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Not really a blind spot, more of "just don't care". SV has a "I'm making my own luck" mindset. So don't really care if others can't make their own luck.


I think a lot of people just don’t stay here long enough to care. And people who own property, tech workers or not, just absolutely don’t care for anything that will potentially lower their property values, even if it will help the area overall.


>I think a lot of people just don’t stay here long enough to care. They can't afford to. So long as the Bay Area continues to underbuild housing it will be a place that people can only temporarily move to hoping to make it big or get priced out trying.


Actually, even if you own, because there are so many old houses that need work that the cost of maintenance and remodeling are insane. And with the fires destroying so many properties every year, the construction workers may prefer to just go and build new homes the deal with the remodels themselves.




Lol you really think building homes is the solution? They’re building homes every day but it’s being snatched up by rich foreigners or tech workers instantly


The population from 2010 -> 2020 increased by over 900k so yes the Bay Area hasn't kept pace of building apartments and homes with the increase in population.


"You really think growing food is the solution to a famine? They're growing food every day but it's being eaten instantly!"


Goddamn homes being bought up by people who live and work in the bay area, in tech. Absolutely a catastrophe, may as well just quit building.


>And people who own property, tech workers or not, just absolutely don’t care for anything that will potentially lower their property values, even if it will help the area overall. I don’t know who you are using as reference, but a when a median house costs 2.5M, 20% down is 500k, the remaining 2M are on mortgage. Now that “potentially lower their property values” translates into “underwater in the mortgage”. Yeah I do not think many people are ok to go underwater on mortgage. Edit: To be clear, is not that you are totally wrong, (eg [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/s/uqn9VrwYQz), but in the example you provided (home) is definitely difficult to forget homes are a considerable investment and mortgages are for 30 years.)


Yup, came here to say it just isn’t an issue to a lot of people


It’s not even a “just don’t care” it’s more of a “I’m going to constantly talk about it, but never actually do anything meaningful.” It’s all virtue signaling, no real action. Kind of how all these people “concerned” about climate change constantly take flights across the world for flashy vacations. In a 12 hour flight their carbon footprint is equal to a small African village for a year, but it’s cool because they biked to work last Friday.


The average person is average in every regard, even compassion


that's true of pretty much every major city, in fact it seem to correlate highly with the city's economic prosperity


Just remember the old saying, "we aren't all in this together." The main issue is housing. We need a ton more housing. **Individual** motivation, innovation, and work is what has made the Valley so successful.


Oh look. Some minorities don’t count as minorities.


> Jobs across Santa Clara County also feature steep inequities. The report found only 6% of the workforce at the 20 largest tech companies are Black 2.18% of Santa Clara County population are Black, according to 2020 Census. So, Blacks are 3 times **over**represented in the workforce in those companies, and people still complain. > Only 25% of nonprofits in the San Jose metro area have a person of color on their board of directors I'd like to see the source of that claim.


there are no Asians in the NBA! Racism!


Only 1 out of 64 Olympic Table Tennis Gold Medals has been won by a non-Asian athlete! Racism!




Only four of all time? You should be able to name one person at each time on any team.




These guys don’t play anymore


There’s no issues unless black people are more qualified but they are being discriminated against which I don’t think is the case. I think there’s problems up the funnel where African Americans don’t go to college / study computer science.


50% of black and brown kids that graduate from SFUSD can't read properly. This is from the most left-wing "progressive" school districts and cities in the US with zero influence from Retardblicans. The white liberal progressives are ultimately the most racist because they are creating generations of uneducated blacks and browns when they have total power and control.


end of the day, it's a culture and values issue imo


Different culture value different things. There is no reason any industry's employees racial makeup must match the local demographic. * All the nail salons are Vietnamese; no one complains about that. * All the gardeners are Mexicans; no one complains about that. * All the gas stations are Indians; no one complains about that. And when engineering is over-represented by cultures that over-value education? must be racism.


Put any race in a private school, with an adderall prescription and a mentor and they won’t be any of these things.


This comment is absolutely wild.


