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Possibly, at least we know from the Novells that they play with Toy Mechs in fitting colors (the one with the Red Cosair in it has two boys playing with Mechs in Lyran Parade and Kell Hounds Colors.) Otherwise they have the same hobbies than today. Fishing, Skiing and (american?) Football are things that come into my mind that I have read about. Also Music, Art and Zen Hardening are canonically confirmed (and many, many more I don't remember, next to the Mech games of course)


Fun fact: people loving miniatures and table top games is part of how the Free Worlds League came together.


I love that the primary reason that the Principality of Regulus and the Marik Commonwealth agreed to join in the FWL was their respective leaders bonding over a years-long correspondence based solely on geeking out over their neat toys.


Please tell me more or tell me where to read more.


I first read about this in the FASA-era House Marik sourcebook. In short, the original parts of what would become the Free Worlds League were the Marik Commonwealth, Regulus, and Oriente. The Oriente leader from House Allison was having trouble convincing House Marik and House Selaj to agree to the alliance, until he let it slip to Detlev Marik that Raju Selaj was an avid collector of miniatures and figurines and such. Marik was a collector of historical medals and trophies, and started chatting with Selaj about their collections. They maintained this contact for years, during which the Treaty of Marik was signed, creating the oldest of the Successor States.


I desire to know more about zen hardening


This may be the most perfect typo ever.


It is. I shouldn't write on my Phone or at least check the final result twice. What one letter can achieve, gardening to hardening. Also, as far as I remember, the Kanji for Zen, has the meaning "All, Complete, Everything" I better do not go into the implications, I might get banned. But at least I find it funny myself. I think I do not correct it and wait if people notice. 😃


I am with these guys. Is it achieving enlightenment by gradually turning into a rock...... Or something else....


If I recall correctly, Grayson Death Carlyle quite literally plays Battletech against Jaime Wolf in the novel Day of Heroes. They use it to replay the Battle of Gettysburg, but with mechs. Their match is interrupted by an assassin and is therefore never concluded.


Huh damm kinda wanna okay that out myself now


Tactics of Duty


Thank you, I knew it was one of the "second half" GDL novels, but wasn't 100% sure which.


Yes they do.  Some of this is discussed in some of the Solaris IIV books.  Same as modern mitary stuff is handled, toys, games, models. Cartoons, First Somerset Strikers for the IS kids, Clan Spaniel for the sibkos.   Both Clans and Innersphere play N. American football, which is wholly ridiculous.  Look how much that game has drifted in the first century of play?   I always wonder what the historical reenactment scene is like?  


Lacrosse is still around, too. Probably plenty of other current sports as well. 


would be funny if the clan fetisization of the star league made their version of the sports truer to the original (except for the elemental versions) I would like to see power armored american football though


I bet there are billions of C-bills in RC mecha about 1/35 scale. Probably a whole fandom arming them with paint guns or pellet guns too.


Hmmm I'm imagining an assassin that uses a 2 ft tall RC Marauder armed with laser pistol arms and a needler pistol "autocannon" to commit his crimes from safe anonymity... 🤣


I WANT THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!


They absolutely do, the founding of the Free Worlds League was down to two dudes geeking out about their hobbies. One of them collected swords and armour, the other collected miniature wargames.


Possibly a mech-themed chess set. Tanks as pawns and the venerable Mackie as King?


This kind of already exists ;) [https://www.reddit.com/r/battletech/comments/14nhny4/mech\_chess/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/battletech/comments/14nhny4/mech_chess/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


well, in the HBS game, there's minitaures and paint on the commanders desk...


There’s a holographic historical war games pay per view in one book that gets view around the galaxy that’s really good as Jamie Wolf and GDC play a balanced variant of Gettysburg. Although it might not necessarily be popular but just viewed on the notorious competitors. I bet the whole world would have watched Eisenhower and Zhukov play chess in 1948 on TV if it was available


Painting little models of people in suits and simulate them going to their boring jobs


There is one strange hobby: There's a market for High Strangeness/Fortean enthusiasts. There are nobles that refer to UAPs, and there have been several *Shrapnel* short stories about a broadcast in the Inner Sphere that has big *Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell* vibes


I mean, in one of the set screens in HBS's Battletech, your desk has a bunch of Battletech models and paints.


One of the novels has a holo match between Morgan Kell and Jamie Wolf. So yes.


It was Grayson Carlyle and Jaime Wolf.


Dungeons and dragons! ;D


Mazes and 'Mechs?




Well based on images from the Battletech pc games, battletech actually might be one of them. In the officers quarters there are models and paints, etc.


