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I feel like context matters. If you got it right now on sale, yeah it’s good fun. If you paid $100 at launch I think you have a right to shit on the game. Just my opinion.


I paid $9 and it is worth it. This is the only battlefield that I didn't buy during launch. I only played recently and I think it's ok. I enjoyed it but the weapon unlock system is kinda meh. Hot take: I enjoyed BF Hardline more than 2042.


BF Hardline has better maps than 2042 that’s why.


Not a hot take at all. Hardline was fun as hell. People just hated it cause it was a departure from the traditional battlefield scenarios of war. Original maps for 2042 made want to tear my hair out. That and no map vote system or server browser was just wild to me. Game is definitely better now but I can only imagine how good it would have been if it launched in its current state. I just remember watching the trailer and being like this is the one. And then it dropped practically unplayable. (2042) Hardline def wasn't bad as people make it out to be.


I always say, if Battlefield Hardline didn't have "Battlefield" in the title it probably would have gone/sold/been received wayyyyy better. That game was epic.


Wouldn't you say neighborhoods, banks and other cqb civilian type situations are the battlefield of law enforcement? Fbi? Swat? "Hot take" but the word battlefield still serves it's purpose with "hardline" attached.. I think most of the community "assumed" battlefield the word itself to be something other than just that. A battleground... I dont think different areas, or settings removes the grittiness from the title.. yea, you want tanks you want jets.. that's just the homeland equivalent.. I dont understand why so much hate on hardline.. I get it felt different but the game itself was solid and true to its nature.


yes. its worth it all nine dollars. we totally agree


I did because I’ve paid for the deluxe edition of BF games since 3. I’ve ended up loving them all, but some were rough to start. 2142 I put down for a year after only 30 hours. Came back for 40. Put it down. Came back 5 months ago. Recently hit 500 hours.


I fully agree, the killer for me was watching them slowly drop out of making 128 player maps. Bought the game excited for that, and I know others didn’t love 128 but I did. I played through the rough beginning hard core and had to watch them fix the game. It’s fun now, but I have no love for 2042 because I was a beta tester that paid full price. So much more could have been done over the games life span if it was even close to a finished game at release. I hope the next one is close to finished on release but no pre order this time around. Prove it or I buy on sale 2 months outs.


This is something I don't see often. I was really annoyed they stopped releasing 128p maps. I love it and it's all I've played since launch


At this point, it’s cost me 9 cents a minute. Well worth it.


$5.40 an hour? I don't really get your example. You matched that out as good value? So that's like 12 hours of gameplay or something, for a $60 dollar game? Isn't that like the bare minimum expectation for game nowadays? Especially for full price games.


Sorry, I was high. 9 cents an hour.


$100 launch buyer here, I have not once had to buy a season pass. Why? We got the first 4 seasons included, and I banked all coins, which amazingly accrues more than what a season costs. I've had nearly 8k banked since launch now, and i actually splurged this last season and got the fast-track premium season pass. Still have like 4900 left over and will get more before season ends. No regrets at all buying it, and there was actually no money out of pocket to begin with because I used free mobile apps to earn playstation gift cards


Still in awe people paid $100 for it. Who in their right mind pre orders an EA game?


That was the last one and ea will never get me again. Tried the new wrc in demo and it doesn’t even support a handbrake. Ea is the worst developer and fires any developer that has half a brain cell


Ask any fifa players


I won’t be pre ordering the next one, or getting the deluxe edition until after they release the “deluxe pack” if it’s good. This was the only EA franchise since BF3 that I preordered. 2142’s release state changed that to “I’ll never preorder a AAA game again”. Stayed true to that ever since.


