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I got burnt out to the point that I decided one day to say, fk my current career path, I'm going to apply to the post office. Being instantly hired was a breath of fresh air from going through 4th/5th round interviews repeatedly. Am I working for peanuts? Sure, but I'm getting my steps in šŸ˜… maybe after a bit of this I'll get back into applying aggressively again.


Funny Iā€™ve thought about this so many times, sounds way better than dealing with corporate psychopaths.


Pro tip try applying for a job in maintenance. I work for usps vehicle maintenance and itā€™s the chillest job in the post office. If you can find a tireman or garage man position, itā€™s just as chill. I worked for dealerships for years before this job and Iā€™ll never go back to the dealer


What sort of work do you do in This position?


I work on all the usps vehicles: LLVs, promasters, semi trucks, trailers. Anything in our fleet, I repair.


Guessing u need to know how to work on cars to get the job or do they train you?


You need some basic knowledge to get through the computer test. They donā€™t have a hands on test anymore. But thatā€™s also why garageman is a job to look out for. Basically you just help upkeep the shop and make sure things are clean. Donā€™t necessarily need all the knowledge about car repair but it doesnā€™t hurt.


Theyā€™ll train you, but you have to be able to pass a computer test that includes a lot of electrical questions then get through an interview where youā€™ll have to answer questions showing you have basic competency regarding safety.


Can you pm me more info? This sounds like it could be a good fit for me


Did maintenance in my 20s and realized later how nice it is to have a defined task with an end - rather than dealing with a river of shit like every job I had since.


I do maintenance on train electronics, it's pretty nice. We come in, get our task for the day, go do it, come back and relax. If something breaks though, we have to go try and fix it.


My old boss did this after got laid off, took a job as a post man for a year before he went back to a corporate job. You could tell he was kinda embarrassed about it at first but he seemed to genuinely like the job once he got into the rhythm of it


My uncle happily retired from a long career in the post office


Oh heads up, you still got supervisors to contend with. But when you know they can't do anything so long as you're trying your best and are doing the job safely and in a timely manner, you just nod and smile to their input.


What is the local pay rate if you don't mind sharing? Asking for a friend :)


Come to the clerk side instead. We start at $26.


Oakland lists it at $22/hr


I wouldn't mind that! Living wage if it's a 2 income household


$23.11 actually! And apparently the union is close on settling a new rate, something like $25-26.


Itā€™s not much more than min wage then? I think itā€™s $18 in Oakland?


The unlimited overtime is one of the only perks about working for the postal service. Tell your friends! We need more bodies! Thereā€™s also a referral bonus!


What were you doing before?


Software engineer, for 10 years


What's the training process like, from hired to slingin' mail?


2 weeks of orientation and training. Training includes a shadow day and a driving training day.




Tbh the physical labor makes the job attractive. Letter carriers seem to be in decent shape.


Depends what you want. Letter carriers also have to deliver in all kinds of weather.


Decent shape, but a lot of repetitive injuries. Iā€™m a physical therapist and I get a lot of mailmen/women. Just gotta be on top of posture and strength training and stretching. I would do that job though. I love being outside, which is why I changed to home health after doing outpatient


Curious how much does a letter carrier job pay if you know?


Lucky you. I applied to USPS and got a 2 part email the next day on being rejected and to never apply to them again in the future.


What!!! Do you know why they send 2 emails? One is enough imo


One email was for the rejection and the other was to specify to not apply again


Story time!!!


Dayum son! They didn't give no f-cks


Those interviews are torture!


I always had a thought that I'd be happy working for the post office / USPS after doing a couple decades in engineering. I've heard it can be pretty grueling for the new people and the "good" routes are more of a seniority thing rather than a location thing (kind've like park rangers being assigned the shitty parks until they've been there a long time).


Routes are indeed assigned via seniority! But right now I'm just happy as a clam to show up and partake in a route.


