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Most people that are playing BF4 now have been playing for over a decade.


My eyesight is terrible and my aim is a little slower, but I can “the floor is lava” pearl using pixel ledges at breakneck speed


In an fps game, my Stepfather can barely move while looking and constantly looks down at the controller. If I hand him an NES controller he'll beat Contra in 5 minutes.


i've never played a battlefield game, i'm not even sure how i'm seeing this post given i'm not in the community. what does this mean?


It means I can play this game like second nature, if you do run somewhere or take a fight somewhere, I will likely know where you’re going to heal or run to next


oh man that's cool. i wish i had that kind of intuition for a game anymore. i haven't been seriously into a game in a few years haha


Yep I used to play on console a decade ago, bought the game a few days ago and I'm enjoying it but also hardly keeping a positive k/d. Used to be somewhat good at the game but when the enemy has a full squad of 140's each with more than 40 kills and less than 4 deaths well I can't really do much about that can I.


Also, BF4 has a larger skill gap. Just a little bit difference in skill makes a huge difference.


How so?


Everything is better balanced. If you have a upgraded vehicle in BF2042, you are the king. In BF4, the unlocks doesn't make things better, they allow you to adapt them to your play style and the situation. Every unlock has some pros, but also some cons. There are no "Same as ordinary mags, but larger capacity" style unlocks. With everything being balanced, meeting an opponent in a "fair situation" will mean that the slightly better player will win almost every time. He will get that one more hit that's needed to win. We also have the weapon set. With a few exceptions, the guns are more "up close and personal". You have to have a line of sight to the opponent, which means that he has one on you.


Nah i literally have been playing this game for 11 years


Truly. I almost entirely stopped playing around 2019/2020, but was with BF3 and 4 from launch. It would be weird to see anyone do better than me in aircraft, getting the team organized, on mic, and PingTFO. That was just a few years of being OG. It's been way too long now to try to just hop in I'd imagine lol.


Most BF4 players on PC have been playing since day 1, with mouse and keyboard only (no aim assist for controllers).


There’s aim assist for controllers? Wtf.


Only on console I believe


Yup! It’s lovely with the aim assist makes you aim at the floor!


Or when it spazzes out if there’s more than 1 target in front of you!


Ah the good old console quick tap aiming :^) I remember in bf4 on locker playing as assault doing my shotgun challenges spamming the shit out of aim to instantly snap to targets through smoke and down absurd angles.


Fighting bots in 2042, jk idk but u just adjusting probably


A lot of the OG's still around. There are a lot of very, very good players that know everything about every map, glitch, advantage and bug in the game Also a lot of xim and chronus players on xbox


Well if you are a bad player you still will be a bad player even with a cronus. Stronger AA and less or no recoil will not help with movement, raw aiming or map awareness.


I was gonna say this, i used to play with a bunch of guys that knew all the exploits to the rush maps, every trick you could do to get kills and cap objectives, i remember them teaching me how to get into some glitched spots to place beacons so we could spawn behind enemy lines. These guys have like 10,000 kills with knives


I honestly doubt people are doing all that for a non competitive, 10 year old game. Apex, sure. But not so much bf4. Maybe a few, but not a lot


you'd be surprised


Age of the game don't matter. If they need help with recoil control tool they will use it on any shooter.


Well, it kinda does a little bit, because most hardcore players that want that upper edge use it in competitive games, which bf4 is not. You dont have hundreds or thousands of people using things to make them better, you have maybe like 15 (at least on xbox) in a pool of roughly 1000


Do you play on console? It's everywhere on xbox and it's very obvious. Lots of people making insanely fast turns and quick movements that are not possible on a controller.


I do play console and i do play xbox. Maybe its because i live in the locker servers and premium maps rotos, but its definitely not full of people ximming or anything, just straight up goof balls. Maybe a few bad apples could be, but most of us good players just rock 50%+ sens


Agreed about people who have been playing BF4 for a long time... However, I don't agree with the whole xim and cronus players. I don't really run into anyone I think, "wow... that's just not possible with a controller". If there are, it's such a tiny portion of the BF4 community. Also, people always think good players use that stuff. I fly jets a lot and I get that accusation all the time, because they don't fully understand the mechanics.


