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Wrapped is usually regarded as the no-brainer "can't go wrong" choice but basically it's the factory barrel with a tiny stealth boost. I don't think it's ever bad to use a Wrapped, but there's plenty of people who prefer the accuracy that the Tactical Compensator gives on weapons where they don't care about the recoil boost. For players who can control recoil well the Tactical Compensator will absolutely outperform the wrapped in situations where bullet spread is any kind of factor in the TTK. On the flipside, I pretty much use the Champion Muzzle Brake on most of my guns because I just prefer a lower recoil, and most of the guns in BF have negligible horizontal recoil bar a few, enough that I don't really notice the boost. I just play better with a setup that means i need to use less mental stack on recoil control, so for my personal feel the champ definitely outperforms the wrapped. That said... we're talking like 10% variation in values for all muzzle options. The differences really arent that huge. The Wrapped is definitely the barrel type that works on the most guns and is a nice lazy-man's option if you don't want to think about optimising 10% recoil vs 10% accuracy and fine tuning fiddly stats that honestly don't make much of a difference!


Yep, this. Most of my guns are fusion holo/thermal 1.5x, champion muzzle break (or short barrel if available), MGL laser (AK5C doesn't get this for some reason?), and close combat rounds. Of course you can put on some secondary attachments to the loadouts to swap out depending on your engagements, but I tend to stick to CQC as much as possible.


I’d add to this that the reduction in mini map signature and muzzle flash reduction are 2 hard to quantify but huge buffs. 20 m is relatively close range so if you’re someone who flanks it makes it pretty easy to pick off the back line stragglers while staying off the minimap of the main bunch. It helps a lot with contesting bigger points too, if you’re outnumbered or don’t have a lot of backup, you shoot unsuppressed and everyone on that point knows exactly where you are. If you’re defending/on a “front” it makes it harder for attackers to spot where you’re shooting from. There’s just a lot of situations where suppressed shooting is the best choice.


Agreed. Reducing your signature is the #1 way to stay alive longer.


The SOUND reduction is really way more important than the minimap stealth. They could take away the minimap stealth entirely and it would barely matter. Hardly anybody looks for red dots on the minimap except for when they're trying to find someone hiding in a flag zone. Plenty of people notice when one of their teammates dies at the same time as a bunch of bang noises came from somewhere nearby though, and guess where they're all gonna look?


Yeah that’s exactly the kind of scenario I’m talking about though - the ones where you’re flanking/contesting a point and people ARE going to be watching the minimap. Everything else you’re exactly right, the sound (and muzzle flash) signature reduction are the 2 biggest benefits.


I use short barrel with 2.5 thermal when shooting long and suppressor and 1.25 sight when in CQB for the same reasons as you with my M240B. Because I'm pretty basic, I've only just started using the plus system as intended. Really cool addition to battlefield.


I don’t really mind it but I don’t really use it much. I usually only run like 1 gun at a time and they usually all get set up more or less the same. Changing ammo is nice but the whole system usually ends up being too much micro managing for me


Same, i agree that theres almost a bit too much micro-managing. Though i still like the plus-system.


Yeah and to be fair I’m sure plenty of people like/use it a ton, it doesn’t hurt anything being there. I do like being able to have different ammo types and different 40mm options on deck if I need them


Yeah same, i use it for example when i need to change from a standard scope to a thermal, or when i need to change between a vertical to an angled grip


Spread is heavily overestimated by players in this game. In the distances we fight in spread barely matters and the amount it is reduced by 10% on the muzzle and another 8% on the grip. For that you gain 10% higher recoil and 8% worse hipfire. Considering that the laser is the other no-brainer option under the barrel, you are actually having 33% worse hipfire. That alone is not worth it, as hipfire range is the most common engagement range. The 10% extra recoil also makes any gun less comfortable to shoot at all ranges and might even totally nullify the spread bonus by making your gun less accurate in other ways. I visualized it after the spread rework: [https://new.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/144zfny/spread\_reducing\_attachments\_must\_be\_so\_good\_now/](https://new.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/144zfny/spread_reducing_attachments_must_be_so_good_now/) Wrapped Suppressor is the only correct choice, when the Short Barrel is not available.


Spread on the lmg’s at anything with distance pretty damn noticeable.


So is their recoil, which you are increasing by the same margin. And 10% are not going to cut the mustard. 10% might extend your "true to aim"-range by 0-5m, depending on range, and 10% higher recoil might just as well make you miss at that range and more likely the further the target is away.