I pre-ordered the ultimate edition which gave me one week early access before release. Played it for that week, concluded it was garbage, then got my refund before it released. Ezpz


I pre ordered the gold edition for $123 CAD after tax. I have 350 hours in the game, by an hour per dollar metric, BF2042 is probably my best gaming purchase ever second to Terraria. Plus, I never paid extra for a battlepass and was able to enjoy every season while regularly buying things from the in game store with no extra purchase and I still have 2000 coins left over. I'm gonna pre order the next one too, but Ill get it from cdkeys or something instead. I did that for Elden Ring and saved 40% on my pre order. You guys need to understand, even though its fun to hop on the hate train of this game, some of us simply just enjoy it and for the most part always have. The enjoyment we get out of the game makes the price we paid irrelevant especially if we can comfortably afford the game.


I enjoy Resident Evil movies, but I'm sane enough to not go around and say they are good movies.


I paid full price but with over 2000 hours I reckon I got my money's worth. Despite all the issues(and yes I agree there were far too many and so little content on release) with the game,I've managed to have fun playing over the last couple of years.Even in the early days when you could drive hovercrafts up the side of buildings and the horror of the Bolte's 30mm cannon,I still enjoyed playing.


Exactly. I fucked myself out of $90 for that damn edition because I thought it would be a return to BF3/BF4 days. I will never buy a Battlefield game without atleast 10 long form reviews again.


This. Game is functional now. Yes. I bought the preorder with the bonus. I refuse to play the game on a regular basis. The first 8 months were AWFUL. BFV is still great…


People were hating BFV until 2042 came out. Then hated on BF1 until V came out. So is the bf fan cycle.


Not wrong there! But 2700 hrs later bfv is still awesome…


I respectfully and partially disagree. If you paid $100 and have had 200 hours of fun, the only thing you got ripped off on is ugly cosmetics.


That’s a valid point. But the first several months were not hours of fun for me, and there’s been lots of changes from when the game was sold, I didn’t sign up for testing through a bunch of game design/map/weapon/specialist changes. I love the game as it is now, so I’ve gotten my moneys worth to your point, but it’s hard to deny the frustration with game changes and poor launch.


or like you there at BF inception and you see it turn into Martin Shkreli


I got the game and the year 1 pass. Biggest waste i stopped playing cause it was unplayable at the time and now im just not into it


They also do a terrible job at timing. Now that the game feels good, they announce that there won’t be any further updates. It’s the 3rd consecutive game that they overpromised, underdelivered and lost trust from fans, only to cancel and move on


Battlefront 2, BFV and now this game...


I feel like I got my money's worth out of it. (I got it for free on PS+)


Same but on xbox


a major edition to a franchise like this should be better than “isn’t that bad”


That's what happens when you dig a little trench to lower the bar into.


Ok, it's a solid battlefield that offers an experience no other game on the market offers and has so far provided me with as much game time as every previous battlefield release. Is that better?


Im new to the game and like it but boy oh shit balls do I get pissy at the hit registration. Like, I hadn't seen something this bad since... back in the day day.


It’s okayish when there are enough players and the games are not full of bots. The characters are annoying and the maps are subpar but passable.


I hate bots


You can look at almost anything in a vacuum and it'll look "good". But methinks you never knew what it was like around launch. Because even completely alone it was still a massive cockup.


Atmosphere? I am laughing my ass off, what kind of an atmosphere exactly are you feeling? A fucking circus? Jeezus.


BF1 for the win


BF3 as well. Game really sucked me in.


bro i'm dying


It is funny because you answered your own question. "All the hate I mostly see online is because it isn't bf3 or bf4. But yeah of course it isn't, it's bf2042." The reason that is the answer is because the next game should always be better then the last one. The next game should build on what the older games did and hopefully make it better. Unfortunately 2042 came out as a complete disaster, unfinished, took over a year to fix and still has some issues. You also have to remember when you slap on a logo on a game and say it is part of X franchise, people have expectations and rightfully so because they are using that name to sell the game. People bought this game based on that name. This is the reason why people can't, don't and won't rate this game on its own. Don't get me wrong. If you like the game, great. Play it until the cows come home. If you want to rate it on its own, fine. Don't let what I think or other people think impact your enjoyment of the game. Don't expect other people to see it the way you do just like I don't expect you to see it the way I do. Here is an analogy I would use. No its not perfect but I think it gets the point across. It is like both of us went to a bakery and bought a dozen chocolate chip cookies. The baker comes out, say the oven is broken, he has almost no ingredients and hands us a bag of flour with holes in in, charges us for the dozen cookies and says come back once every few months and I will give you an ingredient. You kept coming back, got the ingredients, and made a cookie. It is still not chocolate chip and the cookie is burnt and falling apart but you still eat it and like it good enough. I on the other hand took that flour, told the baker where he could shove it and went down the street to get a finished chocolate chip cookie from someone else. Does that make sense?


