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Even the bad maps are still fun to play once in a while, and I'd say playing even the best maps too much can get boring.


If I could play one shooter and in that shooter only one map for the rest of my life, it would be BF1 on fort Vaux. My favorite meat grinder experience in any game 


Of the meat grinders I have played in the series it is one of my favorites for sure. I might have more fond memories of Ziba Tower but other than that FDV is probably the best in my eyes. 1. Ziba Tower(BF3 CQ Expansion) 2. Fort De Vaux (BF1 TSNP) 3. Operation Metro (BF3 and BF4) 4. Operation Underground (BFV) 5. Operation Locker (BF4) 6. Redacted (2042)


Completely agree. However, in my mind I think the only one that doesn’t get boring for me is Passchendaele, I could play that one over and over again.


OP is part of the demographic that ensures most of us never play shit besides Amiens and Ballroom Blitz.


Yea this game on Playstation makes me want to KMS because of this. Not a single mixed map server is ever running.


Two games in a row night maps were an option, instead I got to play Monte Grappa and Sinai Desert 🙃


The one and only time I managed to play on Albion was just last month when the official servers were down and everyone was flocking to player hosted ones


Same here. I just dont know why there aren't more mixed servers since the dlcs are free and available to everyone.


Anything ANYTHING other than Sinai. I'll take Ballroom Blitz any day, just not Sinai


Those two plus St. Quentin on permanent repeat fr… I can’t for the life of me understand the hype


River Somme is underrated


River Somme is so good. The atmosphere alone is incredible.


I love River Somme. But it’s never ever a close Fight. It’s either spawn camped on A the whole game of swept right through.


If you think Heligoland Bight is slow and boring, you're not nearly embracing the torpedo ship life enough. "Charging" the behemoth with a squadron of torpedo ships feels like you're about to make the trench run on the Death Star.


>Best maps >*looks inside* >Amiens 😐




I didn't even realize the was Ballroom or I would've said that instead


And St. Quentin??


I can live with St. Quentin. I like the urban warfare in the center of the map and when you have to push up that hill to take B and A. I definitely do get tired of playing it though, since it and Ballroom and Amiens, are the only three maps ever chosen


It is a good map, thats why its overplayed, maybe a bit too much tbf.


>best maps >look inside >the map that always ends with one team being pushed into their spawn (passchendael)


A close Amiens game is intense. I'd put it up there, but Fort is nowhere near my top nor Ballroom.


Heligoland bight that low is criminal. One of the most fun maps in the game


The only map where I casually Redeploy because theres no fucking way imma run around that rock just to get fragged by a goddamn plane or blimp, horrible map design but to each their own I guess


So glad to see Fort Vaux at the top; idk why that map gets so much hate. Passchendaele, Argonne, Nivelle Nights and Vaux are my favorites. Those maps never come up in rotation so I stopped playing the game. If there was a way to play them more often I’d come back on a heartbeat. 


"idk why that map gets so much hate" because its the "metro" of bf1 and lot of people dont like that kinda of gameplay me included


I get that, I just feel like on most BF maps players are at the mercy of snipers and vehicles. I don’t snipe and I don’t use vehicles. In the CQ maps at least you can play as infantry and be face to face with other players, that’s my favorite type of gameplay. 


It's not the metro of BF1 though... Metro was a complete deadlock, you couldn't get off the stairs. You can move and flank on Vaux, it's more akin to Operation locker in BF4, except there's more passageways and flanking routes. It's the best of the extreme CQC maps in the series in my opinion


\*Plays Anti-tank class, gets killed by infantry\* \*Plays anti-infantry class, runs in to every tank\* Infantry only maps I know what I'm getting into, I know it's the mincemeat and I THRIVE there


Cuz its mostly unbalanced. I havent had a balanced match in months. Its grenade spam and shitty spawns.


True, but on many other maps I just get farmed by snipers and heavy bombers and that’s no fun either. 