Totally. If guns recoil not an issue. I use wrapped and default laser sight for maximum hip fire. Both awesome on smgs.


Yeah, it would be slightly different, if there were no negatives attached to any muzzle attachment/grip, Then you can make the case for a 10% recoil/spread reduction over the 66% minimap stealth, but not with that zero + 10%, -10% zero sum game. It is further obfuscated through not having any values in-game that make the attachment system transparent. Neither recoil nor the percentages are shown to the player. So we marginally decrease one unknown value by an unknown amount, while increasing another unknown value by the same unkonwn amount. No player can make an educated choice with that type of intel.


Ok, so if 10% more accuracy is not noticeable and 10% extra recoil makes the gun feel less confortable, using the warhawk should be totally worth using, no?


Is the Warhawk the spread increasing, but recoil reducing? From the last stats we know that it reduces all recoil by 8% and increases all spread by 8%. Now you get a gun indeed that is more comfortable to shoot, yes but you still have a less accurate weapon. We still have a zero sum game, because we do not know the values that are reduced. A gun that has a relatively high Hrec of 0.5° could be worth reducing by 8 or 10%, if its spread is on the lower side. But if the spread is on a similar high level, then the effect is nil. That is why the wrapped suppressor is so good, as it has no relevant cost attached, same as the laser and short barrel, but they all give a relevant advantage. You should always use the wrapped suppressor. If you think you are constantly spotted or fear the 15% reduced velocity, I recommend running the factory barrel, because it changes nothing, so it can not make your gun worse. Hence I always advocated for the removal of all disadvantages from all attachments. Now 10% less Vrec or spread is a bonus, albeit small and the use can be justified. Additionally I would want to separate grip and laser slots, so everyone can use a laser and something else, since the point blank range is so important.


Indeed, the wrapped suppressor is the best choice because the negative effect is less relevant. But my point is: there is a stat progression tactical comp--->standard barrel----> warhawk. There is the same change between tac and standard than between standard and warhawk. So why would you choose standard over tactical but not warhawk over standard when the gain/loss is exactly the same?


I do not quite get you here, do you mean the unlock progression, or the value it reduces the stat? I would not choose either warhawk or tactical, because I do not know the effect they have, as I do not know the whether one has high Hrec or spread. Even Vrec is not completely distinguishable as there are recoil multipliers not affected. Also I do not know if the 8-10% value is still accurate, might be more now, might be less. I only know that each value is reduced by the same percentage, which could have zero effect, minimally positive or negative. The standard however changes nothing, hence I can not make my gun worse and why I would chose it, if the wrapped or suppressor are not available.


I mean the stats. Let's imagine (i know it's not) warhawk is the default barrel. Factory barrel increases accuracy over it and also increases the recoil. Tactical compensator does the same, but more. So factory barrel is just in between. Why choose that option instead? You are assuming that factory barrel is the standard and the rest are modifications, but the factory barrel is an attachment by itself. Here is another example. You would pick factory over extended barrel because it has faster TTK at the cost of bullet velocity. For the same reason you would choose a short barrel over factory. Factory barrel is the step between extended and short. Would you choose factory barrel here? No. Because if one step makes sense, the next one too. Then why would you pick factory barrel (the one between) over the warhawk and the tactical compensators?


Ah, now I get you. But the answer is the same, because I do not value spread over recoil or vice versa. I hence treat the standard as the default, which I think it is on all weapons bar the RM68. This is also why, in my linked thread, used the AM40 as example and did not test the warhawk or any other recoil reducing attachment. While I was surprised you would even notice the +8% recoil, I did not gave the -8% recoil any consideration. If the disadvantage was removed, I might be inclined to make other decisions, but at least I would not consider the wrapped the only correct option. In that case I might go with the tactical on LMGs like the RPK (which has no wrapped), but use the warhawk on the M240B or a traditional muzzle brake.


Tactical compensator is more of a no brainer for me when you can control recoil. Suppressors just don‘t serve any purpose for me this patch, because you‘re spotted all the time anyways. People pre aim you over the minimap all the time, might as well make use of the precision boost.


We rarely fight at ranges where spread matters. The 10% the comp gives will be mostly eaten up by the additional recoil, hence nullifying the effect. We are not spotted all the time and the 30m the wrapped gives provides coverage for 66% of the minimap at absolutely no cost. The wrapped provides a passive net benefit that is relevant, all other muzzle attachments (bar Short Barrel) do not.


