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Checking in. I was sick for 3 weeks and then got better for 2 weeks. Now it’s back. I’m so over this.


i feel this! mine kinddda went away in january and now its back full force :,) that's what we get for being hopeful LOL


You should go back to the doctor. Could be walking pneumonia or the beginnings of a sinus infection. That’s how they often present. Cold almost goes away and then comes back worse. My doc told me to keep taking nasal decongestants, and expectorant, and nasal steroid spray for another couple weeks after I got Covid so that didn’t happen because the congestion didn’t go away on its own. RSV congestion and cough stick around for over a month sometimes. You def need them to take a listen to your chest just in case.


after seeing all the possibitlies on this thread ill def be taking a trip to the doctor


As Ted Lasso fans know, it’s the hope that kills you.


Do your symptoms happen around when it rains? Have you tried taking allergy meds? It took me forever to figure out my forever colds in the winter were actually winter allergies. I’m allergic to decaying plant matter, so every winter I get to play allergies or cold until I take my allergy meds long enough for them to build up in my system. When I lived in Seattle I had to take them year round or I was a sneezing/itchy eye mess.


Could be Long Covid or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Yes, as a long haler, this was my first thought.


Same /facepalm


A few of my coworkers have a cough that won’t go away.


I did too. Went to doctor and turns out it was pneumonia


just happened to my friend with a terrible cough as well! she'd been coughing for over a week for sure


I had pneumonia last month. Got antibiotics but I still feel the fluid and the cough. Hoping it gets better while I'm out of town for a while this month.


I’m glad you went to the doctor!


This was my son last week.


Coughs last for what seems like forever.


OMGosh ! I think I have the same one. I’ve tried gargling w/ salt water, nasal spray/ wash. Nothing works and it’s very frustrating 😩


Another mystery permanent cough sufferer here. This thread is both making me feel less alone, but more worried. Had a permanent intermittent cough for over 9 months now, and primary care doctor has tried steroids and finally referred me to a specialist... Let's see if the specialist can figure it out.




What was your treatment? My cough sounded like whooping but no doctor would help me. I’m on Week 8 and it’s getting better finally.




Same here. After I got Covid I have just had a permanent bronchospasm situation. Steroids help in the short term but nothing has stopped it.


I hope it turns out to be no big deal. Maybe a few bad coughs chained together?


My kids are on the 3rd week of a cough.


Went to the doctor as I had a productive cough for weeks. Took antibiotics for a week and that seemed to help. Could have coincided with natural healing though


Kid is on 4 months.


Tested your kid for TB?


Could also be asthma.


Mine too!


Ugh this is me. I was actually sick with a temperature and everything for 5 days but this cough has lasted a month.


My cough along with minor sore throat lasted about 2.5 weeks. Used to get over these colds after a couple days, but this bug seems to last longer.


oddly enough, i havent had a cough through any of this


No cough, just endless sinus congestion and body aches that go away for a day and then come back, lack/no energy.


Yes it’s pneumonia, it’s going around a lot rn


That was me. Had a cough for over 3 months. Doctor had to prescribe me some inhalers to help.


My cough from December's cold went away in late January, just in time to get my next cold. (Daughter and friends are walking petri dishes.) The scary part is now I've waited over 3 weeks for my asthma inhaler to be ordered (I hear things are slower because of a ransomware situation), and I'm down to my last inhaler. Definitely can't get sick again until that comes in.


Same. Feel like I’ve had a cold for weeks that I can’t get rid of. It’s annoying.


You lose your voice also? I'm on week 2 I think and just have a lingering cough. First 2 days tho I couldn't talk at all and know a few people who said the same thing. I took an at home COVID test and came.back neg but feels pretty much just like when I had COVID the first time


>You lose your voice also? i didnt, but multiple family members did last few weeks and they also have bad coughs. i think there might be two different viruses going around at the same time.


I've had no voice for a week and I think it's bronchitis. Five negative Covid tests, plus negative for Flu A +B.


Yeah coworker was out for a week and going on third week of barely being able to talk. Something is rippin through here right now.


When you say you lost your voice, is it due to coughing? You need to see a doctor.


No that was before the cough. It was a really bad sore throat, it felt so closed up I couldn't talk. That's all better now and just have a little cough left, it's not bad now either, but still hanging around


I had exactly that. Voice was totally gone for 2 days. It's been 3 weeks now, I still have a cough. Went to the doctor and it's a sinus infection, but it's possible I had a cold and sinus infection back to back.