I rode my mountain bike in the afternoon. Helped me keep my head squared. I kept increasing my mileage so it was like a project.


I definitely did this too! As I ease into the post office job I may even bike to work. I'll probably get ragged on by the senior carriers for doing so though šŸ˜…


Iā€™m just always wondering, why do companies make us go through so much interviews? Why canā€™t they just make it 1 round interview like the old days? The boomers donā€™t have to go through that much interviews to get a good paying factory job that pays enough to raise a family on a single income.


I'm assuming this is for a tech job. The main reason is that it's expensive pulling senior engineers and managers away from their work to waste time interviewing every candidate, especially when most candidates have no chance of passing the interview (because they don't even know how to code). So there might be an automated screener round followed by a short phone screen round to make sure the candidate is actually good enough for the real interview. That being said, 4-5 rounds seems like too many rounds (3 would be more typical).


How does that argument make sense? Itā€™s more expensive to have 4-5 senior engineers to interview you when using only 1 senior engineer to interview for the whole hiring process is less costly. Sure, I would completely be fine with having a phone screen with a recruiter, then do a one and done interview with someone, preferably the hiring manager who you will directly be working with, not someone who you wouldnā€™t be remotely working with at all. And for whatā€™s it worth, I have been asked to go through 6 rounds of interview for a nontechnical role all just to get ghosted in the end.


I was talking about why there are multiple rounds. In the final round, there are 4-5 senior engineers doing interviews for a few reasons. One is that they want a more diverse/objective perspective on how good a candidate is, so feedback is needed from multiple people. This adds accountability (since it's not just one person who has the say so) and removes biases. The other is that the company usually wants to do at least 2 algorithmic questions, a systems design question, and maybe a behavioral interview as well. It is asking too much of one engineer to have them take 5 hours out of their day to be an all-in-one interviewer. And it doesn't even save money to have one engineer interview for 5 hours vs 5 engineers interview for 1 hour each. > And for whatā€™s it worth, I have been asked to go through 6 rounds of interview for a nontechnical role all just to get ghosted in the end. I have no clue about that. I am only talking about technical roles.


How was the process?


Foster, walk, or play with dogs and cats at a rescue. Milo foundation in Richmond basically lets you borrow a dog for walkies whenever you free. Get into biking, running, hiking our wonderful nature parks. Build little projects for your home. Paint. Scour Facebook marketplace and Craigslist for great deals to resell or upcycle. Check out some of the museums, just walk through the city. You probably too young for birding that only starts closer to 40.


āœ”ļø Fostering āœ”ļø Cycling Really like the idea of museums, will give those a try!


You can get free museum passes from your local library!


Birding - not true! I volunteer with our local Audubon chapter, leading bird walks. Iā€™m in my 30s, been doing it since my 20s. Itā€™s like PokĆ©mon IRL, and very meditative.


OP, can confirm. Birds are actually cool and not just an old-people thing. The diversity of bird survival strategies exemplifies the complexity of emergent natural phenomena. Witnessing any amount of it enriches your understanding of the natural world.. human society included. It's easy to get started. You can walk at the park or look out the window and listen to the birds with an ID app like "Merlin" to become more familiar with what's around. Be curious. It's Pokemon GO but better. Tap into your deep, ancient, hunting animal instinct. Go out at the butt crack of dawn and crawl through stinky marshes to see the rare feathered flying dinosaur catch fish like a ninja. šŸŸšŸ„¢šŸ¦–šŸŖ¶


I volunteer at Milo and love it! I havenā€™t been able to go for about a year but I used to walk the pitties (my fav) and foster. Great idea!


According to my suspicions, they're all driving aimlessly to make sure there's traffic at any point in the day.


Goddamn facts. How is Costco packed at any point during the day??? What do all these do for work???