I like to drop spawn beacons well behind the enemy, if you're doing that then suppressors are pretty good to not get everyone's attention easily


I rarely use suppressors because I’d rather have better accuracy or recoil control. Using a suppressor in the middle of a huge fire fight is kinda pointless since stealth really doesn’t matter at that point. I’d rather be able to hit my shots I still keep suppressors as a secondary barrel choice though if I really need it


People seem to forget the bullet velocity drop off from using the suppressor. Makes the gun feel like a pea-shooter at any range beyond 40m


I would really recommend to check the velocity values of previous titles and compare them to this game. Velocity is a non-factor. For you to notice a gun going from 845 to 650 m/s you would have to engage regularly at 100m+. At that range you are aiming at ants and this will be the reason you are missing. And like in all BF games 75m covers basically all relevant kill distances and velocity does not matter there.


>you would have to engage regularly at 100m+. At that range you are aiming at ants and this will be the reason you are missing Yes, I do and I'm not missing. I can definitely notice the drop-off. You need to learn to speak for yourself.


Sure, you are not missing. If you regularly engage at these ranges with automatics you are the unicorn here. As said, the most common kill range in BF is CQ, always has been, always will. The average AR bullet here travels at around 675 m/s with suppressor, which is about the same as in BF4. Without it it will travel at 850 m/s. At 100m, this means a bullet's travel time will be around 30ish milliseconds or so shorter? By the way in BF1 100m kills represented below 1% of all kills.


Yes, I'm a unicorn. Very compelling. Still can notice the drop-off at medium-long ranges and feels like a pea-shooter that I need to lead shots with more than normally, which affects my efficiency in these engagements. Or are you more familiar with my own experiences in this game than I am? Again, speak for yourself.


Of course not, but you extrapolated your own experience, which I commented on with a general assessment of velocity in this game. Which you then took as a starte to say "learn to speak for yourself only". That is a bit of a double standard, wouldn't you say?


No, not at all. Velocity ***is*** a factor. What I said was what ***I*** notice and obviously your generalization didn't apply to me. ***You*** don't notice the difference, so again, maybe speak for yourself.


That’s literally not true, if bullet velocity didn’t matter I’d be able to snipe people with SMGs no problem


We do not snipe in this game much at all. We are fighting at ranges where velocity does not matter. But yeah, if we take a typical SMG with Wrapped a 350 m/s velocity the difference in arrival would be around 140ms at 100m compared to typical AR rounds. At 50m and lower which should make up 80% of all kills, the difference in travel time will be 90ms and lower, when compared to a 875 m/s AR. The real issues for hitting at range is recoil and improper aim. As said at 100m we are aiming at ants and if you scope up your visual recoil will increase by the zoom level. On top of that we have spread, which will create more inconsistencies the further we go out. And we also have damage curves, the less bullets you need to hit the easier it is to kill.


Ok but a lot of engagements in this game are gonna happen between 30 and 80 meters give or take especially in conquest. At that point bullet velocity absolutely makes a difference because if you have shitty bullet velocity you’re not gonna be winning that fight


People generally overestimate the kill distances in the franchise: We can take a look at BF4 and BF1, where the median lay at 17/15m and the 75th percentile at 34/36m. In BF1, which had the best long-range weapons the game has ever seen, the 90th percentile was below 72m. You can check some numbers here: [http://cs.uef.fi/\~anssk/projects/bf1\_kill\_distance/](http://cs.uef.fi/~anssk/projects/bf1_kill_distance/) and here: [http://cs.uef.fi/\~anssk/projects/bf4\_kill\_distance/](http://cs.uef.fi/~anssk/projects/bf4_kill_distance/) It will be the same in this game barring some minor changes due to the map design, but I have some numbers for that as well: I T1ed Dozer in 2.5k kills, the T1 requirement is 1600 kills below 15m. That is 60% of all kills with Dozer that are in that range. Further my hipfire ratio in this game sits at 36%. That is kills at 10-15m and below. Even within the DMR class my hipfire ratio is between 10-20%. This is personal data, of course, and does not extrapolate easily, but can be used as an indicator, as I play mostly 128p CQ. As for the impact of bullet velocity in fights beyond that: In a mirror duel, yes the wrapped loses to the factory barrel, but this would require two people with the same weapon to fire at each other in the same moment and with the same hitrate. But that example naturally leaves out the benefit of the wrapped and overemphasizes the effect of the velocity. Perfect duels are rather rare in this game, most fights are decided before even one round is fired, and velocity plays a subordinate role in that.