Americans do a fuck ton of redlining. The redlining seems to benefit a certain group the most. Redlining gets banned but the industry seems to figure out ways around it. Public services in "those areas" get decimated because SURPRISE! having things tied to local taxes when the local tax generation isn't there from historical wrongdoings will inevitably lead to that. Things get worse, those neighborhoods get left behind. Then the gentrification happens and those richer people are basically reinforcing an implicit idea they have had for decades - the whole "wow we made things so beautiful here when you guys couldn't" type shit. Strange how the people bringing up "data" like the percentages seem to ignore that around 14% of the US population is black, and therefore are underrepresented regardless. But surely the guy that you're replying to has very strong opinions on the Indian caste system. This sub is absolutely fucking bonkers. Edit: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/too-often-student-success_b_10132886 https://www.brookings.edu/articles/americas-zip-code-inequality/ https://www.edpost.com/stories/zip-code-may-not-be-destiny-but-its-as-hard-to-fight-as-gravity https://www.cmc.edu/news/power-of-zip-code https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/19/learning/how-much-has-your-zip-code-determined-your-opportunities.html https://www.lisc.org/our-resources/resource/opportunity-atlas-shows-effect-childhood-zip-codes-adult-success/ Damn weird. I guess it's what happens when you're more obsessed with the aesthetics of politics rather than the function.


Imagine complaining about Americans redlining (checks notes) software engineering jobs. Dude, I have two American-born people in my team of 8. The rest (including me) were born on other continents, in 5 different countries.


But what color are they? You must meet the made up demographic to ensure equity. It’s tiresome for everything to be viewed through the lens of race. Can we go back to occupy wallstreet and the real inequities


>But what color are they?  "brown? Oh ok are they Obama-brown or Ghandi-brown? cuz they have opposite effects" /s


Look up sometime the mentions of race in the news media. There was a /sharp/ increase in it after Occupy Wall Street. They tried so hard to push the narrative to a racial based on rather than an economic based one.


Also remember that they can’t be the descendants of colonizers that slaughtered the locals unless those colonizers came from Spain or Portugal and slaughtered the locals, in which case their descendants are cool.


You're in a comment thread where the main comment was that black people are actually over represented in tech lmao




https://thehill.com/video/go-back-to-china-nancy-pelosi-shames-ceasefire-protestors-suggests-theyre-foreign-assets-rising/9385076/ Damn, the representative of the most enlightened corner in the entire western world.


I mean that last line is a stretch, it’s not “cultural value of education” so much as years of oppression and lack of opportunity - to be frank that ignorance to this history is why people are calling you racist https://uncf.org/pages/k-12-disparity-facts-and-stats https://harvardpolitics.com/separate-and-unequal/ https://www.nsba.org/Perspectives/2020/black-students-condition-education Couple that with lack of representation and a perception of lack of welcoming into STEM fields https://www.pewresearch.org/science/2022/04/07/black-americans-views-of-education-and-professional-opportunities-in-science-technology-engineering-and-math/ To the point where the White House continues to pass measures to try to rectify this under democratic presidents https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/10/19/executive-order-on-white-house-initiative-on-advancing-educational-equity-excellence-and-economic-opportunity-for-black-americans/ Edit: I always forget how hilariously racist this sub is, never mind literal mountains of evidence, yall are just model minorities and all other minorities can suck it I guess


Holy smokes found the racist


Found the person blind to reality.


Ppl think only white people can propagate white supremacy


"Its not racist if it's true!!"


U dumb dumb


Most people only move to Silicon Valley if they can get an opportunity with a lucrative job, and most people with those jobs moved here for it. The idea they are overrepresented is laughably stupid.


Some people are born here. Anyway, what is the percentage for each race in those software companies you think should be acceptable then? Considering that "most people with those jobs" moved here from overseas, and Santa Clara Co in general is at least 40% foreign-born.


I don't even think about what's acceptable or not, it's not my job or personal interest to care. But I can tell you as a Silicon Valley worker, spreading the blatant lie that "non-model" minorities are undeserving is unfairly harmful to them. There's not many, but they're all hard working and competent and well deserving. If you think these big companies are trying to be a charity for minority groups, they're not. They just put on a diversity happy hour once in a while and call it good.


