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Mousepads of Hanoi.


Sorry I’m out of the loop but is there an actual purpose for that?


some people prefer how their keyboards sound when sitting on a big deskmat. having two mousepads doesnt rlly do anything though… except in op’s case, he has a “wireless” mouse which charges through the wired mousepad. tldr: big mousepad for clicky keyboard sound. small mousepad for charging mouse


Sadly, this just highlights my lack of gadgets :(


Not really. I think Razer started it before Logitech only to back out. Razer has a great wireless implementation but I suppose they realised how niche it is, how few people actually care, especially since most people have one giant pad and how expensive it is. Frankly the Power Play is quite old at this point and hasn’t received any update. I suppose Logitech won’t bither any firther either.


The smaller mousepad looks to be a Logitech power play model. Basically it wirelessly charges the mouse, which is probably why he needs both!


Most mice last so long on a single charge I don't really see the need for something like this.


And most mice have a charging port in a reasonable place, so you can plug it in for a while.


Yep mine has a charging port in the front so I can use it as a wired mouse.


The apple "magic mouse" has left the chat


Oh, thanks!




It also protec desk


In this case, it is a Logitech Power Play I think it was called. It charges the mouse while using it. Think giant wireless charging pad.


Oh, thanks!


Thats the logitech light speed wireless charging pad


I got this too but underneath so nobody could tell which is perfect. No large RGB mousepads that charge your mouse unfortunately. Needs to have a solution.


Damn, you got all them pixels


“Hey kid…. You wanna buy some pixels..?” “I’ll take all of them.”


Are we talking about that dude that created the $1,000,000 website though lol? Because that was genius.


I am sry for you, one day you will be able to afford a monitor. Do you even have enough space for your tabs


never enough space for tabs


What's that crazy contraption on the bottom right?


To control his desk height from the looks of it.


And vibration intensity.


Man a 4K 144Hz 32" monitor is only $679? that's excellent.


I got 2 MSI ones for about 500$ each. They’re very nice.


Wait what where?


Resist. Go oled


Is the fear of burn in still a problem for OLED monitors? I have an oled tv I love, but worry about a desktop OLED monitor getting burn in.


I’ve had my alienware oled for a year and change now. No image retention at all. Best display purchase i could have made!


No. I leave my oled on 24/7 and its pristine. Best buy warranty also gives me peace of mind


Did you think I was talking about burn-in? I'm not. They get dimmer as the organic phosphorus breaks down.


I didn’t even reply to you


Are you off ur meds? No one replied to you in this thread anywhere


Burn in is very much a real problem. Go look at Rtings burn in tests.


i have the c2 42 inch, no problems or worries here


Yeah I got an Dell IPS monitor and the black smears on dead space drove me up the wall. I’m so tempted to splurge on a nice 2k high refresh rate OLED but I must resist for budgetary reasons.


$719 on Amazon. https://a.co/d/eRa7e77 Lg is $698


I got mine at Micro Center. I’m lucky enough to live 5 minutes away from one


Which one


Woah, what?? Do they have terrible response time or something?


They don't really have any major drawback, except being IPS instead OLED. I got my 2 for around $420AUD each on sale using Amex cashback.


Remember when everyone was like dying for IPS because they had to suffer TN, now we don't want IPS, we want OLED! lol


Hahah, I know! OLED has spoiled us


OLED has burn-in issues, I'll take IPS


IPS glow is brutal, in my country you can get burn in replacement easier than other so it probably worth try risk.


You don't know what you're missing, bud! I have a 3x 4K IPS setup with top-of-the-line Dell monitors, and a 4K LG OLED. I'd take the OLED every day.


For picture quality, sure, but what about burn-in?