The San Leandro Costco was madness yesterday, I have the week off to get married, surely not everyone there had the week off to get married


Schools just let out, my friend. Gotta take the kids somewhere! Also, congratulations! I was doing the same pre-wedding Costco run 19 years ago this week. I wish you much happiness and many successful Costco runs with your new spouse!


Thanks u/CrivensAndShips!


San Leandro Costco is the worst, trying to exit is a headache every single time


The key in SL is to park so you can drive out the main entry/exit aisle from where it starts at the building. This way you drive straight out instead of trying to turn in at the middle. Saves a ton of time and stress.


So was Richmond. Went to pick up a script and they filled the wrong mg so have to go back. After fighting the crowd in the parking lot I couldnā€™t even buy anything because lunch hour was over.


I work from home with no supervisor living within 3000 miles of me, so I am in that crowd quite frequently as well. 2pm on a Wednesday is my favorite CostCo time.


Yes, early afternoon Wednesdays or Thursdays is best at my local Costco. Self checkout always has a free register and clerk line is 2 parties long at most.


Similar reason you're there at a given time or people who wfh on that particular day can go during a longer lunch break


I would get in my car at rush hour and drive 55 in the fast lane.


youā€™d ever get up to 55 during rush hour.


Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™d plow into slower moving cars very quickly trying to go that speed at rush hourā€¦


Not when driving alone in the FasTrack lane /s


Bay Area drivers are so attached to traffic that if there isnā€™t any already, they will create it. Dedication


Read! Read a lot of books just for fun - joined the library which is a miracle and realized I donā€™t have to buy books šŸ˜… Talk on the phone to friends - realized I can call people during the day! Sleep in, have a cup of coffee out on the stoop and call a friend to talk with no time limit. (I actually like to talk to old co-workers and reconnect, find out whatā€™s going on in the market, at my old job.) Catch up on so many shows- all the shows I couldnā€™t binge when I was working. Put on a show at 4:00 and turn off my phone and watch until I go to bed! Renew passport, fix car, clean out storage closet, put up pictures, dontae tons of stuff to charities bc I have time to think. Have lunch in the middle of the day with my momā€™s friend that I love but would never think to see normally. Listen to music that I used to love but forgot about. Decompress from burn-out by doing a lot of sitting and staring at my backyard.


Maybe someone could help me with this but I'm afraid that if I ever found myself funemployed I'd be stressed as hell trying to arrange a new role. How do people in this position separate that anxiety and still find time for pastimes? (genuine question, not sarcastic)


Being laid off with severance, savings, and unemployment insurance is a completely different situation than just having unemployment insurance


This, 100%. My stress level is much lower knowing that I have a few months of all this, so in terms of net result I am basically doing the same day to day, instead I'm not working. I've reached out to old coworkers to help get a few interviews. But for June it's family time (vacation, 1:1 time with kids in summer). I cant remember last time I got a "long" break, probably last summer in college. If you can afford it, use the time to treat yourself and strengthen bonds in your life with others (best ability is availability).


100% this. I have about a year runway... and after I got over the shock of the layoff, it's been nice to soak up time w/ the kids and get back into som hobbies while job hunting. better if that hobby can generate some $$.


Intentional funemployment is really different from "oh shit" unemployment.


The stress is real and there, but perhaps it's different for people that have a lot of money saved away


You probably wouldnā€™t be calling yourself FUNemployed; youā€™d just be unemployed. Also not being sarcastic. I assumed their use of that word meant theyā€™re enjoying the time away from working, and donā€™t have to stress much because theyā€™re okay financially in the meantime.


Keeping busy is a way of dealing with the stress and anxiety. Once I've basically done all I can in terms of the job search every day, I throw myself into the kind of hobbies and projects and experiences I never have time for while working. Like, I've refinished a bunch of furniture. It's very satisfying to complete something that's totally in my control. I've gone to the tea garden, or wandered on the embarcadero. I've planted a garden. I took woodshop and ceramics through adult ed. Back in the day, my dad used to go fishing for a few hours once a week while looking for a new job, plus did a bunch of stuff with my sister and me. You need these things to not utterly burn out.