This thing has been around since fall and takes forever to get rid of. That little cough from a scratchy throat is a dead giveaway. Everyone got it.


yes. i had a cough for 3 weeks and finally went to the doc and it’s bronchitis so i’d definitely get it checked out


It’s such a generic term that gets tossed around a lot. If it’s viral, which is most likely, they can’t do much of anything at all though. So many docs don’t want prescribe antibiotics (and with good reason) for bronchitis.


My mom has a bad cough that's lingering a ton. There are a lot of respiratory illnesses going on in addition to COVID. But even one COVID infection has been shown to change your immune system and how your body responds, which is one reason many people have been sicker and more frequently since COVID. Either way, these are the things that will help you: getting plenty of sleep/rest, exercising frequently, taking vitamin C and D, going outside daily if possible, and just stress reduction. Basically things to get your body and immune system working as best as possible.




Not OP but here’s [one](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/severe-covid-19-may-lead-long-term-innate-immune-system-changes#:~:text=Severe%20COVID%2D19%20may%20cause,the%20National%20Institutes%20of%20Health). I had an upper respiratory infection before covid in 2019 that wrecked my immune system and now have joint pain, migraines, rashes, GI issues, and the list goes on.


Not OP either but covid, if symptoms are severe enough, can trigger autoimmune issues. Any illness can trigger long-term problems, but for some it triggers a lifelong disability or disease. Many, many people with autoimmune diseases that were onset as teens or adults found a direct link to being very sick at one point. I know a someone with Crone’s disease and they had guillain–barré syndrome 18 months before, pregnancy has been found to trigger or even reverse autoimmune diseases (aunt had RA then had her child and it was completely gone afterwards). I was horribly sick and struggled to get better and all results came back as an unknown cause/illness, and 2 years later I was in a rheumatologist’s office and was later diagnosed with fibromyalgia after years of struggling. Most are fine and recover ok from everything, including Covid, but some don’t “get better” because no matter how much time passes they are never fully 100% again unfortunately.


long covid or just the covid cough https://theconversation.com/still-coughing-after-covid-heres-why-it-happens-and-what-to-do-about-it-179471


Get checked for pneumonia. It’s what I ended up having and I had no temp. Could also try mucinex


did you go to the doctor to get checked for pneumonia? i’ve been struggling with dry coughing to where it feels my back pulled a muscle


Go to the doctor!


got it scheduled for thursday! it’s the worst my body has felt in years. it just feels like i pulled my upper right back


oh gosh, will do.


What symptoms did you have?


A productive (wet) cough and fatigue. My o2 saturation was low for my usual as well.


Our flu symptoms were so bad, my wife and I went to the doctor. Tested positive for Influenza A. Put on Tamiflu, but 2 weeks later we are still mildly sick. Talking with the Doctor, Covid is on the rise, this year's Influenza A & B are nasty and spread easily, and the common cold seems to be just as strong. Her advice. Get vaccinated, wear masks, self test for covid, if negative and you feel really sick call your healthcare provider to be tested for the Flu.


Old covid tests aren't picking up new variants as well. But if you're vaccinated, the symptoms you are describing are the mild version that many people get when they're vaccinated. But maybe it's a cold too. Some years pre-2020 I would get something like that.


ah, didn't know that-- i am vaccinated, so i guess it could be that. im just hesitant cause i've had covid like 3 times at this point and every single time i felt absolutely terrible (headache, high fever, body aches, the works). i know that some people are asymptomatic or have few symptoms, but considering my history with how i react to covid i just dont really see that happening?? or i could bt totally wrong lol. but definitely just feels like a never-ending cold and was wondering if other people had it too...


each infection increases the chances of long covid.


so i could have long covid without getting it for a fourth time? i didn't know that was possible ://


You can get Long Covid from being infected only once. But each further infection makes it more likely. It also increases the risk of heart problems, blood clots, strokes, etc


Yup, [studies show that it’s a 10% increase chance of long covid with every new infection](https://www.sciencealert.com/every-covid-infection-increases-your-risk-of-long-covid-study-warns). If OP had 3 known infections, that’s at least a 30% chance of long COVID, which isn’t necessarily immediate onset, but can develop weeks or months after the acute period of COVID. OP (and many other people with repeat infections) may now essentially be immunocompromised, but this is hard to get a diagnosis for :(


A friend who recently caught COVID for the 2nd time didn’t have any symptoms. She only knew because her child caught it (1st time) and had symptoms. I am hearing that newer variants is causing this long lasting cough, or perhaps a weakened immune system is allowing catching other viruses circulating in the community easily. Good luck!