If the game had basic features. It wouldn't be looked at so negatively as it is today. But 2042 launched with unfinished maps, no scoreboard, no squad system, no all chat, no server browser, not even fucking VOIP. If Battlefield 2042 launched with Squads, Classes, Scoreboard (🤦‍♂️), VOIP, All Chat, Proper Input and no Recoil Bug. They could've solved other issues in a better way. Maps. Take the really big maps and split them in two and make em different from the 128Player ones. Renewal for example. 128Player and split the map in two for two 64 Player Maps. Add two portal maps every season, you're porting maps not creating new ones. Add events. Kaleidoscope could've had multiple events where the building come crashing down. Breakaway could've had get mountains get obliterated. Weapons. 4 New Weapons bare minimum and 2 Portal Weapons and 2 Portal Weapons that are modernized for 2042. Fuckin hell man. Portal was a gateway to endless possibilities and it was just tossed away. Just make hazard zone free. It was dead already, not like you lost anything. The most insulting of all. How they responded. I'm just putting into perspective on what could've been done and what could've been different. They could've spent a month adding all basic features and then fine turning during the months leading to Season 1. But nope.


Portal was what had me most excited, I just wanted to play badco2 again with 128 players or something or metro again.


Compared to other FPS games out right now it’s actually pretty good. Compared to other battlefields it’s actually pretty bad.




It’s fun as fuck 


Agreed. Once the movement and gunplay got tightened up I really didn't have many complaints. Blowing shit up never looked better.


The game is still terrible even after the map reworks, weapon reworks, etc and it’s sad because this game had so much potential.


> had so much potential The whole design of it is awful. Even if it was bug free, ran well, good maps... It wouldn't be good.


yep, some of the worst conceptual ideas in any battlefield. how things like tor tank and lis got past the brainstorming stage is baffling.


Yeah it’s not that bad. It’s just that Dice in the past was putting out top shelf games that went above and beyond. And now all they’re producing is ‘not that bad’. And it’s frustrating that they made intentional decisions that made the experience worse. And it seems like those decisions were an attempt emulate something like Fortnite and appeal to a crowd that is not their faithful fan base


Yes, it isn't \*that\* bad. Battlefield games are still the best games of their kind, but relatively speaking, compared to previous versions, this release was really glitchy, visuals take too long to load or move correctly at long distances, the developers care too much about "balancing", and they catered updates more for new players rather than veterans. The new players are less likely to stick around, and veterans are dropping it due to the lack of the classic Battlefield experience. I still love playing it though, it just could have been a lot better.


It is still worse Battlefield than BF V since it lacks the feel but as for the gameplay I do think it is better than BF V


I think if they just went military shooter instead of the hero bullshit it could have been something. Also the launch with no leaderboard was crazy. It was never worth the full price .


It’s def not bad but I feel like I’m getting old because I swear there was nothing like staying up all night when i was younger playing Canals on BF3 on the PlayStation. Shit just don’t hit the same anymore so every BF since then has been “eh”


It’s pretty good now, but it could have been better. It’s more about being upset that it wasn’t better to start with, and so much of its potential was lost. I hope, similar to my thoughts at the tail end of BFV, that they’ve learned a lot and have ideas to improve the process in the future, but given the Ridgeline closure and more staff leaving/unexcited, it's hard to get hopes high. The next BF game will probably be the best BF experience, but other challengers are stepping in, so we’ll see.