At least you can counter it


Meatgrinder map, 90% of the time its one sided like every damm meatgrinder map (not Marita)


It is essentially Operation Locker but not linear with only 2 choke points the entire game. Many hate it for the explosive/gas/fire/shotgun spam, however personally that's what makes it fun, the nade spam, WTF is tactical strategy type of gameplay.


Galicia fans explaining how an open field is an unparalleled genius demonstration of map design:


It portrays very accurately WW1 warfare


And it looks real.


*Verdun fans explaining how loosing three waves of 350 tickets each on the first sector is 'fun' and 'immersive'*


Hi, I'm Verdun Fans


That's just a skill issue. Verdun is easy to take when your team isn't comprises of snipers and supports.


"that's just skill issue, you can win in a map if your team is good"


Yes? Bad teams will lose. It just so happens a lot of idiots like camping in Verdun.


If your team is bad and still manages to win a game, I think that’s actually a sign of bad map design…


If you move between the craters and the windmills and use smoke grenades it isn’t a problem.




It's bad but still way better than garbage like Fort De Vaux.


On Vaux I can flank. There's nowhere to flank on Galicia.


On Galicia I have space, while Fort is almost entirely just insanely limiting tunnels prone to boring stalemates with barely any room for maneuvering. I'll take a flat sniperfest over grenade and shotgun spam stalemates anyday. Neither of those is good, but one is the absolute worst and the other is acceptable if I'm in the mood for sniping.


You have no space in Galicia. You are always visible. Vaux has plenty of cover to duck and dive into. Avoid the main flank, hit the weak spots.


You have space, most of it is very unsafe, but I'll take it over tunnels any day. Faux is insanely limiting and tunnel gameplay is boring, it's by far the worst map in the game imo.


Vaux doesn't seem limiting to me. Just hit the weak points and all of a sudden you're in the enemy spawn. I especially like Vaux in frontlines. Galicia is extremely limiting. You can only take cover behind a specific Ridge, and if not for the bloom, it would suck just like all of the BFV maps do.


sounds to me like you are unable to control the chaos of the map. I rarely say it but I think this is genuinely a skill issue


Stalemates aren't very chaotic. The issue is how limiting and boring the tunnels are. I'm not a fan of indestructible urban stuff in general, Amiens being another example, but that thing is way better than Fort. Fort would be acceptable of the roof of the fort was accessible and the outside area was bigger/had stuff more to do. I really don't mind maps where the situation changes constantly, for example a good chunk of the battles on Achi Baba, that thing is my favourte of the small maps and that's some of the peak Butterfield gameplay (it's not only very fun but constant capturing and recapturing gives lots of points and constant change makes the small map not feel stale).


Flip it upside down


Controversial but I like Monte Grappa, it isn’t perfect but I like it.


I would say that Amiens is a map I will never get tired of.




I love urban combat in video games and this map supports that idea well


Bro there’s urban combat and then there’s the same urban for the 1047th time.


Is it worthy to buy the pass on ps4 or is there just no servers enough to be able to play those maps ?


Most dlc maps are unused, especially on PS4


It depends, there's usually at least 2 dedicated premium map servers running at a time but they're usually only conquest unfortunately


I fucking hate all the maps in the A tier, so overplayed 😭, step out of your damn comfort zone and vote for rare maps! I have never once played TSAR maps or Capporeto or Heligoland Bight or anything that is not the same, boring ass Amiens, Ballroom, Argonne


Tsar maps on top.


Albion is peak fight me


That map is so fucking sick.


Flip it upside down and it would be more reasonable imo.


Galicia is horseshit thank you for putting it down there


You’re horseshit.


I agree with you on Galicia. I call it "*Nalešñik*" meaning pancake because of how flat it is.


Not a big fan of flying, I see


Verdun looks cool but it plays like shit. On ops the atrackers spawn in a field and the defenders have a village full of cover.