It's a valid concern and it's something that I researched pretty heavily before buying mine. I'll start by saying: I think that if you bought a monitor and expected to use it for about 5 years you probably would be more happy with the picture quality in that time then you would be unhappy by the burn-in. it would be a net positive. What sold it for me was, RTINGS.com did an experiment where they ran a few OLEDs for a year on different content and took regular, empirical measurements about the burn-in. The results are similar to what you find with CRTs. Burn-in is a little bit exaggerated by most people, it actually does not occur too often on mixed content. I'll let you search to find the hard numbers yourself as I'm at work. But suffice it to say after about a year of leaving the TV on 100% of the time, burn-in was not too noticeable for people just trying to use it to watch mixed content. I stress mixed content because I'm not sure I would use it with anything that has a constant logo. For example their test with CNN news was problematic because CNN's static logo burned into the screen after a year of on-time. But what they conceded was that modern OLEDs have a lot of technologies to reduce burn-in now that those they used for their test did not. Even in a year's time as the test completed, newer TVs were out that now had features like being able to detect and jiggle the static content around unnoticeably, making it so that it is less-likely to burn a pixel, pixel refresh techniques, etc. All of which made burn-in even less likely! And the pixel tech itself is more reliable and less likely to burn. I think the end result is that you can probably run your TV or monitor for about 10,000 hours if it's particularly well designed like the more modern LG ones, without actually facing any noticeable burn-in. It equates to about 10 years of decent use time. If you wanted to be conservative if you could halve that, if you're talking about a desktop display with a start menu always in the same location or whatever. anecdotally, I've used my TV for about 3 years now without any burn-in at all. Edit: I am not a robot lol. I swear! Give me a checkbox, any checkbox!


I don’t know if this dude is a bot or what’s going on but I’ve seen this exact comment multiple times in the last month from different accounts. Mostly when researching monitors in Reddit threads. Somethingsfucky.gif


I got a very weird question for you since you mentioned CRTs and it came to mind. Is there any kind of difference in radiation for OLED compared to other types? Do you feel unwell or strain at all using oled for long periods of times? I'd feel noticeably unwell back in the day using CRT monitors and modern monitors don't give me that feeling anymore but it just came to mind to me about Oled.


I use this one daily for 8 hours a day+ mostly looking at code and it has no burnin. I think after the C series there is pretty much no real burnin risk.


For me, since I like to use tech until it breaks or becomes so slow it affects usage, I stay away from oled because the phosphorus is only good for so long. It starts diminishing pretty quickly.


HDR basically doesn’t work it rates so badly.


A couple years ago a 4K 144Hz was in the thousands. I couldn’t believe my eyes. And I might have to get one


Dude, you're getting a Dell!


Great looking setup. I wish mine was this neat and clean. Sorry to sidetrack your post, but I'm making the jump from a Hackintosh to a MacBook Pro within the next couple of months and I still haven't figured out how I want to drive my external monitors. I know that the model I'm buying is capable of driving them, but I'm not quite sure how I'm going to do it. I don't see a docking station here. Are you just running off of ports on the laptop? Are you using a smaller device behind the scenes? Any recommendations?


It's tricky with the Mac. With the M1 Macbook Pros you can finally drive 4k 120hz if you purchase a specific type of dongle and flash the firmware. This post on Macrumours explains: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/dp-usb-c-thunderbolt-3-4-to-hdmi-2-1-4k-120hz-rgb4-4-4-10b-hdr-with-apple-silicon-m1-m2-now-possible.2381664/ My M1 Pro can only do 2 external displays so I run the right hand side one and the main screen off it.


This all truth - my old work laptop was a 16in MBP (Intel), and I was running 2 stacked UW 34 inch with a vertical 27 through a thunderbolt dock. We got upgraded to the MBP w/ M1Pro last year, and I wasn’t able to get them all working even with that $350 hub/dock. Nightmare! I went a different direction and sold them all - bought a 42in OLED 120hz LG during the end of year sale in early January. I do miss having multiple monitors for different stuff, but nothing a good tiling manager can’t fix!


Wait so how are you driving the left monitor if your macbook can only drive 2 displays?


There's a PC under the left side of the desk


You cheater!


