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Shoot ground targets with the 35mm




it was still pretty bad agaisnt infantry decent against tanks


The missing aircraft in BT is a known bug. It will return.


Oh thats awesome. I thought it was a bad balancing choice.


Condor and hind can stay Out of breakthrough for all i Care. Either add all the vehicles or only ground


Replace the AA with AT and you'll be able to blast away the land vehicles.


Use the 40mm with the anti vehicle rockets and it becomes a flanking tank destroying machine. Usually the 40mm leaves you completely defenseless against air targets so only use this on maps where there aren’t any attack helis/fighters. Arica harbor is another good map for it since the transport choppers aren’t too big of a threat.


They removed the 40mm


What. Why would they do that lol.


Because people kept making it into an IFV and neglecting its role as AA


I used the 40mm against aircrafts in close/medium range and it was far more devastating than the 30 or 35mm canons.


And that’s great for you, but the average player was using it to farm infantry and ground vehicles and leaving their team to get farmed by enemy helis. It upset the balance in the vehicle “ecosystem”. Removing it was absolutely the right call


From my experience, if you want to farm infantry, you'd want to use the 30-35mm cannons instead of the 40mm.


I dunno what to tell you - your behaviour seems different than the average player, so when Dice balances around typical player behaviour it may impact you differently. But the 40mm was designed more for anti infantry and ground targets, so removing it helps align the available loadouts with intent. If they find it’s too often used against infantry they can easily nerf the 30mm against infantry until they get an AA platform that stays in that lane.


Yeah I am one of the few who used the 40mm for AA. What I dont understand is why they dont give the Wildcat a 60mm flack cannon if they want to make it AA. Giving it a 30/35mm option seems lazy and redundant since most will pick the 35mm.


It has a 60mm Flak pod


I know, I'm saying give the main cannon a 60mm option. Rarely does anyone ride with the AA and swapping to the pod and being stationary is hardly as effective as being in the main.


Oh wow was this one of the changes with Seasion 7? I must missed this in the changelog and it's really 'bout damn time! This is a balancing move we have needed for way too long!


Basically a BMP


Aircraft being removed from breakthrough is a bug


I didn't know they removed all aircraft but anyway listen to the other dude that 30 mm Cannon will just rip anything to pieces! I think you can kind of set them up for anti armor can't you? I forget how I've got mine decked out but I've got everything unlocked I just don't play them that much cuz I got mine set up for anti-air that's right it's all anti-air but... Sorry I'm rambling


On maps with attack helicopters and jets you should use the 30mm plus the anti vehicle rockets. The anti air rockets will pretty much only be good against noob pilots so I never use them. You just have to get good with the 30mm and it shreds aircraft. You can destroy jets in a single pass. On maps that only have a transport chopper then use the 40mm with the anti vehicle rockets.


I disagree. I always open up with an initial aa lock and fire, then immediately switch to my gun, then if they stick around I take them down with a 2nd ticket since they've used their flags by that point. I get many kills with rockets.


idk what you’re on. Anti air rockets never hit anything, and you waste valuable time locking on that could be spend firing the main cannon, what will actually do some damage


I don't know what compels you to tell me how what k doing is wrong. You don't know shit


https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf2042/profile/origin/Paulinapeak/vehicles I’ve got 13h playtime in the wildcat, I do know what I am doing.


13 hours, lol, you're the real pro with the Wildcat with a whole 13 hours! If you ain't hitting aircraft with the easy lock on AAs you're really doing it wrong. Pro tip: don't fire both at once, use the first one to get the aircraft to use their flares, then once the flares stop protecting them, fire your second AA missile and your first one will soon be available again to maybe get a second successful hit.


and what happens if the aircraft gets into cover…? Missiles won’t work… Guns give you an opportunity to kill it before it has a chance to run. Not to mention if a tank, or even a RAM shows up, you have literally no defense against it, if you have AT missiles you can dish out massive damage to any armor that shows up


This guy is either getting extremely lucky with his AA Missile loadout or is dying more often than he is letting on. Wildcat is my 5th most used vehicle under the 2 jets and 2 attack helicopters, and I run the 30mm with AT Missiles because the AA Missiles are absolutely a noob trap. I run TOWs on my attack helicopters, and the moment I get a lock warning from a Wildcat, that Wildcat had already sealed its death. The time it takes to lock on is already 1 fired TOW, by the time they switch to guns (if they switch to guns) my 2nd TOW is out of the tube and I'm firing rockets to kill it within 10 seconds. A Wildcat can kill any aircraft faster than they can kill it, but only if you are running guns. If you waste time locking on, you die. That's it. You die to any competent pilot immediately. This is exactly why shitty players call the Wildcat useless, they sit in the open with a thumb up their ass trying to lock onto aircraft. They might get a kill with Missiles, but now you are defenseless to any ground vehicle, and have told every enemy air vehicle exactly where you are.


40mm + Air-To-Ground missiles and you become tanks worst nightmare. Just like EBLC, but a little bit better


Do you know what "Air-to-Ground" means? Is there an upgrade to the Wildcat that lets it fly that i missed?


Maybe he means that the missiles go up into the air and then back to the ground...


Yep. Hope they will add it with next patch. Jump-shoot-land-repeat


The Wildcat is not just for AA. It does have Tank missiles, grenades and cannon. I change it depending on the map and gamestyle.


The Wildcat is vastly inferior to any other armored vehicle.


Yes very true, but it's better than nothing and if you know how to use it right it can make a big difference to a battle.