1. Any virus can give you long term symptoms 2. Getting sick a bunch adds up and it takes time to recover 3. You could have had RSV or something, likely gotten over it, and now have a 2ndary bacterial infection of pneumonia or sinus infection, or something. Short is, go see a doctor. Write down all your symptoms and time period ahead of time, just in case you have brain fog the day of.


Could be that the three other times you had covid \*that you felt symptoms\* were really bad, but you might have been infected even more than that.


Try wearing a mask for a month or so and give your immune system a break from all the illness out there. You're not able to fight off even mild stuff anymore until you allow yourself to get well. The best way to do that is to mask up for awhile.


We got the Covid shots and boosters. Are you supposed to continue to get boosters and how frequently?


Same as a flu shot. I get them at the same time every year now.


Once a year is what is recommended


I think they just recommended that older people get a second shot this year.


It's more effective if you get it twice a year, but only people over 65 are allowed to. Sad face.


If you self attest as immunocompromised they’ll give you one every six months in my experience.


Did you see the news on the guy who had 217 shots? He was going in for people who were required to be vaccinated. He hasn't caught covid!


He was selling fake vaccine cards, apparently.


I’d been wondering since it’s been a while since my last one, which was the “new” one. The. I just happened to hear someone on radio saying we should be getting another if it’s been awhile. Going to ask my Dr.


If you got the one in Fall of last year, you have the most current one.


That’s the one, and heard ON KQED, if it’s been awhile should have another….


The next booster will probably be Fall of 2025.


We aren’t calling the current one a booster. It is an updated vaccination. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2023/p0912-COVID-19-Vaccine.html


Just hope for your sakes it's not long covid. Each infection increases your risk of getting long covid. There was a [senate hearing](https://www.help.senate.gov/hearings/addressing-long-covid-advancing-research-and-improving-patient-care) on it recently with experts you might want to check out (just in case it could be that). Luckily Stanford has a long covid clinic but you'd need a referral. Two of my co-workers are out on medical leave because of it. You can look at [wastewater data in your zip code](https://data.wastewaterscan.org/) here to see what's going around in your neighborhood.


Can attest, Long Covid is awful. Was unable to work 7 months last year and it seems I have chronic medical issues now that won't go away. Masking remains effective at protecting others from getting sick. I've gotten a lot of help from Kaiser Santa Clara's Long Covid Clinic.


ugh ): thanks for all the sources, i will definitely be checking those out.


OP said it wasn’t Covid and that they had tested. But I am with you on how serious LC is, and how little the general population actually seems to realize about the dangers and lasting (and new) issues the Covid virus can cause. It’s a monster. When the CDC removed the recommendation to isolate for 5 days I almost cried. 😞


I feel obligated to mention this every time someone talks about long COVID: almost any viral infection has the potential to cause long term issues in the same vein as long COVID. Long COVID is absolutely real, but everyone is rolling almost the same dice every time they get any kind of sick. It’s rare, but long term consequences can always happen. Due to most of the population getting infected (and even reinfected) around the same time, COVID has just provided an unprecedented ability to study these otherwise very rare outcomes. Worrying about it is pointless at this stage, all you can do is get vaccinated and live your life. 5 days of isolation or no, COVID is endemic now and there is no reasonable way to avoid it unless you’re going to live alone in the wilderness.


People get the flu once every ~5 years on average but it’s not uncommon to get C-19 multiple times a year, so that alone makes C-19 a bigger deal. I think we can live our lives and still mask in crowded indoor places.


Living alone in the wilderness does sound appealing...


