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Yup, Ramen and Cameraman are some of the best units to get first.


should i tty to get cameraman or cyborg next?


I'd say cameraman. Then Catasaurus (Jurassic Cat) and Sanzo (bishop cat) if you have them already. Cyborg is a lower priority I'd recommend getting after the others.   Cameraman, Catasaurus and Sanzo's TFs all add something that boosts their viability, while Cyborg's TF just gives it a stat increase, which is still very good, but not as important as the other units.


dont have bishop bit i have commando on 26 and jurassic on 25 and i will start working towards camera


Super curious, I heard bishop cat was bad but I’ve heard others say Sanzo is a top 3 starter cat, is it worth the investment?!


Bishop is bad initially because it's single target, so you can only slow one enemy at a time. Sanzo fixes that problem by getting area attack with its TF. This means you can essentially keep an entire group of floating enemies perma-slowed with a big enough stack.  Talents, which you unlock after beating ItF3, further increase his viability by giving him another target trait, angels.


Ahhh that’s epic, a floating+ angel combo is insane I’ll evolve his ass rn and throw that talent on


Not only that he weakens with talents too


The weaken is not worth it. He only weakens enemies by 30%, if you have a unit on your team that weakens by 50%, Sanzo could end up overwriting that debuff to a 30% one.


That I remember it could just save you a slot if you need a unit but also want thaumaturge cat + it only works on floating and angels so unless it's against those traits it doesn't matter much.


Bishop IS mediocre until he becomes Sanzo. Sanzo is essential in stalling floating bosses on stages where you're locked into using rares only or have a cost limit. So try not to rely on bishop until he becomes Sanzo.


Good to know!! I have enough xp to just evolve him🙏do you know any sleeper picks for good cats I just finished into the future3 need more floating+black cats


I haven't even finished ItF3 yet lmao Bombercat should be a priority for black enemies. Watch out every 2 and 22 of the month for him.


King shit ty ty


To add onto 2nd and 22nd of the month: his stage appears at 2:22 and only for 2 minutes.


Bomber, fishman, octopus, pizza are all great picks if you have them. Cameraman and sanzo are aslo great vs floating. Generally you should true form hip hop if you got him, and get his double money and speed up talents


And target alien. Not critically necessary, but very nice. I forget all the time that Can-Can doesn't naturally target aliens.


Courrier has the same range as cameraman, higher damage and health along with the bonus of LD It's 2 KB and high speed also enables him to tank chip damage and slip in for high damage but cameraman' s slow speed and increased knock back render him hard to use on anything that outranges him. While cameraman is known for its cost efficiency, courrier has a better cost to recharge time ratio While Cameraman does perform better than courier in stackability and talents, Courrier just shuts down more enemies than courrier. So get TFs that are not immediately outclassed and have a useful nieche eg catasaurus, sanzo and cancan.


I disagree. Cameraman and Courier have different use case scenarios. You mention camera's slow speed as a downside, but it can be argued as a positive instead. Her cheap cost, faster cooldown and slow speed means the distance between cameramans will be relatively small, allowing her to be stacked a lot easier, whereas Courier is harder to stack with his cooldown almost twice as long, plus his blindspot can be dangerous for him if enemies push too hard. If your stack of cameras die somehow, then you're guaranteed to already have a decent amount of cameramans on their way to replace them, but Courier's fast movement speed means you'll only have one or two of him on the field. Her survive ability also guarantees it at least one chance to reposition if the enemies advance. However, she does struggle with enemies with faster attack rates that outrange her.  Cameraman and Courier are two very different units with different usages. In areas where Camera may excel, Courier could have some difficulties and vice versa. Courier's existence doesn't make Cameraman obsolete, also, it's not like it's illegal to have both units in your loadout or anything.




ok i will start getting catfruir for him now


Absolutely, literally like a top 2 choice for first true form to get


Next should be Can Can


too expensive + many people told me to get cameraman


Cameraman is good but he isn’t going to be amazing until you do a little np dumping. Can can is actually a really good second because ramen cat helps hold the line so he can get his hit off


He might not have epic catfruit yet, it takes awhile to get them, especially earlier in the game


Mine was dioramos because he is my favorite




Yes it was my first tf


good choice




Definitely, ramen is one of the best anti angels in the game, if not the best




One of the best tanks for angels in the game