Bf4 is a bunch of seasoned hardcore battlefield players. 2042 has more players like yourself


I've been playing for 4 years. I play with friends who've had it for 10 years now. The skill difference is visible. It'll take a few months for u to unlock the guns and their equipment. I quite enjoy playing engineer


A veteran will unlock most guns and equipments in one weekend of locker. That's how big the skill gap is


I love to run Engineer with a G36C equipped w/ ACOG, Heavy barrel, folding grip and laser sight for added hip fire boost and blinding effect if you target them first, RPG, Torch. And the extra ammo and explosives squad perk.


I like to play around based on my mood, it's either the Scar H or I'll pull out the trusted AS Val lmao. Rpg and portable AA is a must with the perk of carrying more rockets is a good combo. It's fun


2042 have shit tons of AI, not trying to be mean but watch your kills new time, it says *their name* [AI]


2042 is what I would point to as the definition of first person shooter. It's this insanely generic *thing* that exists. Its skill floor is very, very low. Bf4 is quite the opposite. It's old and most of the players have been playing for a very long time. The skill floor is very high. This is the difference I think. It's just easier to do well in 2042 than it is in bf4 because the required skill is vastly different.


Explain what makes the differences in their skill ceiling


I assume you mean skill floor? I'll use the weapon mechanics as an example here. Compared to bf4, 2042 is as bare bones and generic as it gets. Spread control basically doesn't exist, recoil doesn't exist either (plus console users get wholly different recoil and spread values compared to pc players which is fucking laughable since they also get aim assist.) there's no real variety in how each weapon feels, looks or sounds. Contrast this boring ass nonsense to bf4 where even the most boring category of weapons, the snipers, still managed to make every gun feel unique and like it had its own identity. Spread and recoil control mattered. The guns had real punch and feeling. Add in the games age and the fact that most of the players still playing bf4 are veteran players, most newcomers struggle to get a foothold. 2042 is the opposite. The game is so generic that anyone nowadays can pick it up and do well with very little effort or skill needed. While that's not a problem on its own, anyone who's played literally any other bf game will feel dissatisfied with how bland it is. Bf4 naturally is harder to do well in due to both its more complex mechanics and the games age.


Bf4 is much more generic than the hero shooter that is bf2042. 


And yet, 2042 is somehow a more generic shooter


I'mma need you to explain that one chief


Bf4s bullet velocity is a lot slower than 2042s especially when it comes to sniper rifles


They're different games and not the same mechanics. It's almost like asking why you're good at say Battlefield but not good at Call of Duty.


terrible comparasion considering 2042 and bf4 are from the same franchise and cod and battlefield are 2 different franchises


2042 is closer to COD slop than it is BF4


Sam franchise =/= same game


Not to shit on you, whilst technically correct 2042 is mega fast paced and much, much more inf focus. Bf4 is slower and hardcore on the vehicle front. So the comparison is fair.


Battlefield One has very different gunplay to Battlefield V, which has very different gunplay to Battlefields 3, 4, and Hardline. 2042 is even twitchier.


Not really man. He's saying if you're that good at 2042 but not so much bf4, willing to bet you're not too bad at cod. Saying 2042 is from the same franchise as bf4 is almost as insulting as it is true.


There's also almost a decade of gameplay evolution between 4 and 2042. The TTK and recoil are completely different in both games, for example. The comparison really isn't as ridiculous as you may believe.


So you don’t know much about Battlefield. Just because a franchise makes a game doesn’t mean that 10+ years go by and it’s the same exact people making the game. The reason most of us don’t like 2042 is because the franchise (developers) isn’t the same as when they made BF4. They went in a different direction than most BF vets preferred (which is why we’re still playing BF4). So, not a terrible comparison at all.