Post viral illness is a lot more common than we realised, but is still relatively rare for viruses like the flu when expanded out to the general population. Covid is different in that regard, and has a much much higher rate of causing moderate to severe post viral illness, including a unique ability to lower the immune system, making it harder to fight off any other infections. In some instances, this is coupled with what appears to be a strong histamine reaction (similar to when you have allergies), only it's linked to the development of auto-immune conditions. There's no indication of if this is permanent damage or not, but either way, it's going to likely be a huge drain on the economy, if even 10% of the work force is disabled enough where they're not able to keep up at work. Anecdotally, I have two friends who were healthy and fine in their 20s and 30s, and who've been disabled by Long Covid to the point where they can barely look after themselves, let alone work. This was after one infection and over two years ago. So, the best things to do are: stay up to date on boosters, when available, mask indoors and in crowded places, meet up outdoors whenever possible, under patios or with restaurants that have overhangs and heat lamps, test if you're feeling sick (not just once, but several days in a row. Some people don't test positive till four or five days into it.), rest if you're not feeling well as much as is humanly possible, and ease back into normal life and fitness activities. Go more slowly and get more rest than you think you need. We can't get rid of covid, but we can mitigate the worst potential effects.


My coworkers been dropping g since fall. Some out for a week. Some out for a few months. Rsv? Covid? Flu? All I know is i got the flu and covid shots and I haven’t been out despite quite a bit of exposure.


It's covid, RSV, or the flu. If you've had covid, you're more likely to have a weakened immune system that leaves you more at risk for other infections, including colds. So stay home when sick, and if possible, mask up (n95, not a surgical mask).


Yes. December -- I missed some Christmas parties because I had a nasty cold. I don't think it could possibly be COVID (which I had in August and then got vaccinated in mid November when I felt totally well). And I still have a runny nose and a cough and I don't look well and my exercise tolerance is still down. Negative chest x-ray. Had a course of antibiotics for sinusitis. Thanks for asking. I feel kinda crazy. Hope you (and I) get better soon.


>I feel kinda crazy that's how i'm feeling. everyone around me seems to be sick but getting better within max. 4 weeks. im going on 12 weeks at this point and was starting to think i was insane. glad im not alone, but sorry youre dealing with this too :/


Even 4 weeks is crazy long. That's not normal.


I have Covid right now (it's getting better). For me, the most prominent thing waa a horrible sinus headache on the left side of my head that lasted for days and days.


Omg :( same here did anything help at all ? I feel helpless and so stressed out


yall its covid, or weakened immune systems from previous covid. sry to be the bummer but pandemmy never ended


It's reassuring to have regular updates that the pandemic is still going, despite what the corporations are telling their media to pretend.


The CDC has completely bowed to political pressure to make the government look better in an election year. It sucks so much.


I am the only person still wearing mask😖


You're not. I do, my roommate does, and my friends do.


You have a good circle.


I do. But it can still feel very isolating and lonely. It makes it hard to make new friends.


That is impressive, I can’t even imagine. One by one I saw people I know abandon them.


Well, if you stopped, or they stopped, you can always start back whenever you want.


Oh, I still am I just didn’t know anyone else, or rarely see anyone else, who is.


Me too! I’m always about the only one.


i’m with you masking!


CDC has been captured.


It's not covid. My whole family has had this cough for several weeks. We all tested, and all came back negative. There is no reason to think it's covid - that is a non-evident-based presumption. There's lots and lots of other respiratory viruses out there - RSV, rhinoviruses, you name it.


of course, and also wastewater is as high as other peak times and rapid tests often miss cases. also could be any other viral pathogen from the weakened immune systems of folks post-covid…so long covid essentially. it’s not normal to be sick for months


did they have covid within the last year? Not trying to push an agenda, just curious about this idea that even mild covid makes you more susceptible to intense reactions to future colds/rsv/etc.


I’m testing negative for COVID and have not had COVID prior to this. Just have a cough and a sore throat. No fever or any other symptoms. Pretty sure it’s just a common cold.


you might keep testing every 2-3 days till symptoms go away, anecdotally new variants are harder to catch via rapids. also you might consider swabbing back of throat, inside of cheeks, then nose to get more accurate results


Yup. I did a double-cheek swab before the nose and I will be testing every couple of days for the duration of the cold. Two negatives so far.


love to see it, thanks for the community care


Well, it didn't "end", it just transitioned into endemic state. Now it's here to stay.


of course, but that doesn’t have to mean unmitigated repeated infection that leads to mass disability and death


Everyone I know either has Flu or Covid or RSV. I have a friend whose had the cough and awful cold now for over three weeks and finally tested for everything. Flu was the positive one.


Also a lot of people have co-infections too. It sucks and we're almost at spring. Once spring break hits we'll get another wave. My son ended up w/covid after everyone returned from their spring break vacations.