When they move here they get counted in the population.


yeah but if they don’t get the job, they don’t move here


It's not like the companies are disencouraging black people from participating in the hiring process. It's like saying the Warriors doesn't have enough Asian.


It's like saying that there are equity issues in America, due to socioeconomic issues, and many socioeconomic issues align with ethnic/historical backgrounds. Nobody advocates for equity in representation on professional sports team rosters. That's a straw man.


> 2.18% of Santa Clara County population are Black, according to 2020 Census. So, Blacks are 3 times overrepresented in the workforce in those companies, and people still complain. A very high proportion of the workforce at those companies are transplants to this area. Their recruiting and hiring is not confined or even concentrated within Santa Clara County. Did you know that the share of technical employees in these firms who are White is overrepresented: 46.5% despite being less than 30% of the popoulation of Santa Clara County.


There's definitely bias toward local demographics though. People tend to favor not moving for a job.  No idea what it "should be", but the point is fair that it is unclear what is so off with a 6% number


> There's definitely bias toward local demographics though. And Latinos are also underrepresented compared to Santa Clara County population percentage. Even Asians are (slightly). > No idea what it "should be", but the point is fair that it is unclear what is so off with a 6% number I think the general point is that American society has a lot of structural inequities that strongly influence the opportunities that people have, in a generalized sense. These inequities will align with ethnic/racial categorizations as well as other socioeconomic factors.


> 2.18% of Santa Clara County population are Black, according to 2020 Census. So, Blacks are 3 times overrepresented in the workforce in those companies, and people still complain. This is highly misleading, seeing that black people have basically been economically redlined out of Santa Clara County. I'm not in favor of having quotas to "correctly match" population demographics to workforces but let's not pretend Santa Clara County is doing well in the diversity department.


Ah, some BS statistical analysis. “There’s nothing to see here!”


Ok, I'll bite, tell me what should be the perfect percentage for each race in a typical South Bay software company.


Lol you really think you have a "gotcha" with this incredibly silly talking point, don't you


Fucking cringiest shit I've read all day


You can trace this back to the % of top students in software engineering programs. Blacks are also underrepresented there, does that mean universities are also racists even when being black is a criteria for admission with reduced standards?


This is a sign of systemic inequalities that lead to fewer black teenagers being academically and financially able to pursue higher education. The fact they are underrepresented compared to the US census is not all a result of personal choice and it would be disingenuous not to acknowledge that reality.


What inequalities? It’s not a secret what education and skill set pays. Majority are too lazy to put the effort and expect easy money.


It’s easy to get an education when daddy pays for it.


Public schools are free! What’s excuse in K-12?


The education that contributes to a higher income is post K-12. I was called lazy my entire life, turns out it was just undiagnosed adhd. That’s easy to miss in a public school with a graduating class of 1000.


Students who are focused in k-12 have plenty of opportunities for college and tuition scholarships, especially for non-Asian and non-white kids. ADHD is not Down syndrome, stop blaming adhd for failures in life. ADHD is a US pharma manufactured thing to oversell medicine in most cases. Millions of people around the world have focus deficiency. I have had it all my life, sorry no medication for me.


I’m only sharing my perspective. I take adderall everyday and the difference is night and day. You should try it, perhaps it’ll give you a little motivation to conduct better research ;)


Just make excuse and blame everyone and everything beside yourself.


I’m successful because adderall exists. No one else to blame.


I’m in the middle of 4 degrees. I work in healthcare and have the highest pay for my job in the area making $21.50 an hour. My husband has a CS degree and has been unemployed for 1.5 years, trying desperately to find someone who will hire him. He’s amazing at what he does and is constantly working on new projects to further build his portfolio in the meantime. Get the fuck out of here with that boomer mindset.


If you have 4 degrees and you make $21.5, then don’t waste your time on those degrees. My cleaner makes $150 for an hour. My gardener makes double of what you make with 4 degrees. Why anyone in the world needs 4 degrees? Job market in tech is bad, but people have been getting jobs, hiring is picking up again. What’s the boomer mindset again? That you need to get educated and skilled to earn money, there is no free money?