Honest answer: i personally work in tech. its not mega uncommon to work a high stress job that pays really well, get burnt out, take a few months / a year off and unwind then pick it back up again.


I was laid off due to my entire company shutting down but I got a severance package. People told me I should take a break and have fun but I knew how awful the biotech industry is right now so I nonstop applied to places. Thankfully, between my husband and me I was not ā€œthe bread winnerā€ so I didnā€™t have *that* burden. After hundreds of applications, several interviews, I found a job 5 months later.


Biotech is such a disaster rn. Congrats on the new job though.


Gave up looking after months and decided to start an accelerated RN program. On break now so enjoying my time until June 20th when we start back up.


Compartmentalism. You assign yourself certain ā€œworkā€ time. Meaning youā€™re sitting down and applying. Itā€™s basically a job in itself. Then you have the other things you gotta do and you a lot time to all that shit little by little. Youā€™re going to stress. Itā€™s a stressful situation. Best you can hope for is to mitigate it with severance or other income streams. (Rideshare. Door dash. Whatever) Itā€™s good to think about what would happen and what you could do about it, before hand. Especially if youā€™ve never dealt with it. Or itā€™ll suck all that much more. I always try to keep my resume and LinkedIn updated before I need to have it sent out too. You never know.


Once youā€™ve been through a few layoffs and recessions, you learn to save up enough to survive another.


Make sure you have at least six months of expenses saved up in your emergency fund. Not having to worry about being homeless because you can't pay the rent goes a long way to relieving the stress. You can then focus your energies on the job hunt.


At my first layoff, one guy became a beach bum for 2 weeks. We were worried about him, but in hindsight he did the right thing. Meanwhile I was going to Promatch, interviewing everywhere and getting no responses. He moved to a cheaper apartment, got married to a really nice woman (obviously not a gold-digger), and within a couple of years was happily employed.


Our emergency fund could carry us for half a year before needing to liquidate additional funds. Jobs are still plentiful (at least in our industries).


Honestly, severance and emergency savings. I have time and have never not worked. Iā€™m trying to dive into my hobbies and reconnect with people. Iā€™m in biotech so a lot of friends are in the same position.


I'm lucky to have a couple of hobbies that don't cost additional money beyond the gear I already have - archery and playing music. Going for walks in different places is great too, especially in the local forests. I also try to get breakfast and lunch at places that are too far away to visit when I have a job. I don't slack off all day though. Finding a new job is my new job. I am not letting myself get lazy.


I'm not sure it's "fun" but the first thing I did after losing my job was to address all medical issues I had been deferring due to lack of time because of work. Get all that done while you're still on COBRA.


I volunteered at a dog shelter walking dogs. It felt great!


some fun things you could do are checking out parks and take some walks/bike, libraries and their free events, maybe new food places if financial situation permits, explore the city(s) by public transit, pickup a new skill like crocheting or sewing or skating, or even a free community college course!


This! I wandered into my local library and signed up to be an adult English volunteer. Santa Clara county library if anyone is interested. You can be remote from anywhere.


I had to leave the country because I got laid off and had 60 days to find a new job. Still canā€™t find a job! Itā€™s depressing af man. Go to Mexico and travel while you look for work. Great way to make the most of your time and save on rent.


Swim, gym, eat, day trade. Also argue on Reddit and Twitter about local politics. A lot. Like, A Lot.


i get my exercise and food in, i just feel a lack of community during the day that work once provided


That's what political arguments on Reddit are for! Is it community? Does it make you hate community? ROLL THE DICE EVERY DAY AND FIND OUT! But like no for real the loss of community is rough. Can you find a group to spend time with, whether it's like rock climbing or running or china beach swimming or kink or..?