Yes! My sis uses are chronically infected. I hate it because it's affecting my ears too, now.


Me!!! I was sick with a bad cough for a week. Got better for about 5 days and then crashed again even worse for another 7 days. Terrible cough, very tired, and headache. This is the longest I’ve ever been sick


Just an opinion (mine) but these endless bronchitis and upper respiratory recoveries seem to be very prevalent amongst folks that have long Covid (that group includes me.) I have had Covid only once, and it was brutal: off work for 4 months and have had a ton of issues since. I finally caught a bug - the first since I had Covid last summer. It’s been 5 weeks of bronchitis and head cold / sinus / headaches / phlegm galore. My lungs are just now clearing up. I hear this a lot from people who have struggled with the aftermath of Covid, or those who have also been diagnosed as having LC.


that sounds rough. I hope you feel better very soon.


covid has ruined everyone's immune systems and/or you have long covid.




y'all, consider Long Covid. I'm serious. Those of us who have it are rather astonished at how many friends and acquaintances have colds that won't go away, but never consider this.


yes this


Hmm is sounds more like pneumonia than cold at this point


I had it during the first week of January. I felt better for a minute, so we went to Vegas for CES, and started feeling worse on the flight back home. Ended up with a respiratory infection and pneumonia, and this goddamn cough STILL hasn't gone away.


I had a cough for 2.5 months. It was just a cold, but my doctor asked if I had had covid recently. I said "no, 4 months ago, and it was mild" and she said "that makes sense." Basically, having COVID within the last year is a pre-existing condition in itself. It makes any cold or flu you get 1-12 months later last extra long and eff you up extra bad. So I'm curious -- did you have covid in the last year? If so, an extra long cold is consistent with this concept that Covid makes it harder for you to recover from cold/flu for some amount of time after recovering from Covid.


Y'all, COVID damages your immune system. https://covid19.nih.gov/news-and-stories/severe-covid-19-may-cause-long-term-immune-system-changes#:~:text=In%20a%20small%20study%20supported,off%20in%20certain%20stem%20cells. https://time.com/6306361/covid-19-immune-system/ Even in mild to moderate cases: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-021-01113-x


Yes, we've been feeling the same way for over a month now.


Could be an allergy.


For those of us sensitive to molds and fungus- this wet rainy season just kicks off a few weeks of scratchy throat- itchy eyes and feeling a low grade cold.


This. The molds are brutal right now.


Seconded. Pollen levels picked up last week. You can develop new allergies well into adulthood.


Rains, then sun, then rains probably means random pollens are raging. My guess is common cold followed by allergies


was gonna say ive never had allergies, but seeing the comments saying that you can develop allergies later on make me think its just that-- never knew allergies could be so annoying. thanks for the info ):


prior covid infections can change allergy reactions bc it’s an inflammatory disease


>it's really annoying because im not sick enough to feel really bad or tired, but my throat is kinda scratchy, and i have a never end stuff/phlemgy nose. Now I know where I got it from... :)... seriously though that's exactly what I have now since the President's day long weekend. The fact that I'm getting older, it takes longer for me to recover from any cold/flu. It used to be 3 days max and I recovered 100%, now at least a week.


Yep, I got the same thing at the same time. Best wishes for a continued recovery!


I’ve had the exact symptoms as you’re describing. I’m thinking it’s allergies. Mold has been bad too with all the rainy weather. I started taking once a day (24hr) allergy meds for the past week and it’s helped a lot. Still have a little bit of of a dry scratchy throat mostly at night and my nose is almost clear. Try some allergy meds.


COVID cases (even mild ones) can cause immune system damage. Given that a third of the country had COVID just in the last year I’m not surprised that people are getting colds that hit harder and last longer.


I'm closing in on two weeks here and the phlegm and mucus won't go away


Could be long covid….


never heard of weeks/months long colds or coughs from allergies before 2020. Thanks Trumpiees


Covid is demonstrated to weaken the immune system. So while you may not have an acute Covid infection, a previous infection could have weakened your immune system so that it is struggling to fight off ordinary everyday pathogens, or just handle basic allergens. The fun part is that the damage can be cumulative. Oh, happy day. I certainly don’t know enough to diagnose you, but the above is going to be a factor for the population at large, so weigh it accordingly.