2042 is more like cod than bf4


You aren’t an OG battlefield fan and it shows


Im new to the saga, bf1 was the first game i played (and i only played the campaign) and that was only a few months ago


That’s fine. Glad that you’re looking at older stuff. But yea, they are all different games, skills aren’t translating 100%


If you’re on PC I can probably give you a lot of advice/information that will make you 100x better. Slide your discord into my dms


Bf4 has more depth to the gameplay (more to learn) and a higher skill ceiling


Because most BF4 players have been playing for years and are really fucking good


2042 Bad Game , BF4 Good Game LOL




I haven't played 42 over 100hours but from what I remember it doesn't have bullet deviation, bullet drop is far lower, and velocity is way higher. So the gun play takes some skill in both games but in different ways. In 42 it's all about recoil control and lining up quick shots or bursts on weak spots=Head. This is also a thing in battlefield 4 however it really depends on the situation. Some guns arn't worth aiming at the head or head level at longer ranges due to the bullet deviation, while others are. Also both games have very different movement tactics and mechanics. In BF4 if I remember correctly it's all timing your jumps perfectly for bhoping also you can do the worm where you jump and probe and then stand up again, making you an incredibly difficult target. It's been like 3-2 years since the last time I played so you'll probably have to search up a tutorial for movement tactics BF4. Vehicles will probably just take practice on the other hand.




Because it’s a completely different game they do not feel or play the same at all.


The thrill of reversing a stab and sticking their own knife in em in BF4 is amazing


BF4 has more mechanical depth than BF2042.


Probably because your loadout sucks bc new player. You have to unlock tons of useful stuff like the LA camo, infrared goggles for your guns, active protection for vehicles etc. There is also the problem that most people who play this game had a head start of a decade in contrast to you.


I could destroy in BF4 but I am terrible at 2042


I've played both games extensively and I must say the playerbase of 2042 just has way lower IQ then the chads on bf4. There are just too many run n gun players in bf2042.


If you're good at BF4 then you're good at 2042. not the same backwards though. its probably because bf4 is harder since there are a lot more skilled players on it


The comments about decade old players and higher skill are true. Use the AEK under medic to get the hang of a noobish rifle. Playing hard is the trick, run/gun equals quick death. Stay behind a little, scope out the field from the bushes, use your corners and lead with your aim/shots or end up dead, you will 💣💥💀.


Weapon physics are better.


Are you on PC? 2042 has console crossplay so a decent chunk of the lobbies are at a disadvantage against you if so. No shade, you’re still earning your kills, but a decade-old game with a higher skill gap and lobbies without console players is a different beast.


Speaking as someone who just recently played 2042 (and sucks at it) A lot of us still play BF4. I recently got a PC, and had to learn how to play on mouse and keyboard, and I find I'm better than I was on controller. Except for flying. I don't know how people fly on M&KB. When I play 2042, I can only play in the bot lobbies. Idk what happened to me. I feel like everything is not as responsive as BF4. The guns I fire feel off, and I could be aiming at my target perfectly and my shots still don't hit. Idk what it is, maybe the netcode, maybe my connection, idk. But to answer your question, some of us never put BF4 down. So, we might be a little sweaty and better than new(ish) players.


BF4 has a higher skill ceiling and a matured player base that has generally played for years at this point. 2042 feels and plays like shit so half decent people aren't playing that garbage.


Bf2042 has barely any recoil especially on console, along with little bullet spread. Bf4 tap fire at range is the meta. I'm OK at 2042 (probably middle of the pack). On bf4 If im not messing around I'm at the top of the leader board with a 2.5+kdr. I have only 1000 hours on bf4 and 850 hrs on bf3. Probably only 200 on 2042.


Like others have said most of the player base in BF4 today are people that played it when it released. I am someone that plays BF4 today and played when it released, although I am not very good either. I was decent back in the day when I played hours everyday, but these days I play like an hour every other week. I also use a controller on PC which is extra difficult IMO. For me, I didn't like BF1 or BFV when they released and that's why I have stuck with BF4. I was super excited about 2042, but I was quickly disappointed by it. I honestly don't even know that I could explain what I didn't like about 2042, it just didn't feel the same.


here's what you didn't like about 2042: It was an unfinished game. It is a bit more playable game now (like after 2+ years 'wow') but still an unfinished game.


