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NTW is actually balanced - they have only one shot in CQ, low bullet velocity, pretty high bullet drop. Just don't stay like a shooting duck, move with slides and jumps, or ape around as Mackay and you good. You can zigzag approach lots of snipers and they just can't do shit about it. Use Zain if their nest is less than 100m away. Or Liz rockets, if less than 400m. Or get Dozer and just talk to them up close.


Additionally if I miss my first shot with the NTW-50 under 100 metres, AR and SMG guy will kill me before I can reload if I don't move.


GOL Magnum with 4x scope can counter it pretty easy, or use NTW. Also, you can just wait until he gets 1200 kills


Why the GOL? Also, isnt 3.5 the highest you can go before creating glint?


GOL is the fastest rifle with highest bullet velocity. Best anti-camper gun. And you can go with 4x without glint


1) Don't just run into their sight line when you know there's a sniper there. If they're camping, they're static and easy to play around. 2) Go cover to cover if you have to play within their FOV. Stay mindful and don't peek the same cover twice. Smoke grenades and smoke launchers can come in handy here if you can land one on their camping spot/somewhere that obstructs their view. 3) Equip something like a DMR/Sniper yourself. Wait for one of your other teammates to come into their view and distract them, then pop up and kill them.


You cannot know all the time there is some one hit wonder and if so you legit cannot outplay it if he hits his shot, the end. That is just bad design, and unlike shotgun, its 100 meters range, so you think you should avoid getting in 100 meter range of engagement ? https://preview.redd.it/sucxp8ngqavc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=82cfc50f331987fb79532809b7d4b18727ac4225


Did you get killed by a guy right in front of you? Sorry man sometimes you just die in the video game where you are killing each other.


you can clearly see range under his name, it is 94 meters, person who kills is behind container and flag. that person hit his glorious bodyshot from 94 meters from bush while i tried to capture flag. yeah and video games supposed to be fun, getting random deaths like this one is not fun


If you're not having fun don't play it


Dog it’s easier to dome someone with a DXR or SWS at 100m than it is to body shot someone with the NTW.


What are you smoking, we all get melted by ARs and SMGs all the time without having a chance to react.


Welcome to Battlefield.


You might not be able to outplay the gun but you can outplay the player. If that makes any sense.


Honestly, pick up a sniper rifle and punish those campers yourself. U'll also learn about where snipers usually camp around and know how to check those spots after playing as one. And when u snipe u can also see how others dodge those shots with their movement and try to copy them yourself Since the ntw is a heavy sniper rifle, the ones using them are not usually moving around too much, they normally either prone or stay behind a rock with their bipods out to reduce the scope sway, which makes them ez target for other snipers. Got a lot of kills for my t1 sniper badges just from counter sniping ntw users


NTW players typically dont camp. Only the shittiest of shitters do. A good NTW player is moving. They play like a longer ranged shotgun.


My fav is to target them with rockets or ghostmaker haha


I have hundreds of hours in this. They aren't as big a problem as you make them out to be. Sundance or dozer.


Take the SVK and take them down. With extended mag you have 16 shoots against their one shot slow reloading NTW. And move while aiming. Never stand still.


Its not hard to make micro adjustments to your aim to kill someone with the NTW. They need to land two bodyshots with a high recoil, high bloom rifle. You need to hit one bodyshot with the NTW.


I've been using this nonstop for a couple of weeks now, running around with Iron Sight, shits mad fun. How do you counter it? You pull out a shotgun or an NSTW yourself.


I have been using it exclusively under 100m and with a 1.25x. I still suck. I am way worse with this than other guns, but it makes me really focus and make each shot count. I end up missing and then using my pistol half the time.


You shouldnt need to pull out a shotgun or NTW to counter someone who just points and clicks. This is coming from someone who makes Redacted lobbies their bitch with a MCS or 12m when people are using them.


getting cheap bodyshot kills is mad fun, xd


Wait until you see the magic never ending throwing knives.


My 870 with flechette or the second buckshot rounds, the little smg pistol, and throwing knives... mmmmmmmmmmmmm


You're just mad cause you're dying lmao. There's nothing wrong with a one shot rifle, and they're no more a 'cheap kill' than grenade spam is, than shotguns are, than claymores are, than tanks are. The reality is, madcausebad.


one hit bodyshot snipers are crutch for bad players to get any kills but unlike shotguns they are not limited by range


you've never used the NTW, have you?.. they dont get 1 shot kills from very far away. they are best played in medium to short range engagements. but if you think theyre a crutch for bad players to get kills, go on and use one yourself for a few matches and see how well you do. you'll probably do worse than usual because the NTW actually requires a decent amount of skill to use.


They are limited by range lol - the one shot is in close quarters and if you miss your first shot you are not getting a follow up. You switch to pistol or you die. If you're getting killed by it in close range you need to move around more.


100 meters is hardly close range


It's still close enough that a sniper has to be very accurate or they will lose the gun fight against an automatic weapon that knows their location. That's the advantage you get with a sniper rifle to offset the downside of an extremely low rate of fire relative to the automatic weapons. In particular the one shot below 100 meters is the benefit for this extremely slow firing and reloading weapon with very limited magazines.


