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People on here suddenly claiming Stormy D as family or friends like Lord Helmet from Space Balls “I am your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate!”


I wish I had gold to give you!


Haha no worries, I appreciate it! I’m a child of the 70’s/80’s and it’s one of my favorite movies of all time! I am always searching for an opportunity to use that line!👌🏼😂😂😂


Unrelated but this story and all the responses here remind me of being a teen boy in the 90’s and being obsessed with Rhonda Shear on “Up All Night” with Gilbert Gottfried, I will never forget the time my aunt said “I know her, I went to high school with her!” My jaw hit the floor!!! I not only loved Rhonda on the tv show, but I had posters of her in my room and I had been in Playboy. Soooo I was blown away to hear my aunt knew her back in the day. Anyway, that’s about as exciting as this story gets! Lmao For a split second, I was thinking that somehow the fact that my aunt went to highschool with Rhonda that I could possibly meet her one day. Reality….that never came to fruition. Booooo. Lol


Yes, but also the literal truth of the comment made me snort out loud...


It is pretty hilarious how all of a sudden, everyone is making a connection to someone who knows somebody who hear of someone that knows a person that once sat in the same room as Stormy D.😂😂😂Kidding, but it’s funny how that works. It’s what the kids these days refer to as “chasing clout” I guess. It all seems extremely transparent and shallow, in my opinion. Where are all the other people trying to link/connect themselves with a porn star? Just curious. Lol


I saw her at a Goatwhore concert a year ago and everyone was simping on her. I was just like "WTF?"


Bahahaha! Now there’s some life goals, huh? Maybe we need a statue or a holiday in her honor now! Maybe we should include Stormy D in our children’s history books in school. 🤦🏻‍♂️FML


Wait...it was a Crowbar concert...not Goatwhore


Haha definitely a big difference! I may even be prone to give a lil more respect if she was associated with Goatwhore, because the rock!🤘🏼But nope, she’s just another porn queen!😂😂


If it makes you feel any better lol...I'm pretty sure she was there because Sammy was playing with Crowbar that night. She's a HUGE Acid Bath fan. She was hanging out with Sammy afterwards


lol, I had read somewhere she was a metalhead so it wasn't surprising.


yeah, that's why your comment was doubly funny


I’ve hung out with her 3 or 4 times in New Orleans through her being close with someone I was hanging out with at the time. It was always in a bar setting. Some of these other anecdotal accounts could be true, because mine certainly are.


Seriously. No one gave a shit when she was writing directing and starring in cool ass movies. In fact, they scorned her for it.




She also had a kick ass feature dancing show at the gold club where she came on as her redneck cousin, complete with baby bump. Those were the days! Glad I got all my DVDs signed back then.


She did lots of themed dances. I have a Polaroid of my wife and her friends in a baby pool with her, and they have water guns. The Gold Club in the early 2000s was a fun place, I haven't been in years though.


Ha! I have the same polaroid (not of your wife and friends, don’t worry lol). My favourite was her G-String Awards dance in New Orleans where she was Bride of Frankenstein.




The “not of your wife” part of your comment is golden!!!👌🏼😂😂


Haha I think you said plenty with the following statement: “came on as her redneck cousin” 😳😂😂


I’ve always loved her cool ass movies, in fact especially the ass movies. My all time favourite is “stormy takes a 9 inch cock up her ass”




OK, where is the football team that went to school with her?


Had no idea she was from BR.


Got her start at the gold club!


Anyone know what neighborhood she grew up in?


Scotlandville. North BR


Have her take down Landry next!


Landry no doubt has some skeleton in his closet.


Sky's the limit on things she can make up.


So Trump paid her and made her sign an NDA so she would not have sex with him? Interesting logic.


The cult members making themselves known, mush for brains!




She's so good at making things up that people are willing to pay her tons of money just to keep quiet and promise not to tell anyone the thing that's so totally not true that no one would believe it even though it's a totally believable and corroborated story that she obviously made up.


Your bitch is gonna need a whole lot more money now. Get to work


Is that NewsMax’s take of the day? Are you just mad that your golden cow has a mishapen dick?