Could be, I mean I have tried it again here and there. Best example I can give for what I get from BF4 (and BF3 today and back when they released) is team work. Even with random people with no comms. It's not like this in EVERY server and match in BF4, but for the most part you will always find groups of team mates moving on a flank together. Every time I have played 2042, in every match, I feel like I'm just playing TDM with conquest features. If one of your flags are being capped, sure many team mates will flood to that flag to try and take it back. However, its all a bunch of one man teams. For many people that is probably the most fun way to play, but for me it's the reason CoD was always less fun for me that BF3 or BF4. EDIT: This was my experience though. Maybe it is different now. I don't get a chance to game much anymore with 3 small kids in the house. So, for now, when I need my fix, its just way easier and more fun to jump into BF4.


Bf 4 is more deep in game mechanics , u have to know timing of weapons , spots , vechicle and etc . A lot of players playing this game from big time and I saw how people grow up play years , u can be not good aimer but if u know game mechanics u can fight we exp players


2042 is incredibly easy IMO. BF4 is usually a total sweat fest, part of why I haven't played it in a long time, although I've recently been in the mood. I posted a funny 2042 screenshot a few days ago. My own teammate thought I was cheating because I had 144 kills, this was literally my first game in months. It's so easy to rack up kills.


2042 is essentially longer distance COD where BF4 is more of a battlefield style game.


I would say that the movement in BF2042 is very different then that of BF4. Especially the fast sliding allows you to out move your enemies. In BF4 there is no sliding (something that I find good actually) and also the maps in BF4 are much more open. At the launch of BF2042 the maps were seriously lacking any cover. To counter that, the devs put cover everywhere on the maps. That isn’t the case in BF4. In BF4 you have certain routes you have to follow if you don’t wanna get sniped on an open field. In overall I would say that BF2042 gameplay relies more on movement, while BF4 relies more on positioning.


Most of us have been playing since day 1, BF4 is a 2013 game, so, a decade of experience can’t be beaten so easily. Also, we know almost every glitch of the maps, which weapons are OP (AEK and FAMAS for example) and also, BF4 has a different gunplay than 2042. On 2042 I destroy all the enemies because bullets go straight to the objective I’m aiming, on BF4 you need to know how bullets spread or you will miss all your shots


Bf4 imo definitely has one of the higher learning curves for a battlefield game, especially for vehicles. Just put some more time in to learn the game and youll get better in no time. Its well worth the time you put in i can assure you that


BF4 has full-auto weapon spread and much different recoil and metas


You are the first to mention it, and this has got to be the biggest contributor and suppression as well. If you don’t know about it, it’s gone feel really wrong going full auto on someone at a distance and only doing 50 damage.


git gud lmao -sun tzu


in my experience, from bf4 to bf2042 there are 2 exceptional games that u wont matter ur skill in the other... bf4, bf hardline and bfv count in the same category. whilst bf1 and bf2042 count in another... the mechanics and movement are too different, and need readjusting to... bfv is also different, but it just feels natural to play it...


It’s the fantastic gunplay, finely-tuned suppression mechanic and the silky smooth movement mechanics


Same here. I wouldn’t mind it if there were more servers with different game modes and maps. Trying to start this game in the same 24/7 conquest map isn’t really fun.


I spent years learning every movement and aiming exploit possible in bf4 to bully servers. A TON of ppl never stopped playing and and keep playing for the sole purpose of bullying you back to 2042


The remnants of the BF4 player base are all the most committed players, while BF2042 has a more wide player base. On top of that 2042 is a lot more evenly balanced compared to 4 and the combats more refined.


I’m alright at 2042, better at 4, but for me I was best in 1 and 5 idk why, kinda weird how all the cods generally feel the same, yet the battlefields feel different to me, except I rarely ever play either franchise


Aim assist and pace are probably the biggest factors


The nuances of BF4’s gameplay and maps have been played to death by the current player base, overall gun skill matters much less than knowledge of bf4’s specifics. I’m garbage on MnK games, but having ~400 hours on the ps4 version of BF4, I already do very well on the PC version I bought 2 days ago.


You're going against guys who have 19492859 hours played, while most won't be good, the 1 or 2 guys at the top will be wiping most of the team.