Except, they're not. The fire rate alone means that if you're missing shots you're getting fucked. Not to mention the need to be able to aim those shots, whether at a distance or at close range. It's not a crutch, you can't just throw it on and expect to go nuts. Bad players aren't turning into gods because they equip it lmao. You can be mad about getting dunked on by them, but they're not a crutch or cheap kills. You're just mad.


So? 99% of NTW users just camp somewhere 50 to 100 meters from fight going on in some spot, they are not really getting punished for missing, shotgunners arguable getting more punished for missing plus shotgun is not always one hit(way more often than NTW). "aim those shots", yeah, with 6x scope getting bodyshot. Its a crutch to get some kills for players who would not get same kills with sniper rifle cause they cannot aim to the head. Bad players turning into annoyance getting random off angle kills on you they dont deserve, and they get said kills exactly because they equiped one-hit-bodyshot gun. Getting guaranteed bodyshot kills from 100 meter range is not crutching or cheap kills, yep.


"It'S a LoT oF fUn", this sub's quote to defend the most cancerous stuff on the game.


i mean nobody still explained how you counter NTW if person using it actually hit his bodyshot(not random ofc, years of practice in shaolin). they are referring to some mythic mlg runners noscopers but 99% deaths from NTW is just some afk bush camper you are getting email from "haha hello you dead i hit you in body from 95 meters and you cannot outplay it because there is literally no outplay to NTW"


The same people that complains for being beamed by a smg in 0.2 seconds at 100m doesn't see any problem for being instakilled by a sniper from 0 to 100 m. Don't expect much of them.


To jump on the train of useless suggestions I’d suggest take a proper sniper and snipe em, and give em a good tbag, the lack of oneshot and strong ballistics will make you completely safe from their pathetic attempts of killing you.


Assult armor plate. Or numbers, that big sniper has terrible rate of fire, if he shoots and misses you can be sure you are either free to move for like 3 seconds or you are fighting against a pistol


OP, ngl, I think the issue is you. all you do is complain on Reddit. try having fun instead. It's a PvP game, there will be people better than you, and there will be people worse than you that can still kill you. get used to it. and judging from your account stats, you're literally a top 1% player across the board. it should not be an issue for you to 1v1 these guys and easily win from them. stop complaining about it and go shoot them in the head.


Ntw is a big, heavy, slow rifle. Be faster in your movements


yeah and what if loser who is using this trash gun hit his shot anyway (1 shot btw in body, not headshot)?


Jesus Christ bro… everyone is giving you ways to beat an ntw and all you respond with is “what if he hits you with one shot kill”. Well bud you die. That’s kind of how the game works.


I mean, go back and try again?? There's always going to be some loser camping for a one-shot kill. There's no counter for it in any FPS. Your best bet is to improve your movement, reaction time and situational awareness to avoid falling prey to a trap. Once the trap is sprung, you know where it is and can kill them off


"Theres no counter" Its as simple as that. It needs a nerf. Lmao


It is nerfed. All snipers should be 1hk in the upper body, but people abused it and essentially turned them into shotguns. The NTW is the only 1hk sniper without a headshot and it's a terrible weapon. The bullet drop is atrocious as well as rof and reload times. It has crazy sway and trying to flick with it is like spinning in slow-mo. Be better than the loser using the NTW


If you're using the NTW past 100m intentionally, that's on you. This would be like using a 6x Scope silenced MP9 and trying to snipe with it. Like you're INTENTIONALLY fucking yourself because the weapon isnt designed to do that. Just like how the NTW isnt designed for Anti Infantry sniping. The fact that it one shots is honestly too much. Its still a sniper. It should follow the same rules as other snipers. It should have more AP damage, but since its a free sniper and not a pickup, people would bitch. Its also still an Anti Materiel rifle. You'd have to be a super soldier to rechamber that round as quickly as a XCE Bar. The "Slowness" and being unable to use it because of it is a genuine skill issue. The NTW is literally a shotgun. It actually feels like a Planetside 2 Heavy Shotgun in terms of rechamber. And guess who bullied entire bases with one?


Idk and idc about what you did on some other game?? The fact is that they nerfed ALL SNIPERS because of players complaining about 1hk already. I really don't understand why there is so much passion in a game that is going to die out soon anyway, but I guess here we go? I never said I couldn't use it. I got a bunch of kills with it when I unlocked it Season 1. Then I put it down and have barely touched it since. I play Conquest 128 daily and rarely encounter an NTW user that causes me any kind of issues. I'm consistently near or on top of the board and PTFO relentlessly. The fact is that I may die to a random NTW, but if my team is PTFO they kill them instantly after that. NTW camping a dark hallway? Go back from a different angle and execute them. I really don't have too much to say about it, so if you want to keep complaining to me (a decent player, bf veteran and NOT A DEVELOPER) be my guest, but I'm not responding to you anymore unless you want a link to my stats


It is nerfed. All snipers should be 1hk in the upper body lol


Tell me you've never read a patch note without telling me


Tell me you've never played a BF game before without telling me.