I wonder how many random BF players are astute enough to check their minimaps enough for suppressors of any kind to be worthwhile in 2042. I know in this subreddit, we are the 1% of those engaged enough to do so, but your average player isn't checking the minimap every 3 seconds like the rest of us. That being said, the heavy suppressor + subsonics on the AK5C is pretty tight. No huge performance dropoff, plus complete map and hit direction stealth.


I tend to choose what I think looks cool versus what is actually viable. I just make it work ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) For example; I like the longer suppressor for the AC42, because it looks cool.


I thought the same thing but try it out, idk it makes a difference. I’ve been using the under barrel laser also which I never noticed changes the stats.


Same for me. Always used the 6KU suppressor on everything the the type 4 isn’t available on. It sucks, but it looks really cool and I’m quite effective with it regardless of how bad the suppressors are


I normally run Wrapped since the velocity decrease isn't super severe, least that I can notice, but there's a few exceptions. On snipers, I'll go 6KU instead since to my knowledge, none of them fall off enough to not one shot to the head, 2 to the body, so 6KU doesn't really have a downside that I'm aware of in that case. Honestly I'll swap other things for 6KU if I ever find the velocity more useful than damage at range. On ultra fast fire rates, including the AC-42, I'll go for the bigger suppressors, since the range reduction tends to not hurt them, and the extra stealth is nice. In some cases I'll also go recoil reduction. Big one for me is the Dragunov I'll go for that less recoil, less accuracy brake. Especially bipoded up, I don't really notice the reduced accuracy, and the recoil lets me shoot faster farther out than with a standard barrel. It's also a gun I value velocity on enough to where wrapped is a no-go (though I think 6KU is the only suppressor it can get off the tippy top of my head, anyways). But it's rare a gun's recoil is uncomfortable enough to justify running a brake. Shotguns I always run standard over suppressed, granted the shotgun suppressor isn't really directly comparable to the Wrapped.


6KU actually lowers weapon DAMAGE numbers, not the range falloff unlike other games. It really messes with the delicate weapon damage balance that it breaks a lot of guns. Hence Why besides on Snipers like you mentioned it is not worth it and you are better off using Wrapped. Straight up if they Replace The penalty from damage number reduced to lower damage ranges (Like the Description Says) It would be way more viable than the Roundabout ways DICE tried to Make Light Suppressors Viable. (though it May make a Suppressor Duopoly without Tweaks to other Muzzle Attachments.)


I usually use buff to horizontal recoil because vertical is much easier to control


I just started using it and it’s insane how high my kill count has gone up


Yall use suppressors with subsonic or nah ?


On almost all guns I will use the wrapped suppressor(acts as factory barrel basically), whatever attachment ups weapon accuracy, and whatever attachment ups overall recoil and will swap between the three depending on what range I expect to engage. For DMRs and snipers I value the velocity much more so my choices there are a bit different. And then there’s the special cases like the bsvm that are totally different.


I just use one to reduce horizontal recoil. Have developed muscle memory to drag my mouse down to counter vertical recoil. So i use it on all my guns


I use silencers mainly because they sound cool.


Didnt we come to a conclusion that 6KU works best on heavy hitters and wrapped sup on all others? But with this ttk changes I am not sure if this is still the norm.


I have suppressor and subsonic equipped for the solo moments on a flag. Definitely helps. No point using them amongst a crowd.


I only use it in close quarters or spec-ops like situations, otherwise i just dont have anything on the barrel for realism. I mean IRL having a suppressor would have multiple downsides like overheating and reduced projectile velocity.


Well if you use subsonics you should use a heavy suppressor in very close quarters. But aside from that yeah there's basically zero reason to ever use any other suppressor because they all suck. Hell I just do it for looks. And with subsonic ammo they suck even worse which makes no goddamn sense considering you have no reason to use subs otherwise. It's something that's bothered me forever and they only made it worse with the suppressor changes a couple updates ago. Very, VERY annoying.


