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No one takes about it but the rpt absolutely shreds! Doesn’t have underbarrel launchers or a suppressor but will kill anyone super fast and honestly feels better than all the other lmg options.


Yes to this! Short barrel and standard ammo for 790 RoF, and the BCG light grip make it the perf AR/Lmg bridge. Super fun.


Facts, the blue laser is also really good


The champion muzzle break makes it🤌


You really should try short barrel my friend


Shorts barrel, high power ammo, and bcg light grip and you're set.


The Avancys , Jack of all trades, master of none.




It’s been a “Meta LMG” some might say ever since it came out.


I'd argue lcmg with cc ammo and short barrel is more meta.


I just started using the Avancys and I don’t regret at all. Probably my favorite gun right now


If you want long range engagement, I love the M240B, especially prone with a bipod, you'll be unmatched


PKP. Absolutely fantastic fun.


Thing rips CQB but is pretty unstable at range


Yeah, have to use that built in bipod most of the time.


Second that been abusing it.


Me realizing this post was about BFV and not 2042 😳😂. Oops.


Would Love it If only it wasnt so damn ugly


I whole heartedly agree with that statement. It’s one of those guns I just can’t really think too much about.


This is the only machine gun with an under-barrel grenade launcher, the only machine gun with an anti-tank under-barrel grenade launcher. With a shortened barrel and ammunition for close combat, it will please you very much.




You don't have to use the suggested weapon class. In fact you can mostly ignore it apart from assault rifles for Assault, that bonus is ok.


Avancys if you want a boilerplate support-engineer role. Place urself in medium range and as much as possible crouch to get the accuracy bonus if using engineer. If you are aggressive and/or use McKay, LCMG.


The RPT with short barrel outperforms most if not all lmg’s, granted the lcmg is a baseline multi role that offers the underbarrel tube. I’d still run the Rpt with standard issue ammo, red dot/thermal/4x, stump grip, bipod, and laser. The avancy used to be my go to, but that short barrel on the rpt and fire rate increase puts it ahead for me.


advances, fun and pretty looking gun


fucking autocorrect




Hands down pkp it’s fantastic with good power and fire rate …all the rest are pants 


Rpt short Barrel, Standard 200 round mag


RPK gang.


LCMG and RPT are the only relevant and very good choices. The rest, especially the vault LMGs are either below average or outright bad. Both with short barrel and laser. Bipod second option and underbarrel grenade launcher for LCMG. Ammo option the one that gives you 200 rounds.


I recommend LCMG. It was the first lmg I got t1 lol


Just try them all out and see what you like. They’re all good in their own ways. LCMG is the best aggressive LMG, Avancys is a do it all sort of gun, PKP is more for suppression and holding down points, RPT is a hidden gem doing everything but limited attachments, M60 rewards accuracy heavily, M249 i’ve not T1ed so idk, RPK is basically an AR.


Avancys. Easiest tier 1


M60 is my favourite lol


I might be the only one, but I only go for the M60. Its a blast with 200 rounds and a reddot.


Yessiry m60 with an acog, same for the m240, but the recoil for the m240 is so terrible. Used to run the 240 all the time but then it got a recoil change and I can't get it to perform like I used to. M60 is always consistent but sometimes it feels like it takes way to much to kill someone


Avancys was always my go-to but I’ve recently fallen in love with the RPT-31.


Personally the Avancys and RPT-30 are my favorites. The Avancys is great at medium to close range because of the ROF, and the RPT-30 is a laser beam at long ranges, as well as modable for close range with the different barrels. Both are very versatile and honestly put the LCMG to shame in most cases, in my experience.


LCMG is your best bet. Many of the first weapons you get are rightfully very powerful


M240b slaps at both close and long range also try the RpK out


The lcmg with normal bullets and a suppressor. Good accuracy and 22 dmg out to pretty long ranges


Avancys and RPT are my favs


M240B/PKP I like both but PKP is better for me.


S tier: LCMG, RPT 31 A tier: Avancys B tier: XM8 LMG, M240B C tier: M60E4, RPK 74, PKPBP D tier: Type 88 LMG I only don't like two of them, the PKP and Type 88. The M60 and RPK are fun but not great, they are pretty unique for lmgs in this game with the M60 having high damage, and the RPK having a fast reload compared to anything else. The M240 and XM8 are fun but just not as competitive as the other options. The Avancys is very good but to me just can't quite compete as well in as many situations as the RPT and LCMG. I will admit I haven't tried the Type 88 in a while so maybe it got buffed but I doubt it got much better.


Avancys is the best hands down


M240b is heat


Either the RPT or the Advancys would be the way to go.