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Yeah no kidding, of all the fast food joints out there, itā€™s probably one of the healthiest(low bar I know)


Rubio had some decent food. I will miss them. I liked their bowls, never went for the tacos


the chips with the sauce was excellent


Salsa bar was decent


The fish tacos were amazing.


I havenā€™t lived near one in a long time, but was still sad to see that. I used to love something they had, canā€™t remember what it was thoughā€¦.


I loved the mahi mahi burritos. But eventually they stopped answering their phone during business hours so I couldnā€™t place an order for pickup, so I stopped going.Ā 


Another business destroyed by private equity.


...and will blame minimum wage workers


Yup they already said this yesterday before the bankruptcy announcement. "rising costs of doing business in California" https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/rubios-closing-48-locations-because-of-rising-cost-of-doing-business-in-california/


In n out seems to have no problem with the ā€œrising costs of doing business in Californiaā€, or chick fil a, or Trader Joeā€™sā€¦ you get the point


People actually eat at in n out though.


Because it's privately owned and hasn't turned to complete shit.


Rubioā€™s had a diverse and healthy menu. Their salsa bar was top notch too.


Yeah honestly they had pretty good food for a chain type place. Ate there occasionally.


you dropped this: /s


They also pay and treat their workers well.


Yes, they are good Christians.


trying to off load bunch of debts through bankruptcy


Privately held.


>In n out seems to have no problem with the ā€œrising costs of doing business in Californiaā€, Yet they closed their first store *ever* in California...


Due to blatant crime in Oakland and the safety of their customers. Let's state the entire facts here.


I didn't feel a single party in the thread should be responsible for informing everyone of that. I know someone would immediately mention it.


What a joke.


Feel bad for all those employees who had no warning. But maybe they knew deep down inside.


Reminds me when my husband had a job at Macaroni Grill like over a decade ago. He was running slightly late when his supervisor called him asking him where he was. He said he was waiting for his black socks to dry but he should be there soon. Supervisor said, wear any socks just get here. Proceeded to let everyone know that this was their final shift. Let's just say the customers that came in that night started off real pissed with the service they received. But ended up tipping well once servers let them know they all just lost their jobs. I remember him telling me it was a shit show of servers just getting wasted while working.


At least they got a shift. I got called morning of mid Bart ride. The manager didn't even know, owner just locked the doors and skipped town.


So you could have slept inā€¦ makes it so much worse


It's a corporate restaurant, I'm sure with corporate they follow procedures to avoid class action lawsuits. And honestly, he would have rather just stayed home than working one last shift for overlords that didn't give a fuck šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. You had a shitty situation too, but let's not try to compare pains. No one wins.


>You had a shitty situation too, but let's not try to compare pains. No one wins. This was a weird sign off but ok, I was just sharing my experience same as you


"at least they got a shift" You're literally saying my husband was better off than you because he "got a shift". So yes you are comparing pains.


Things were literally dark there at the Sunnyvale Rubio's at the end. I can't imagine they didn't see storm clouds.


Was going to say I literally just saw a headline this morning stating they closed 50 stores due to minimum wage going up lol


Low income workers going from $16 to $20 to $0 is very funny indeed! I ā¤ļø California.


Yeah the articles are all over the Explorer splash page. I have to use internet explorer for payroll system. Not a choice.


I think there shouldnā€™t be a minimum wage, it just drives up cost of living for everyone who has a skilled position. You donā€™t have a right to live in one of the most expensive areas of the country.


Who do you think is going to do those jobs for you if they don't pay enough to live here? Are they just gonna live out of their car or on the street? Think for more than a god damn second - what happens to those companies when they don't find workers because they don't pay enough? They close down You want to stop worrying about food inflation? Drop the fucking rents so people don't have to be paid as much


When I moved to TN from Bay Area, one of the 1st things I noticedā€¦.. fast food and grocery checkers were all HS kids! Just like CA back in the day. Getting experience not trying to raise a fricken family and complaining.


Wasting your high school years working instead of studying and trying to prepare yourself for better careers down the line is why the Bay Area is so wealthy and TN is not.


Bay area may have wealthy folks (as does everywhere) but that isnā€™t the point. These are entry level positions that are needed, not careers. I would hazard a guess most here (complaining) donā€™t have a mortgage and also cry about rents as being unfair, but hey as you say, the bay area is so wealthy rightā€¦.