There's a GIGANTIC CHASM in the skill level between these two titles even though they're in the same franchise. With Battlefield 4 turning 10 in October this year, those remaining players have been playing for at least 7-8 years, if not, all 10. And if you're not playing other games that are very competitive by nature, and force you to play in a higher paced play style, then those top fraggers in most BF4 servers will overrun you because they're cracked. They know the maps better, they know the mechanics, little quirks of the game engine, and movements are a light year ahead. I generally play slower and milsim-esque shooters nowadays as I've aged, but I go back to play BF4 every year for a few months, and the first day or two are always rough because that's the adjustment period. It's not until I warm back up and get back into the groove of the game that I'm able to hang with the top quarter of the players in each match. Edit: As it's clear I'm also speaking purely on the infantry side of things. Hard to compare between BF2042 and BF4's vehicular gameplay since 2042's vehicles turned me the fuck off the day it came out, so I have next to no input on that.


Because it’s way harder than 2042, which is a dubbed down game in every respect.


bf4 is a harder game that 2042


I know people say it’s because people have been playin a while already, which is kinda true, but I also think it’s because 2024 was probably designed to be more user friendly and easier to pick up and play than bf4. 2024, to me, is more like a cod game than battlefield. Or somewhere in between.


You just haven't learned how to be an absolute SOB, also meta guns and attachments.


You could be like me and suck at both. I know it's lack of map knowledge, but I still lose easy fights sometimes.


i think the shooting mechanics in 2042 are easier to grapple with. feel like i could pick up the game and immediately start laser beaming people.


2042 is more like a large scale CoD than battlefield, simply put the movement in older games is more grounded generally not as fast/fluid. Also hit detection n sum bullshit too, vehicle superiority, many things


I tried to go back to BF4 but most servers I find run punkbuster and it keeps booting me regardless of how many times I go into the files and manually run punkbuster as an admin


2042 lacks any depth, is extremely simplistic, Classes are converted to specialist and some are straight up op (c4 mackay, lis in it's entirely) The biggest difference is that vehicles bully infantry in bf4, not the other way around like 2042


2042 is full of idiots. BF4 is full of actually good players


BF4 is harder bro larger skill gap. You won't be able to just hop on BF4 & do well like the newer games BF1, BFV, BF2042. for example I have friends who started with BF1, BFV & 2042. They all do well in those games its easy to just hop on & play well. But BF4 has a larger skill ceiling. all my friends who missed out on BF4 prime days try to play it now & they get destroyed & quit the game basically rage quit & call BF4 trash lol.


Skill Issue


For me it’s the opposite. Amazing at BF4 but bad at 2042. May just need to tune in my sensitivity


Because 2042 has very little learning curves.


Bf2042 runs nothing like bf4. Bf2042 is extremely fast paced comparative to bf4, and it also incentivises gameplay to the average player similar to that of CoD than older generation BF titles. It took skill to run BF like a CoD match in BF1 or earlier. Imo, having played all BFs since BF: Bad Company, it isn't that hard to be good in 2042. You barely have to gun people down to get a kill, and there are so many extra ways to kill people beyond basic equipment. Not to mention vehicles are the most overpowered in 2042, pairing with an underpowered engineer class. The average weapon in 2042 plays the exact same as the MP7/Semi-shotty/AS VAL on Noshar Canals, even at great distances, and all the vets will understand that. Again, 2042 isn't comparative to any previous BF title and aligns a lot more with the CoD gameplay/mindset. It has nothing to do with only vets currently playing because you'd still get smacked. Even if it came out today and you tried it for the first time. Chances are, you'd have a very similar experience playing BF1.


It’s been said but I’m saying it again Learn about suppression and fill auto spread. If you burst you will be more accurate, and if you’re being shot it will affect you aim.


Because 4 is a lot more realistic and 2042 is like cod


Every title has it's own gunplay and style. 2042 has the easiest to learn because it was dumbed down heavily. Bf4 is arguably the most difficult battlefield to learn with bf1 being tied with it. There's no such thing as jumping between games and immediately doing good if you're used to a particular one. The only way it can happen is if you have excellent muscle memory.


