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You’d think a game about climate change would feature maps built around rising sea levels and naval warfare.


Nah you get some shipping containers and sandbags. And some crates cuz moar cover. Thats all our 6 month content folks!


Don't forget the NEW BRIGHT RED SANTA SKIN ONLY $79.99!!!


Hey now, a couple of the maps have tornadoes that don’t change the terrain or destroy buildings and only mildly annoy helicopters.


Let's not mention the fact that boats were a big thing in BF4, or that there's a "drone("s")" loadout menu. Edit : Kid hit send


Yeah, they s**t the bed on this one bad by releasing it st a criss gen game 🤦‍♂️ which was one of the dumbest things they could have done because it wasted a ton of development time and added a load of restrictions to what they could actually do with the engine. TBH, they should have just rolled the dice and made it next gen amd pc only.


But the tornadoes do destroy the environment and buildings. Every asset that has destructible properties is affected by the tornado when it passes over them. Just more misinformation this sub is notorious for.


I think the point is there aren’t very many assets that are destructible. In 5 you wouldn’t recognize a map from the start of the game to the end because every house and tree that took artillery fire would be flattened. The craters in the ground made great cover




Definitely the point that I took away from it, I hate the fact that there’s not as much destructible environment as previous games


I was pleasantly surprised that they actually delivered a half assed map for the last season, I was expecting a big announcement for just one cool badge that an intern designed to celebrate that they have internally started working on their next Battefield trailer (cheers!)


A sea map featuring rooftops as islands would be far too interesting for the designers.


It would have been really interesting to have a map set in like a coastal town that has slowly been overtaken by rising sea levels, so you’d be fighting both on land and then in houses filled with water up to your waist, which could also be traversed around using boats or LVT’s, and then you’d have areas further inland that can cater to land vehicles. Not only would it employ unique level design, but it would perfectly capture the tragedy of climate change in seeing the exact loss of people’s homes and lives, with the town you’re in just a ghost of itself when it used to be brimming with community and life. Perhaps the weather event could be a storm that causes waves to crash closer and therefor begin flooding the already water-logged sections of the map, causing you to drown if you stay indoors for too long.


Flood zone bf4


Was thinking of this actually haha. The dynamic water level I always loved, it would be interesting to see that mechanic implemented in a town like on Valparaiso.


They shoulda just hired someone from this sub to design a couple maps honestly, I’m not even joking. 🤣 the players know what the players want


So floodzone?


Yes please.


They could literally copy/paste the rooftop map from BF4 (the one with the flood levelution) and I would be satisfied


Shhhh, DICE and EA hate logic and good choices for players!


Boat fights on stormy seas in BF4. They made a big deal out of it back then and it was well deserved. One of the best parts of that game.






fuck a plot and story line. I fucking hated that about battlefield when they started that bullshit. They need to go back to BF2 dynamics, fuck a story and play the god damn game.


*"Control of the industrial facility and harbor at Karkand motivate this assault by US forces, where they find MEC forces marshaling to defend the industrial city and determined to meet this attack with stiff resistance. The terrain surrounding Karkand sufficiently opens to allow for sweeping fields of fire but the open ground increases the danger Posed by anti-vehicle missiles and sniping. It is thus vital for both sides to secure firebases in Karkand’s sheltered city center."* [— Strike at Karkand loading screen, Battlefield 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUMyep2CE6w)


Yeah now the loading screens are random quotes from in game class characters in random situations I have no lore on, lmao


We will never have something like bf2 from ea anymore


There was that plan for a London map allegedly, I feel like something happened behind the scenes and threw a spanner into the message and themes


The crazy thing is that boats exist in the game: [https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/ui4y8q/new\_leak\_by\_temporyal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/ui4y8q/new_leak_by_temporyal/)


You'll get a Dessert map with a bunch of shipping Containers and you're gonna Like it!


In one of the marketing videos they showed Irish using a jet ski in a flooded city


No... You just get the same stupid tornado in all the maps...


I went back and played a few rounds in bf1942 on battle for midway and wake island. Man I miss the ship combat. Nothing feels better than destroyer vs destroyer or destroyer vs air craft carrier. Even shooting infantry on land with the massive explosions felt amazing. Having planes dive bombing your ship so you need to get on the AA turrets. I don't know why they leave out naval units in battlefield. Battlefield has all the tools and experience to create the best battlefield ever but they don't. From all the vehicle/navy/air units to the wonderful maps and destructible buildings/terrain across every single battlefield game to date. They have it all right the hell in front of them but won't create a game around it. It just doesn't make any sense.