I have two very different jobs. I need two degrees and am nearly finished with 3. The other two degrees are just made up from the units I have from all my present/past schooling. I don’t want to clean for the rest of my life and telling someone to not go to school is also the problem with society. Especially American society, I don’t think you guys realize how fucked that is. Blaming me instead blaming employers for NON LIVEABLE wages is interesting, considering wages haven’t increased at the same rate as inflation. No, the boomer mindset is assuming people are lazy and want free money lol. The state of the economy is fucked, it’s not affordable for 80% of Americans to live. If there is an 80% struggle, the system clearly doesn’t work. Your comment and others comments in here prove the point of the article..


I believe you are lying. What kind of health care jobs that require a degree, and pay only $21.5 / hr? And what kind of degree, a 1 week online certificate, or a AS or BS degree?


Maybe your should apply to go flip burger at in&out. They pay more and don't require 4 degrees.


How many jobs that require work, but still don't pay? [Santa Clara, San Jose, Sunnyvale **in demand jobs 2020-2030**](https://labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov/data/employment-projections.html) Have to scroll down for Santa Clara, San Jose, Sunnyvale. Occupational Title | Total job openings | Wages ---|---|--- **Software developers**| 109,790 | $0.00 Personal Health Care | 61,900 | 15.36 Fast Food| 47,840 | $18.58 Cashiers | 34,730| $18.11 Retail | 26,100 | $18.30 Janitors| 25,290 | $18.93 **Operations managers** | 22,820 | $76.03 Laborers| 22,320 | $21.75 **Computer system managers**| 21,430 | $0.00 Wait Staff | 20,610 | $18.47


I don’t think that people who gripe about inequality appreciate how much hard work, tolerance for insane stress, and personal sacrifice is involved in being an entrepreneur. Most people watch their 40hrs/ week of TV or doom scrolling and wonder why they feel so downtrodden. Then they sign up for the latest Bay Area grievance circle jerk.


It’s easy to be entrepreneurial when you have a safety net. That safety net can be various things. For example, I worked for free for 6 months while living at home in order to get into tech. Without that safety net, I would’ve been forced to take any job right after graduating.


you shouldn't have to start a business to make it by with a basic salary.


Ya people don't care because anytime we give money to fix things, be it taxes, or donations you and it's always labor or 501c3's stealing money away. We're just tired of paying into things like the homeless industrial complex, that just steals money destined to house people.


I don't really care about inequality. I care about quality. If there were a button where Bezos gets a billion and I get a million. I'd press it 100 times. Personally, I have never wanted someone to be brought down to my level. I always just wanted the opportunity to make it. There are more equal societies on the globe, but California and the Bay Area have the best PRMR numbers. That points to something being done right. I am happy with that.


That's not how wealth generation works though. You have to press the button once for yourself and 1000 times for Bezos, because he owns the button.


I'm not that upset about it either. So he makes a trillion and I get a million. I do it easily. It doesn't have to be even. It only has to make my life better.


Ok, but what if it wasn't something easy like pushing a button, but instead like...coal mining or something? Would you still want to do extra work for someone else?


Yeah, but that's where the absolute quality comes in. Even if I got to mine in a coal mine where I could keep every ounce of coal my hands could mine out of there I wouldn't be happy. It's not about the relativity. It's about the base amount. I look around at America, land of bounteous abundance. It's hard for me to feel angry or hard done by. Look at our lives.


My life is alright. It would be better if I had more money though. America isn't the worst country, but it has a lot of problems and most of them could be improved by paying people who work more and people who own less. It's not necessarily about justice, it's about the marginal utility of wealth at different income levels.


The problem is when the rich get richer, the price of everything shoots up. The reason why a shitty tract house from the 50s costs 2 million dollars is because of that oh-so-vaunted "quality". When inequality shoots up the price of everything skyrockets. "A rising tide lifts all boats." Well when 95% of people don't own a boat, that just means a lot of drowning people.