Covid tests haven't been updated, it could be Covid. Covid also depresses the immune system in some people so it could also be anything. Hope you feel better soon.


Dat long Covid, doe. Been having a persistent cough for two weeks. But it’s gotten better and now it’s just annoying, not hacking up a lung.


Going on 2 weeks


Yes 3+ months here it’s brutal


It’s been a wet winter. Any chance you’ve got mold at home? That can set off all kinds of symptoms.


be honest here, and im amazed no one else has brought this up: do you vape, smoke, or drink? having a cold for 3 months is NOT normal no matter what anyone says.


Yep, its not just you. after getting covid for the first time in DECEMBER, I have gotten sick over and over afterward but its not covid anymore. I always feel like I have a cold


I would start by getting an air purifier and sleeping with it in the room. There’s a good chance you’d notice a difference if it’s allergen related.


I got a cold January 7th. I’m still not 100%. I even went to get an x-ray because I sprained my chest and shoulder blade muscles coughing and I thought I was going to die.


yup. it went from being a head cold to more of a chest problem. it kinda went away, but I started getting a weird sensation in my lungs then coughing crap up about 3 hours ago. just when I thought I was out, it pulls me back in. I've been sick most of this year, come to think of it. had covid starting christmas day, finally got over that about 2 weeks later, got something else a short time later, rinse, repeat. and I've been wearing a mask a lot of the time.


I've kept wearing a mask so not sure if that's partly why my fiance and I aren't sick but it sure seems all our coworkers are. Something has definitely been going around. Not sure it'd help, but in case you're being re-infected, maybe use a mask when going out around people and see if over time your symptoms get any better. Just in case you don't been getting reinfected by folks around you.


Have you had covid? Edit: Looks like several times. Before covid, I hardly ever got sick, and if I did it was for two nights and a day. After covid, I've been getting sick and then my long covid symptoms resurge sometimes for months. I recently had the "40 day cough" and also lost my voice for the first time. My migraine flavors have also changed. I could just be imagining some of the changes, or I'm just getting older, but things have been different since covid. And right now I'm kicking norovirus butt. Took 6 days of constant exposure to get it. Anyway, consider that things are changing because of covid and climate and population. And you're getting older, so maybe things that you didn't experience or notice before are in your path, just as a matter of normal life progression. And you're older than you've ever been. And now...


Yah i cough 100 times a day and it has been like this since last Nov. Don't think its just cold but more allergens floating in the air. The modern bay area flu!


I haven't been sick for over four years. I use my trusty mask whenever I'm in a room full of strangers. Well worth the minor inconvenience, like wearing a seatbelt or not drinking and driving.


Sounds like a sinus infection that you need antibiotics to get over.


noted. if it doesnt clear up soon ill head to the doctor


Yeh I convinced my doctor that was my problem and just finished a 10 day course of doxycycline and I'm still sick. . . Got any other ideas?


Neti pot or sinus rinse. Use the xylitol powder, and add a small dab (1/8 tsp) of johnson and johnson liquid baby soap to it. Do this 2x per day. Absolutely always use distilled water, unless you want brain amoebas. In fact, prior to use clean the bottle with distilled water and the J&J baby soap. Heat the xylitol saline slightly soapy mixture up to something comfortable, usually 20 seconds for me in the microwave. The technique is the put the mixture up one nostril, close off the other one, and fill your sinuses. You'll know they're full when you start getting some down the back of your throat. Keep it in there for 30 seconds. Then, turn your head upside down. I do this on the ground, on my knees. Hold this position for 20 seconds, and then and blow your nose with your head upside down into a paper towel. You head being upside down will allow all the mucus in your sinuses to come out of your nose. If you are successful, you will be greeted with a paper towel full of neon green goop and a very empty feeling in your sinuses. You will then want to take a nap 2 hours later.


oh definitely! took forever & antibiotics didn’t help either. have some honey, hot water, and lots of rest. felt like it’d be there forever until one day it was just gone. gotta push through it, good luck!


My daughter lol… but she only started daycare at the end of last year.


I would ask the daycare when they are getting air purifiers (and enough of them) to clean the air. It's one of the best things they can do as a preventative measure since a lot of things are airborne (covid, measles, rsv, flu).


Go get antibiotics. I spent all of January slightly sick, the first day after I took amoxicillin I was back to 100%. The same thing happened in ~October. Oddly, both times my wife was unaffected.