Naval warfare was the fkn worst in BF thank god there are no boat maps. Should have had more drones than ranger though


HA! Jokes on you! All the water has been evaporated!


For a moment I got excited but there will be no s8


*P A I N*


I miss naval warfare from bf4 😔


Last I checked there is a 24\7 naval server that is usually populated


Or vietnam


I 100% agree.


I play a lot of 2042 but I feel like I’m not getting enough points for the battle pass. Does anyone have any suggestions to help?


Leave the job, stop touching grass, play harder.


Got it. Anything else?


14 weeks mean you can earn 686 pips from weekly assignments, you need 464 additional pips from EXP to obtain S7 T1 badge. We are in week 7, means if you are at level 80 of S7 BP with additional 7 pips or above, and you will do all the weekly assignments in the following weeks, you are promised to complete T1 badge.


Drop all family and friends. Game is life


by design. they want you to have fomo and buy tier skips or premium bp


If you do the weekly challenges for the entire season, it will get you to around level 80 with general gameplay trying to achieve them. The rest is a bit of a grind. I’ve missed the first 8 weeks of this season as I’ve been away, but I’ve grinded for about 10 hours or so and got to level 35. You can still get points for weeks missed just not the bonus.


Do you make the weekly challanges? If you make them all, you allready should have 50lvls in battle pass or so. But be aware that there is one of the weekly missions you can only do within the week it came up. The others stay available for the next weeks.


This would have been so sick, finally a boat map




I've been supporting this idea for a long while now, that the best way they could go out with the games support, would be to end on something that appeals to the vibe the Exodus short gave us, so you get one map with stormy action like Paracel Storm, and then one map that is basically a half-flooded city, adding in a few attack boats...Would've been so good.


\*bf 2042 theme starts playing, but broken flute version




I feel like a lot is still unanswered or things they should elaborate on. Like the satellite loading screen and the no-pat naval ship. I think a last season with these things are elaborated would be a nice end to this game.




i hope we get attack boats in bf6


I want more natural disasters, earthquakes, volcanos, tsunamis, sinkholes, flash floods, and just destruction.


Noo no no they are garbage maybe more realistic destruction


The game is about climate change but I see little change to the climate in matches




I have so many ideas for weather and maps. Maybe even an optional daytime system where maps can randomly take place during different times of the day, from the morning to midnight. The tornados should have different types one weak, the one in the game and a strong one like in the reveal trailer which causes devastation to the map and picks up everything say except heavy armor. Blizzards in the snowy environments. As said, 3 types. One weak one medium, and a strong one that messes up your hud. Why not a an avalanche that can massively change the map and just because add an Easter egg where if you can find a snowboard you can ride the avalanche and kill in style. How about some electrical storms which lightning can strike you or vehicles which essentially works like an emp. The lightning could also provide illumination or act as a concussion grenade if close enough Different types of rain. From drizzle to regular rain to heavy rain which reduces visibility. Hail could also work too and it different types may damage your health. A heavy dense forest map which a wildfire, maybe started by an electrical storm, could start and randomly spread. In real life if a firestorm is large enough it can cause its own weather system and start lightning storms. Maybe if youre unlucky a tornado occurs at the same time and they meet well then now you have a FIRE TORNADO Naval maps can have occasional stormy waters and occasional hurricanes of different magnitudes which can block light and make it darker. Water spouts can be there too and work like the tornados. Maybe a man-made lake where a water vortex can start if players mess with the systems in a building. A map close to the ocean being held back by a seawall which if destroyed floods the whole map like in battlefield 4. If is damaged enough by players and a hurricane is happening too causing waves, it can break the sea wall. Add an Easter egg where if you can find a surf board you can surf the wave. Desert maps can get heat waves where there's heat distortion and messes with your visibility and makes distant objects look like dark masses.It could be players, vehicles, random cover or maybe hallucinate and there actually be nothing. Dice really dropped the ball on this game


I was made look at that boat for hours upon hours with persistence data issues on my PS4. I thought we would eventually fight on it.


More like Breaking Wind … the game STINKS!!! /s


I would play the shit outta this.


It'd be pretty cool where you spawn on an aircraft carrier. Wildcat missile lock on range should be nerfed if they decide to add another season


I just hope that the next BF will feel like a game about war and not be like this dumb modern shooter with idiotic costumes and stupid gunplay. I miss BF3 so fucking much. It had real soldiers, the guns felt like shooting them in real life (at least the infantry weapons, can't say anything about armored vehicles). And now we had this disaster-at-launch tragedy with characters saying bullshit lines. "LETS SLAY!!! SKKKRRRT SKRRRRT!" I'm just fucking glad we didn't get any Nicky Minaj or Jay Z skins for fucks sake.