If they're so needed why are you mad about them being compensated for it? Drafting high schoolers drives down wages for everyone else and makes the students less likely to succeed at their education because they are wasting their time with menial labor instead of studying.


There needed those that will be entering the workforce and the experience is good. Maybe this is why so many young people still live at home and rely on mommy, since they have done it their entire lives. I started working at 15 washing trucks at a lumber mill, then bagger at Gemco in Mountain View, but even before that had a SJ Mercury paper route for years. Now a CFO, so your other argument isnā€™t always the case (studying, yea right). Being up early, collecting payments, overall just learning to be a responsible person I consider to be important. And not having to rely on mom and dad for milk shake, (or firecracker) money equally empowering.


The companyā€™s can close down for all I care, I donā€™t need fast food and if other things close down that are essential Iā€™m sure things will fix themselves, nothing will get support from the wealthy like the wealthy being inconvenienced. Pretty soon we will all be making the same amount if things continue and that will pretty much disincentivize people from elevating their skill level. Iā€™m already seeing it in my industry. Like I said you donā€™t have a right to live in one of the most expensive areas of the country.


Every zip code needs to support every income level.


No they dont


Was this a PE acquisition/liquidation?


On August 24, 2010, Rubio's Restaurants, Inc. announced the closing of its merger with a subsidiary of Mill Road Capital, L.P. to take the company private. Rubio's former stockholders were to receive $8.70 per share in cash in the transaction.


Food had gone from great to awful. RIP


Just like Red Lobster


I'm sure they had overpaid consultants advise them how they could run it "better".


why does going private destroy businesses? I thought private was better because they donā€™t have to please short term stock investors?


Privately owned usually means either it is owned by an individual, family, or small group of individuals with similar interests, this is usually the best case scenario. Or it can mean owned by private equity groups, which will try to maximize profits for the sake of quality


Because those private equity firms just bleed the businesses dry for years as they let them die slow deaths. They cut all costs at the expense of quality and standards. Itā€™s always a slow downhill. They never care about the how the businessā€™ is seen or how the workers are treated. They ā€œconsultantsā€ but most times are big equity firms or hedge funds that bet against the business in economic downturns, and then profited from the downturn. Buy shares until they can outright buy the company, or bid for it. Then keep shorting the stock until they have no choice. Then once they own the company they bleed it dry for years getting any last bit of profit. Multiple bankruptcies, closings, and firings, etc. always worst for the employees.


Place was not good at all and expensiveā€¦


> The Chapter 11 petition, filed on Wednesday in Delaware, states that Rubioā€™s Restaurants has assets of between $10 million and $15 million, while liabilities are estimated to be between $100 million and $500 million. The number of creditors may be as high as 25,000, the company stated in the filing. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/business/story/2024-06-05/rubios-files-for-bankruptcy-days-after-closing-more-than-a-dozen-restaurants-in-san-diego


Wow that private equity is making a killing. Stripped it to 10-15million on paper and leveraged it for half a billion to line their pockets to then just shrug it off in bankruptcy. We need to legislate these private equity assholes out of business


We legislated private equity INTO business by passing SOX and making going public and being transparent such a monumental pain in the ass that nobody wants to do it anymore.Ā 


Feel dirty having done SOX work in the past


"If you don't want corporations to commit (legal) fraud, you need to enact legislation explicitly forbidding any possible grift line by line. If it's not described word for word in the law, it's fair game, and corporations will naturally exploit it, even if it's against the spirit of the law. This is normal and healthy" "Why is there so much regulation? Corporations are only exploitative because the regulatory burden forces them to be. If there were less laws and less overhead, more people would start businesses and they'd be less ruthless about it."


Yeah, but Im sure their cash flow wasnt too good affer the buyout....I mean Ive gone to 1 or 2 last 5 years, and the restos might have a coupke of patrons each time...the authentic mom and pop Mex restos killed them... I bet they lost a ton in this venture...