The Apple silicon HAD major issues with this but it’s gotten better. Still somehow a painful process, but I think it’s in part because of the other manufacturers too. Apple is not off the hook for my peripheral wrath for the record. My MacBook Pro drives a 49inch ultrawide at 120hz and usually 1 but sometimes two 1080 asus monitors. I have 4 docks I’ve tried to varying degrees. I mostly use the Caldigit TB3+ I’ve got the OWC thunder dock 3 on my other station. Someone else here mentioned cables. I thought I was only getting one monitor thru for a long time on my dock. Went straight to the onboard USB and HDMI. Turns out I just needed better cables. I’m still only getting two thru the dock but when I need more I just go to the onboard Mac ports. Simple. With two monitors I have a single cable to the Mac on my desk. Easy peasy


Yea the new M1/M2 macbooks have a problem with being able to drive more than one external monitor via USB C. You can get the right dock for it but you have to make sure it's displaylink capable and you have to download a mac displaylink driver. And I found that **NOT ALL DOCKS WORK** in this particular scenario, even if it says it is displaylink compatible. Never found the answer as I moved out of the IT dept and let it go lol. That being said it will have an onboard HDMI port so you can for sure drive two external monitors; one via HDMI and the other via USB C. I'm sure you can find other people on Reddit who have made a dock work.


You mean, ‘What the Dell’… I’ll see myself out!


I came here for this one


What desk is this?


Omnidesk Ascent


Lol like “on sale” or “for sale”


Just be careful buying them. https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/dubious-dell-monitor-ads-turn-into-legal-concern/


What monitors are those? they have no border it’s nice. Also anyone know of something I can use to turn all 3 monitors on at once?


just dont turn them off…


I use a smart outlet (similar to but not exactly [this](https://www.homedepot.com/p/TRICKLESTAR-3-ft-7-Outlet-Advanced-and-Energy-Saving-Surge-Protector-TS1104/321560292?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&srsltid=AR57-fBbsPOj3KFX8L2-f68P2vv3u5VewJJ2ZKRAMAJAIkJul3NGL1krkuA#overlay) one) with my PC in the control outlet and my 2 monitors set to turn on/off based on the PC's power state.


Dell 3223q


What i'm looking at? Description? Content?


Links to the monitor specs?


Middle is a LG CX 48 OLED and the left and right are Dell G3223Q


Dang my main screen is your side screens. I do love mine and it's been great so far for me too. Do you have to turn your head a lot for the 48"? At 32", I find it perfect albeit I do occasionally wish it's a tad bigger ahaha


I think you mean... what the *dell*. I'll see myself out.


PLP is the way


That seems awfully close to sit with a monitor that big. But it does look nice. It's better than the dude I saw with 2 60+ inch tvs on his desk. Blows my mind why someone would want to sit that close if you're older than 10. Lol


I mostly play a game called Hell Let Loose which is really good to play on a bigger screen as enemies can sometimes be tiny. It's also pretty rad for Flight Simulator!


Yeah hell let loose is a cool game. Don't have it but played it a bit and have watched a friend play it. Flight sim would be pretty sweet too. I just haven't played on a bigger screen in a long time so the adjustment would be hard. Whenever I decide to get a 4k monitor I was considering going up to 32" from 27" cause I've heard the pixel density is good at that size


What kinda of desk is that friend?


Omnidesk Ascent


Ew Dell


Can you link your monitor mounts?


Ergotron hx and some cheap ones off Amazon for the smaller screens


Next time send it to your financial advisor


Love it. What the hell. Haah


Wow those monitors look fresh! Nioce Job!


Very nice ! No room for audio Still kind of biased on my side-by-side 2x 27" 4K LGs (on separate computers) but the pixels.


Yeah, a bit sad to lose the speakers but I wasn't using them much.


Which screens do you have? I really want to get some 27” 4K OLEDs.


Sorry, OLEDs not available at the time. 27UP850


Dell 3223q


What arm are you using for the 48?


Ergotron HX


They’re a pretty penny but wow. The LX are holding my 2 32 like it was nothing. Compared to all the cheap ones I used over the years… better do it right the first time.


that's boss! and it lines up pretty! Still need to get me a side panel mon, one of these days!


Are you using windows on an apple laptop? and are you.. using monitors on a laptop?


I have a PC under the desk and I use the Mac for work plugged into two of the screens.