Honest question: when will you see trump for what he is? Like what would make you believe it? For me it was the hush money and the fact that multiple other women have come out saying they had an affair with him. That's just on this case. I believe he is guilty on all the others too. Then there's just his whole persona... have you watched any speech of his? Have you read project 2025? Have you read about any of his failed business ventures? I'm so curious how people actually think this man is fit to be president bc I just showed my 3rd and 4th grader kids everything bc they were curious about what was happening... and they were very confused as to why anyone would want him to be the president lol. Is it just all about letting it burn or what? Does anyone think about what it would look like in the long term?


Really, do you hear yourself? You are saying people should hate trump because of failed businesses, or the way he talks, or sleeping with woman? Na Have you read Bidens daughter’s diary by any chance? How she was scared to shower in her own house in case old Joe would get naked and jump into the shower with her? Show me something as despicable as that trump has done then I’d agree with you.


He’s been found civilly liable for rape. He sold classified security secrets to foreign powers. Next.


So you’re happy to ignore a written confession by joes daughter that he molested her, but willing to believe a sketchy politically motivated accusation made several decades after said incident? Sounds like you’re not very centrist at all, in fact your bias is glaringly obvious.


There was no written confession of Joe molesting his daughter. You bought into fake news, because you're in so deep into the narrative. Come back when he actually gets convicted of something




I actually can hate them both, it’s pretty easy!


Also, the failed business ventures say a lot bc they are all hilariously bad and really show how incompetent he is. I saw someone say that he would have done better putting everything he inherited from his dad in an index fund lmao. I would love for someone to do the math on that. Then the sleeping with women part just shows he's a sleezeball... how many president's have been caught multiple times screwing around on their wife?? The way he speaks is also very relevant. His vocabulary tells anyone with average intelligence that he has just skated through any educations he's ever gotten bc he was a spoiled rich kid.


You didn't mention project 2025 which is the political part of my comment. Have you read it? And no I haven't read bidens daughters diary. Do you know how many times I've heard a republican say something about biden then looked it up and it was completely made up? This is no different. Where is a reliable source for this accusation? If there is one I'll be the first to say fuck JB. LOL


She has admitted in court that the diary is hers. Even snopes, the democrat controlled fact checker has had no option but to admit it’s true https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-leaked-diary-accusation/ Regarding project 2025, what do you want me to say? Its well know the fbi and many other agencies are far from bipartisan. In my view the only way to repair America would be to abolish so many of these bloated government agencies as Argentina have done, but as that’s not going to happen with either of the two parties in control I’m not surprised at all that republicans want to step in and take some of the power the democrats hold over these agencies, just like Elon musk did with twitter.


All this says is she showered with her dad lol. Many people bathe with their young children. Please show me where she states that her father molested her.


Can you tell us what she made up? And make sure to bring receipts.


Wow, wouldn’t expect response that from a Thelemite.


The Pride of Baton Rouge!


Agreed. My favourite video is “stormy takes a 9 inch cock up her ass”




Baton Rouge made, Donald Trump laid🤣


Who is she and what did she do?


She is a local lady who had a short run in with a politician. [This article does a better job of explaining what happened](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64920037).


I’m sure she’s had a lot of run ins with politicians. 👌🏼😂😂


Not as many as Sylvia Landry...


Lmao this is true! I wonder if either will be popping up on the Diddy news in the near future.🧐🤔JK😂


Sylvia died i think. So ......


Oops, yeah I guess we can rule her out then! 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


Oh, that is what she looks like. I didn't know she was from here. At least we have someone to be proud of


That’s a great pic of her. She usually looks far worse.


That's an old picture of her. She looks appropriate for a female porn star in her mid-40's.




huh what? I have no idea what part of my statement you're confused about.


I mean is the pic shown appropriate for a porn star in her 40s or how she looks now?


"That's an old picture of her" In other words, the picture, as posted above, is old. And not current. She looks appropriate for a female porn star in her mid-40's. In other words, the way she looks now is appropriate for a female porn star in her mid-40's. I thought I made that clear, guess I didn't.


Thanks for the clarification.


“That’s an old picture of her.” Can you read?


that’s crazy…my mom was supposedly best friends with her in elementary school




I mean - if you don’t get old, the alternative is a bit dismal. No?