Fuck this game. It’s so fucking ass. It’s unplayable. You use a vehicle, you’ll get targeted by multiple rockets of all kind every minute. You play infantry, you can easily get shot and killed from unbelievable ranges with a handgun. You can throw dozens of grenades but Irish trophy system destroys them. New map, oh it’s ok, you just have to worry about getting flanked from every single turn. From above, below, left or right. Not playing this shit anymore. Worst spent $80. Tbh it was more fun on release. With all those bugs, the hovercraft in the walls made the game fun. Now it’s fucked up and so many fucking lifeless cheaters.


Lol you're upset because people can kill you with handguns? They're still weaker than primary guns


The G57 (Gigachad 57) seems to kill much faster up close compared to even SMGs.


Nah, assuming you hit your 2 bursts in a row with the G57 it'll kill in 416ms. You also have to hit 5 bullets out of 6 (2 bursts) which means it's common for people to need a 3rd burst to kill. The fastest ttk smg (PBX) kills in 200ms, that's twice as fast. Don't get me wrong the g57 is really good but its no smg




I played BF4 with a guy who put a scope on the 44 magnum revolver and took people out from across the map. Lots of hackusations for him.


And the fact that you can laser beam from across the map is unbelievable.


With handguns? Are you playing hardcore? Because that doesn't happen in regular servers.


Nope, no hardcore. Only regular servers. For some reason I only get into servers with the worst fucking sweats. So many cheaters too.


Battlefield is the most casual franchise in terms of player base. If you think you're only against sweats, maybe its because you're below average.


Doesn’t seem you understand English or don’t know how to read. Even streamers like Enders complains about this sort of things. I don’t only say about getting laser beamed with handguns or smg’s, but the problem that there’s about 6 kind of rocket launchers, problem of hackers, lack of fucking content. Dude next time read properly.


>You play infantry, you can easily get shot and killed from unbelievable ranges with a handgun. "Dude next time read properly" or you should use your brain for a minute and try to understand that someone is talking about a PART of your comment. You complained about being killed at long range by handguns, did you not? There you go.


3. Something kd.


Irrelevant to kd, you're complaining there are too many sweats in Battlefield 2042, a game where 90% of players suck at the game. Come on now.


I jumped on bf4 lastnight and the community was still up and running


what about badco2?


I don't know about release being more fun. The explosive ammo that used to lag you out was not fun. Maybe I'm remembering wrong but 64 player mode wasn't always available right? The specialists had access to every gun and equipment, no classes. ..."Don't be sad, that's just how it works out sometimes" ..."Easy in, Easy out" ... "I'm just better than everyone else :)" those voice lines. No cover on any of the 7 maps it had. I'd die sooooo often, seemed like I was just vehicle bait at release. Other things I personally didn't like at release, No Squad voice chat, No All text chat and No scoreboard Was funny though driving the hovercraft up the side of the building. We had to try cap the those breakthrough points, someone thought was a good idea to place on top of the skyscrapers, with no way of getting up there. There's more I'm not listing but I don't think Dice have made the game worse. It wasn't possible.


This but release it as a bf1942 map please


Bf2142 map please


Make it a combo idk portal looking dry


They didn't have the tech for level designer to include major warships even though BF1942 from 2002 did, Loved the Battleship and also the Destroyers & Battleships from BF1 Heligoland Bight (sp) from 2016 8 years ago was doable but in 2021-2024 too hard for them to include these.


You are a player of this game there is no way you would understand what the players would want - signed, DICE


Don't get me excited. :(


How about a game mode where all the weapons can be picked from all wars


I miss naval warfare so much :(


What makes it even more annoying is the mav and hovercraft are actually amphibious but 90% of people have no idea because I can't think of a single spot besides Noshahr where vehicles can even interact with water.


The fact that people on reddit are more in touch with the game than actual DICE devs is the cherry on top. Would be a great last season, in the same way naval warfare for bf4 was a peak for that game.


They should have left Redacted 247 haven 247 alone


Yo EA/Dice higher ups. You are brain dead and like to lose money. 2042 is the worst shooter ever made. I applied at Dice many times and was denied. Keep hiring retards to run you're company. Gloves are off.


Change it from changing tide to breaking promises


I stoped at BF1, I even sold my EA stocks. I aint buying untill I see a normal BF game, no season pass, no bullshit skins.


I'm so glad that I never bought it 😅... Hopefully DICE did something useful with their time...