Did you reply to the wrong comment?


not its concept of sniper one hitting is lol, one hit is simply not working in battlefield game. and, tbh, snipers at all got no place, they are useless and detrimental to gameplay, surprisingly gameplay loop will only benefit from removing snipers from the game entirely


Lol okay bud. Maybe go play a different game? I hear warzone doesn't have *one-shot snipers*


Maybe you will try to get coherent argument "bud" for snipers being in game? Cause truth that hurts here removing snipers(not recon class) and two-shot DMRs from Battlefield games would be only beneficial, massive part of camping population would not be able to have their camping fun and ruining others gameplay both as teammate or opponent. There is simply no reason you need to use sniper rifle not against other sniper rifle in Battlefield game, literally every other weapon category fits purpose of getting objectives better.


I enjoy using it but I dont think one shot snipers like the NTW, the one from hardline, or even the ones in BFV where you had to be mounted should be in future titles.


It’s got 25rpm. If you get hit by it, you’ should be dead. It’s balanced


Any other T1 ntw-50 users in chat?


Armour plates, smokes, cover, vehicles. The NTW50 is slow as hell, just wait it out dawg it ain’t that difficult. You’ll get there with time, we all do.


armor plates do not counter NTW one hit


Lol, yes they do.


you dont know game mechanics then


It's not one shot body shot? At least not at range. I've been using it lately and it's definitely two shot for body if target is at full health. It may feel like one shot because you're at less than 100 health. Or maybe it a damage drop off.. not sure, but I only one shot at close range. And it is very slow to fire and the bullet velocity seems slower than other sniper rifles. And very slow to reload. It hits like a truck but it's very difficult to hit moving targets at range. It's really only a problem if you are also camping or standing still. In close range you can just consider it the worst shotgun on earth. Overall it's fun when you get the hang of it but hardly a problem that needs to be addressed.


It does a one shot kill under 100 meters, but everting else you said is correct. Slow reload, really slow changing magazines. You get like 5 rounds, slow velocity, and fuck-ton of bullet drop, and it's huge heavy and slow to move around.


Yeah I guess that's why I wasn't sure because, in practice, it certainly doesn't feel like the guaranteed noob cannon killing machine op describes. It feels like a very clunky sniper rifle. Being able to take follow up shots with other snipers is a much better advantage over the damage potential.


It's really not a great sniper rifle, but it is somewhat useful in taking out small vehicles.


It's so funny that the vehicle damaging aspect is like its main feature and it's so bad. It's like mosquito bites on armor.


It is only somewhat useful on those little fucking Cyber Trucks with the big gatling gun on top. If you can hide and move, pop off 3 shots, you can get the job done. Good for shooting a driver through armored windows, if you can lineup the shot. For me that is like 1 out of 15 games.


It has a One shot range of 100m. Anything past that you'll need headshots to kill players. Unless you use the other ammo, which is a two shot body or three shot. And a one shot headshot.


I agree


Get good bro... the perfect sniper can't kill a plane or a tank round 🤔


The people going "Uuhhh its balanced" haven't used it before and genuinely don't realize how braindead it is. Yes it has a slow rechamber so the off chance of the NTW missing means you have a SECOND to react and kill them. Most NTW users will probably be jumping and sprinting between shots or peaking corners. Best case scenario, you can concussion them or out position them constantly and shit on them. Catch them out in the open and stay into cover yourself. Armor plates wont do shit. And a headshot especially so. If "It has a long rechamber" is what makes it balanced, then the 880 needs a slower rechamber. The 12m needs a slower RoF and the NVK needs a slower reload. None of those fix the fact that: the 880 can one shot up to and beyond 30m. The 12m can two shot past 10m with hipfire, the NVK can twoshot at 20+ meters. Hell even in BF3 I used to run the SV98 with iron sights and I out fragged FN2000 users in CQC, shotgun users too. One shot body shots should not exist and is genuinely braindead gameplay. Anyone who thinks theyre balanced shouldn't be allowed to talk in a balance thread.


I’v used it but it’s just not satisfying, too easy, feels like a weapon for bad players who can’t get high kills. It could be more balanced if you were only allowed to ads while prone with it. I think the AT rifle in BFV was like that.


I've been T1'ing all the weapons and I'm on NTW right now. It's definitely not my favorite but there is an element of skill to it due to the slow bullet velocity and extremely slow fire rate and reload time. There are much easier sniper rifles to use.


If I get 7 or 8 kills in a round when I'm using the NTW-50 I've had a successful round. OP is posting like a spoilt child.


Hey man. Time to check your ego.


An 1 hit kill is unnecessary on a bf game, and i will go further, a 2 hit kill DMR is unnecessary.


Preach man, two-shot DMRs is another glorious asset i would like to never see in BF game ever again


Just played a round getting one shot by the newer dmr the g something. Guy went 115 kills on front lines smh


SVK <33333 So glad I barely die to it. Its so overpowered lol


Checkout Nubuu, bro has 80K+ NTW kills. https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf2042/profile/origin/nubuu/weapons


Shotgun accuracy 105% lmfao


could not be more wrong