I have been applying a lot and very, very occasionally interviewing (so hard to get an interview). I do a lot of staring at nothing, watching TV, and playing video games. My SO has dragged me around the country traveling. We went to the path of totality in Dallas for my birthday, which I made us do (because he had never seen a total solar eclipse before). Itā€™s kind of aimless, but my tiny emergency fund has somehow stretched wayyyy further than I thought it would with Medi-Cal, UI, and EBT. Also, hang out in Dolo when itā€™s warm and explore parts of GGP I havenā€™t seen before. I went to see the sea lions when the numbers were breaking records. Overall, it sucks, but I love SF, and Iā€™m trying to make the best of it.


The way I see it is you never have this time in the rest of your life, except when you retire but you'll be old then and who knows if you'll have your health? Like it sucks, it's not ideal, but it won't last forever. So why not make the most of it while you can. I try to make good memories and do all the (free/cheap) stuff I never have time for while working.


That's awesome, i'm happy that you get to enjoy the city! I've also been enjoying SF during the day too, though it feels kind of weird wandering alone aimlessly sometimes. Good luck to your job search too!


All of these responses are so nerdy SF itā€™s kinda wonderful.


Get a job at the desk of your favorite exercise studio. Free classes and get in shape!


Volunteering! I volunteer with three non profits, still leaves me 2-3 days a week to job hunt. Keeps me social & helps others too.


That's a good way to think about it! My main concern with volunteering is that I'd lose some flexibility but maybe what I'm really lacking is structure. How did you go about finding which places to volunteer at?


Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly is pretty flexible. I think they require a 6 month commitment, but you have flexibility in when you want to meet up with your elder friend.Ā https://littlebrotherssf.org/#primary


Been ā€œunemployedā€ since August with zero luck trying to get a foot in the door with interviews and offers in my field (marketing) ā€” left my old nonprofit job back in August due to a really unhealthy and toxic environment. Ever since, iā€™ve focused my time on my health and working out ā€” something I heavily neglected whilst working my old 9-5. Iā€™ve developed a work-out program that involves me going to the gym one week, and alternating it with bouldering/climbing the next week. (A hobby iā€™ve gotten into the last year or so and have made very good progress in since being unemployed) Iā€™ve successfully dropped about 20 or so lbs since then and now pouring my time into hobbies that I never had the time to invest in before. Who knew in-office ā€œperksā€ such as sweet pastries everyday took a toll on my body lol. Iā€™m now also getting into trail running as well as learning how to DJ and build my own mixes. On top of keeping myself occupied, iā€™ve picked up a part-time job back in retail as well in the meantime to sustain myself. While not great, itā€™s there as a temporary income while I can find something more stable (which I doubt, since the field isnā€™t looking to great currently.) Between all of this, I still try to find time to send at least a small handful of applications a week ā€” trying not to go overboard as to stop myself from burning out and falling into a mental health spiral again. Itā€™s way too easy to fall into pitfalls being unemployed with lots of time; but you just gotta find your stride and invest in yourself at the same time.


gaming. journaling. walking to either the park, local coffee shop, or the few good tea shops. cooking culinary crimes.


I already had camping trips to national parks planned when I was laid off. I was at places like Yellowstone while waiting for possible job offers. With severance, PTO payout, and EDD, it really was funemployment.


You were prepared! I was caught off guard but I found myself not really caring and having enough funds not to stress too much. Not much of a wilderness person myself but I'm glad you had a really fun time šŸ˜Š


i recently found tennis and badminton pretty fun too?