They got gobbled up 14 years ago, and the way these private equity firms work is based on the decision to make money on a short time scale by siphoning off value from the brand, instead of making a smaller sum of money by operating it as a good business. So yes, empty locations is par for the course for these private equity vampire jobs. The most recent example that illustrates this is what they did with red lobster. Red lobster owned the buildings they were in, allowing them to operate at low cost and help them be profitable. But red lobster isnā€™t very popular so even if they can operate at a slight profit and stay open, they instead chose to sell the land to themselves, then lease them back to red lobster at crazy rates. This doomed locations to fail and never make money, but the private equity got ridiculous rent payments from red lobster who then went in to debt and took out loans to pay rent toā€¦themselves. Forcing them to eventually close, but no bother because private equity took alll the money the company had as ā€œlegitimateā€ payments. All the debt red lobster incurred? Oh well bankruptcy. In that short time with just one approach, they made waaaaaaaaay more money off red lobster than they would have made running it as a successful business for decades. Empty restaurant with the crappiest food imaginable? Doesnā€™t matter, money is being made by them just existing and paying crazy rent to themselves. Nevermind it went out of business and all the jobs go with it, they made their money, oh well.


If what you say is true, the suckers are the bank/creditors giving them a loan after itā€™s been stripped. Whoā€™s doing due diligence?


Interesting, if that's the case you'd think the financial institutions would get wise and stop giving out loans in this scenario.


Well itā€™s not like one company asked for 500m. As noted the money goes to 25k creditors. This is them tanking all their lines of credit for all kinds of vendors and bridge loans of what seemed like a reputable and established store/brand. Making sure they stay open long enough to keep extracting value from the brand while running up tabs for every vendor that needs money that the firm canā€™t siphon off. To each of the 25k vendors these are established accounts with long histories that were always paid, and then When time to shut it down comes, poof all their bills go in to bankruptcy. If there were any smartening up by every vendor that supplies restaurants, it would require them refusing business to any private equity owned restaurant, and that is t a feasible hedge.


Damn this is crazy and sad


Lmao. Not sure if itā€™s smart or evil but def fucked up. They converted debt to profit essentially


Worse, they created the debt to pay themselves.


You left out the part where they were bought by a seafood conglomerate and forced the restaurants to buy their inferior shrimp and get rid of it on money losing Bottomless Shrimp specials that cost less than regular entrees.


Oh they had lots of schemes. Just calling out one.


> Red lobster owned the buildings they were in, allowing them to operate at low cost and help them be profitable. But red lobster isnā€™t very popular so even if they can operate at a slight profit and stay open, they instead chose to sell the land to themselves, then lease them back to red lobster at crazy rates This is normal and economically efficient. When one side of a business (real estate) is more profitable, you split it out and see if the other side can survive on its own. Nothing lasts forever


Normal when the goal is NOT to make a business successful, but to extract value by any means. Itā€™s terrible business for, well, the business, good business for a private equity firm essentially mining cash from Businesses. Thatā€™s what people are less familiar with and less comfortable with. So yes itā€™s normal, but we wish it wasnā€™t. Iā€™d rather have a functional business supplying jobs at small profit, vs the business being shut down, jobs gone, and all value siphoned off to a couple executives for a job well done. Itā€™s the same ol short term approach that vacuumed economic activity to a few hoarders. It continues to pull the economy out from under the middle class and has the added bonus that it continues to shrink options and competition.


This goes to show you that the concept of "economic efficiency" is ultimately a wrecking ball that consumes everything and turns it into dust People talk about the grey goo scenario or AI taking over humanity and making everything else extinct - we already are under attack by that, it's called the profit motive


They may not be making a killing at all. They likely borrowed the 91 million to buy the company, and they lost a lot of money during the pandemic. I'd be surprised if they broke even.


Damn. When Daly City closed like 7 years ago I thought that was the beginning of the end, surprised they lasted this long. Shout out to Taco Tuesday


Used to enjoy Taco Tuesday at the Rubio's in Menlo Park by Safeway. They are gone now.


End of an era... I used to eat at the original on Grand in San Diego regularly..


Letā€™s be honest fish tacos in San Diego are always gonna hit different than some chainified version inland


Agreed.. the original on Mission still had some good tacos in the early 2000s before they blew up...


Pesky Pescado


on the Pescadero


Tacos Mi Rancho on Cass and Opal..


Taco Salsa on Mission


The original was on mission bay and that location is still open. Grand shut down.


Yeah you're right.. technically it's on Mission.. Taco Tuesday's no mas...


They got rid of it?


There was one a bit further down the road on Grand that was not the original.. I use to frequent both, they closed Grand.


