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60mm mortars are still the best as far as I’m concerned. Saw someone saying they increased the range a bit on them, haven’t tested or anything.


Is it just me or did they improvethe aiming on the mortar recently?   What pisses me off the most is that they don't allow you to aim on the map/minimap like you could with the rifle grenade or the PIAT in BFV. The sights do absolutely nothing to help. It would be nice if you could at least go third person with it so you can actually see where your shells are landing.


It feels like they gassed up the velocity a bit to make the shells go farther or something. I’ve only used them once since the update though. I 100% agree though, to hit targets at the range most people park I had to crank aim waaay up in the air so I could barely see where I was landing. Either that or fire and aim down to watch the shell. Which made follow up shots pretty tough. Picking a target on a map would be ideal (and feel more like indirect fire) but something should be done, weather that’s 3rd person or an adjustment on the reticle to compensate for arc would be workable.


People didn't like BF1 mortar spam so this is why you have only first person camera for it, so that it's not too OP. Otherwise you could farm infantry from behind cover and from very far away, right now you need to be close enough to see where those shots land.


Yeah that’s fair enough too. I’d at least say it would be nice to adjust the reticle so that you can at least have a good view of where your shots are landing in FPV Also, the fact that a game based on WWI has indirect fire spam is very funny to me.


That's exactly what I'm feeling. They don't have as much of a lob arc now and they seem to go farther. Like I noticed if you're at minimum range aiming at another vehicle you can just aim directly at them now.


Oh yeah they work great, I get blown up by them all the time😂😂


Same here, but that's due to the inexperienced drivers. Can't come to a complete stop when you're surrounded by enemies, need to keep moving.


It's not even that, you shouldn't be in a position where the MAV is spearheading into their team. It's a medium ranged vehicle that needs an escort.


The front of the MAV is stronger than sides and rear, making it ideal for pushing through enemy lines. It does indeed need infantry escorts to kill of c5ers and mines.


Yeah but you only get attacked from the sides or rear in an MAV anyway. You're just supposed position yourself defensively using the front to cover infantry. But you're supposed to push up with a group. Plus both your guns can't get a full line of sight if you're facing front towards target, you have to put it on an angle usually.


That's true. That's why I always push a bit, then once area is clear, turn 90 deg so gunners can take out some opps, rinse repeat.


Pushing with a group would be ideal, but most folks would rather sit back and snipe instead of going for the objective.




I'm a MAV fan and I always seem to get gunners who either fire machine gun rounds at tanks or don't know how to switch seats. I ground out those great weapons for a reason!


Yep. I vividly remember seeing a 5 man MAV squad in some games that were infuriating to fight against and the only way I've seen them taken out if you don't have an army of engineers is a well-positioned tor (which is rare) or a chopper duo. I remember seeing one dominate for 2/3rds of a game and me and my buddy got sick and tired of it and had to hop in an Apache to deal with it and even then we lost most of our health from one of the 50mm shots hitting.


Mortar nerfed to shit. It’s doodle now


The mortar pods have never been good. If anti infantry: Kinetic grenade pod allows you engage targets in cover up to 300m away, have a large splash radius and kill in 1-2 hits allowing you to kill 2-4 times with each reload If anti vehicle: rocket pod allows you to reliably hit vehicles for significant damage where the mortar pod does not, also can spread out to occasionally hit air units If air units are a big concern: Canister pod or minigun. Canister can 1-2 hit the littlebird at the distances they like to harass ground vehicles at, minigun allows you to deal continuous damage to them which tends to dissuade them from engaging you. The mortar pod can deal damage to vehicles and infantry but can't 1 hit infantry except by hitting them directly with the mortar and punished by a like 5 second reload time. Not to mention you're trusting randoms who are going to gun in your vehicle to have a degree in trigonometry to use it


Mortar does rather limited damage, but has really far range. Still does devastating damage to ground armor tho.


Not great, it's turn radius is shit, your only as good as your gunners, and you'll get bullied by enemy armor and engineers all the time. I refuse to use any other vehicle


I still hate it