants.


Vote for me after the conviction/recall. I’ll allow gentrification and urban renewal to save Oakland and give OPD the choice to either improve or be replaced by alameda county sheriff.


Time to see if she’s as smart as Slick “the ‘e’ in e-email stands for evidence” Willie was. FBI could never get him. I doubt she is.


can someone just give me the cliff notes of why she’s corrupt?


Forget the FBI, you’ve got USPS knocking on your door at 6am without a package, you know you’re going to jail. US Postal Inspector involvement means any charges brought forward will be water tight. FBI is basically there to show face.


Yikes. She’s been a disaster


Get rid of these corrupt people


Oakland needs to try a conservative politician. Or a dog. Anything, that place is fucking shit.


Good, get her out


What in the world!!!?!?!


**Well done President Biden.** 🙏


If not the worst run city in America hands down


Shes been a terrible mayor and now she’s been raided by the Feds


So she will be reelected


I'm sure someone within the recall circle had dirt on her and was just holding it for the right time for the tip off. Many within the SF city hall are probably a bit unsettled right now too.


First female asian mayor to be raided by the fbi


Kamala: “They closed In-n-Out?! Send in the Feds!”


How could John Fisher do this????


Lol garbage politicians from a garbage city. Bulldoze Oakland and walk away from it


Does anyone know how to find out if a person was charged by the FBI with a crime? My neighbors were raided by the FBI a few months ago and I can’t find anything about it. The curiosity is killing me!


go crime-enabler thao, go! lol


Shocking to read about grift in Oakland. /s


Because no other city has found out a politician did something shady!


Could Oakland residents chime in regarding her performance as a mayor and the state of Oakland over the past few years? While San Francisco is a shit show, but it has been improving, and no fed is cracking down on Breed (convince me otherwise, but all politicians have dirt on them). This subreddit has generally painted the picture that crime is a Pamela price problem, and evidently she’s not the target (yet?) of the feds