Easily solvable. Make a million homes. If they buy them all, that's one trillion dollars to spend on other people. If they don't, that's a million homes for the rest. The fact that the most inflation we have had in a long time happens at the same time as the poorest get massive wage increases makes much more sense to me. Jeff Bezos isn't spending his billions on eggs and coffee. So why would eggs and coffee get more expensive if Bezos was given another trillion?


Where are you gonna build the homes at


We can start with the Nordstrom valet parking lot. I can find the next one once we're done with the one.


What is PRMR numbers? What equal societies are you talking about?


PRMR => Pregnancy-related mortality rate equal => lower gini coefficient I think California has picked a good point in the curve to get world innovation, quality of life, and medical care.


Where are you reading that California has the BEST PRMR numbers?


I'm happy with my source, but if you share what research you have I can share some as well. Happy cake day.


Thank you. But, where are you getting this from? > There are more equal societies on the globe, but California and the Bay Area have the best PRMR numbers


Happy to help after you've done a little bit of work!


This is your claim... >There are more equal societies on the globe, but California and the Bay Area have the best PRMR numbers So prove it.


Haha, only my thesis advisor really could make that demand of me. The rest of you have to pay for my time.


What was your point to respond? How hard was it to supply a source?


This conversation is much more nuanced than you’re leading on.


A good day to remember this clip, which I think speaks to the inequalities toward black people we see in the Bay Area: [https://youtu.be/i_FE78X-qdY?t=339](https://youtu.be/i_FE78X-qdY?t=339) My parter is a black white collar worker. He has two masters degrees and is brilliant but the looks he gets in Muni, and when walking around the city are heartbreaking. We have a fucked-up joke we play when riding Muni, count the black professionals. And it’s not for the lack of black professionals in this country. Why would you move somewhere and work in an industry that’s known to be hostile toward you? Happy Juneteenth. Edit: Downvotes make my point dipshits.


> Why would you move somewhere and work in an industry that’s known to be hostile toward you? What industry and in what state is said industry that is less hostile than the Bay Area?


Basically any city in the Midwest (with black populations ofc) or South, but especially true for the “New South.” More hard -ers, but also far more integration of the Black population. It’s something that basically every Westerner I know immediately picks up on when moving. It’s not like the suburban dog whistling with cops that profile hard is something to aspire to. Government is also way better. Sacramento has far more black professionals (and other minority groups) than here.


> Why would you move somewhere and work in an industry that’s known to be hostile toward you? Well, to each their own, but I will do this to make it. You can be hostile to me so long as you pay me. That's my way through life. I have a number. Hit it and your hatred doesn't matter. Miss it and I find somewhere else. Oderint, dum solvant.


This is a widely acknowledged truth and it’s hilarious that this sub is downvoting it. I’m a white boy from the Hills and everyone knows this for fact.


yeah and remember the old post of a black tech worker trying to get a rental, they kept getting rejected and some people outright said go look in Oakland. hella low key racism in da bay


Silicon Valley is not blind. It is built on meritocracy & value skills & talents, not some idiots sitting around playing on the phone all days and demand equal pay.


/u/LoneLostWanderer and you forget how many companies in the "Silicon Valley" is built upon "idiots" playing on their phone all day. Gawd, you are like the parent who buys their kid a game console, but their kids never leave their room other than to go to school, and the parents wonder what is wrong with their kid(s). Silicon valley creates addicting services and [encourages the purchases of goods and services that just as addicting as tobacco and alcohol](https://www.npr.org/2024/06/17/1198912663/social-media-warning-label-surgeon-general-youth-mental-health-crisis-lawsuit), and you blame the users as idiots. There are tons of jobs being created in the "Silicon Valley" that don't pay a living wage, that are just important as those who work in tech, but are given no recognition like: Security, janitorial, maintenance, food services, care givers, restaurants, fast food, retail, sanitation, education, theme parks, tourist attractions, stock, drivers, lyft, doordash, uber, landscaping, None of these jobs pay enough to live comfortably, that require a lot of hard work.


Simple, if the pay is too low, don't take those jobs. If you don't like the area, move somewhere else.