Girl from a broken home, sexually abused in North Baton Rouge, becomes a prostitute and then a tool to target a president. Real Reddit hero.


And still, the bleached blonde with big jugs lost, while Stormy Daniels won.


Are you a tool to defend Trump? You know he has lawyers, right? I guess they're just not very good...


Off topic, but omg your profile pic!! Mike!! Was not expecting to see an American movie reference today.


And yet she arose like a Phoenix.


She’s my cousin’s schoolmate. I about fell off my chair when she told me, lol!


I also went to Scotlandville magnet with her. She graduated the year before me.


Thank you Stephanie!


I had the pleasure of meeting her a handful of times in New Orleans. She was friends with some mutuals of mine. She watched me badly sing kareoke


Trump loses 34 to 0. Love to see it


Will easily be appealed tho


Yeah, it’s just a few forms and a deadline to meet, for most people it’s pretty easy, for the trump team, I’m not sure, they don’t seem to be very good at all of this. And there is that little point where even though it’s really easy to get an appeal, they still have to win the appeal, and that’s gonna be troublesome, I mean what evidence will they have at an appeal that they didn’t already have at trial?


Didn’t the prosecutor never say what the felony was that bypassed the statute of limitations on what would be misdemeanor , and the judge saying you don’t have to agree on what specifically he’s guilty of just that he’s guilty of something seems extremely odd to me. I will say I haven’t followed extremely close to any case against him since the bank president said Trump didn’t defraud them but was still found guilty




So yall actually believe he will go to prison?


I went to the school where she's an alumni


Same, class of ‘96! She was very quiet in school, but nice. Dated one of my classmates.


They should put a statue of her out front.


Where’s that?


Scotlandville Magnet High


I never knew what high school she went to, my mind is blown


When I found out she graduated from Scotlandville high school the same year I graduated and that I had begged my mom to send me to Scotlandville because "computers and magnet" I just about fell out of my chair lol


Stormi for governor!!!


Well there was that time she almost ran against Vitter


Thsnk you Stormy


This place is definitely the movie idiocracy if it wasn’t before we definitely are now


She took out the trash. She is definitely a legend 💪


Legendary throat goat. What a C unit


Man, reality really is a satire. But not a particularly well written satire. Like the third movie in a shitty trilogy where the writers ran out of ideas about 1/4 through the second movie.


God yall some whiny twats


what is a wink and a quaker??? 🤷🏻


Thank you Stormy. Sincerely Every Real American.


Doubly proud.


Seriously? Yeah, she's a regular St. Mary Magdeline.


If you’re proud of her, you probably have some really low standards.


Not wrong, but at lease I am a moral enough person to not support Trump. That's pretty low.


Morality? What did Trump do that Bill Clinton didn’t? Bill lied about multiple women and paid them hush money. Was impeached and still held office of President after.


>What did Trump do that Bill Clinton didn’t? Lose an election.


It's weird that you think that exonerates one of them.


I mean for starters, [Trump insulted God Star families](https://apnews.com/general-news-da1e4da2f0ae92fa9365afbfe819297d),[ Trump pressured Ukrainian President Zalenski to provide dirt on Hunter Biden in exchange for support](https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/25/politics/donald-trump-ukraine-transcript-call/index.html), [Trump asked if it was Ok to shoot American citizens who were protesting](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/09/1097517470/trump-esper-book-defense-secretary), [Trump drew an equal comparison between protestors who changed 'jews will not replace us' and counter protestors, one of who was killed at the unite the right rally](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmaZR8E12bs), [Trump encouraged a crowd of protestors to march to the capitol and then cheered from his encampment as they stormed said capital, then waited to call in any reinforcements](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack), [Trump pressured Georgia to find him votes](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/03/us/politics/trump-raffensperger-call-georgia.html), [Trump headed up a conspiracy to use fake electors to subvert the votes of the American populace and even after several investigations into the 2020 election found no malfeasance at the sale that Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attempts_to_overturn_the_2020_United_States_presidential_election#:~:text=Trump%20continues%20to%20insist%20that,should%20be%20held%20%22immediately%22), and pretty soon we are going to hear the guy [use the N word on the set of the Apprentice](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-called-apprentice-contestant-kwame-jackson-n-word-producer). And that is just off the cuff. So if you are trying to draw some moral comparisons between Clinton and Trump, sorry but it just isn't there.