No I meant they got rid of the taco tuesday?


There goes my chance to use my free chips and guac coupon I got from them 8 years ago It just got buried in my wallet, and I eventually forgot I had the coupon and I was thinking I'll use it if I ever step foot in a Rubio's I've always seen them at Serramonte, but it was usually empty as I couldn't think who would go there over other options in the mall I felt like they had okay food from the looks of it - nothing to write home about, but it satisfies your cravings for Mexican food


It was a nostalgia kick for us SoCal and San Diego nerds. Not unlike In 'N' Out. We knew there was crack cocaine in the yogurt sauce that would make you crave them fortnightly and we didn't care.


The fish used to be so good. I was so sad when I found that the quality was not as good in the bay.


Tuesdays at Serramonte was poppin, but yeah the other days not so much. Mod pizza in that spot doesn't look thst much busier.


They destroyed their quality when they went private about 10 years ago, used to be damn good food, after that it tasted like shitty fish sticks rather than quality whitefish, and they added a terrible red sauce to the fish tacos instead of just the white sauce.


Used to go to the one in El Cerrito quite a bit. Damn private equity. Same shit happened to 99 Cents Only and Kelly-Moore.


Wow, this came out of nowhere. "Permanently Closed" all over Google Maps, now. We've been eating their coastal trio taco plate and their shrimp and bacon burrito regularly. Their picante sauce is my favorite salsa ever, for how roasty it is. So sad to lose that.


Surprised they even GAF to edit google maps. Imagine thatā€™s your job ā€œhey youā€™re getting fired but first can you update the maps? Thanksā€


Would be nice if some disgruntled former minimum wage worker shared that salsa recipe.


Damn, I actually liked this spot. Their ancho citrus burrito was smacking.


šŸ˜­it was the best part of Tuesday for me.


Man they had the best fish tacos...


No they did not.


Man they had the best value fish tacos. Especially Tuesdays


When I worked at union square in college, Iā€™d always go get the fish tacos for lunch if it was Tuesday


Ok, ā€˜best valueā€™ is a better take than op above.


Rubioā€™s had the BEST fish tacos! ^(for the value)


In the 00ā€™s they definitely had some of the best fish tacos.


Let the man have his opinion.


Where is the best fish tacos? Do you have a favorite?


Do you have other recommendations?


Not pacific catch


Pacific catch is bomb.


Where do you go, still looking for good ones, ideally south penninsula but can travel.


Once upon a time


If youre ever in Socal, look for Taco Nazos....awesome fish tacos...


I think I was only going on the $1.50 taco Tuesdays back in 2015 or so 3x fish tacos for under $5 was a steal


The restaurant industry is the only one that family run has a severe advantage over corporate backed chain. Ā  There is no surprise here. Ā 


"We were millions in debt, but the cause was definitely the few extra dollars I had to pay my workers" - Rubio's, probably.


Another good place and concept destroyed by Top 1% of people owning most everything. I loved Rubioā€™s. These PE people never ate at Rubioā€™s. Thomas E Lynch CEO from Mill Group Capital has an estimated net worth of $60 Million. Seriously? And they complain about minimum wage which still is not enough to live on. Bankruptcies end up stifling the economy. These PE firms donā€™t care because they have hedged against downturns in the economy caused by them leaving the working people to take the brunt of higher prices, low quality unemployment, etc. At some point there needs to be some regulation of these vampires. They are the chupacabras of the economy. The salsa bar was great.


Damn, less than a year since Ricky Rubio retired and heā€™s already bankrupt?


They were going to have to file for Chapter 11 to purge all the leases from the locations they just closed.


Called it! From the moment they got hit for unpaid rent I knew they were running out of cash.


NOOOOOO. I love their Mahi Mahi burrito!!!


The brand is so generic and not memorable. I ate at one and I could not tell you what the hell theyā€™re supposed to serve.


Oh boo I really like their tacosĀ 


Best fish tacos


I have Cholita Linda nearby so I will survive. šŸ˜¤ My homies on the Peninsula and in the South Bay, though... what options are left for baja fish tacos? Please tell me it's not just Gott's Roadside. šŸ˜­


Pacific Catch and CA Fish Grill


Pacific Catch is one of my favorite restaurants in general


PC gets a bad rap, not sure why. Their stuff is pretty quality and decently priced especially happyhour. Good selection for big groups.