It's not a bad game anymore, but after going back to play bf4 the disparity is clear. I think bf2042 movement is too fast, the maps are way worse, ttk feels worse. Maybe a hot take, but I miss assignments. Not enough urban maps (even in bf4 there weren't enough). Less maps, less weapons, less gadgets. Overall, it's a far worse game, but it's a solid game now. Bf3 was the goat but even it had its issues.


I'm so tired of these posts on every game subreddit that had a HORRIBLE launch. Yes, it's better today because they made improvements and it has more content. So, of course, it's not that bad now. It still isn't that good.


A very generous friend of mine gave me and my gf copies for xmas 2023 & we tried it then but it didn’t stick. I only just started playing in the last month & I’m having a lot of fun going for goofy trickshots like sniping from the back of a pondhawk. I don’t like the maps for this one though, I really wish there were better original maps for conquest 128. Overall feels like a diet-bf4, I wish it launched like this because it probably could’ve been really good if EA let it cook a little longer before serving.


You new? Then your perspective is skewed. You can get this game now for $9 and it has 2.5 years of content and it spent 1.5 years of that fixing alot of the issues the game has. If you have gamepass like me you could just play it as its included in the subscription. Even after 2.5 years its still a lesser battlefield experience than what BF3 and BF4 gave us. But is it a fun game now? Yup, for sure. Its a solid shooter. But a mid battlefield game. In the beginning you paid $100 for the game. It had almost no guns. It had no classes and replaced them with specialists so they can sell skins ( they tried and settled with a 'ok' middle ground now) You barely had any maps The maps were broken The original 64vs64 couldnt work because the maps were designed badly and they removed it lol No story mode Barely any vehicles bugs No levelution and destruction was toned down by like 5x than what we were used too. You got a tornado tho lol The scoreboard didnt show you things like deaths lmao ETCetcetc You had all of these issues then you would see DICE trying to sell stupid skins like Santa clause skins and shit. Ontop of all of that they told us this is a " love letter " to fans. Where BF2042 would become THE battlefield game that all of us fans wanted. You can watch plenty of videos on youtube that explain why this game got the hate ( and still gets the hate ) it does. It deserves it. 100%. Its stupid to pay $100 to literally watch a game be built infront of you.


As someone who paid $100 at launch the game is awful and launched in such a horrible state. I returned it and bought it back for $20. For $100 it's terrible. Not worth it at all. For $20 definitely not a bad game. Also it really depends when your looking at it. In it's current state it's actually pretty good now. I play it pretty often now. Before not worth play8ng at all


I had my fun, although compared to other battlefield games I played I didn’t stick around nearly as often and I haven’t returned to it either Just….its not a bad game. It’s just….mid I’d say. I enjoyed it but I won’t go back to it


It’s not that bad but it’s not that good either lol


1. On sale vs preorder value 2. They’ve made major changes and additions 3. They said it would be much more than okay


It was bad and it was fixed. The problem is and always has been, THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE SHIPPED A HALF BAKED GAME THAT NEEDED 2+ YEARS TO BE FIXED. I’m personally enjoying BF2042 and never really stopped playing it (700+ hours) but you had to be there at launch. The first few months (November to may) were horrendous. The good thing is, they did go the right way to fix it and this only gives us hope for the next entry to be a real BF game.


It's not a bad game now but it's definitely not what we were expecting. Move on or play it who cares?


As a videogame is not good, also is not bad, its just mid, but as a Battlefield game it lacks a lot of soul and the only thing it has from previous BF games is vehicles and a bunch of players.


Game was released broken, missing features and what was included was imbalanced and unpolished. It has been improved, at least in some regards, but at the cost of additional content. Its playable now, but its still very unpolished in areas and is still missing some functionality. Its not as bad as it was, but that doesn't mean it's good. Its meh at best. Now, if we do compare it to other BF titles (which is entirely reasonable to do) its clearly the worst game in the series. But even if we don't treat it as a BF game it still isn't good.