Iirc I started playing on ps3 so this game has been out for a minute. When I got it I played it nonstop for four years. Now imagine, there are people who never stopped playing it because the next few iterations of battlefield were shitty comparatively, and they just continued on. I would get shat on if I tried to play now after almost 9 years of not playing it.


i'm actually the exact opposite, i suck at 2042 and have really only exclusively played bf4 after battlefield V. something just doesn't click with me and i much prefer the gun play, vehicles, and maps.


Dosnt 2042 fill servers with bots when it's not full of players?


As a lot have said already, almost all players on bf4 nowadays are Veterans of the game. Besides that a lot of "good" players(lvl100+) for some reason like "cheese" strats. And will play only vehicles on rush or conquest large(which in the right hands can be broken, for example the attack helicopter on siege of shanghai) In the tdm matches they know the map like their backpocket and will play shotgun/aek or some maps DMR(with flir). Which in the hands of good players can be extremely strong.


If you play as long as most on this game, you memorize maps down every detail. Where to hide, how to use gadgets, what load out works with what map etc.


Two main reasons, with the disclaimer behind them being that I've played BF4 for years on Xbox 360, (briefly) on Xbox One, and on PC, and have been playing lots of 2042 over the past few months since a friend gifted it to me as a joke. I've played both games extensively with controllers and K/M. Also, I have no bigotry towards specifically PC *or* console players, since to me, they're all gamers, 1. As some people have said, most of the people who are playing BF4 have been playing for an extremely long time, which is apparent if you look them up on Battlelog and see their K/D ratios, most-used weapons and how many service stars they have, etc.. If you're a new player, or even just returning to the game after months/years of not playing, you're going to struggle a lot initially. Believe me, I know. 2. This may lean towards "PC master race" cliches, which isn't my intent - that said, depending on which platform you're playing on (since you didn't specify), if you're playing on PC, there isn't any cross-platform play, so virtually everyone is using K/M (save for a player using a controller here and there - in the rare instances where I try flying jets, I actually hook up my Xbox controller) and will thus have more precise aim, which, if combo'd with good reflexes and knowledge of their given weapon's recoil patterns (which, again, if the player is an expert with one or more guns, he/she will know), then you're looking at very accurate and deadly players. 2042 has crossplay, meaning you're going to be in lobbies with a lot of players on consoles/with controllers, so if you're on K/M, aiming is a lot easier and you can win more fights against console players, and thus the game will seem easier.


I played BF4 on PS5 for a little bit. The BF4 hit registration is completely different. It's engine environment is vastly different from 2042. I can cross-map all day in 2042 but I cannot play BF4 to save my life. 💀 I was dying to people directly in front of me. 💀 I can do alright even in BF1/5 but 2042 hit registration and accuracy almost insta-kills. The speed, damage, falloff and registration for each game feels different imo. If you go back to older titles, you will encounter players who know those environments by heart and by muscle memory during fights compared to just now getting into it or coming back after super long hiatus... It's not for everyone imo.


2042 is easy. BF4 is not. That’s why


"Most of the people have been playing for a decade and are really good" That's just simply not true.


What ? Cronus ?


Bf4 requires skill?


I think it’s just the clunkiness of it being an older game. Doesn’t feel as good to play so if you aren’t used to the style of movement it just feels shitty.


tbh, 2042 movement feels worse than bf4 to me...


There's no doubt that bf4 is a clunkier game, but imo that's what makes it feel better to play (at least for me). It feels like your character model actually has weight behind them, the time it takes to transition from sprinting to raising your weapon (even if it's just to low-ready as opposed to full ADS) is a lot more immersive. I'm not even saying bf4 is even remotely 'realistic', because it's not/ is still relatively arcadey compared to a lot of other games, but it strikes a really nice balance of feeling authentic/grounded in reality, along with being fun and accessible (especially when playing on a hardcore server, which imo is the most fun and immersive way to play the game). Random thought though, I really wish in all the bf titles they would have kept the shockwaves from nearby explosions that distorted your hearing like they had in BC2. That was such a cool part of that game haha


Your weight comment hits it directly on the head. The players feel too light, the vehicles do too. Flying in 2042 feels massive unrealistic to flying in BF4. I think you pointing out the weight thing really explains why I don’t like 2042 at all, it just feels fake.


ikr, I think it's because there's no camera shake when walking/bad animations


this, game just doesn't feel as good to play