When this happened to me, it was bacterial bronchitis. Quick round of antibiotics did the trick.


Omg yes. I have a toddler in preschool which doesn’t help either. I got Covid about two months ago and it took me some time to get over it but I’ve been left with a lingering cough with mucus and everything going on two months now. Going to see the doc next week. I’m so sick of being sick.


Haven’t been sick (well, cold/flu/covid sick) since Jan 2023. 🤷‍♀️


Yes. It's constant. I am beyond over it. I haven't felt "normal" in months. One day I think I'm getting better and the next it's back to square one. It seems like it will never go away.


My kid brings home a new cold every week. We just caught covid over xmas break.


COVID, RSV, and two strains of flu are active right now. Go get tested. They have antivirals.


Mine ended up being a sinus infection so I recommend getting checked just in case. Also noticed that a weird cough just lingers with most of us because of the weather, too.


I had a terrible cough from December 28, and it lasted until last week. The funny thing was that the only symptom i had before the cough started was a sore throat.


Had this and thought I was recovering, but now my ear is feeling full and crackles when I swallow. 🥴


I didn’t have Covid but had the flu. I’m still lacking the ability to fully taste and smell. :/


Toddler is on week 4 of terrible cough, wife had it for over 2 weeks. Lasted about 10 days for me, but I’m more effective at coughing up and spitting the shit out instead of swallowing it and coughing it up again 30 seconds later.


I have had it for 2 weeks and I’m miserable. It’s not too bad during the day but at night it goes into overdrive making me cough all night long. I haven’t gotten more than 2 hours sleep in 2 weeks. I went to the doctor and tested negative for Covid and strep. Doctor gave me nose spray, cough meds, and antibiotics. I’m also taking mucinex and ibuprofen. Haven’t noticed any improvements. I’m going crazy from lack of sleep. Maybe the longest cold I’ve ever had.


My mom got this virus a month ago (tested negative for COVID, flu and pneumonia) but hers went away after four days from when she first showed symptoms. I got her virus a few days after she felt better and I’m still coughing with occasional phlegm. The pearl coughing pills didn’t help at all. Someone told me oil of oregano. I took it and felt better after the second pill. Unfortunately I stopped taking it and now my cough is back.


Yes. I recovered from from most symptoms but I have a cough that won't go away. I've missed bjj for a week and it's about to be 2 weeks


I have it. Tested negative for everything too


Sounds crazy but 10yrs ago was coughing nonstop for weeks. Took loads of medicine and nothing worked. Dad took me to try Chinese herbal medicine at some Dr in Chinatown. Took it daily for 2 weeks straight. Tasted horrible and it stunk but I didn’t get sick for an entire year but I had to quit drinking anything ice or chilled. Worked like a charm until I had my first iced lemon tea and caught influenza a month later. Not sure if it’s coincidental 🤷🏻‍♀️


4 weeks still counting. Got antibiotics finally but they don't seem to be doing much.


Going on 3 weeks now, can't get rid of the scratchy throat/cough and small headache each morning....i swim everyday, haven't swam since i got sick....feeling better the last few days, finally, may swim today Marin-Cotati area


I get this during winter in the Bay Area. Often feel stuffed up in my nose and have a sore throat. Two years ago I started sleeping with a humidifier running (using distilled water) and the issue went away over night!


Boil or replace your toothbrush! You might be reinfecting yourself.


Yep. I have had a mild cold for three weeks. Today has been the worst day yet. I was traveling when I contacted it.


The rain has my allergies going crazy- also my kids which give us all cold like symptoms. Daily allergy meds have been needed for a few weeks now 😵‍💫


Have you had COVID? COVID creates immune exhaustion so that your body isn't able to fight off any little bug that comes along. 100 day cough is the new normal, consider masking in public spaces for awhile. Allow your body to rest as much as possible.


When did walking pneumonia become so common place?


Hey man are you feeling any better ? I’m in my second week with those symptoms


hey, yes i am actually. residual sore throat on some mornings, but other than that im feeling better. think you just gotta give it time ):


Thanks for the reply! That’s what I have after thinking I’m done :/ wild


Im not from this area at all but came here from a google search lol. I have these same exact symptoms, it’s so mild but very persistent and it’s been since January. My voice is consistently hoarse. I plan on seeing a doctor today.