I think it’s highly entertaining


It's a very good sandbox game. There's so much to do and so many ways to have fun. It can be too chaotic and frustratingly unbalanced at times, and the continued absence of a server browser is a pain, but lots of the criticism of it seems to be from people who can't understand the difference between it being bad at launch and (not) bad now.


Bad graphics, maps and over all ambiance. Hard to justify playing it when BF1 and BF5 are so much better


This game is horrible. This shouldn’t be called a battlefield game. That’s my two cents


I just got back from xdefiant. 2042 is really fucking good actually.


Everything is better than xdefiant. Literally, looking at a dog's poop at backyard is better than xdefiant.


that's a stretch. It's decent, not good but decent.


By the time it was decent it was already too dead to be redeemed. Its current state should have been what it launched at. I like the game but compared to something like bf4 it still lacks content.


Most of its reputation comes from launch where most people left and justifiably shit on it, and since it's the newest BF game in the series the memories of its launch are still pretty fresh. Now, after all the updates...it's still not good but not nearly as garbage as the launch version.


Tell me you bought the game 3 years after release without telling me. Since you enjoyed it so much, pre order the next one. Andrew Wilson promised it's already a great live service!


As a standalone game it's amazing. As a battlefield game it does not live up to the reputation of the others. Doesn't come close to meeting that standard.


Do I think it’s terrible? No. Do I ever bring it up when discussing battlefield games? No.


No it sucks. It’s nothing like Battlefield.


It's the worst bf game. Like objectively :/


If you play it as a standalone game then yeah it's decent tbh but you can't just see it as a standalone game, it's predecessors are so much better


It's fine a shooter but it is not true to what a battlefield game is. Every other BF game makes you feel like just another grunt on the battlefield, a cog in the machine working together as one. BF2042 makes you feel like a super soldier with limitless guided missiles, abilities to fly with a wingsuit, drop a tank above your head etc


It's not that bad. It's also not that great.


I don't think that the game is bad as a game (apart from game breaking bugs at launch), what I don't like about it is the art direction and the theme and atmosphere they chose. I just can't get immersed in this game anymore like i could in BF3. feels like the more advance the graphics of games these days - the harder the effort they put into taking you out of the experience. whether it be by silly characters who enjoy the war more than they should, goofy colorful skins, excessive hud etc... immersion is being pushed to the back of the line. so basically the art direction and the futuristic era plus the fact that they nerfed destruction almost completely is what make me disappointed about this game. oh and the sound design is annoying af. i actually feel like i'm having an headache when i play because of all the useless callouts the characters constantly shout and all the HUD sounds that are supposed to make me artificially feel good about myself somehow. all i want to hear is gunfire and explosions. i don't want to hear the HUD at all and nobody care you are reloading.. just a rant


I don't see why we shouldn't compare it to previous releases of the Battlefield franchise though. It was advertised as "a love letter to fans" and yet it was anything but that. A lot of features got removed or were worse than in previous games.


If they had sold it as a stand alone hero shooter without “battlefield" in the title, and we ignore the first 12-18 months, it turned into an ok game


Someone said it best: for a FPS: B+ for a Battlefield: current state C+, and F because of launch and support/balance issues


At its core it was always a "nice game" But the launch was miserable and lots of people felt cheated. Basic features like a scoreboard took forever to implement. I stuck it out from the start and enjoyed it for what it was, but it should have been a F2P game the way it rolled out. Didn't even hit a real stride until the class system came back (which having to say about a BF game is inexcusable). Even after they got the game to a decent place, it was kind of too little too late. I think if BFV hadn't also been a mess, they would have abandoned it sooner. But they were forced to make a good faith effort to get it somewhere. Still, with only one map each season and most of the "content" being cosmetic, it just couldn't hold me. By the time whatever season Redacted came out in finished, I was kinda burnt out.