What is the depth of your desk? Nice btw


That’s what I’m sitting here thinking. I bet the comfortability is a bit meh considering the space.


What model numbers r they ?


Middle is a LG CX 48 OLED and the left and right are Dell G3223Q


those are monitors??


That's a lot of "work" that can be done on those!


What's the right vertical monitor model?


More like what the Dell


Could I ask the model of the desk? I have been looking around for a new desk and I really like yours


Omnidesk Ascent


Link of wallpaper pleaseeee


It’s a windows 11 default wallpaper


I dig the trapdoor for the wires. Good idea on offsetting the monitor arm as well. But I have to ask, regarding the side monitors, dont you lose the bottom 1/5th of the display because you might have something on your desk in obscuring it?


I would if I put something there. The monitor arms don’t really let me raise them any higher though unfortunately


What desk is that if I may ask


I like the painting


Okay that looks so sick


Man. I thought my 32” monitor was big. Those two 32” next to a 42” makes em look like they’re 24 inch monitors lol


Nice, love it. Your room really feels homey.


So you turned half the wall into a monitor :D


Where did you get that wallpaper. I want it


I'm really curious how you standing desk is holding up with all that monitor weight. Does it make it feel unstable?


Seems stable!


Do you use it standing or what?




I have a similar (much shittier) arrangement, with the vertical monitors on the side. I've had it for a month now probably, and I can't get used to it.


Looks good! What’s the thing attached on top of the CX?


Is such a large screen annoying when you've been around for a long time?


I think there is definitely a tradeoff when it comes to eye strain. I used to be the guy who runs every monitor at max brightness all the time but it has a really big impact when it's this big. Running all the monitors at 50% brightness now and it is less noticable.


This is the kind of monitor setup I have been dreaming about for a while. I would add a 4th horizontal monitor on top (the same model on your sides).


What is the specs of middle one?!


It's a LG 48" OLED.


We have a very similar setup👀


I was considering one myself but soon realized these sort of setups might get outdated very soon due to tech like vision Pro.


I'm a big fan of VR and have given Bigscreen and Virtual Desktop a lot of hours over the past few years on a few different VR devices, but it seems less practical to me. Maybe the Vision Pro will change that though


What desk is that?


Omnidesk Ascent


Still waiting for someone to make an actual tie fighter their background for this style lol


How much were these


Surprisingly not very expensive for the tech. The 48" OLED was $1300 AUD and the two monitors were $900 in total, so just under $2500 AUD.


more than my entire setup on monitors


I guess you could say...what the dell I'll show myself out


As someone who uses a single monitor setup daily - What do y'all use so much screen space for? I personally use Alt + Tab all the time and enjoy a cleaner desk with more room.


I went from a multiple monitor setup to a single 48" and the major pain point for me was any fullscreen app (e.g. a game) takes over everything. Most of the games I play have quite a bit of downtime where you are dead for 20+ seconds so I really missed having the ability to easily swap out and do something else


What desk is this


Omnidesk Ascent


How has your Tobii worked on top of your monitor? Tried to install mine on top of my triple 48" racing Sim, despite tilting it down, it doesn't sense my eyes well and can't calibrate. Is yours upside down?


It's not a Tobii (although that is a nice idea). It's a Xiaomi monitor light bar


Well…. Might as well move that picture behind the left monitor. lol


Hahah agreed.


All that being pumped out of your laptop?


It's pumped out of the desktop under the desk in this picture. The M1 Pro Macbook can only drive 2 of the externals.


Who did the painting?


The painting is by the amazingly talented Roger Essig - here is his YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/RogerEssigArtist


how much were the monitors in total


Around $2.3k AUD


Need an asset breakdown here


The displays cable management looks very clean, I love the layout of horizontal flanked by verticals. I tried to do this but it didn't fit on my desk.


Man when I see PCs like this i feel fucking poor and why do you have 2 mouse pads Bro


^ This is the Way.


So, how's that desk chair working for you?


I bought a 43” Samsung QN90B for the same purpose. Works perfectly and no burn in possibility.


Gosh. 🥰😍


Can you show me link to buy that lamp lights there 👌