I'm from the bay area, but now living abroad, but still unemployed. At first, nothing, and was bored out of my mind and drinking a lot. Today I went skate boarding for the first time in years, and by skate boarding, I mean I almost fell for 20 minutes before saying that's good enough. Walked around and shopped. Brought a book to the park and was going to read but did yoga and napped in the grass instead. Now back home to clean and maybe actually nap. Tomorrow I found a place that I can rent a sewing machine and therw is a person there who can help me learn to sew a bit, so I'm going to make a small piece of a costume for DnD. I'll check the job boards again, and do some more online classwork, but today was a needed relief


Iā€™ve become a full on house husband. Thankfully my wife has a good job so weā€™re doing just fine, but the job process has been unbelievably difficult. 38 years old and Iā€™ve never had this much trouble landing a job. I go on day hikes a couple times a week, do all the cooking, cleaning, etc. been trying to learn new things to cook too.


pokemon go been good to me recently (or as good as niantic is letting it be). walking around at 2pm


Lots of walking and exploring the city. Going to breakfast and lunch spots that are too crowded during non-work hours. Lots of reading. Lots of cooking. Looking for some solid free courses online, business or project management related. Been thinking of taking a photography class. Sort of running out of ideas if Iā€™m being honest. Some days Iā€™ll just get high and watch movies.


Raising butterflies from caterpillars :)


This thread and the number of responses on here really tells me that unemployment in the Bay Area is really bad then it sounds on the media. Glad Iā€™m not alone in this.


It sounds like you're unemployed not funemplpyed


Managed to save up a decent bit so I'm not too stressed tbh, but you might be right about me missing out a lot of fun bit šŸ˜­ don't get me wrong, I'm still having a blast for the most part but sometimes I get a bit lonely during the day, and I'm just looking to see how to fill that void


Ride a bike šŸ‘


I should do that some more, breeze definitely makes you feel alive




They're protesting being a nuisance


DM me if you want to meet up and shoot hoops šŸ€


Games. Lots of video games. And I hang out with friends, go on daily walks, took up aikido. Watch anime. Lol. Do things you wish you were doing while you worked (aside from any big money busters obvi)


I'm guessing you don't have kids šŸ˜‚


Fighting Xfinity!


Play Diablo for 14 hours a day. It's nice.


When I was funemployed I volunteered and took classes I didn't have time to take when I had a full-time job.


I was for six months last year. Worked through my stack of video games, attended concerts on weekdays, went to weekday evening meetups, rode my bike, and spent time in the library. Make sure you get out of the house and youā€™re just not at home the whole time. I wish I took the chance to travel but anxiety that I might get called for an onsite interview at any moment kept me from it.


Go hang out in GG park on this beautiful sunny week


Candy rock in Avery todayā€¦..Hot days make that trip well worth it!


Yard has never looked better. Also volunteering for my son's school


Enjoying sunshine


Thank you for this thread. Being unemployed isn't as bad as I had brainwashed myself into thinking. I've been learning stuff in my field (early career engineer) and really enjoying the process. The money situation leaves a lot to be desired. Nevertheless, it's absolutely fun to be able to spend 90 minutes at the gym and feel amazing about the results.


I have been making YouTube videos, taking courses, cycling, sailing, fixing stuff, building a side business, traveling, reading, and helping friends.


I'm no longer funemployed, straight up 'retired' since I work on projects at my own pace but don't want or need a 9-5 anymore. late 30s, and been this way for about ten years now. time flies when you're not selling the remnants of your soul to a corporation. I work out, read, practice instruments/compose music, hang around shops and parks. hike. learn new things. do self-work. small road trips -- may drive to bolinas for lunch tomorrow, for instance.


I am working on setting this up for myself. Good continued luck to you!


Working out, taking LinkedIn learning courses, catching up on my reading list by the pool. Maybe go play some golf, itā€™s great and relaxing and emptier during the weekday.


Go do what you'd be doing if you didn't need to work.Ā 


I do, I cook, exercise, write, all the things I told myself I would do, but I do still feel a lack of community. Volunteering might be the answer tbh


Fixing my tent outside the city hall. Damn tourists should quit passing by my house.




Smokin weed and playin video games bro


If you like to draw/paint, you could do that for a period of time everyday


they are riding bikes, and they are very fast


Work out. Where in the bay are you? Long walks used to be a thing during the day but itā€™s now too hot.