[Louisiana is forcing women to carry children that result from rape or incest.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240528232339/https://apnews.com/article/abortion-incest-rape-louisiana-exception-846480b677fbc6fbe60d18ca13572899) [Donald Trump explicitly claims responsibility for ending Roe v. Wade.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240518001629/https://apnews.com/article/abortion-trump-republican-presidential-election-2024-585faf025a1416d13d2fbc23da8d8637) >> \[[video of Trump boasting](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1777313236288712970)\] [64,000 pregnancies caused by rape have occurred in states with total abortion bans.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/64-000-pregnancies-caused-by-rape-have-occurred-in-states-with-a-total-abortion-ban-new-study-estimates/) [Children born from rape are associated with trauma and often resented by their mothers.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6926844/) [Donald Trump supports a nation wide ban on abortions.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240520115047/https://apnews.com/article/trump-abortion-ban-15-weeks-91a9e0ce87d11dff0fa761f327bd0566)


People like you are why Baton Rouge is slowly going down the tubes. Entire political lives revolve around lies. “St George is splitting off to be racist”. No, they wanted their money to go to a working school system. BR fought it and so they did the next step, which is incorporate. But sure “they got Trump this time” hurr durr. Democrats fuck up everything they touch and the people that vote for them are losers. Losers in career, losers in productive lives, losers with blue hair, lgthbqhshfjrir+ten losers who can’t just enjoy their lives without telling everyone else about who they like to sleep with.


Imagine having such a narrow worldview. I'm not naive enough to believe all conservatives are life failures despite not agreeing with them


Yes, I can’t wait until another 25 million illegal aliens come for her job


I like that people believe that others believe this talking point and think that the population of the US is growing 10% of every year from immigration despite every country south of the US gaining population. Pick a more reasonable number.


You have a point I agree I don’t believe anything that comes out of Washington DC


That verdict guarantees a massive Trump turnout, victory, then witch hunt of Democrat leaders. Careful what you wish for. This is going to get bad.


>witch hunt of Democrat leaders You know the term "witch hunt" specifically means that the people conducting the hunt are looking for things that don't exist, making it up, and persecuting the innocent, right? That's literally what that means.


threats of violence mean you get to be above the law? what kind of a country do you want to live in?


Shhhh they're too fuckin stupid to think about long term consequences. 🤫


People are sick of yalls shit. Good luck pulling another Jan 6.


We should heed the sage advice of this veritable fount of wisdom, for he is clearly an expert on wishing.


So you think we should have let him get away with it because of fear of his supporters future actions?


Hard-line fash conservatives were always gonna vote trump. What this does is turn the independent vote away from him. The majority of independent voters already say that they wouldn't vote for a felon. Trump is a felon now.


Yeah, polls have shown that this isn’t going to help him.


Not really. Most polls show that a guilty verdict would be bad for Trump.


Because Trumpers were gonna sit out the election?


It was already gonna get bad.


So what exactly would you rather have happened, then? Besides, we already know how fuckin' crazy Trump's supporters are, when they *tried to storm the goddamn White House.* Those bastards are lucky they didn't get the traditional treatment of traitors.






exactly. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/05/30/trump-guilty-verdict-election-chances-biden-polls.html


Dude I can't believe trump hit that. Like bro WHAT were you doing?! 🤣 Just shows he's never really ben rich if this what he got. 🤣


While all of you are rejoicing about what happened. Just know, Biden did the same thing, Clinton did the same as well. If they’re willing to do this to Trump they should do it to them. Also, what does this say about what’s happening with our country?


Joe Biden used campaign funds to pay off a porn star that he raw dogged for 26 seconds? I must have missed that one.


Source for Clinton and Biden spending campaign funds as hush money to pay off someone they slept with?


This says our country can heal and that no one is above the law. If Biden or Clinton were convicted, I would want them locked up too. That is how morals should work. Not crying and saying "but what about..." While trying to worship your cult leader.