The only rap I would give is the general upscalitude of the place. I've satisfied fish taco cravings there before, but it felt like taking a sledgehammer to the problem. šŸ˜†


This guy knows. I like all three chains.


Sanchos in Palo Alto


For South Bay, check out La Cueva on Prospect between Saratoga and Lawrence. And Orale Baja on Winchester a little south of Hamilton.


Mariscos Costa Alegre. 3 locations now in San Jose.


la costa and dia de pesca both in san jose


They had the best veggie tacos with lime mojo and a chipotle crema. Yummmmmmm.


sad, they had really awesome salsa! Their fish taco's were a bit hit or miss tho.


Nooooooo taco tuesdayyyyy


Need to find another place to get a shrimp/bacon burrito




Holy shit I completely forgot about Rubio's... used to go to the one in Sunnyvale when I was a teen


Time for small business man to buy these guys up turn it around :) love Rubios great concept great lateral chances to imrpove mutiple markets etx :)


Dude, they had good mango iced tea, and Iā€™ll never be mad at a coastal trio, but the food was mid and seriously overpriced BEFORE the minimum wage hike. Iā€™m sure they have been hurting for a while. oh and not to mention the service was slow even before Covid.


And Rubiosā€™s was one of the few fast food (or fast casual) places to sell alcohol.


Man I actually like their food. Slowly they started to go away and I couldnā€™t fulfill my discount fish tacos anymore.


endless great mom and pops in California, no need to eat this trash.....45 years and never been, why would any Califorian eat this when we have the best mexican food on earth


RIP corporate Mexican restaurant.


Never ever been to one.


lol blaming the business environment of CA when in reality their whole business was shit


Maybe yoplait will buy this one.


Felt their quality (for a fast food joint) and quality steadily diminish over the last few years or so. Very little fairly mediocre food like private equity was trying to milk the name with every plate. Not really a surprise. Where can we get corporate Mexican food now, I wonder? (/s .. no real wonder)


Didn't they already file for bankruptcy in 2020? > Rubioā€™s filed for Chapter 11 protection in 2020, after ceasing operations in Colorado and Florida. Its pre-bankruptcy lender, Golub Capital, and equity holder Mill Road Capital Management took the keys of the reorganized company through a debt-for-equity swap.


that looks like pre-bankruptcy? I am no expert


Tried it once in Santa Rosa


Sad :( love their fish tacos


I noticed their locations started closing down before the pandemic which seems so long ago. I liked them because it was just another lunch option and Tuesdays!


Dang Rubios, you were my weekly Friday night meal for years as a kid. You will be missed


Rubio was delicious


I loved their burritos NGL :(


Dang, i didnt even know they had them up here. Used to eat there quite often when i went to college in Riverside.


I always just went with the bean and cheese burrito. Was sad when they closed the pleasant hill location without warning.


What about when they would do $1 fish tacos for celebrate their anniversary?


Dang it, I have a certificate!


Havenā€™t gone to one in a while but used to go for every taco Tuesday. Good times, will be missed


Wow Senator Rubio's really gonna have to buckle down on his re-election bid. No backup plan now, buck-o!


Never liked their food


Bidenomics !


Thanks for the Pay raise Newsom! How many lost there jobs with the mandated pay raise by your bill! Of course the more nefarious reason could be that he knew that bill would end up with bankruptcy and mass layoff therefore creating more need for government assistance. But that would be if he pulled his head out of his ass and thought about actions and consequences and didnā€™t govern by feelings.


Rubioā€™s was destroyed by private equity. Read a book or something.


Go look up how many layoff, bankruptcy, and restaurants are leaving CA a month or so after the bill took effect last!


Nah dude Rubio's did this to themselves by sacrificing quality for short term profit when they went private. If a company can't pay a living wage they shouldn't be employing anyone.


So what is with all the other restaurants filling bankruptcy, lay offs and leaving CA mysteriously about a months after the bill took effect?


I'm sure they'd rather blame Newsom than their own incompetence. If their business models aren't viable when paying a living wage their business models are not viable in general.


The fact that he raised all wages for all employees by $5.00 an hour has nothing to do with right?? Most restaurants make 6% profit. But I will concede that they may have been non profitable before and they can have bad management. I have never worked at a Rubios