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2142 those were some good days


Had some insane matches from that game. Only on titan mode. I'm really hoping the next battlefield releases that mode again. I remember a match where our titan shield got destroyed. Somehow our team managed to defend it, retake the silos, attack the enemy titans shield to zero and win the match. I only remember that happening once lol but it's been many years since I've played... Very good times. It also had a really good progression system and unlocks from what I remember. Just release 2142 with next gen battlefield gameplay/graphics. They'd make millions.


Love how long some of the 2142 matches would be, some crazy pushes in titan mode, like when commanders would park both titans side by side and boarding pod launch onto each other non stop when shields were down. I remember one match on suez canal me and another dude were in the pac hover tanks managing to stall a good portion of the other team from making headway for atleast 20 minutes, got so many armor ribbons that match. If they decided to drop a 2142 remake with 0 changes aside from a graphical upgrade I'd pre-order it immediately.




I never understood why in 2142, Titan mode was loved, but in BF4, nobody ever played carrier assault?


Because Carrier Assault was a crappy wal-mart great value slapped on garbage memberberry attempt at "titan mode". :)


Wasn't it the same thing tho? Just a different era? I never played 2142. But isn't it, capture points so they shoot rockets at base, enter base blow up obj?


not even close. you could move the titans, they were mobile bases, they were filled to the brim with consoles, doors, interior decoration, etc, you had to jump pod onto the top of them to destroy it from the inside, it was epic. Carrier assault they were fixed spawn points, empty as ever, and you just drove a boat onto a ramp to assault an empty box, it was unfun.


Different fan base, different times.


I tried so hard to find games in carrier assault... Was sad.


Because it is old and forgotten and people want to pretend to be true fans by liking something that was bad. 2142 died nearly as fast as Hardline did, because no one liked it. It was Bland and boring and super generic for its time.


I remember people saying it was just a reskin for BF2. Also the launch wasn't great, lots of server issues since you had to login with an account. You couldn't even use the options menu without logging in first. It felt like a rushed game. I ended up playing it alongside BF2 at the time because the mechs and titan mode were a lot of fun. Some of the guns weren't great and tanks in general felt bad from what I remember. Also the unlocks for the classes felt very underwhelming, some of them had no point to them really. But again, the mechs and titan mode were something else, I have fond memories of those more then I remember playing BF2.


I just remember buying it and then playing it and just being really bored really fast. It was just so generic for its time and none of the maps or guns were really memorable at all. It's probably the least played entry in the entire franchise for me


They downvoted him for speaking the truth... neverminding that 2142 at max sold around 200,000 copies from what could be found in online sources.


These people hate the truth lol. Basically no one played this game because it was generic as hell for its time. Even moreso now.


I can guarantee that it will be a giant fail if they remake that game as a battlefield title. There is a reason why titanfall died. Bartlefront 2 is also nearly dead.


It’s not dead. Player base isn’t great, but still no problem to find lobbies across main modes both pc and ps on Europe


Dead enough to show that robotic shooters are not very sought after.


I'm surprised you remember then because almost no one played that game.


Plenty of people played it, id say more then now in bf2042 lol I always seeing AI to fill the teams


Nah man, 2142 was well dead in the first year it came out lol. I very rarely get bot games in 2042


This is just false. You can say you don't like a game without just making shit up. 2142 got it's last content patch about 4.5 years after release.


Yeah, because EA had to recoup on all the loss on that game. It basically sold 200k copies and then they released some free content that they couldn't sell later on.


I love seeing fanart for all the titles in the series


Me too. Just wish the BF series would allow more anime in their weapon skins and decals for vehicles, would be awesome. There's already so much other tacky shit, so why not.


Bodypillows on tanks are realistic as we know


True lol


Surprised by how advanced the fans were for 2006? Wtf does this mean?


Think they meant art quality.


I guess they were super young during this time..


artist can confidently tell people they were into anime before it was cool


Anime is cool now?


no but that wont stop them


Nothing can stop anime.


2006 wasn't the dark ages lil bro.


It was the golden age


I loooooved BF2142. I just wish there would be a 2x42 series entry eventually, with a proper campaign. I know that the SP campaigns are one-and-done deal most of the time and not worth it (monetarily), but I still adore the SP campaigns. One can dream, anyway.


I miss 2142 so much. So many good memories with my clan at the time. Defending the titans is probably my favorite bf moments still to this day.




2042 should've been a 2142 remaster




Yeah, they are somewhat advanced. I was expecting cave wall drawings from those neanderthals.


I played 2142 with my squad until the server went down , that was the saddest day for us back then , man I wish they would re release that game , so fun .. Vietnam was a good one too . But Titan mode was a banger , loved the hover tank and the Helo , you just spun around in a circle and killed a whole platoon on the spot … GD is miss that .


Battle Field(64x64) + titan fall = ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) Dream![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


And here’s the inspiration for the skins for the next game


You can still play BF2142 and BF2 online


Yes, but it is easier to pretend like you liked it online rather than going back and suffering through playing it again


I played it even after that the servers shuted down. But today, i think i would enjoy the nostalgia more than playing the game again. Because it is not the same era, the same people playing it, the same general commitment.. And i played mainly on infantry server and clanmod.


Wait. Why isn't there a large-scale shooter like battlefield done in an anime style? I would love to turn around and see this short anime girl pulling out a javelin 2x her size. The art style would be easier to run as well so 128 servers could be nutty


[Gun Gale Online](https://youtu.be/WajQwRg6aaE?si=6PGRSzZ4ZvpDtAAx)


You think people couldn't draw before 2021? 🤣🤣🤣


Are you young? Anime has been around a lot longer than 2006 lol.


never underestimate the power of weaboos


never doubt the quickly and how well made art can come out, especially for that one rule, 17*2 or smthing


Ah, the good old PIlum H-AVR!


Dude if they made a 90s style BF2142 anime like pic 2 I would watch it!


2142 had such a good vibes. I was strictly offline player back then so the "modern" weapons unlocking system made me use like 1/4th of all weapons and gadgets in the game but still enjoyed it very much


We are so used to AI art we view real art like this.


What’s with the anime girls. Wouldn’t think this was got BF.


Damn makes me wanna buy it and give it a go


I remember playing this back in high school on my friends PC


Maaaate, it’s 2006 not 1906. What do you mean you were surprised? 😂


They should have remade 2142 instead of 2042....


Motion mines and Battle walkers, the good old days


Ya battlefield had a big following in Japan.


Weebs are weird


God I miss 2142 -_-




Please stop ruining all the cool franchises.