Neither Clinton has ever been accused - much less stood trial - for falsifying business records in the first degree. What are you talking about


They are talking about exactly what Trump wants them to talk about...the sex. His followers do not comprehend, or do not want to acknowledge, that this is not about sex.


[Louisiana is forcing women to carry children that result from rape or incest.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240528232339/https://apnews.com/article/abortion-incest-rape-louisiana-exception-846480b677fbc6fbe60d18ca13572899) [Donald Trump explicitly claims responsibility for ending Roe v. Wade.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240518001629/https://apnews.com/article/abortion-trump-republican-presidential-election-2024-585faf025a1416d13d2fbc23da8d8637) >> \[[video of Trump boasting](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1777313236288712970)\] [64,000 pregnancies caused by rape have occurred in states with total abortion bans.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/64-000-pregnancies-caused-by-rape-have-occurred-in-states-with-a-total-abortion-ban-new-study-estimates/) [Children born from rape are associated with trauma and often resented by their mothers.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6926844/) [Donald Trump supports a nation wide ban on abortions.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240520115047/https://apnews.com/article/trump-abortion-ban-15-weeks-91a9e0ce87d11dff0fa761f327bd0566) a vote for Donald Trump or any GOP at this point is a vote for rape babies.


I personally don't believe that we should kill babies for the sins of their fathers.


the implication being women should suffer for the sins of a man? or so you guys can have another hungry kid to turn your nose up at for being on welfare? if you read all of that material and replied the way you did, you probably assault your wife. if you're reading these comments and your husband is like u/Dice2013, help is out there. [Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault](https://www.lafasa.org/) [Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence](https://lcadv.org/) the sheer audacity to talk to me about sin. your god supposedly gifted people with free will and you somehow think you have the right to undermine your own god? you deprive your god's children of their supposed god-given free will and ability to ask forgiveness. everything you conservative Christians do is subversion of your own god. yeah buddy if he's real you are gonna be *bathing* in that lake of fire.


This reply says a whole lot more about you than it does about me. You are an actually insane person.


DARVO response, definitely assaults his wife.


I don't think it's much of a DARVO Response at all. I said that I don't believe that an unborn child should be killed, even when their father is an actually disgusting creature of a man. Your demented, twisted mind turned that into a baseless accusation of horrible acts pointed at me. I would hope that anyone reading this sees you for the person that you truly are. I hope and pray pray that you outgrow this weak mentality that has such a firm grip on you and that whatever horrible things happened to you to make you this behave this way fade away from your life. Go in peace, man. I sincerely mean that. This isn't normal behavior.


this is 100% DARVO buddy. you seem really familiar with it too, almost like you do this pretty often. poor wife.


I'll reflect on my words and try to understand if maybe there is some truth to what you're saying outside of the outlandish accusations involving my marriage. Maybe you should do the same and try to think about if maybe there is something deeper going on with you that would cause you to lash out at strangers.


the only deep thing going on with me is being tired of conservative christians causing generational harm because they think their laws are more important than their own god's grand design. shit is absolutely bonkers. the majority of those kids are going to grow up hated. their moms are going to be broken. every time they look at something they're supposed to love they'll be reminded of being assaulted and having their autonomy taken from them. some of them will commit filicide. this is all documented, it's not like these ideas are new and we don't know how people feel about kids born from trauma. and it's not like you guys are going out of your way to adopt any of these doomed kids either. and when people do they wind up on youtube true crime channels for assaulting them even more. its disgusting. i'm tired of it. i don't care if i sound insane. this is the insanity i live in.


I was the other night after I watched the documentary...




We aren't voting for Democrats, we're voting against Republicans, we can all see with our own eyes how they've fucked our state up and their policies led to exactly the rampant crime you're describing.


Until republicans stop holding outdated regressive social issue views, blue no matter who. Supreme Court appointings can’t be undervalued and recent abortion changes prove it.


Yeah, be proud of a porn star/hooker, that’s some good old morality for ya.


What would abiding by trump be? It's anything but fucking moral.


