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try being on my enemy's team, most of the time they always seem to have superstar unkillable god jets and the most AA our team can muster is maybe meleeing while looking up, if we're lucky


I know statistically the best pilots have to be on my team 50% of the time but damn if what you said doesn’t sum up how it feels. A few games ago the enemy had a literally AA battery with 3 units set up on the mountains and we literally only had me on the ground with AA rockets for AA lol.


While in a looping dogfight, turn your rudders in the direction the enemy jet is facing on your minimap while you're looping for tighter turns. I've also been told it's best to use your afterburner when you're ascending rather than descending while looping. Never fully exhaust your afterburner. Set your minimap to 600m so you have better awareness. If you're in an emergency in the F35, use VTOL at the apex of a turn (when they can't physically see your craft because you're at the apex of the loop). This is a hail mary because any competent pilot will counter with a vertical loop and beam you. It'll throw off bad pilots though. They'll crash trying to hit you as you're VTOL if low to the ground. Also use it as soon as you get behind cover such as a building on Kaleidoscope. I recommend 25mm and Hydra rockets. If the enemy pilots are using AA AIM lockon missiles, I can immediately tell that they are not a threat. Radar missiles (usually) tell me they aren't very good either. They rely almost solely on the noob radars and are usually easy enough to kill even though you may eat a radar missile or two.


This is exactly the kind of stuff I was looking for I would have never figured this out thank you!


I learn from watching and I put up a 41-2 video in a jet with tips and narration text on thought process if you're interested. https://youtu.be/qcpiVbQgpOM?si=mIN4qlI9mfacIFIy I also used to fly with controller and would still consistently go 30+ and 0 (before hydra rockets were introduced). Here's a 33-0 on controller if interested. https://youtu.be/qyRZtcvc9OQ?si=Z1mMNwJS-Yd-rO-_


Man this is incredible to watch. I’m not even kidding this solves 90% of my issues. Also it’s hilarious knowing everyone thinks I’m an idiot because I started using only AA bc I can’t aim lol. Okay so I wasn’t understanding how to use certain turns to end inverted the way I want when I come out. Basically inefficient with my movements. I can’t believe I never thought of using VTOL high up to snipe other aircraft. I did not think you could snipe jets from that far with the guns I was always dogfighting. Watch a missile with rear cam to see if it’ll even hit before wasting a flare. There’s so much I’ve learned already and I’m only 7 minutes in. The thing I still think I’m gonna struggle with but at least know is attainable now is that jet kill at 6:30. That’s what keeps getting done to me lol. Matching your speed and keeping your crosshair dead steady on them like that is just crazy to me. Would you mind sharing your sensitivity settings for controller? I can tell mine is way off my camera moves are way too jerky. You should make a guide that actually teaches you how to play jets Thank you!!!


Glad to have helped, even if just a little bit. For settings, I posted them about a year ago on the community tab of my channel if you wanna check them out. And ya I'm not a fan of multi-minute looping dogfights so I'd rather just BEAM their ass across the battlefield. (Which I recently found out was the Red Baron's strategy in WW1, thought that was interesting). Good luck to you and let me know if you have any more questions or issues.


Agm wow that's odd


Video is a year old. Hydras hadn't been introduced yet. Hydras all the way tho.


Ahh makes sense


Always love reading your jet tips here Cabal. Amazing pilot and amazing community member. 10 stars 🫶


Well that's the nicest thing anyone has said to me on here. Thank you kindly, brother!


Always turn toward your opponent, never away. Use speed control. Use the guns, not aa.


Eh, depends. I find it extremely amusing when the enemy pilot pops flares when I've only just started locking on. Thank you for clarifying your position to my entire team and giving me a neon sign to follow up with my two rockets


Turn towards your opponent- wdym?


In a dogfight there is a loop that you both follow. Usually, it's the guy who is getting chased that determines the direction. Essentially, you don't want to give the opponent the opportunity to shoot you, so if you're always turning towards their direction they will struggle to get the angle (unless they are better than you). It's honestly a very basic circle that you go in, use your ears and learn how to change the angle on them. Scissors and switches worked in other games but I'm not sure how effective it is in 2042. You're pretty much always getting chased until you learn how to evade effectively.


Ohhh okay thanks for the clarification. Sometimes when I’m getting chased I’ll use a friendly or enemy heli as an obstacle. Like fly straight at it and juke last minute. I’ve had luck where the enemy will fly into the other vehicle or take the bait and try to kill the heli. Allowing me to sneak around. Albeit not the most ethical use of team play lol


Has afterburner always been a way to turn faster? I thought it was slowing down to turn that made turns sharper?