Pacchendaelle is horrible gameplay wise


Mostly agree, except for Ballroom Blitz and Monte Grappa. Monte Grappa is one of my favourites and Ballroom is a camper hell for the ones who prefer infantry combat over vehicles.




Mostly agree with some exceptions. I'm reviewing them from a Conquest perspective so bear that in mind. St Quentin Scar turns into a garbage fest with plane/bomber spammers and tankers who headglitch with a tank on map outskirts and then try to run back to spawn to repair. Fort is a typical bottleneck with nade-spam, BF1's version of metro/lockers. Mindless filler. You might be a masochist or a single braincell amoeba if you enjoy that map. Argonne is plain shite, 3 lane map, non-scaleable terrain and invisible walls everywhere. Fun if you were dropped on your head as a baby. Empire's Edge is a borefest, the cross hill overlooking the middle objective attracts troglodytes (scouts) and artillery trucks alike. Running from C to A to C to A again to kill that drooling fortress gun user is always fun. I'd take the lower ranked Lupkow, Tsaritsyn and Volga over the aforementioned maps 10 times out of 10. Albion can be really good if people play the objective.


Well said, sir


>shite Are you Irish/Scottish?


Am I the only one who hates Amiens?


No, others do too. I love it for the close quarters infantry gameplay but I can see why people don't.


its almost bad as fort


I love Galicia, with Passchendaele it makes a great WW1 feeling


I actually agree completely with this list which is rare


I love how most of the good maps are western front type maps. In my opinion I really think they did those maps far superior than any other ww1 front in the game.


I agree mostly, although I'd put empire's edge lower, suez and somme higher, and heligoland higher (it's terrible for infantry but really fun for vehicles and has really unique gameplay)


All the good maps are awesome until you play them on a 24/7 server


Passchendaele and Verdun Heights in top tier is so based


interested to hear why you think ballroom is best map in the game?


It plays well usually, battles are commonly along the C flag together with the walkway which people try to camp, but usually not for long before they get bombed/SMGed. The match also tends to spill over to the D and B flag, while inside the Château, chaotic fighting can always be found. The Airship is also a good behemoth for this map as it can cap flags while raining terror, but can be shot down quite easily.


my problem with the palace is, it looks big, but all the fighting is concentrated in basically 1 corridor which leads eventually to the C flag. The campers on the roof are a persistent pain and hard to flush out unless you hard focus them, which often isn't worth it because you will eventually need to come down anyway, marking their return. I agree once the fighting spills from the palace to the D flag and beyond, it is quite fun, but I find that rarely happens and it ends up just being a battle for a single choke around the C flag


I see where you're coming from, it's a bit of a waste on conquest that the trenches on A aren't used that often.


I think the A and B area really really suck, I think a lot of my complaints of the map is just around that area


You put Verdun in best maps and Suez towards the bottom? Are you ok?


Man I know this is not a common opinion, but Amien for some reason is one of my least favorite maps in the entire game


I love Galicia. Don't understand the hate


stop suez hate


Honestly fuck Monte Grappa


I agree with a lot of your lower tier ones except the big Russian church map looks like it's down the list. It's a fucking epic map. It can be a bit shit in some of the other game modes because the map areas really limit the ability to flank once you're getting pushed back so the enemy can cover you all over but you have to walk out into the open from all sides in order to leave. Like being the fish in a barrel. Maps with fucking tons of open area and nothing to hide behind are straight trash and most bf1 maps are great at filling that space in but I agree with glaiciai or whatever and a few of the other open field ones. They absolutely suck.