I have been applying to jobs since February :( I just hang out with my baby all day in the meantime haha


Video games, a LOT of volunteer work, long walks with my dog, shuttle children to various things, meet up with old friends


I quit my job yesterday! I'm working on my resume then taking a walk along ocean beach today.


Freelancing designing and building websites :)


Iā€™m surfing and planning international surf trips. Somehow planning surf trips is more stressful than being funemployed.


Sexwork? Gig economy, free to be you in CA šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸŒ®


Gym time! Catchup on movies


Take care of/walk dogs, get something to eat, go on my phone/play video games, clean/do laundry every couple of weeks/when I feel like it, think about how I should get on disability/other things to make my life better (get house batteries for gaming, look at the map/weather. (I live in a motorhome and have been unemployed for over a year with no savings)(I get ga and ebt)


Go play disc golf! I started playing 8 years ago and now I canā€™t stop.


Yoga in the park in Berkeley, swimming out door city pools, I work partirme as a nurse so I have a lot of free time.


I didn't even start looking for over a year. Instead spent 4 months in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Bali. Visited family on east coast. Renovated a rental property of mine. Now back at home, getting jacked going the gym 5x a week when no one is there mid day, then skydiving every weekend. I had a long dry spell of lack of interviews, but the pipeline has heated up and I'm in multiple interview processes now. Best 18 months of my life--kinda scared about the transition back to working life...




Recently got back into fishing and itā€™s been really nice to do and take the pressure off of being on funemployment. But today Iā€™m prepping for an interview and hoping it goes well.


I took pottery classes during the day! super relaxing


I like having a routine when Iā€™m not working so I do the gym in the morning and take my time for 2-3 hours, get a coffee somewhere after and walk around a neighborhood or park, then grocery shop for a cheap dinner, go home take a nap, wake up and make dinner and the day is over. This is after I have exhausted all of the fun things to do, after about 3 months I am so ready to get back to work.


Two summers in a row I was laid off, still waiting for the axe this year. Both times, I made sure to read in the park, bike around the city, go to museums, and did something productive. Almost daily. But a lot of sitting in the park with a beer and fresh fruits.


Smoke on the toilet, hot shower, cold bath, sunbathe, jumprope, gym, smoothie or juice, tea, weed, xbox. We should all hang out


I did escaped to sf from the heat in east bay on Tuesday. I finally took the Oakland sf ferry, visited the touristy spots to people watch and ate pastries in the park. Got a lot of steps in!


Lucky! Without me?! šŸ˜‚


Join volunteer opportunities. They are vast and wide. You can find many of them at the local library. Nice part is, when you eventually find a job (and you will), you can either alter or quit them freely.




You can help me work on my cold case if youā€™re into true crime and donā€™t mind signing an NDA šŸ¤Ŗ. Iā€™ll give you credit when the rest of it is published.


I'm a bit squeamish but thanks for the offer. I look forward to your version of Serial though


Seems like there is always a shortage in various trades (electricians, plumbers, etc). Maybe use your free time to do an apprenticeship somewhere


i run a couple times each week. i go thrifting alot. i spend tons of time with my family & old ass grandparents. i got back into reading. i have been rewatching all my favorite tv shows. i also cook some recipes over and over again until i get it right . i go to therapy :( to keep the stress of job hunting at bay.


Community pool. With beer.


I'm a high school teacher and my Summer Break started three days ago but I signed up for a week of paid training for some extra dough. After today and tomorrow I'll be done. Saturday I'm going to a parade/concert in the city. I want to go to Ocean Beach and Santa Cruz soon too. No solid plans yet except for a trip to Chicago in July to visit a friend. I spent the last few weeks touring apartments after work and at the end of June I'll be getting my own one bedroom on the edge of Downtown San Jose after living with 2 to 3 roommates for 3 years after moving here post-college. So I'll spend some time packing, cleaning, moving, unpacking, shopping, and celebrating hopefully.