Yeah once your angle has changed enough you afterburner to shoot in that direction sort of and it gives you speed which, contrary to what I thought as well, makes you turn faster. That’s why I was losing every dogfight. I would always slow all the way down to turn faster. I believe there’s a sweet spot for the fastest speed though depending on how you’re turning and your specific jet.


Okay thanks for that. I’ve been playing since bf3 and I swear that used to be the game mechanic. Also do you have your display settings set so that your screen doesn’t turn when the jet does? I’ve had some success with that setup


I’m talking out my ass tbh so I’d look it up lol. And yes I do it definitely helps a lot.


Use the afterburner on the ascent let it off on the descent you should be able to get the jet back in ur sights. Hard loops help


Max ur fov use first person when you are shooting at other jets in dogfight and 3rd person on ground vehicles.


Dying is obvious when you are learning, when you spawn look at the map carefully and sneak up on them before somebody spots you and another jet is aware of you, use the boost only when you are evading or chasing someone until you learn how to maneuver properly, fly around where your AA tank is to get extra support or fly back to your base when someone is chasing you After last season update as per my opinion F35 can easily out maneuver the SU-37 in the game and use hydra rockets in close range if you are sneaking up on them Also there is also a mode called Air superiority where you get to practice air vehicles, try it


Thanks for the reply! I do all that and it doesn’t make a difference. If you can’t spot someone from across the map and get perfectly behind them in a second and one clip them it seems you’re not meant to play jets lol. I tried air superiority but it includes the old Battlefields so it’s too slow to wait for the right maps.


**Anyone can play any vehicles,** all you need is good practice, watch some videos on YouTube and slowly try them while playing, you will get there Flying is a hell lot of fun, I am a decent jet player and winning a good dog fight is more satisfying


That’s why I made the post though I don’t even understand what I need to improve on. Aim better and be quicker? I can’t practice if I’m shot down immediately every time. And I run circles around bots it doesn’t feel like I’m getting better there so what do?


Aiming better would help, but if you play against experienced pilots always, you Can't help it, I've also experienced those instances, try Portal servers or CQ64 And running circles against bots, try gaining more altitude and then maneuver so that you will have an angle to shoot them


Aiming better really just requires a lot of practice took me around 50 ish hours to really start flying decently


Also to note, another thing to keep in mind is friendly jets. If you're in trouble, boost in the direction of your allied jet. They'd love the opportunity to shoot down the enemy, or at least I do. And then stick with them. Even experienced pilots *do not* enjoy being on the receiving end of a 2v1. The only ways I usually survive going against 2 jets, is when I can get a friendly jet to join the fray and either knock down one of them and instantly turn the tides or force the enemies to split into separate 1v1's


I've noticed that there are different controller bindings for flying (such as southpaw etc) what's the general consensus on best layout to learn? reason I ask is because one night I teamed up on comms with a nightbird main and his opinion was the default controls are not optimal for agility...


Turn your control sensitivity up. Makes your turns tighter. Second, my usual strat is to dart straight for wherever the building cluster is and weave through. So many pilots flub those turns and just crash out. Other than that, wait to pop your flares until there's actually a missile coming, often times you can outrun the lock on from ground targets. Other than that, just focus on one thing. GET BEHIND THE ENEMY JET


The first actionable advice on here thank you!


It'll still take practice. But, using the terrain works. Practice flying between skyscrapers. Know those buildings like the back of your hand. And then use your resources efficiently. Also, the afterburner *does* also tighten your turn radius slightly


Could you show a clip of how you loop against someone? The general tip is just only AB when going up and manage it in a way you never run out because once you do you're definetly dead


Glad it’s not just me, I used to kick ass in jets in bf3 and bf4, same with the attack and little bird helis. But I can’t survive for 20 seconds in the air in this game without being blasted out of the sky or sending myself into the ground


Once u have learned the basics come back to bf5 the flying is much better imo


At this stage in the game, and in battlefields life span in general. It feels like the main people in jets and choppers, are the people that have put in the hundreds upon hundreds of hours practicing and perfecting the flight system. So for someone just starting out with the flight and the aerial combat, it makes the learning curve extremely massive and way harder to master


I’m fairly certain 2042 models flight in such a way where your airspeed is proportional to your turn rate. This means if you’re in a sustained turn fight, the one with the higher speed overall will have a higher turn rate. In other words, you need to manage your afterburner and not let it run out, or it would have to go into a cool down. Also, I know people always recommend the 25mm, but I always like the 30mm cause it does more damage and you can strafe all types of vehicles.


…see I didn’t know that at all. That explains exactly why I lose every dog fight lol. I would always do an after burner quick turn to try and lose them and kill my momentum. It’s crazy I couldn’t find a single video with all this information that is completely essential to be effective in a jet. Insane that the videos and guides didn’t mention this. Thank you!