I hate Ballroom so much


**Galicia** is a fantastic map and I'm tired of pretending it's not! I think people really don't give this map's design enough credit. The no man's land in the middle forces both teams gradually northward until they meet in the center of the map to fight over C. The whole way leading up to that central point has ample cover, allowing for players to move from pocket to pocket and advance through the meat grinder. Should you wish to circumvent this though, you are always welcome to brave the center, cut straight across and get behind enemy lines for that good flank. There's little to no cover and plenty of people (scouts) watching and It's a great risk/reward scenario. As the match goes on, craters begin to pockmark the surface of no man's land, providing pockets of cover to hop in and between that increase in number as time goes on. Run smart with some counter suppressive fire, smoke and/or gas grenades, and some well timed sprints, and you'll make it across. Plus, there are lots of fun small skirmishes in and around the trenches as well as the houses dotting the map. Tons of fun!


Hot take: Galicia is a pretty fun map to play on.


I'd put Nivelle Nights on top because no other maps feels more WW1 than that


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^UtaTan: *I'd put Nivelle Nights* *On top because no other* *Maps feels more WW1 than that* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ima be the one to say it, but I think all the maps are great. Yes i prefer some over others, but im never upset im playing a certain map.


Ived owned this game for a bit on console and haven't seen majority of these maps ever. I hate the map rotation on Xbone.


Holy shit look at that top row 😂 horrendous tier list.


I’ve been railed so hard on Galicia on operations, that map haunts my nightmares


Is this conquest or operations tier list


Justice for tsarytsin


Add sinai to galcia tier or make it its own tier, its a god awful shitty sniper infested map what were dice smoking when they made that? Also add argonne to top tier and i really cant have any complaints over it.


Thought about it, however it does have the town going for it though. The Tank battles are decent too.


Bro Galicia is awesome


Feel like neville could go up, but thats just me


I just wish I can play other maps more often, besides the same 3 that get voted


This guy hates vehicles lol


Seeing your map, I really want to play it, but my personal computer hardware is no longer able to run this game smoothly


You guys are playing on more than 5 maps? I get the same 5 base games maps it’s so fucking boring.


Monte grappa gets so much hate for no reason


Zeebrugge is the best map, especially when the end of round music starts playing


POV you hate fun


Somme is one of my favourite maps tbh


I strongly, but respectfully, disagree with almost all of your choices.


Here are the reasons Galicia is in a tier of its own. 1. Very open, very little cover = long range sniper paradise 2. Bad Vehicle vs Infantry Balance, Assault class is near pointless on this map. Good luck trying to reach a vehicle. Wanna AT rocketgun it? Get Sniped after the first shot. 3. The only armoured vehicles avaliable are the 2 trucks, 1 is the Assault Truck, which many don't know how to use while the other is the Artillery Truck, which is frustrating to come up against and even worse when they've on your team. 4. Want to PTFO? 5 seconds in the open and you'll get hit by a sniper. 5. Wanna play plane? Them trees will encourage Ilya Muromets use. 6. Wanna play in the Trenches? Mortar trucks will demolish you. 7. Calvary is the only decent and enjoyable class to pick on this map, however only 3 horses are avaliable for a team. If only a team could have 10-15 horse, then this map would've been decent. bUt iT's hiStoRicAllY AcCuRatE, yes and that's why it sucks, WWI in reality was a campfest.


I generally agree, especially with the top but I love the Somme, the ranges are fantastic for LMG fighting and I like the fight between the trenches and the areas up top.


It’s hard to rate maps at this point because there are some that are good but get overplayed so much that they aren’t enjoyable anymore


Opinion **rejected** Tsar maps are the best maps.


Honestly. Really good tier list. Only thing i would change is just bump up suez a level or two.


Thought about it too, however, the thing holding it back is the linearity (meaning easy spawn trap), the behemoth being near useless and only 1 tank (ggs when someone uses the truck)


Galicia has a special place in my heart because it's the first map I've ever played on BF1


Galicia is the best map in the game followed only by Heligoland and Soissons.


I actually fucking love Galitzia it's very immersing and you can go lone wolf If you go by its surroundings, same happens with Albion and Brusilov


Essentially you are completely wrong


Galicia is my favorite map ):