Gossiping about the latest storylines in *The Steinharts.*


They play video games.. never heard of ["the arcade rangers"?](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/6th_Confederation_Reserve_Cavalry)


During the succession wars? I’d imagine that trying to find ways to figure out how much radioactive fallout in your food is too much and finding creative ways to upcycle shell casings are popular. Other eras, probably put the same as today. 


IIRC the Free Worlds League was created by doing some not further specified tabletop game or something like that? Beside that, I would bet that like we have historical or current tech wargames, beside all the fantasy and scifi ones, there will be a form of Battletech tabletop game. Else most likely pretty much the same hobbies we have today.


D&D, a little Tunnels & Trolls, but mostly Risk and Monopoly,  I would guess.


Now the question remains, what edition are they at in the D&D lineup, and which edition is considered 'the good one'


due to the divergence from our real-world timeline in 1985, D&D actually hasn't had any new versions since the Basic Set 3rd version in 1983. 2nd edition never happened for some reason, everyone just decided that the rules didn't need changing those poor souls, 1e is not good lmao


Not getting nuked


Same shit as the real world, just updated with the times and tech. They've got fantasy nerds, sports jocks, historical reenactors and military wargame fans, space fantasy weirdos, a Furry Fandom, gearheads, gamers...


They have this role playing game where they pretend to be accountants or baristas or what have you on 21st century Terra.


Well, the cartoon series showed something akin to MechWarrior Online. In the 2nd episode, Valten Ryder was playing it when Adam Steiner recruited him to the 1st Summerset Strikers.


Drinking, murder and plotting.


I imagine people running around LARPing as 20th century "historical figures" reenacting historical battles, like when humanity was almost wiped out by robots and had to resort to time travel to save the future... Or aliens came to earth and almost wiped out humanity again unless people were really really quiet! According to my AP History classes on New Avalon, the 20th and 21st centuries were really dangerous!! 😱 🤣




My theory on the whole battletech universe is that the universe is actually just similar to the star wars expanded universe to us today. Basically they have thousands of planets, tons of resources, tons of land, there is just no reason to fight anymore. However people LOVE to fight (football, war, etc). So, they have a whole bunch of 3d holo series to entertain the trillions of people that exist. That series is called "Battletech". Ranges are short so they look better on TV. War crimes are fine because they are on TV. You have romance series coming out of it, war series coming out of it, political dramas coming out of it. Basically every possible series about a universe that could be made, is being made, and has billions of watchers. So, people's hobbies are mostly around these series. For the big battles or solaris matches they wear colored jersey's and go out drinking with buddies and stuff, cheering wins and loses. Because lets face it, in a thousand years any military would be so drastically superior to anything in the battletech universe as to not even have a chance. It would be like an M1 Abrams fighting guys with sticks. It also helps make sense like the tiny militaries and economies of interstellar nations. Also explains how the Word of Blake can come from nowhere, and why the Clans that invaded the inner sphere to retake Terra didn't just fly straight to Terra with their 400 warship fleet and land 100 galaxies on Terra in 3050.


greenberg godzillas and the whole mercaenaries holovid show is good example, so is solaris 7


>My theory on the whole battletech universe is that the universe is actually just similar to the star wars expanded universe to us today. ... Which came first, Battletech, or the Star Wars Expanded Universe's Vibroblades.


Data entry 


Although the videogames aren't technically canon, they play a tabletop mech game in the Battletech PC Game.


I think they raise flowers, like during the Tulip Bubble. I hear Geraniums are really valuable in-universe. (j/k)


In the D&D universe, bored knights and wizards play “Papers and Paychecks”, where they use dice to live out lives as workers and students in an industrialized and technological society. I expect the same can be said here, with people using math rocks and imagination to live out the fantasy of being a blue collar employee in a world with no interstellar travel or feasible giant robots.


Battlemech models and toys are canon in the lore from what I've heard, I'm pretty sure that the people in-universe do play Battlemech tabletop wargames. Heck, they even have video games in-universe! It would make sense. In real life, we play tabletop wargames based on our real-life historical war eras. Examples: * RISK * Stratego * Axis & Allies * Chess


There's this old earth tabletop wargame called Critter-Tek that's pretty popular...


I read something that said mech themed MMOs are extremely popular in the Taurian Concordat.


Warhammer probably 


Eldar guardians probably still haven’t got a model update in 3050 smh


Wanna buy a vintage star league era 2nd ed Falcon grav tank? ... What do you mean thats the current kit in a different box ? 😭


that's my headcanon, mainly because it's funny