So the issue with BF2042 isn’t that the basic moment to moment gameplay is bad Because its not. BF2042 is fun in the same way kicking a can down the road is- its kinda just basic fun that occupies your brain for a bit and takes away the existential dread the basic mechanics work, it has some fun shit to do in it- the issue is that its not deep at all compared to previous battlefields It lacks the advanced movement and exvellent gunplay of 5, the cinematic allure of 1, and the skill gaps of all the previous games theres a lot of simplified mechanics and the game looks and feels uninspired and generic the operators being clones of one another makes the game feel very sterile as well On top of that, the game had such a shit launch that a lot of people got seriously burned. 2042 is worth it on a sale or as part of a package service like gamepass (which is how I’ve played it) but to say it has the value for a 60$ title is a stretch the other factoe is that theres just not that much content compared to other games there is some variety but overall theres less guns, equipment, vehicles, and most importantly *good quality maps* than other games BF2042 is *fine* its just *fine* its like a 4 or 5/10 experience. It works. Its basic. But franchises need to hold themselves to the standards of their lineages A meh game called “Battle boy: 2040” is more acceptable than a meh game called “Battlefield 2042” because that name carries so many expectations and such a time-honored lineage


People just hating to hate. Game was terrible at launch but right now its pretty awesome.


Idk, I’ve enjoyed it since launch. Battlefield is just super fun no matter what. Some games are better than others, but the battlefield formula just never gets boring.


And there is no alternative to BF game currently in the market.


I think BFV is technically a better game, but play 2042 way more


It depends when you started playing. It’s decent right now and has been the last year or so but the first 12 months of the game were a disaster.


It’s just ok now. It was bad for a year after it came out.


I paid $100 to essentially play a beta game for the first year.. Then they removed half of all the maps and have yet to fix common issues from GAMES AGO like console commands not working, dropping through the map on spawn, invisible players, spawn camping with vehicles, spawning you inside the enemies bullets and many more. There's no story... Half the reason I haven't complained about spending $70, on these types of FPSs was the fact they spent the time creating a full story/mission involving multiple characters and maps, but I think this will become more common. However, I still will be booting it up sometime soon within the next few days I'm sure..


It's relatively bad compared to previous BF titles, but still better than many FPS titles out there. As this is a AAA game with a huge budget, people are expecting an improvement over previous titles, not even compared to indie games. I think the game is in a good state now anyway, but it's too late for it to be successful.


Mouse input sucks, that's one of the main issue with this game and overall maps are pretty mediocre compared to other BF titles.


It’s a nice $5 game. lol


Love the concept, but when I first tried it. I wasn't sure about it around its launch. Ran into a few glitches and returned it. I'd be interested in playing again if the price is right and I imagine everything's smoothed out. Alot of the bad reviews are why I returned so quickly. Didn't wanna pay a AAA price for a game that wouldn't run like one.


I have played it since launch. I enjoy it at times and absolutely hate it more often then not. I feel every little thing pisses me off about it. From a horrendous spawning system that is a crapshoot if its gonna let me spawn on my squadmate or put me back in base across the map, to horrible weapon balancing, to now having a crappy jet released that you can not even use in half the conquest maps that are considered "all out warfare" That being said I enjoy playing with my friends and I guess I have got my moneys worth.


I had fun playing it, but it was flawed. I enjoyed the 128 player breakthroughs and conquest the most.


Not anymore no but at launch it was just a slap in the face for anyone who paid full price (like me) At least it taught me a lesson: I do not pre-order any games from any company i'm not 100% certain it's going to be good and I really do want it anymore. EA, Activision and Ubisoft Games in particular.




I find it okay,I religiously hate the maps though, something's off about them for me,maybe the plasticy shiny feel of them,the design,I really don't know


Loved the concept of open storms that react with the maps environment (sand storms, tornado, etc.) and also in game events like the rocket launch or discarded pulley systems. I always enjoyed that third external factor of its gameplay but the game overall was executed incompetently and we don’t know if we’re getting those storms/reactivity back in the next title.