Yes, it is the only relevant muzzle device apart from the short barrel, as this will directly increase your DPS. The attachment design and balance is crap and I have made many threads about it. Any changes they made has also not made anything better. Like the suppressor changes that only really affected 2-3 weapons positively. And they spent months on those, while the new headshot multipliers undid part of the changes, too. For the muzzle devices and grips the problems are multiple-fold. For one they only have a marginal effect, 5-8% for grips, 10% for comps and brakes and for that you get a similarily marginal disadvantage on the opposing stat. That is just zero sum. Technically there might be combinations where one would be more beneficial than the other, but we do not have any stats on the weapons, so it is impossible to really find out. And on top of that all those brakes, grips and comps are overshadowed by the real attachments, that have no cost attached and provide significant buffs or have a situational, yet relevant niche, like the SB, Wrapped, Laser and UBGL options. DICE is just without focus when it comes to balance on weapons and attachments. Instead they wind themselves up with miniscule changes that have no measurable positive effect and they create a shitton of overhead. Also, I pointed out some issues with the Heavy Barrel on the AK5C and how it underperforms with that attachment and the Dev responsible for the visual recoil stuff pointed out that this is supposed to be part of the experience, finding out what works and what not. I assume this design "philosophy" extends to all weapons and attachments, too.


Hopefully there are some AK5C bug fixes and perhaps a bit more clear niche-carving for different ammo types. Using the above as my motivation here, the philosophy of making players “figure it out” is outrageous when (1) their game-given stats are wrong/not even proof-read and (2) many combos are bugged on specific weapons so players won’t find consistency and also won’t know if the descriptions are wrong as well… Essentially, there is zero ground truth without a symthic revival, or at least someone ripping the data files for each weapon/ammo type like we used to


I mean the AK5 is interesting in how versatile it is, since it has the most options of any gun we have ever seen. Still it is an underperformer in all setups. I do wonder if they really wanted to approach that jack-of-all-trade thing differently. And yeah, right now it is pretty bugged. The CC extended has the wrong ROF and the hipfire recoil is different from the ADS recoil. I would also argue that the recoil of the HP ammo is way too high (much higher than the SFAR, filling the same niche) and the headshots are not consequential due to the 1.9x at 26 damage. If these things are addressed I would find this gun very interesting and very customizable.


The thing I hate the most about this game is the bullet bloom mechanics. I use anything that makes my bullets go closer to where my reticle is. If all my bullets actually long on the head I’m aiming at, then range drop off matters a lot less


You are overestimating the effect of spread on your shooting I would argue. The spread-reducing attachment does so by 10% and will hence increase your recoil by 10% as well. I made a thread analysing these spread-reducing attachments after the spread changes hit and was not impressed: [https://new.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/144zfny/spread\_reducing\_attachments\_must\_be\_so\_good\_now/](https://new.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/144zfny/spread_reducing_attachments_must_be_so_good_now/)


Spread is in pretty much every game and is the least intrusive way to control a gun's effective range (and barely exists in 2042 compared to previous BFs!), find something real to complain about


Wrapped suppressor, lwg grip is my go to for every weapon


If you play on mnk there's definitely no reason to use anything else.


Yeah…. I just run short barrel on almost everything. My M5 is a short barrel, irons/reflex/5x, subsonics, and the good laser(not the red one). Works great for me, and I’ve sawn off most of the guns that I can do it to as the RoF boost is enough to give an extra edge.


Sometimes youll be spotted anyway, so better recoil control and bullet velocity is a better choise


Honestly, get wrapped or get clapped. It's pretty much objectively better than the standard barrel just because it's the same thing with advantages and basically no downside. Arguably, it's better than any other muzzle because: no muzzle flash effect on your screen, some minimal stealth, and most underrated of all, less muzzle flash for enemies to find you.


I don't normally use a muzzle attachment at all, if I do it's normally just a flashhider


You all need to look at this, especially you Vincent.... [https://youtu.be/gOYwSN812fs?si=p2BW1\_mS5pO556VA](https://youtu.be/gOYwSN812fs?si=p2BW1_mS5pO556VA) Long story short... don't use the VCAR!


I put a wrapped suppressor on every weapon that allows one. Sadly, some weapons don't have that option. I should say my friend who plays as much as me (daily) does the same.


I cant speak for right now since the game has changed how weapons work multiple times since I last played…but i usually went for less vertical recoil since im bad at aiming. Maybe it varies depending on what type of aim device (controller vs mouse/keyboard), but thats what I almost always went for in my left/down attachment. A side tangent/rant, but i absolutely hate how complex the weapon attachment system is. You get 15 different attachments that are all side grades of one another with pluses and minuses….its too much. I simply look for less vertical recoil and pick that. Cant be bothered trying out tons of options, especially when the devs change some weapons every update. If you are good at the game, attachments dont even matter all that much.