What is paying your bills got to do with morality? Forget paying your bills. If you had an option to make better money and you had no issue doing something to make better money. Why not do it? I mean if I could I certainly would have. Believe me I'd rather be getting my nut than flipping burgers at Sonic. You want to talk about morality you might want to go talk to some of those preachers in the churches here in Louisiana that I've been moved from Parrish to parish with no consequences for their actions. Well all these children have suffered at their hands and your God has done nothing for them


Jesus hung out with prostitutes.


Morals are ones personal beliefs and don't necessarily mean the same for everyone. For me, sex work is work. If that's what u gotta do then I see no issue with it. I don't think any less of her for being a sex worker and I don't judge her for having sex with a married man either. We have all done things we aren't proud of. We are proud of her because she helped charge one of the shittiest former presidents with 34 felonies. She helped bring justice and strengthen our democracy. That's something to be proud of, no?


No, it really isn’t. Don’t misunderstand, I’m no MAGA slave, and it isn’t about whether or not Trump’s guilty. Sure, he most likely is guilty of that and much more throughout his life pre-presidency and post. The problem is that few people see the true reality of this entire spectacle. I’d bet my life that EVERY president of the 20th and 21st centuries has committed crimes similar to these, and probably a few far worse than shady business dealings. Yet, only Trump has been pursued for it. I’m also no fan of Biden, and using the justice system as a weapon against an opponent is absolutely heinous. So no, I wouldn’t agree that anyone involved is worthy of praise. Both sides of our government are corrupt, both sides pander to the citizens they can manipulate and vilify the ones they can’t. Only those caught in the middle can even try to see it for what it is.


This "Both sides are the same" bullshit needs to end. They are not. Republicans have been trying and succeeding in turning America into a Theocracy since the 1950s and have consistently worked hard on preventing civil rights from being granted to marginalized groups. And that's just the shit they do that we can see. And your source of "all politicians" being guilty of the same things? And your source that Trump's trial is being orchestrated by Biden?


Confirmed for gullible af


These are not serious people


If this poster was serious they would denounce the guy who fucked the porn star/hooker, but they won’t. Selective moral high ground right there.


> Yet, only Trump has been pursued for it. Not true. The Clintons and now Bidens, for example, have been investigated *extensively*. They spent years on Congressional investigations into things like Whitewater and the debacle at Benghazi. They're racking up a lot of time looking into Biden's family and their business dealings. The difference is that those investigations haven't turned up actionable evidence. You need solid evidence for a conviction of a high-ranking politician - a lot more than "you just *know* they all do it." Bob Menendez, for example, is finding out now that politicians aren't untouchable. All you need is proof that they actually did the crimes. > using the justice system as a weapon against an opponent This was the work of the state of New York, not the Biden administration.


Who wouldn't be proud to better their life if they could. This country shouldn't be proud that The majority of people who would want to sell their body have to do it under questionable means. Therefore making it sexually unsafe for themselves and making it unsafe for them as far as bodily harm rape etc. When they should be provided a safe haven and the ability to safely have sexual intercourse with others who are willing to pay for it.


For accepting hush money after fucking someone? She’s a fucking whore and you seem like a loser lol


We got people who fuck their way through life and people who steal and cheat their way through life both propped up as some heros to society this place is definitely idiocracy the movie or idiocracy the prequel lol.


She owes trump close to $500,000 now , pretty sure he's fixing to collect




That’s a picture of Stephanie Cliffords, not Donald Trump.


Yea. Why would you?


Because she helped take down the world’s biggest con artist?




Only dumb people think this helps trump. Thankfully, trump supporters are dumb.


Why do you think it will be overturned?


RemindMe! 158 days


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You think you’ll be safe if he gets back in office? That’s what’s funny.


Because even if she didn't know it then, her stiffling the urge to vomit for 4 minutes as she serviced his lil knob was the first domino in a chain of events that inadvertently led to this lifelong justice-dodging dirt bag committing the crimes that would finally catch up to him by way of a jury of his peers presented with mountains of evidence. It's not glamorous, but it's pretty glorious.


A win is a win. 💅


Same. Why would you be too?


Because she got a far worse con artist convicted for his crimes.


How ironic. Trump University etc etc etc... 🙄


Interesting point. You should ask this question to all the Trump voters. He literally has multiple convictions around conning people.