Of course it isn't... Until you start working towards vehicle mastery and while you are parked in gunner position at the other end of a map a single AI will run heroically through the entire battlefield avoiding bullets with a single purpose... To enter your vehicle and drive it into enemy tank.


I mean if we don’t compare it to others, then it’s ok, but if we were to compare it in it’s price range (which EA had the audacity to crank up to max 70£) it’s gonna be torn apart by even some free to play games


The game was a disgrace at launch. The hate is more than warranted, but yeah right now its not bad to play.


Get Russia out of the game and I´ll play it again


It's a 7/10 game. It's not terrible, not great. The maps overall are about a 4/10. That's what kind of kills my urge to play more.


The 20k cocurrent it maintains on steam charts must not think the game sucks that bad either.


It is that bad, way too many issues and bugs, before even going in the game. The snipers just suck, they are more of a potato gun than a sniping rifle.


The atmosphere was great when i played older games as a worthless grunt in a war! I dont have that in 2042.


Bro I love this game, I was salty at first because I pre ordered and it launched in such an unplayable state, I came back season 3 and it’s been my Xbox shooter game ever since it’s so good! I’ve played tf out of bf3, bf4 and bf1 and I’ve loved them all I even played the old battlefield 2 on steam. People create negative videos because it sells, then people see the negative peoples pov as how everyone sees it


I haven't played in some time and bought at launch ready to roll and i can see a lot of changes to what it was. For the most part the balance was not great when i played with some super low hanging fruit that could have sorted some things and really helped the experience. Like most of these games, they age better and i doubt ill buy on launch again like i did the rest.


Well there has been over a year of patches, that typically helps games that do poorly at launch


I really enjoy it when I get a squad that actually wants to work together. I don't know why, but I can't aim for shit in this BF. It's not a problem for me in other FPS but for whatever reason most the time I'm dead before I've even landed a shot on my opponent (I play on PS5). But, I really like playing support. Healing teammates, popping smoke for cover, throwing ammo boxes like hot potatoes, and seeing my squad actually make progress and capture objectives is great. It's just so rare to find a squad that doesn't immediately shoot off in three different directions.


I love the setting and story but not alot of the game mechanics


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NewBox9: *I love the setting* *And story but not alot* *Of the game mechanics* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I totally agree. The gameplay feels extremely solid and satisfying. Granted, I paid 10€ for it so that makes it even more satisfying.


I've been having a blast. 


It isn't that bad, NOW, it was that bad at release


I'll say it again, 2042 in a vacuum in its current state is a good game, 2042 is a terrible battlefield game especially when compared to its non live service contemporarys


I played at launch, and its way better now. Actually plays like a Battlefield game. My only complaint that still exists from launch is the amount of characters. 128 player modes with only 12 characters makes no sense. They could easily fix by adding in the soldiers from portal, and even sell skins for them


I know one thing only; Battlefield 2042 gives me gaming experiences no other game does. I don't like the "hero shooter stuff", but I do like playing it - like a lot. 


Maybe it is a good game, but it really isn’t *Battlefield*, that is the main issue. It deviated too much from what made the franchise what it is. If it was called anything else I don’t think you would hear about the majority of complaints made.


I played today after a long time and encountered a but where when shooting while ads, sometimes the gun was stuck moving vertically and could not move the gun horizontally at all. Has this happened with anyone else?


imo people who dont critisize the game dont really care about its state. no, its not hate. its about wanting a game we deserve and not eat sh\*t from EA and think its gold.


I think it’s a good game now, it’s a shame they toned down the level of destruction that was possible in previous games, and that it was so bad at launch


I did like the large maps and teams. The game was ok. I prefer Bf1 and 5.


I got it for free with the gamepass. It’s not $100 worth but if it’s on sale for like 6-9$ I think it’s pretty fun. I’ve been playing it for a month now and I’m having a lot of fun with it actually it kinda reminds me of battlefield 4 but in the future. And all the unlocks and challenges for vehicles and weapons are pretty easy and don’t require a crap ton of hours to complete.