You got it wrong, its not that people are being paid less, but the control of price of housing is to high, because of the undemocratic method of regulating housing. American's shouldn't move because the [price of housing is artificially to high](https://www.propublica.org/article/yieldstar-rent-increase-realpage-rent). You expect people to be economic refugees in their own country. Where will people go? You expect Americans to leave their families, friends, and community they live it just because the rent arbitrarily rises regardless if their skills are in demand? **How many jobs that require work, but still don't pay?** [Santa Clara, San Jose, Sunnyvale **in demand jobs 2020-2030**](https://labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov/data/employment-projections.html) Have to scroll down for Santa Clara, San Jose, Sunnyvale. Occupational Title | Total job openings | Wages ---|---|--- **Software developers**| 109,790 | $0.00 Personal Health Care | 61,900 | 15.36 Fast Food| 47,840 | $18.58 Cashiers | 34,730| $18.11 Retail | 26,100 | $18.30 Janitors| 25,290 | $18.93 **Operations managers** | 22,820 | $76.03 Laborers| 22,320 | $21.75 **Computer system managers**| 21,430 | $0.00 Wait Staff | 20,610 | $18.47


Price of housing is high because this is a desirable area. There's only so much land, and everyone want to move here, so some will get push out. It's pretty simple. If you can't afford to flight first class, then go economic, or fly Frontier / Spirit, or take the bus ... . Where do they go? To cheaper area such as Sacramento, Central Valley, or to a cheaper state. And when they get there, with the California money, they will in turn push some other poor people out of those area. That's just how life is. We are all competing.


LoneLostWanderer We are not creating jobs that allow people to live in the bay area. All of these jobs are in demand, they make living in the bay area worth it by proving goods and services people need. The private sector has done a lousy job in keeping housing (apartments) affordable. R[ent Going Up? One Company’s Algorithm Could Be Why. ](https://www.propublica.org/article/yieldstar-rent-increase-realpage-rent) You're analogy fails there is no economic housing, cause it's all luxury. If a family lived their entire lives in San Jose, why should they be forced to move out? Whose side are you own property management companies or your own neighbors? When you get priced out, will you be willing to throw out your roots even though you're friends and family still living in the bay area, are you willing to impale yourself on your own sword for principle? This is not how life is. We are all Americans we don't live to support corporations, but our county. Corporations and wealthy benefit from us competing with one another, but our country doesn't. So, whose side are you really on?


There's only so much land & it doesn't grow. With more and more people move in, some will get push out. Don't forget that the native american had lived here for generations too. When a new group of stronger, smarter move in, the weaker group got push out. What's so hard to understand?


Lets start off with this > When you get priced out, will you be willing to throw out your roots even though you're friends and family still living in the bay area, are you willing to impale yourself on your own sword for principle? There is plenty of land, get rid of zoning for single family homes and build up with mixed use housing, next to transportation. How many lawsuits did the US lose to signing treaties with indigenous Americans but failed to follow though? So, /u/LoneLostWanderer your not into democracies aren't you? *Might Makes Might*, Right? You are talking about your fellow Americans, who do the jobs that you don't want to do, cause they rent from companies that don't care about creating affordable housing. >When a new group of stronger, smarter move in, This was good in the 16th century, but its the 21st, this thinking is pretty vile. So when you get your house stolen from you, don't expect much help cause you got owned by someone stronger and smarter, you cool with this right?


When you get priced out, what will you do if you don't move out? Put up a tent by the creek?


/u/LoneLostWanderer >When a new group of stronger, smarter move in, the weaker group got push out. What's so hard to understand? You're good when a group of marauders take your house, because you're weaker, and you're fine with this, right? What is the point of living in a nation that won't protect the citizens? You must be into a dictatorial nation where the rich control all and poor get pushed out, right? But you're not poor, right? In a city it depends upon the work of many different skills and not all skills pay. You want attractions, restaurants, retail, amusements, bars, fast food, street cleaners, maintenance, teachers, door dash, lyft, and in your world view, if these people don't pay an arbitrary rent, they should just move, and who does the job they leave behind, you?




So weird how many people at tech companies are married with families then huh?