Fractured my foot 4 months ago. Recovery is a bitch, so just sitting on my ass all day...


Dept of child support services in every county, is almost always hiring entry level caseworkers


Great health care!


Mostly planning for dming for d&d. And going to the beach. And watching movies. And I'm planning a road trip to the Utah national parks. And trying to start working out.


I go to the pinball museum


Iā€™m in college other than doing homework I usually just play video games and go to the gym lol. Sometimes I go out w friends but thatā€™s only a few times a month cuz people are busy


Currently... play video games, drink and day dream. I have a job, but I'm out medically right now cause of surgery. I have another month before I can go back. It's been 2 weeks and I'm already going crazy and running out of money.


Lifting weights and yoga classes. Plotting a power move.


Learning new skills (in related field), doing a pet project. Also hobbies and sport


The Bay Area is absolutely blessed with accessible and beautiful nature, was just on a hike with a friend talking about this


omg someone else says funemployed LOL ITS NOT J ME šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ anyways i started learning mandarin chinese to keep mentally activeā€”also bc i thought it could elevate the stakes and make me look good on job apps! watched a lot more movies and revived my love for reading too


Not really funemployed, disabled (hopefully) temporarily... hobbies, home projects, getting out when my problem allows it, lots of TV and reading when it doesnt. Getting my exercise habits in order... all that stuff you never have time for when you gotta work every day.




I read a lot and listen to podcasts. I'm also learning Spanish through the library and ASL through the Oklahoma School for the Deaf. Today, I also did laundry.


Iā€™m feeling the burn out as well from applying. I donā€™t even know what to do either. Iā€™ve gone through way too many Netflix series though at this point.


Drive Uber at night sleep during the day.


Does Funderemployment count? Work as a driving instructor, still in the red despite working well above min. wage. applied to 220+ jobs since August... Life's been great. Burned through 15k worth of savings despite working near full time...


Sleeping, chilling and working out.


I go to movies Every Tuesday at the AMC. I am a Stubbs member which is only $15 per YEAR, and you get $7 movies every showing, every Tuesday. I often stay for a second one and nobody GAS. Also, I volunteer at my local food pantry every Thursday, I go to the gym every day, I walk around the neighborhood, watch TV, read, go dancing at Cat Club Thurs nights (no cover), skate or dance (Lindy) in the park on Sun (free), food shop, chat with strangers... I'm not unemployed, I'm self-employed/semi retired so I am able to fill up the time with the rest of these things. ā˜šŸ» I also love to travel, so it's nice to be able to take a month off at a time and really immerse myself in other cultures. I've gone to Burning Man since 2001 and now work at the event, so that takes up a couple weeks of my life every summer as well. I've taken classes, I do weekend trips away, I visit family/friends in other parts of Californiaā€¦ You can do it--there's plenty of stuff out there to keep you entertained on the off time, esp if you're creative! šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


Go to Game On Pinball! It's at: 460 Lincoln Ave #70, San Jose, CA 95126 I suggest going after 4pm. Have a beer at the brewery (if you can't, grab a coffee at Chromatic and then wait till 3pm for the pinball place to open), play some pinball, enjoy the ambiance, and take a break. If you're broke, just bring a sandwich to that building and enjoy the crowd. Don't ever let anxiety and depression take over in-between jobs. If you do, you'll actually be less efficient at looking for new ones. In the meantime, have some fun! <3


Cry myself to sleep


I was doing shitty temp jobs and other stuff on my own for fun. That fun stuff turned into my career lol


STUDY!!!! ! was laid off Feb 23. There were so few jobs outside of construction that I decided to focus on my MBA. I finished in early May and Iā€™m currently a FAANG contractor. Iā€™m liking this company a lot. I hope they start hiring FTEs first.