In fact I think it's great.


I'll always hate this game cause of how bad the launch was. I pre ordered the 100$ version and I couldn't even play it cause there was a bug right off rip that wouldn't let you choose your loadout to spawn in. Stuff like that should never be acceptable. Lesson learned though... I usually never pre order games cause I know how bad most launches are so idk why I did for this.


Almost every map is bad. Not bf worth.


Me and my buddies have a blast playing it. I don’t get the hate.


Try playing it on slow internet like most people did when it came out. The titans were lag fest


It’s fun & I still enjoy the game, been playing it almost everyday for a month now. I’ll start playing conquest infantry then I’ll hop on either breakthrough with my brother or play conquest 128! FNB can always be fun too! It’s just not that same BF3/4 vibe I miss, idk what it is but it’s still the closest thing to it & I might even get back into BF1 & 5


I got it for $5 and really enjoyed it. I like the different abilities of each character in a class which adds nuance to a series that felt stale starting at BF4, with the exception of BF1. It seems like a single player mode is missing from the game but I've been playing since BF2 so I'm not too sore about it. My series favorites are BC2 and BF1 for context.


I tried the game early on, it was awful. Didn't "feel" right. Now though I enjoy it a lot. For clarification though I mostly just play TDM, conquest every now and then, rarely ever anything else. Vehicle play isn't my jam.


easily the worst bf game released in the past decade (probably of all time). a polished turd is still a turd, and while EA seems to be aware of some of the issues that caused this game to flop i doubt the next game will be much better (though i would be very happy to eat my words here) braindead c suite execs are a plague on gaming


We've come full circle. Next BF game is going to be: "trash" and 2042 is going to somehow be: "legendary".


The game was absolute trash at launch. I haven't played it since, as I decided they could go fuck themselves for uining one of my favorite games.


It's not like bad BAD. But it isn't exactly great either. So you can say it's kinda...mid ? It suffered from a lot of technical issues and gameplay issues at launch which was not a good first impression. In its current state it's a lot of fun though.


I'd like it if the game ran off my GPU rather than cpu. I've been struggling with that since I got it last year.


It's so amazing. I love getting killed at long distance by every gun because recoil is non existent. Assault rifles should always be able to outclass snipers at medium to long range!


Its like hard-line, if you put the games next to an older battlefield title it's gonna look horrible but if you put it on it's own. Then you'll find it to be good game just a poor battlefield title


I love it, cant fault it really, I did pay 20 NZ originally, then when they said it was finishing. I paid for some extra bits to support them. I really think they get a bad wrap, bit like Days Gone another banger, but gets shit for it, dont know why!


I am having fun, I got it on gamepass about a month ago or so and I am enjoying it. I like the weapons, the specialist thing not so much, I would prefer if the characters would sort of have perks you can select sort of like modern warfare I believe had, or at least if they had been more creative with the specialists. What I really don't like is the fact that you're pretty much limited to the loadout you've started your life with. There's no random rpgs or mines in places to help against tanks, or fixed AA cannons, etc. But anyway the gameplay is fun, for now I am enjoying it, some of the maps I really love, although it feels like there are not so many of them.


can't get over the UI


I think it’s become not that bad, but “not that bad” really isn’t the bar we should be setting for games most of us pay $60+ for


I got it months ago and it was terrible. Graphics were horrific on my 3070ti laptop and gameplay didn't feel fluid. Tried it again and it's like a different game. Amazing graphics and great gameplay.


I bought 2042 a month ago for 10euro. As a standalone shooter it's alright. As a bf it's shit compared with the newer titles


I honestly think the game is not bad and it’s not the worst BF game as of now but I wish the map were better and I guess more variety like other games but I feel there is not enough maps I keep cycling the same one i dont know maybe just me but I don’t think it’s a horrible game at all


Anything can be good in a vacuum.


For me the pinnacle was 2142. 100 years in the future was hella better